ニコライ1世とは? わかりやすく解説

ニコライ1世 (ロシア皇帝)

(ニコライ1世 から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/30 05:11 UTC 版)

ニコライ1世ロシア語: Николай I, ラテン文字転写: Nikolai I、ニコライ・パヴロヴィチ・ロマノフ、ロシア語: Николай Павлович Романов, ラテン文字転写: Nicholai Pavlovich Romanov1796年7月6日(ユリウス暦6月25日) - 1855年3月2日(ユリウス暦2月18日[1])は、ロマノフ朝第11代ロシア皇帝(在位:1825年12月1日 - 1855年3月2日[2])、第2代ポーランド立憲王国国王ミコワイ1世)、第2代フィンランド大公。父はパーヴェル1世、母は皇后マリア・フョードロヴナ

  1. ^ ニコライ1世』 - コトバンク
  2. ^ Hans H.A. Hötte Atlas of Southeast Europe: Geopolitics and History. Volume Two: 1699-1815 2016, p.12
  3. ^ Ceyrep (21 April 1855). The grand master of the order of Malta. s1-XI. Oxford University Press. 309–310. doi:10.1093/nq/s1-XI.286.309c. https://academic.oup.com/nq/article-abstract/s1-XI/286/309/4535653?redirectedFrom=fulltext 
  4. ^ An Official Statement from the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, on the activities of organizations which falsely refer to themselves as the "Order of Malta"”. 2020年10月15日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2020年9月11日閲覧。 “mperors Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander III, and Nicholas II were all Bailiffs Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion of the Order of Malta.”
  5. ^ Nicholas Riasanovsky, Nicholas I and Official Nationality in Russia, 1825–1855 (1959) p. 19
  6. ^ Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace (Viking Press: New York, 1976) p. 13.
  7. ^ W. Bruce Lincoln, The Romanovs, p. 409.
  8. ^ 和田春樹 (2002.8.20). ロシア史. 山川出版社 
  9. ^ Lifgardets 3 Finska Skarpskyttebataljon 1812–1905 ett minnesblad. 1905 Helsinki by Söderström & Co
  10. ^ Henry Reichman, Railwaymen and Revolution: Russia, 1905 p. 16
  11. ^ Nicholas Riasanovsky, A History of Russia (4th edition 1984) pp. 323–24
  12. ^ W. Bruce Lincoln, The Romanovs, p. 428.
  13. ^ Charles Dickens, "The true story of the nuns of Minsk", Household Words, Issue No. 216. Volume IX, pp. 290–295.
  14. ^ Richard Pipes, Russia under the Old Regime, p. 179
  15. ^ Geroid Tanquary Robinson, Rural Russia under the Old Régime: A History of the Landlord-Peasant World, p. 37
  16. ^ Geoffrey Hosking, Russia: People and Empire, p. 155
  17. ^ Gartner, Lloyd P. (1978). History of the Jews in Modern Times. Tel-Aviv University: Oxford University Press. p. 164 
  18. ^ Gartner, Lloyd P. (1979). History of Jews in Modern Times. Tel-Aviv University: Oxford University Press. p. 168 
  19. ^ Gartner, Lloyd P. (1978). History of Jews in Modern Times. Tel-Aviv University: Oxford University press. p. 171 
  20. ^ Gartner, Lloyd P. (1978). History of Jews in Modern Times. Tel-Aviv University: Oxford University Press. p. 170 
  21. ^ Curtiss, John Shelton (1958). “The Army of Nicholas I: Its Role and Character”. American Historical Review 63 (4): 880–889 [p. 886]. doi:10.2307/1848945. JSTOR 1848945. 
  22. ^ Fuller, William C. (1 October 1998). Strategy and Power in Russia 1600–1914. Simon and Schuster. p. 273. ISBN 9781439105771. https://books.google.com/books?id=BNF318Pgq9kC&pg=PA273 
  23. ^ Barbara Jelavich, St. Petersburg and Moscow: Tsarist and Soviet Foreign Policy, 1814–1974 (1974) p. 119
  24. ^ William C. Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia 1600–1914 (1998) pp. 252–59
  25. ^ Lincoln, W. Bruce "The Ministers of Nicholas I: A Brief Inquiry into Their Backgrounds and Service Careers" pp. 308–323 from The Russian Review, Volume 34, Issue #3, July 1975 p. 312.
  26. ^ Lincoln, W. Bruce "The Ministers of Nicholas I: A Brief Inquiry into Their Backgrounds and Service Careers" pp. 308–323 from The Russian Review, Volume 34, Issue #3, July 1975 p. 313.
  27. ^ Lincoln, W. Bruce "The Ministers of Nicholas I: A Brief Inquiry into Their Backgrounds and Service Careers" pp. 308–323 from The Russian Review, Volume 34, Issue #3, July 1975 pp. 313–314.
