AccessibleObject クラスとは? わかりやすく解説

AccessibleObject クラス

障害を持つユーザー合わせてアプリケーションユーザー インターフェイス (UI) を調整するために、ユーザー補助アプリケーション使用する情報提供します

名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms ( 内)

<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Class AccessibleObject
    Inherits StandardOleMarshalObject
    Implements IReflect, IAccessible
Dim instance As AccessibleObject
public class AccessibleObject : StandardOleMarshalObject,
 IReflect, IAccessible
public ref class AccessibleObject : public
 StandardOleMarshalObject, IReflect, IAccessible
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public class AccessibleObject extends StandardOleMarshalObject
 implements IReflect, IAccessible
public class AccessibleObject extends
 StandardOleMarshalObject implements IReflect, IAccessible


視覚障害のあるユーザーに対しては、ソフトウェアおよびオペレーティング システムの機能必要に合わせて調整できます。たとえば、テキストイメージ拡大したり、コントラスト強調して表示したできますまた、色盲ユーザーには、適切な配色使用できます重度視覚障害があるユーザーに対しては、コンピュータから、画面表示支援する装置アクセスできる機能提供します。これによって、画面上のテキストを、音声または動的に表示変更する点字ディスプレイ変換できます

聴覚障害のあるユーザーに対しては、点滅ツール バーなど、視覚効果のある UIプログラム取り入れたり音声メッセージテキストとして表示したできます。たとえば、コントロール パネルユーザー補助オプションである SoundSentry 機能有効にすると、警告音画面表示反映できます

身体的な障害のあるユーザーに対しては、キーボードおよびマウス操作簡単にしたり不要にしたりするようにコントロール設計することによって、コンピュータ使いやすくすることができますコントロール パネルには支援機能が用意されています。たとえば、マウス ポインタ操作に、マウス代わりにテンキー使用できますCtrl キー押しながら P キーを押すなど、2 つ上のキー同時に押すことができない場合は、StickyKeys オプション使用すると、キー1 つずつ押すことによって同じ操作ができるようになります

知覚障害言語障害のあるユーザーに対しては、ソフトウェア プログラムの設計によって利便性を向上でます。たとえば、常に次の操作がわかるように工夫する表示簡略化する、文章少なくする、小学生でも理解できる文章にするなどの対応が有効です。

発作性障害のあるユーザーに対しては、発作原因となるようなパターン削除したソフトウェア プログラム設計できます

ユーザー補助アプリケーションに関する情報など、ユーザー補助詳細については、MSDN ライブラリまたは MicrosoftWeb サイトMicrosoft Accessibility に関するドキュメント参照してください


AccessibleObject使用するには、.NET Framework一緒にインストールされる Accessibility アセンブリへの参照追加する必要があります

継承時の注意 このクラスから継承する場合は、すべてのメンバオーバーライドできます


ユーザー補助情報公開する AccessibleObject クラスおよび Control.ControlAccessibleObject クラス使用してユーザー補助対応のチャート コントロール作成するコード例次に示しますコントロールは、凡例沿って 2 つ曲線プロットます。ControlAccessibleObject から派生された ChartControlAccessibleObject クラスは、チャート コントロールの独自のユーザー補助情報提供することを目的として、CreateAccessibilityInstance メソッド使用しますチャート凡例実際Control ベースコントロールではなくチャート コントロールによって描画されるため、組み込みユーザー補助情報含まれていません。このためChartControlAccessibleObject クラスは、GetChild メソッドオーバーライドして、凡例各部分のユーザー補助情報を表す CurveLegendAccessibleObject返しますユーザー補助対応のアプリケーションでこのコントロール使用され場合、このコントロール必要なユーザー補助情報を提供できます

Option Explicit

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Namespace ChartControlNameSpace
    Public Class Form1 
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

        ' Test out the Chart Control.
        Private chart1 As ChartControl

        <System.STAThread()> _
        Public Shared Sub
            System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(New Form1())
        End Sub 'Main

        Public Sub New()
            ' Create a chart control and add it to the form.
            Me.chart1 = New ChartControl()
            Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(920,

            Me.chart1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(47,
            Me.chart1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(600,

        End Sub
    End Class

    ' Declares a chart control that demonstrates Accessibility in Windows
    Public Class ChartControl
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl

