ストイックとは? わかりやすく解説

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「stoic」の発音は、IPA表記では /ˈstoʊɪk/ となる。IPAカタカナ読みでは「ストウイク」となる。日本人発音するカタカナ英語では「ストイック」と読む。なお、この単語発音によって意味や品詞が変わるものではない。


「stoic」の定義は、「enduring pain and hardship without showing one's feelings or complaining」である。これは、「苦痛や困難を耐えながら、自分感情見せず、また不平言わない」という意味になる。






以下に「stoic」を用いた例文10個示す。 1. He remained stoic in the face of adversity.(彼は逆境直面しても、ストイックでいた。)
2. She showed a stoic patience during the long recovery process.(彼女は長い回復過程ストイックな忍耐力示した。)
3. Despite the pain, he maintained a stoic expression.(痛みにもかかわらず、彼はストイックな表情保った。)
4. The stoic soldier never complained about the harsh conditions.(そのストイックな兵士は、過酷な状況について一度不平を言わなかった。)
5. Her stoic attitude helped her to overcome many challenges.(彼女のストイックな態度が、多く課題克服するのを助けた。)
6. He was stoic about his diagnosis and focused on treatment.(彼は自身診断についてストイックであり、治療集中した。)
7. The stoic philosopher teaches us to accept what we cannot change.(ストイックな哲学者は、私たち変えられないものを受け入れることを教えてくれる。)
8. The stoic endurance of the marathon runner is admirable.(マラソンランナーストイックな耐久力称賛値する。)
9. She faced the loss with a stoic calm.(彼女は損失に対してストイックな冷静さ立ち向かった。)
10. His stoic silence spoke volumes about his inner strength.彼のストイックな沈黙は、彼の内面強さ物語っていた。)







































(ストイック から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/04 08:22 UTC 版)

ストア派(ストアは、: Στωικισμός: Stoicism、ストイシズム)は、ヘレニズム哲学の一学派で、紀元前3世紀初めの古代ギリシャゼノンによって始められた。

