イマジズム イマジズムの概要


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イマジズムは、ラファエル前派以来、英語詩において最も大きな影響力のあった運動である[1]。詩の形式として、20世紀初頭のモダニズム文学の始点となり [2]、英語圏における最初の体系的なモダニズム文学運動だったともいわれている[3]。イマジズムは継続的に発展し続けたというよりは、「創造的な瞬間の連続」であったとも考えられている[2]。フランスの批評家、ルネ・トウパン英語版は、「イマジズムとは、なんらかの主義・主張や、ましてや、なんらかの詩の流派ではなく、ほんの少しの重要な原則に一定期間同意していた、少数の詩人のグループと考えた方がより正確だ」と述べている[4]



イマジズムの一つの特徴は、あるイメージ・像を取り出し、その本質を明らかにするという試みにある。この特徴は同時代の前衛芸術、特にキュビズムの発展を反映しているものだ。イマジズムは、エズラ・パウンドの言うところの、「光り輝く細部(Luminous Details)」を利用して対象を取り出すものではあるが、抽象的なものを表現するために具体的な実例を並置するという、パウンドの表意文字的方法論英語版(Ideogrammic Method)は、複数の視点を一つの像へと統合するという、キュビズムの手法によく似ているのである[5]

  1. ^ Preface: Hughes, Glenn, Imagism and the Imagist, Stanford University Press, New York 1931
  2. ^ a b Pratt, William. The Imagist Poem, Modern Poetry in Miniature (Story Line Press, 1963, expanded 2001). ISBN 1-58654-009-2.
  3. ^ T.S. Eliot: "The point de repère, usually and conveniently taken as the starting-point of modern poetry, is the group denominated 'imagists' in London about 1910." Lecture, Washington University, St. Louis, June 6, 1953
  4. ^ Taupin, René, L'Influence du symbolism francais sur la poesie Americaine (de 1910 a 1920), Champion, Paris 1929 trans William Pratt and Anne Rich AMS, New York, 1985
  5. ^ Davidson, Michael (1997). Ghostlier demarcations: modern poetry and the material word. University of California Press, pp. 11–13. ISBN 0-520-20739-4
  6. ^ Grant, Joy (1967). Harold Monro and the Poetry Bookshop, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, p. 28.
  7. ^ Brooker, p. 48.
  8. ^ McGuinness, xii.
  9. ^ Blakeney Williams, Louise (2002). Modernism and the Ideology of History: Literature, Politics, and the Past. Cambridge University Press, p. 16. ISBN 0-521-81499-5
  10. ^ Reprinted in: Pound, Ezra (1975). William Cookson. ed. Selected Prose, 1909–1965. New Directions Publishing. pp. 43. ISBN 0-8112-0574-6 
  11. ^ Arrowsmith, Rupert Richard. Modernism and the Museum: Asian, African and Pacific Art and the London Avant Garde. Oxford University Press, 2011, pp.103–164. ISBN 978-0-19-959369-9
  12. ^ Video of a Lecture discussing the importance of Japanese culture to the Imagists, London University School of Advanced Study, March 2012.
  13. ^ Preface to Some Imagist Poets , Constable, 1916
  14. ^ Woon-Ping Chin Holaday. "From Ezra Pound to Maxine Hong Kingston: Expressions of Chinese Thought in American Literature". MELUS, Vol. 5, No. 2, Interfaces, Summer, 1978, pp. 15–24.
  15. ^ Taupin, René, L'Influence du symbolism francais sur la poesie Americaine(de 1910 a 1920), Champion, Paris 1929
  16. ^ Taupin, René, L'Influence du symbolism francais sur la poesie Americaine(de 1910 a 1920), Champion, Paris 1929 trans William Pratt and Anne Rich AMS , New York 1985
  17. ^ Ming Xie, Ming Hsieh (1998). Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry: Cathay, Translation, and Imagism. Routledge. pp. 80. ISBN 0-8153-2623-8 
  18. ^ Ayers, David (2004). Chapter 1, "H.D., Ezra Pound and Imagism", in Modernism: a Short Introduction. Blackwell Publishers. Retrieved on 29 August 2010. ISBN 978-1-4051-0854-6
  19. ^ Monroe, Harriet, 'A Poet's Life' Macmillan, New York 1938
  20. ^ Swift & Co , London ,1912
  21. ^ Monroe, Harriet, A Poet's Life ', Macmillan, New York, 1938
  22. ^ http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/browse/1/4#!/20569689/0