        Private legend1 As CurveLegend
        Private legend2 As CurveLegend
        Public Sub New()
            ' The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint override.
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True)
            Me.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White
            Me.Name = "ChartControl"

            ' The CurveLengend is not Control-based, it just
            ' represent the parts of the legend.
            legend1 = New CurveLegend(Me, "A")
            legend1.Location = New Point(20, 30)
            legend2 = New CurveLegend(Me, "B")
            legend2.Location = New Point(20, 50)
        End Sub 'New
        ' Overridden to return the custom AccessibleObject 
        ' for the entire chart.
        Protected Overrides Function
 CreateAccessibilityInstance() As AccessibleObject
            Return New ChartControlAccessibleObject(Me)
        End Function 

        Protected Overrides Sub
 OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
            ' The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint override.
            Dim bounds As Rectangle = Me.ClientRectangle
            Dim border As Integer
 = 5
            ' Draw the legends first.
            Dim format As New
            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
            format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
            If Not (legend1 Is
 Nothing) Then
                If legend1.Selected Then
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.Blue),
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, legend1.Bounds)
                End If
                e.Graphics.DrawString(legend1.Name, Me.Font, Brushes.Black,
 RectangleF.op_Implicit(legend1.Bounds), format)
            End If
            If Not (legend2 Is
 Nothing) Then
                If legend2.Selected Then
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.Red),
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, legend2.Bounds)
                End If
                e.Graphics.DrawString(legend2.Name, Me.Font, Brushes.Black,
 RectangleF.op_Implicit(legend2.Bounds), format)
            End If
            ' Chart out the actual curves that represent data in the
            bounds.Inflate(-border, -border)
            Dim curve1() As Point = {New Point(bounds.Left,
 bounds.Bottom), _
                                     New Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width
 / 3, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 5), _
                                     New Point(bounds.Right -
 bounds.Width / 3,(bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2), _
                                     New Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top)}

            Dim curve2() As Point = {New Point(bounds.Left,
 bounds.Bottom - bounds.Height / 3), _
                                     New Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width
 / 3, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 5), _
                                     New Point(bounds.Right -
 bounds.Width / 3,(bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2), _
                                     New Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top
 + bounds.Height / 2)}
            ' Draw the actual curve only if it is selected.
            If legend1.Selected Then
                e.Graphics.DrawCurve(Pens.Blue, curve1)
            End If
            If legend2.Selected Then
                e.Graphics.DrawCurve(Pens.Red, curve2)
            End If 
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, bounds)
        End Sub 'OnPaint
        ' Handle the QueryAccessibilityHelp event.
        Private Sub ChartControl_QueryAccessibilityHelp(sender
 As Object, _
                           e As System.Windows.Forms.QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs)
 Handles MyBase.QueryAccessibilityHelp
            e.HelpString = "Displays chart data"
        End Sub 

        ' Handle the Click event for the chart. 
        ' Toggle the selection of whatever legend was clicked.     
        Private Sub ChartControl_Click(sender
 As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
 Handles MyBase.Click

            Dim pt As Point = Me.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition)
            If legend1.Bounds.Contains(pt) Then
                legend1.Selected = Not legend1.Selected
                If legend2.Bounds.Contains(pt) Then
                    legend2.Selected = Not legend2.Selected
                End If
            End If
        End Sub 'ChartControl_Click

        ' Get an array of the CurveLengends used in the Chart.
        Public ReadOnly Property
 Legends() As CurveLegend()
                Return New CurveLegend() {legend1,
            End Get
        End Property
        Protected Sub ExposeAccessibilityNotifyClients(ByVal
 accEvent As AccessibleEvents, ByVal childID
 As Integer)
            AccessibilityNotifyClients(accEvent, childID) 
        End Sub

        ' Inner Class ChartControlAccessibleObject represents accessible
        ' associated with the ChartControl.
        ' The ChartControlAccessibleObject is returned in the      
   ' ChartControl.CreateAccessibilityInstance override.
        Public Class ChartControlAccessibleObject
            Inherits Control.ControlAccessibleObject

