奴隷制度廃止運動とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/06 08:51 UTC 版)


  1. ^ S.M.Wise, Though the Heavens May Fall, Pimlico (2005)
  2. ^ 並川葉子, 「イギリスにおける反奴隷制運動と女性 (「文明社会」とその「他者」たち : 近代イギリスにおける「他者」への態度の変容)」『神戸市外国語大学外国学研究.紀要論文』 85巻 p.17-36, 2012年, ISSN 02899256
  3. ^ Rothschild and Freshfields founders had links to slavery, papers reveal Financial Times, 26 June 2009
  4. ^ Rothschilds gained less from slavery than from financing its abolition Financial Times, 30 June 2009
  5. ^ Newman, Richard S. The Transformation of American Abolitionism: Fighting Slavery in the Early Republic. Univ of North Carolina Press, 2002. ISBN 0-8078-2671-5.
  6. ^ John Woolman. A Quaker Abolitionist Travels Through Maryland and Virginia Extract from The Journal of John Woolman, 1757, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1909, 209?217.
  7. ^ Van der Weyde, William M., ed. The Life and Works of Thomas Paine. New York: Thomas Paine National Historical Society, 1925, p. 19-20.
  8. ^ Ira Berlin and Leslie Harris (2005); Gellman (2006); Garry Wills, Negro President.
  9. ^ Schlesinger Age of Jackson, p.190
  10. ^ David Brion Davis, Inhuman Bondage (2006) p 197, 409; Stanley Harrold, The Abolitionists and the South, 1831-1861 (1995) p. 62; Jane H. and William H. Pease, "Confrontation and Abolition in the 1850s" Journal of American History (1972) 58(4): 923-937.
  11. ^ Eric Foner. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War (1970), p. 9
  12. ^ Dooley 11-15; McKivigan 27 (ritualism) , 30, 51, 191, Osofsky; ANB Leonidas Polk
  13. ^ No Compromise with Slavery, 1854, by Wm. L. Garrison retrieved from http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/rbaapc:@field(DOCID+@lit(rbaapc11000div2)); also Mayer: All in the Fire, pp. 65-67, 475.
  14. ^ The Abolitionist Legacy: From Reconstruction to the NAACP by James M. McPherson, p. 4
  15. ^ Lott, 129-130
  16. ^ 人身売買、ダメ絶対!鎌倉幕府の公式記録『吾妻鏡』に見る鎌倉幕府の禁止令と社会背景 : Japaaan”. Japaaan - 日本文化と今をつなぐウェブマガジン. 2023年9月8日閲覧。
  17. ^ [1] アーカイブされたコピー”. 2012年1月3日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年1月3日閲覧。
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h Ponting, Clive (2001). World History: A New Perspective. London: Pimlico. p. 643. ISBN 0-7126-6572-2 
  19. ^ Should The Islamic World Apologize For Slavery?
  20. ^ Brazil's Prized Exports Rely on Slaves and Scorched Land Larry Rohter (2002) New York Times, March 25
  21. ^ [2]
  22. ^ Amazigh Arts in Morocco
  23. ^ BBC Born to be a slave in Niger

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