  1. ^ ο θεός
  1. ^ NHK2019年4月1日放送、100分de名著「マルクス・アウレリウス」『自省録』第1回 自分の「内」を見よ。岸見一郎
  2. ^ a b Stoicism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  3. ^ John Sellars. Stoicism, p. 32.
  4. ^ a b Agathias. Histories, 2.31.
  5. ^ a b David, Sedley (1998). "Ancient philosophy". In E. Craig (ed.). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008年10月18日閲覧
  6. ^ a b Gnuse, Robert Karl (1 May 1997). No Other Gods: Emergent Monotheism in Israel. Sheffield Academic Press. p. 225. ISBN 1-85075-657-0. https://books.google.com/books?id=pBSJNDndGjwC&pg=PA225 
  7. ^ a b c d Brenk, Frederick (January 2016). “Pagan Monotheism and Pagan Cult”. "Theism" and Related Categories in the Study of Ancient Religions. SCS/AIA Annual Meeting. 75.4. Philadelphia: Society for Classical Studies (University of Pennsylvania). オリジナルの6 May 2017時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/147/abstract/pagan-monotheism-and-pagan-cult 2021年8月3日閲覧. "Historical authors generally refer to “the divine” (to theion) or “the supernatural” (to daimonion) rather than simply “God.” [...] The Stoics, believed in a God identifiable with the logos or hegemonikon (reason or leading principle) of the universe and downgraded the traditional gods, who even disappear during the conflagration (ekpyrosis). Yet, the Stoics apparently did not practice a cult to this God. Middle and Later Platonists, who spoke of a supreme God, in philosophical discourse, generally speak of this God, not the gods, as responsible for the creation and providence of the universe. They, too, however, do not seem to have directly practiced a religious cult to their God." 
  8. ^ Epictetus, Discourses 1.15.2, Robin Hard revised translation.
  9. ^ a b Russell, Bertrand. A History of Western Philosophy, p. 254.
  10. ^ a b Russell, Bertrand. A History of Western Philosophy, p. 264.
  11. ^ Russell, Bertrand. A History of Western Philosophy, p. 253.
  12. ^ Charles Hartshorne and William Reese, "Philosophers Speak of God," Humanity Books, 1953 ch 4
  13. ^ Amos, H. (1982). These Were the Greeks. Chester Springs: Dufour Editions. ISBN 978-0-8023-1275-4. OCLC 9048254 
  14. ^ Gilbert Murray, The Stoic Philosophy (1915), p.25. In Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy (1946).
  15. ^ Becker, Lawrence (2003). A History of Western Ethics. New York: Routledge. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-415-96825-6 
  16. ^ A.A.Long, Hellenistic Philosophy, p.115.
  17. ^ [1] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Susanne Bobzien, Ancient Logic
  18. ^ [2] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Susanne Bobzien, Ancient Logic
  19. ^ Diogenes Laërtius (2000). Lives of eminent philosophers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press  VII.49
  20. ^ Seneca, Epistles, lxv. 2.
  21. ^ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, iv. 21.
  22. ^ Zeller 1931, p. 274.
  23. ^ Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Edited by Polymnia Athanassiadi, Michael Frede, CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD(1999), p. 8. "One way of justifying to themselves and to others their attachment to specific gods was to proclaim that what was really being worshipped under various names and historically sanctioned forms of cult was the one ineffable principle of all things. Unambiguously professed in a sentence like the following: ‘God being one, has many names’,12 this belief permeates Greek religious theory. The Stoic Cleanthes can thus address a fervent hymn to Zeus as a god with a definite historical personality, in which we encounter a monistic view of divinity.13 Indeed this may be the reason why this pagan prayer was selected by Stobaeus, along with a similar Orphic hymn to Zeus, for the anthology that he compiled for his son’s use and education"
  24. ^ Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Edited by Polymnia Athanassiadi, Michael Frede, CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD(1999), p. 19. "Platonists and Aristotelians defined God as absolutely immaterial and therefore transcending the world of the senses, while the Stoics taught that, though incorporeal, God displays a form of materiality, but of a very subtle and literally ethereal nature, and likened him to intelligible light or fire. Yet, as is argued in the second chapter of this volume, both had a monotheistic view, and the Christians, who drew on Greek philosophy for the formulation of their own theology, recognized this. Of the two views on offer orthodox Christianity opted for the first, without however being able to reject the Stoic position altogether, as Tertullian’s rhetorical question testifies: ‘for who will deny that God is a body, though he is a spirit?’48 This ambiguity is even more clearly present in pagan theological literature, which combines belief in a transcendental God with the worship of the Sun seen as the representation of God in this world."
  25. ^ a b Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Edited by Polymnia Athanassiadi, Michael Frede, CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD(1999), pp. 43-44. "the Platonists, the Peripatetics, and the Stoics do not just believe in one highest god, they believe in something which they must take to be unique even as a god. For they call it ‘God’ or even ‘the God’, as if in some crucial way it was the only thing which deserved to be called ‘god’. If, thus, they also believe that there are further beings which can be called ‘divine’ or ‘god’, they must have thought that these further beings could be called ‘divine’ only in some less strict, diminished, or derived sense. Second, the Christians themselves speak not only of the one true God, but also of a plurality of beings which can be called ‘divine’ or ‘god’; for instance, the un-fallen angels or redeemed and saved human beings."
  26. ^ Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Edited by Polymnia Athanassiadi, Michael Frede, CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD(1999), p. 53. "Nevertheless, this clearly means that only Zeus satisfies the criterion for being a god fully, whereas all other gods only satisfy the criterion by not insisting on strict indestructibility, but by accepting a weak form of immortality. It is only in this diminished sense that things other than Zeus can be called ‘god’. More importantly, though, these other gods only exist because the God has created them as part of his creation of the best possible world, in which they are meant to play a certain role. The power they thus have is merely the power to do what the God has fated them to do. They act completely in accordance with the divine plan......It is very clear in their case, even more so than in Aristotle’s, that these further divine beings are radically dependent on the God and only exist because they have a place in the divine order of things. Far from governing the universe or having any independent share in its governance, they only share in the execution of the divine plan; they are not even immortal, strictly speaking. Theirs is a rather tenuous divinity."
  27. ^ Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Edited by Polymnia Athanassiadi, Michael Frede, CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD(1999), p. 51. "But the Stoics not only think that all beings are material or corporeal, they also, more specifically, identify God or Zeus with a certain kind of fire which is supposed to be intelligent, active, and creative. So perhaps we have to assume that the Stoics distinguish two aspects of the fiery substance which is Zeus, two aspects, though, which in reality are never separated, namely its divine, creative character, and its material character. Thus God and Zeus are the same to the extent that Zeus is active, creative, intelligent. Now the Stoics also believe that the world is a rational animal that periodically turns entirely into the fiery substance which is Zeus. What happens is that the reason of this animal is itself constituted by this fiery substance, and that this reason slowly consumes and absorbs into itself the soul and the body of the world. Thus, in this state of conflagration, the world, the reason of the world, and Zeus completely coincide."
  28. ^ Passion”. Merriam-Webster. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2011年1月29日閲覧。
  29. ^ Graver, Margaret (2009). Stoicism and Emotion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-30558-5. OCLC 430497127 
  30. ^ Seddon, Keith (2005). Epictetus' Handbook and the Tablet of Cebes. New York: Routledge. p. 217. ISBN 978-0-415-32451-9. OCLC 469313282 
  31. ^ a b Don E. Marietta, (1998), Introduction to ancient philosophy, pages 153-4. Sharpe
  32. ^ Cato's suicide in Plutarch AV Zadorojnyi, The Classical Quarterly, 2007年
  33. ^ William Braxton Irvine, (2009), A guide to the good life: the ancient art of Stoic joy, Oxford University Press, p. 200.
  34. ^ Davidson, A.I. (1995) Pierre Hadot and the Spiritual Phenomenon of Ancient Philosophy, in Philosophy as a Way of Life, Hadot, P. Oxford Blackwells pp. 9-10.
  35. ^ Hadot, P. (1992) La Citadelle intérieure. Introduction aux Pensées de Marc Aurèle. Paris, Fayard, pp. 106-115.
  36. ^ Hadot, P (1987) Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique. Paris, 2nd edn, p. 135.
  37. ^ Mac Suibhne, S. (2009). “'Wrestle to be the man philosophy wished to make you': Marcus Aurelius, reflective practitioner”. Reflective Practice 10 (4): 429–436. doi:10.1080/14623940903138266. 
  38. ^ Robertson, D (2010). The Philosophy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Stoicism as Rational and Cognitive Psychotherapy. London: Karnac. ISBN 978-1-85575-756-1. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=XsOFyJaR5vEC&lpg=&hl=en 
  39. ^ Epictetus, Discourses, ii. 5. 26
  40. ^ Epictetus, Discourses, i. 9. 1
  41. ^ Seneca, Moral letters to Lucilius, Letter 47: On master and slave, 10, circa 65 AD.
  42. ^ On the Duties of the Clergy”. www.newadvent.org. 2017年3月1日閲覧。
  43. ^ Aurelius, Marcus (1964). Meditations. London: Penguin Books. p. 26. ISBN 978-0-140-44140-6. https://archive.org/details/meditations0000marc_m9z0 
  44. ^ a b Marcus Aurelius (1964). Meditations. London: Penguin Books. p. 25. ISBN 978-0-140-44140-6. https://archive.org/details/meditations0000marc_m9z0 
  45. ^ a b c Ferguson, Everett. Backgrounds of Early Christianity. 2003, page 368.
  46. ^ Grafton, Anthony; Most, Glenn W.; Settis, Salvatore (2010-10-25) (英語). The Classical Tradition. Harvard University Press. p. 911. ISBN 978-0-674-03572-0. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=LbqF8z2bq3sC&pg=PA911 
  47. ^ 森本あんり『現代に語りかけるキリスト教』日本キリスト教団出版局、1998年、79頁。ISBN 9784818403307 
  48. ^ 森本あんり『現代に語りかけるキリスト教』日本キリスト教団出版局、1998年、81頁。ISBN 9784818403307 
  49. ^ Harper, Douglas (2001年11月). “Online Etymology Dictionary — Stoic”. 2006年9月2日閲覧。
  50. ^ Baltzly, Dirk (2004年12月13日). “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy — Stoicism”. 2006年9月2日閲覧。