            Private chartControl As ChartControl
            Public Sub New(ctrl
 As ChartControl)
                chartControl = ctrl
            End Sub 'New
            ' Get the role for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
            Public Overrides ReadOnly
 Property Role() As AccessibleRole
                    Return System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleRole.Chart
                End Get
            End Property
            ' Get the state for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
            Public Overrides ReadOnly
 Property State() As AccessibleStates
                    Return AccessibleStates.ReadOnly
                End Get
            End Property                  
            ' The CurveLegend objects are "child" controls
 in terms of accessibility so 
            ' return the number of ChartLengend objects.           
            Public Overrides Function
 GetChildCount() As Integer
                Return chartControl.Legends.Length
            End Function 
            ' Get the Accessibility object of the child CurveLegend
 idetified by index.
            Public Overrides Function
 GetChild(index As Integer) As
                If index >= 0 And index
 < chartControl.Legends.Length Then
                    Return chartControl.Legends(index).AccessibilityObject
                End If
                Return Nothing
            End Function 
            ' Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
            ' to navigate between sibiling controls. Specifically, this
 function is used in
            ' the CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Navigate function.
            Friend Function NavigateFromChild(child
 As CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject, _
                                            navdir As AccessibleNavigation)
 As AccessibleObject
                Select Case navdir
                    Case AccessibleNavigation.Down, AccessibleNavigation.Next
                            Return GetChild(child.ID + 1)
                    Case AccessibleNavigation.Up, AccessibleNavigation.Previous
                            Return GetChild(child.ID - 1)
                End Select
                Return Nothing
            End Function            

            ' Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
            ' to select a specific CurveLegend control. Specifically,
 this function is used 
            ' in the CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Select
            Friend Sub SelectChild(child As
 CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject, selection As AccessibleSelection)
                Dim childID As Integer
 = child.ID
                ' Determine which selection action should occur, based
 on the
                ' AccessibleSelection value.
                If (selection And AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection)
 <> 0 Then
                    Dim i As Integer
                    For i = 0 To chartControl.Legends.Length
 - 1
                        If i = childID Then
                            chartControl.Legends(i).Selected = True
                            chartControl.Legends(i).Selected = False
                        End If
                    Next i
                    ' AccessibleSelection.AddSelection means that the
 CurveLegend will be selected.
                    If (selection And AccessibleSelection.AddSelection)
 <> 0 Then
                        chartControl.Legends(childID).Selected = True
                    End If

                    ' AccessibleSelection.AddSelection means that the
 CurveLegend will be unselected.                    
                    If (selection And AccessibleSelection.RemoveSelection)
 <> 0 Then
                        chartControl.Legends(childID).Selected = False
                    End If
                End If
            End Sub 'SelectChild
        End Class 'ChartControlAccessibleObject

        ' Inner Class that represents a legend for a curve in the chart.
        Public Class CurveLegend
            Private m_name As String
            Private chart As ChartControl
            Private accObj As CurveLegendAccessibleObject
            Private m_selected As Boolean
 = True
            Private m_location As Point
            Public Sub New(chart
 As ChartControl, name As String)
                Me.chart = chart
                Me.m_name = name
            End Sub 'New

            ' Gets the accessibility object for the curve legend.  
            Public ReadOnly Property
 AccessibilityObject() As AccessibleObject
                    If accObj Is Nothing
                        accObj = New CurveLegendAccessibleObject(Me)
                    End If
                    Return accObj
                End Get
            End Property
            ' Gets the bounds for the curve legend.            
            Public ReadOnly Property
 Bounds() As Rectangle
                    Return New Rectangle(Location,
                End Get
            End Property

            ' Gets or sets the location for the curve legend.      
            Public Property Location() As
                    Return m_location
                End Get
                    m_location = value

                    ' Notifies the chart of the location change. This
 is used for
                    ' the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents.LocationChange
                    ' tells the chart the reason for the notification.
                            CType(AccessibilityObject, CurveLegendAccessibleObject).ID)
                End Set
            End Property
            ' Gets or sets the Name for the curve legend.          
            Public Property Name() As
                    Return m_name
                End Get
                    If m_name <> value Then
                        m_name = value

                        ' Notifies the chart of the name change. This
 is used for
                        ' the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents.NameChange
                        ' tells the chart the reason for the notification.
                                CType(AccessibilityObject, CurveLegendAccessibleObject).ID)
                    End If
                End Set
            End Property
            ' Gets or sets the Selected state for the curve legend.
            Public Property Selected() As
                    Return m_selected
                End Get
                    If m_selected <> value Then
                        m_selected = value