  23. ^ Barbarese, J.T. "Ezra Pound's Imagist Aesthetics: Lustra to Mauberly" in The Columbia History of American Poetry (1993). Columbia University Press, New York. ISBN 1-56731-276-4
  24. ^ "On 'In a Station of the Metro'". Extract from "Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908–1934". Cambridge University Press, 2001. Retrieved on 29 August 2010.
  25. ^ Pound (1913), pp. 200–206
  26. ^ Elder, Bruce (1998). The Films of Stan Brakhage in the American Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein and Charles Olson. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, pp. 72, 94. ISBN 0-88920-275-3
  27. ^ パウンド(Ezra Weston Loomis Pound) 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ) コトバンク
  28. ^ Pound, "A Retrospect" (1918). Reprinted in Kolocotroni et al., p. 374.
  29. ^ F.S. Flint letter to J.C. Squire 29 Jan 1917
  30. ^ Some Imagist Poets, Constable, 1916
  31. ^ Edgerly Firchow, Peter, Evelyn Scherabon Firchow, and Bernfried Nugel (2002). Reluctant Modernists: Aldous Huxley and Some Contemporaries. Transaction Books, p. 32.
  32. ^ a b Pratt, William. The Imagist Poem, Modern Poetry in Miniature (Story Line Press, 1963, expanded 2001). ISBN 1-58654-009-2.
  33. ^ Ellmann, Richard (1959). James Joyce. (New York): Oxford University Press, p. 350.
  34. ^ Pondrom, Cyrena; H.D., "Selected Letters from H. D. to F. S. Flint: A Commentary on the Imagist Period". Contemporary Literature, Vol. 10, No. 4, Special Number on H. D.: A Reconsideration, Autumn, 1969. pp. 557-586.
  35. ^ Cowley et al. "Years Work English Studies", 1993. pp. 452-521.
  36. ^ “History of the Presidency”. http://www.harvard.edu/history-presidency 
  37. ^ Preface to Some Imagist Poets (1915). Reprinted in Kolocotroni et al. p. 268.
  38. ^ Hughes, Glenn, Imagism & The Imagists: A Study in Modern Poetry, Stanford University Press, New York, 1931
  39. ^ Lawrence, D. H. "The Letters of D. H. Lawrence". Cambridge University Press, (Republished) 1979. p. 394.
  40. ^ Aldington, Richard; Gates Norman. "Richard Aldington: An Autobiography in Letters". (Katowice): Oficyna Akademii sztuk pięknych w Katowicach, 1984. p. 103.
  41. ^ Bercovitch, Sacvan; Cyrus R. K. Patell (1994). The Cambridge History of American Literature. Cambridge University Press. pp. 19. ISBN 0-521-49733-7 
  42. ^ Strand B. G. Imagist-The Genre – An appraisal, 2013, ASIN: B00AYE482S
  43. ^ Enck, John J. (1964). Wallace Stevens: Images and Judgments. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. pp. 11 
  44. ^ Introductory Note by Kenneth Allott (ed) The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse , Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, England 1950
  45. ^ Sloan, De Villo (1987). “The Decline of American Postmodernism”. SubStance (University of Wisconsin Press) 16 (3): 29. doi:10.2307/3685195. JSTOR 3685195. 
  46. ^ Stanley , Sandra. "Louis Zukofsky and the Transformation of a Modern American Poetics". South Atlantic Review 60.1 (1995): 186-189.
  47. ^ "The Possibility of Poetry: from Migrant magazine to artists' books". The British Library, January 2007. Retrieved on 20 October 2007.
  48. ^ Olson, Charles (1966). Selected Writings. New Directions Publishing. pp. 17. ISBN 0-8112-0335-2 
  49. ^ Riddel, Joseph N. (Autumn 1979). “Decentering the Image: The 'Project' of 'American' Poetics?”. Boundary 2 (Duke University Press) 8 (1): 159–188. doi:10.2307/303146. JSTOR 303146. 


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