車軸藻類とは? わかりやすく解説

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車軸藻類 (しゃじくもるい)、シャジクモ類は、水草のような姿をした大型の藻類である。輪生する小枝 (車軸藻の名の由来) や、節と節間の繰り返しからなる特徴的な体、極めて複雑な生殖器官をもつ。多くは淡水止水域に生育し、特に湖沼では比較的深い水深まで分布している。水質汚濁などによって絶滅危惧種となっているものが多い。シャジクモホシツリモヒメフラスコモなど6属400種ほどが知られる。


  1. ^ a b フラスコモ連の単系統性は支持されないことがある[3][4]
  2. ^ ただし手賀沼の底土から発芽した報告がある[43][44]
  3. ^ 生卵器が上につく例も報告されている[76]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab 廣瀬弘幸 & 山岸高旺 (編) (1977). “輪藻綱”. 日本淡水藻図鑑. 内田老鶴圃. pp. 761–829. ISBN 978-4753640515 
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  3. ^ a b McCourt, R. M., Casanova, M. T., Karol, K. G. & Feist, M. (1999). “Monophyly of genera and species of Characeae based on rbcL sequences, with special reference to Australian and European Lychnothamnus barbatus (Characeae: Charophyceae)”. Australian Journal of Botany 47: 361-369. doi:10.1071/BT97100. 
  4. ^ a b Perez, W., Hall, J. D., McCourt, R. M. & Karol, K. G. (2014). “Phylogeny of North American Tolypella (Charophyceae, Charophyta) based on plastid DNA sequences with a description of Tolypella ramosissima sp. nov”. Journal of Phycology 50: 776-789. doi:10.1111/jpy.12219. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au Graham, L.E., Graham, J.M., Wilcox, L.W. & Cook, M.E. (2016). Algae. 3rd ed.. LJLM Press. pp. 20/32–39. ISBN 978-0-9863935-3-2 
  6. ^ a b Pérez, W., Hall, J. D., McCourt, R. M. & Karol, K. G. (2014). “Phylogeny of North American Tolypella (Charophyceae, Charophyta) based on plastid DNA sequences with a description of Tolypella ramosissima sp. nov”. Journal of Phycology 50: 776-789. doi:10.1111/jpy.12219. 
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  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 千原光雄 (1997). “車軸藻綱”. 藻類多様性の生物学. 内田老鶴圃. pp. 309–314. ISBN 978-4753640607 
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  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Blindow, I. & Schudack, M. (2015). “Class Charophyceae”. In Frey, W.. Syllabus of Plant Families - A. Engler's Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien Part 2/1: Photoautotrophic eukaryotic Algae. Stuttgart: Borntraeger Science Publishers. pp. 294–300. ISBN 978-3-443-01083-6 
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r York, P. V. & Johnson, L. R. (eds) (2002). “Order Charales”. The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles: an Identification Guide to Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae. Cambridge University Press. pp. 593–595. ISBN 0-521-77051-3 
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  17. ^ a b c d Cook, M. E., Graham, L. E., Botha, C. E. J. & Lavin, C. A. (1997). “Comparative ultrastructure of plasmodesmata of Chara and selected bryophytes: toward an elucidation of the evolutionary origin of plant plasmodesmata”. American Journal of Botany 84: 1169-1178. doi:10.2307/2446040. 
  18. ^ a b c Cook, M. E., Graham, L. E. & Lavin, C. A. (1998). “Cytokinesis and nodal anatomy in the charophycean green algaChara zeylanica”. Protoplasma 203: 65-74. doi:10.1007/BF01280588. 
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  21. ^ Michaux-Ferrière, N. & Soulié-Märsche, I. (1987). “The quantities of DNA in the vegetative nuclei of Chara vulgaris and Tolypella glomerata (Charophyta)”. Phycologia 26: 435-442. doi:10.2216/i0031-8884-26-4-435.1. 
  22. ^ Kiss, J. Z. & Staehelin, L. A. (1993). “Structural polarity in the Chara rhizoid: a reevaluation”. American Journal of Botany 80: 273-282. doi:10.1002/j.1537-2197.1993.tb13800.x. 
  23. ^ Buchen, B., Braun, M. & Sievers, A. (1997). “Statoliths, cytoskeletal elements and cytoplasmic streaming of Chara rhizoids under reduced gravity during TEXUS flights”. Life scinces experiments performed on sounding rockets (1985-1994): 71-75. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1997ESASP1206...71B. 
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  25. ^ a b c 西山智明 & 坂山英俊 (2018). “シャジクモのゲノムの解読が明かす陸上植物への道および独自の進化”. DBCLS. doi:10.7875/first.author.2018.077. 
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  30. ^ Nishiyama, T., Sakayama, H., De Vries, J., Buschmann, H., Saint-Marcoux, D., Ullrich, K. K., ... & Vosolsobě, S. (2018). “The Chara genome: secondary complexity and implications for plant terrestrialization”. Cell 174: 448-464. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2018.06.033. 
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  33. ^ Pickett-Heaps, J. D. (1968). “Ultrastructure and differentiation in Chara fibrosa. IV. Spermatogenesis”. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 21: 655-690. doi:10.1071/BI9680655. 
  34. ^ Duncan, T. M., Renzaglia, K. S. & Garbary, D. J. (1997). “Ultrastructure and phylogeny of the spermatozoid of Chara vulgaris (Charophyceae)”. Plant Systematics and Evolution 204: 125-140. 
  35. ^ Takatori, S. & Imahori, K. (1971). “Light reactions in the control of oospore germination of Chara delicatula”. Phycologia 10: 221-228. doi:10.2216/i0031-8884-10-2-221.1. 
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  40. ^ Dugdale, T. M., Hicks, B. J., De Winton, M. & Taumoepeau, A. (2006). “Fish exclosures versus intensive fishing to restore charophytes in a shallow New Zealand lake”. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16: 193-202. doi:10.1002/aqc.711. 
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  61. ^ a b c d e Feist, M., Liu, J. & Tafforeau, P. (2005). “New insights into Paleozoic charophyte morphology and phylogeny”. American Journal of Botany 92: 1152-1160. doi:10.3732/ajb.92.7.1152. 
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  72. ^ 仲田崇志. 生物分類表. きまぐれ生物学.
  73. ^ 巌佐庸, 倉谷滋, 斎藤成也 & 塚谷裕一 (編) (2013). 岩波 生物学辞典 第5版. 岩波書店. p. 1636. ISBN 978-4000803144 
  74. ^ Karol, K. G., Skawinski, P. M., McCourt, R. M., Nault, M. E., Evans, R., Barton, M. E., ... & Hall, J. D. (2017). “First discovery of the charophycean green alga Lychnothamnus barbatus (Charophyceae) extant in the New World”. American Journal of Botany 104: 1108-1116. doi:10.3732/ajb.1700172. 
  75. ^ Pérez, W., Casanova, M. T., Hall, J. D., McCourt, R. M. & Karol, K. G. (2017). “Phylogenetic congruence of ribosomal operon and plastid gene sequences for the Characeae with an emphasis on Tolypella (Characeae, Charophyceae)”. Phycologia 56: 230-237. 
  76. ^ 森嶋秀治. “シラタマモ”. 「車軸藻」のページ. 2020年10月10日閲覧。




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