新植民主義とは? わかりやすく解説

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  1. ^ United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 1514 and 1541
  2. ^ Che Guevara (1965年2月24日). “At the Afro-Asian Conference in Algeria” (英語). Marxists Internet Archive. 2010年10月10日閲覧。
  3. ^ Ali Mazrui; Willy Mutunga, ed. Debating the African Condition: Governance and leadership. Africa World Press, 2003 ISBN 159221147X pp.19-20, 69.
  4. ^ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. transcribed from Lenin’s Selected Works, Progress Publishers, 1963, Moscow, Volume 1, pp. 667–766.
  5. ^ From the Introduction. Kwame Nkrumah. Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism. First Published: Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd., London (1965). Published in the USA by International Publishers Co., Inc., (1966);
  6. ^ Wallerstein, p 52: 'It attempted the one serious, collectively agreed upon definition of neocolonialism, the key concept in the armory of the revolutionary core of the movement for African unity.' Also William D. Graf, review of Yolamu R. Barongo, Neocolonialism and African Politics: a Survey of the Impact of Neocolonialism on African Political Behaviour (1980); Canadian Journal of African Studies, p 601: 'The term itself originated in Africa, probably with Nkrumah, and received collective recognition at the 1961 All-African People's Conference.'
  7. ^ François-Xavier Verschave『フランサフリック - アフリカを食いものにするフランス』大野英士(訳)・高橋武智(訳)、緑風出版、東京、2003年3月(原著1998年)。ISBN 978-4846102111 
  8. ^ http://www.afrique-du-nord.com/article.php3?id_article=1877 (Quote by Kateb Yacine in French)
  9. ^ http://www.arabesques-editions.com/fr/biographies/kateb-yacine1974605.html?page=0%2C1 (Quote by Kateb Yacine in French)
  10. ^ thirdworldtraveler.com: Neocolonialismparapundit.com/.
  11. ^ Ernest Mandel, "Semicolonial Countries and Semi-Industrialised Dependent Countries", New International (New York), No.5, pp.149-175
  12. ^ ANURADHA M . CHENOY. Soviet new thinking on national liberation movements: continuity and change. pp. 145-162 in Soviet foreign policy in transition. Roger E. Kanet, Deborah Nutter Miner, Tamara J. Resler, International Committee for Soviet and East European Studies. Cambridge University Press, (1992) ISBN 0521413656 see especially pp. 149-50 of the internal definintions of neocolonialism in soviet bloc academia.
  13. ^ Rosemary Radford Ruether. Christianity and Social Systems: Historical Constructions and Ethical Challenges. Rowman & Littlefield, (2008) ISBN 0742546438 p. 138: "Neocolonialism means that European powers and the United States no longer rule dependent territories directly through their occupying troops and imperial bureaucracy. Rather, they control the area's resources indirectly through business corporations and the financial lending institutions they dominate..."
  14. ^ Yumna Siddiqi. Anxieties of Empire and the Fiction of Intrigue. Columbia University Press, (2007) ISBN 0231138083 pp.123-124 giving the classical definition limited to US and European colonial powers.
  15. ^ Thomas R. Shannon. An introduction to the world-system perspective. Second Edition. Westview Press, (1996) ISBN 0813324521 pp. 94-95 classicially defined as a capitalist phenomenon.
  16. ^ William H. Blanchard. Neocolonialism American style, 1960-2000. Greenwood Publishing Group, (1996) ISBN 0313300135 pp.3-12, definition p.7.
  17. ^ World Bank, IMF Threw Colombia Into Tailspin The Baltimore Sun, April 4, 2002
  18. ^ Europe Takes Africa’s Fish, and Boatloads of Migrants Follow The New York Times, January 14, 2008
  19. ^ United Nations 2007
  20. ^ コフィー・アナン国連事務総長(当時)に向けた談話より。


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