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/09/19 01:04 UTC 版)

S級潜水艦 (イギリス海軍・2代)」の記事における「ストイック(HMSStoic,P231)」の解説


※この「ストイック(HMSStoic,P231)」の解説は、「S級潜水艦 (イギリス海軍・2代)」の解説の一部です。
「ストイック(HMSStoic,P231)」を含む「S級潜水艦 (イギリス海軍・2代)」の記事については、「S級潜水艦 (イギリス海軍・2代)」の概要を参照ください。


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/12/05 05:15 UTC 版)


ヒック父親で、モジャモジャ族のリーダー息子とは違って腕力強く考えることが苦手。 本名は、ナマエ・キイタダケデ・アア・オソロシヤ・ストイック。



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/06/16 03:19 UTC 版)


主演映画『日本沈没』監督樋口真嗣草彅について「彼はものすごくストイック」と述べていて、作品向き合う、その集中力の凄さを語っており、求道者彷彿している。 主演連続ドラマおよび映画任侠ヘルパー』の監督西谷弘は、本作での草彅の役・翼彦一について、彦一にとっての人生美学は「やせ我慢」であると語り、「草彅剛という男は非常にストイックで、もし翼彦一という人格本当に存在していれば、ものすごく草彅くんに憧れるだろうなと思うんですよね。彦一草彅くんのようにストイックに生きられないでも、そのストイックさを真似ることはできるんです。それが“やせ我慢”」と述べており、その孤独なまでのストイックさこそが、俳優草彅剛魅力でもあるという。当映画彦一組織から離れたアウトローとなった


ストイック (Stoick the Vast)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/02/19 01:48 UTC 版)

ヒックとドラゴン2」の記事における「ストイック (Stoick the Vast)」の解説


※この「ストイック (Stoick the Vast)」の解説は、「ヒックとドラゴン2」の解説の一部です。
「ストイック (Stoick the Vast)」を含む「ヒックとドラゴン2」の記事については、「ヒックとドラゴン2」の概要を参照ください。

ウィキペディア小見出し辞書の「ストイック」の項目はプログラムで機械的に意味や本文を生成しているため、不適切な項目が含まれていることもあります。ご了承くださいませ。 お問い合わせ




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