  28. ^ Lincoln, W. Bruce "The Ministers of Nicholas I: A Brief Inquiry into Their Backgrounds and Service Careers" pp. 308–323 from The Russian Review, Volume 34, Issue #3, July 1975 pp. 315–316.
  29. ^ Lincoln, W. Bruce "The Ministers of Nicholas I: A Brief Inquiry into Their Backgrounds and Service Careers" pp. 308–323 from The Russian Review, Volume 34, Issue #3, July 1975 p. 314.
  30. ^ Lincoln, W. Bruce "The Ministers of Nicholas I: A Brief Inquiry into Their Backgrounds and Service Careers" pp. 308–323 from The Russian Review, Volume 34, Issue #3, July 1975 pp. 314–315.
  31. ^ Rendall, Matthew "Defensive Realism and the Concert of Europe" pp. 523–540 from Review of International Studies, Volume 32, Issue #3 July 2006 p. 534.
  32. ^ Rendall, Matthew "Defensive Realism and the Concert of Europe" pages 523–540 from Review of International Studies, Volume 32, Issue # 3 July 2006 p. 535.
  33. ^ Riasanovsky, Nicholas Nicholas I and Official Nationality in Russia, 1825–1855, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959 page 257.
  34. ^ Riasanovsky, Nicholas Nicholas I and Official Nationality in Russia, 1825–1855, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959 pages 255–256
  35. ^ Riasanovsky, Nicholas Nicholas I and Official Nationality in Russia, 1825–1855, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959 pages 255–256.
  36. ^ 田中陽睨ら (1994). ロシア史2. 山川出版社 
  37. ^ Rendall, Matthew "Restraint or Self-Restraint of Russia: Nicholas I, the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi, and the Vienna System, 1832–1841" pp. 37–63 from The International History Review, Volume 24, Issue #1, March 2002 p. 38.
  38. ^ Rendall, Matthew "Restraint or Self-Restraint of Russia: Nicholas I, the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi, and the Vienna System, 1832–1841" pp. 37–63 from The International History Review, Volume 24, Issue #1, March 2002 pp. 48–49.
  39. ^ Rendall, Matthew "Restraint or Self-Restraint of Russia: Nicholas I, the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi, and the Vienna System, 1832–1841" pp. 37–63 from The International History Review, Volume 24, Issue #1, March 2002 p. 50.
  40. ^ 百科事典マイペディア、世界大百科事典 第2版
  41. ^ Timothy C. Dowling Russia at War: From the Mongol Conquest to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Beyond p. 728 ABC-CLIO, 2 December 2014 ISBN 1598849484
  42. ^ Yarshater, Ehsan (2004). Encyclopædia Iranica, Volume 13. Routledge & Kegan Paul. p. 260. ISBN 978-0-93327-395-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=vBQZAQAAIAAJ&q=treaty+of+turkmenchay+capitulation 
  43. ^ Aksan, Virginia. (2014). Ottoman Wars, 1700–1870: An Empire Besieged p. 463. Routledge. ISBN 978-1317884033
  44. ^ 中野京子『名画で読み解く ロマノフ家12の物語』光文社、2014年、161頁。ISBN 978-4-334-03811-3 
  45. ^ Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace, p. 133.
  46. ^ Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace, pp. 135–136
  47. ^ Edvard Radzinsky, Alexander II: The Last Great Tsar, p. 94.
  48. ^ Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace, pp. 135–136
  49. ^ Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace, pp. 135–136
  50. ^ W. Bruce Lincoln, The Romanovs, p. 425.
  51. ^ Yevgeny Anismov, Rulers of Russia, Golden Lion Press, St. Petersburg Russia (2012).
  52. ^ Nicholas Riasanovsky, Nicholas I and Official Nationality in Russia, 1825–1855 (1959). p. 3.

「ニコライ1世 (ロシア皇帝)」の続きの解説一覧


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/02/24 06:54 UTC 版)

ニコライ1世 (ロシア皇帝)」の記事における「ニコライ1世」の解説

1855年3月2日ユリウス暦2月18日))は、ロマノフ朝11ロシア皇帝在位1825年12月1日 - 1855年3月2日)、第2代ポーランド立憲王国国王ミコワイ1世)、第2代フィンランド大公。父はパーヴェル1世、母は皇后マリア・フョードロヴナ

※この「ニコライ1世」の解説は、「ニコライ1世 (ロシア皇帝)」の解説の一部です。
「ニコライ1世」を含む「ニコライ1世 (ロシア皇帝)」の記事については、「ニコライ1世 (ロシア皇帝)」の概要を参照ください。


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/08/31 17:44 UTC 版)




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