サント・ダイミ 学術研究


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ひとつめの重要な研究は、1980年代末にブラジル政府が公式に実施したものであり、1992年のブラジルでのアヤワスカの宗教的な使用に合法性を与えた。もうひとつは、国際的な学者が実施しているHoasca計画 (Hoasca Project) がある[23]




  1. ^ Mestre Irineu photos
  2. ^ a b c d e f g 石川勇一「アマゾン・ネオ・シャーマニズムの心理過程の現象学的・仏教的研究」『トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学』第15巻第1号、2016年2月、62-86頁、NAID 40020957856 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j 後藤健志「アマゾニア的園芸の蔓状ネットワーク」『くにたち人類学研究』第12巻、くにたち人類学会、2018年、1-19頁、ISSN 1880-9375NAID 120006482985 
  4. ^ Paragraph 5, "What is our religion?" Cefluris, 2000, accessdate 2010-03-07
  5. ^ The history of Santo Daime in 'The Santo Daime Doctrine', an interview with Alex Polari de Alverga - Shaman's Drum #22 - Winter 1990-91
  6. ^ Personal Accounts Contemporary of Irineu Serra.
  7. ^ "Occasionally hymns were written down by hand; it is worth recalling that the majority of followers — including the 'owners' of hymnals — were illiterate or nearly so. People learned the hymns during the spiritual works, by ear,"... Beatriz Caiuby Labate, Gustavo Pacheco (2010). Opening The Portals of Haven. ISBN 978-3-643-10802-9. https://books.google.com/books?id=zpKfHtr_Ka4C&pg=PA29#v=onepage&q=illiterate&f=true 2011年11月24日閲覧。 
  8. ^ "the use of ayahuasca potions, more so than any other entheogenic drug we know, has survived the onslaught of literacy and acculturation, to make a place for itself in the New Order" Evgenia Fotiou (2010年). “From medicine men to day trippers: shamanic tourism in Iquitos, Peru”. The University of Wisconsin-Madison. p. 10. 2011年11月24日閲覧。 は、ジョナサン・オット英語版(1993:242)を参照している。
  9. ^ Garcia-Romeu, Albert; Kersgaard, Brennan; Addy, Peter H.; et al. (2016). “Clinical applications of hallucinogens: A review.”. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 24 (4): 229–268. doi:10.1037/pha0000084. PMC 5001686. PMID 27454674. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5001686/. 
  10. ^ Genealogy of the Santo Daime doctrine
  11. ^ [1] access date 2010-03-21 Section "The Angel of Santa Maria", Interview with Padrinho Alfredo, April 1996
  12. ^ Resolução Nº 4 CONFEN, 30 de julho de 1985
  13. ^ Resolução Nº 06 CONFEN – 04 de fevereiro de 1986
  14. ^ Resolução N. 1 CONAD – 25 de Janeiro de 2010
  15. ^ Government’s request to the Supreme Court to review the case
  16. ^ Supreme Court decision in the UDV case
  17. ^ Oregon Daime case documents
  18. ^ Rochester, Rev Dr Jessica (2017年7月17日). “How Our Santo Daime Church Received Religious Exemption to Use Ayahuasca in Canada” (英語). Chacruna. 2019年3月26日閲覧。
  19. ^ Court Case in Holland against the use of ayahuasca by the Dutch Santo Daime Church. By Arno Adelaars
  20. ^ Dutch Santo Daime Case 2001 – Abridged Judgment
  21. ^ Letter of Herbert Schaepe Secretary of the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board
  22. ^ Italian Santo Daime juridical case resume and comment
  23. ^ Theses and texts of NEIP researchers, developers and corresponding (Interdisciplinary Group for Psychoactive Studies)
  24. ^ Mazza, Marianna; Bouso, José Carlos; González, Débora; et al. (2012). “Personality, Psychopathology, Life Attitudes and Neuropsychological Performance among Ritual Users of Ayahuasca: A Longitudinal Study”. PLoS ONE 7 (8): e42421. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042421. PMC 3414465. PMID 22905130. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0042421. 


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