                        ' Notifies the chart of the selection value
 change. This is used for
                        ' the accessibility information. The AccessibleEvents
 value varies
                        ' on whether the selection is true (AccessibleEvents.SelectionAdd)
                        ' false (AccessibleEvents.SelectionRemove).
                        If m_selected Then
                                    CType(AccessibilityObject, CurveLegendAccessibleObject).ID)
                                    CType(AccessibilityObject, CurveLegendAccessibleObject).ID)
                        End If
                    End If
                End Set
            End Property
            ' Gets the Size for the curve legend.            
            Public ReadOnly Property
 Size() As Size
                    Dim legendHeight As Integer
 = chart.Font.Height + 4
                    Dim g As Graphics = chart.CreateGraphics()
                    Dim legendWidth As Integer
 = CInt(g.MeasureString(Name, chart.Font).Width) + 4
                    Return New Size(legendWidth,
                End Get
            End Property
            ' Inner class CurveLegendAccessibleObject represents accessible
            ' associated with the CurveLegend object.
            Public Class CurveLegendAccessibleObject
                Inherits AccessibleObject

                Private curveLegend As CurveLegend
                Public Sub New(curveLegend
 As CurveLegend)
                    Me.curveLegend = curveLegend
                End Sub 'New
                ' Private property that helps get the reference to the
 parent ChartControl.                
                Private ReadOnly Property
 ChartControl() As ChartControlAccessibleObject
                        Return CType(Parent, ChartControlAccessibleObject)
                    End Get
                End Property

                ' Friend helper function that returns the ID for this
                Friend ReadOnly Property
 ID() As Integer
                        Dim i As Integer
                        For i = 0 To (ChartControl.GetChildCount())
 - 1
                            If ChartControl.GetChild(i) Is
 Me Then
                                Return i
                            End If
                        Next i
                        Return - 1
                    End Get
                End Property
                ' Gets the Bounds for the CurveLegend. This is used
 by accessibility programs.
                Public Overrides ReadOnly
 Property Bounds() As Rectangle
                        ' The bounds is in screen coordinates.
                        Dim loc As Point =
                        Return New Rectangle(curveLegend.chart.PointToScreen(loc),
                    End Get
                End Property

                ' Gets or sets the Name for the CurveLegend. This is
 used by accessibility programs.                
                Public Overrides Property
 Name() As String
                        Return curveLegend.Name
                    End Get
                        curveLegend.Name = value
                    End Set
                End Property
                ' Gets the Curve Legend Parent's Accessible object.
                ' This is used by accessibility programs.          
                Public Overrides ReadOnly
 Property Parent() As AccessibleObject
                        Return curveLegend.chart.AccessibilityObject
                    End Get
                End Property
                ' Gets the role for the CurveLegend. This is used by
 accessibility programs.                
                Public Overrides ReadOnly
 Property Role() As AccessibleRole
                        Return System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleRole.StaticText
                    End Get
                End Property

                ' Gets the state based on the selection for the CurveLegend.
                ' This is used by accessibility programs.          
                Public Overrides ReadOnly
 Property State() As AccessibleStates
                        Dim stateTemp As AccessibleStates
 = AccessibleStates.Selectable
                        If curveLegend.Selected Then
                            stateTemp = stateTemp Or AccessibleStates.Selected
                        End If
                        Return stateTemp
                    End Get
                End Property
                ' Navigates through siblings of this CurveLegend. This
 is used by accessibility programs.                
                Public Overrides Function
 Navigate(navdir As AccessibleNavigation) As
                    ' Use the Friend NavigateFromChild helper function
 that exists
                    ' on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
                    Return ChartControl.NavigateFromChild(Me,
                End Function
                ' Selects or unselects this CurveLegend. This is used
 by accessibility programs.
                Public Overrides Sub
 [Select](selection As AccessibleSelection)

                    ' Use the internal SelectChild helper function that
                    ' on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
                    ChartControl.SelectChild(Me, selection)
                End Sub

            End Class 'CurveLegendAccessibleObject

        End Class 'CurveLegend

    End Class 'ChartControl

End Namespace 'ChartControlNameSpace
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ChartControl
    public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        // Test out the Chart Control.
        private ChartControl chart1;

        static void Main() 
            Application.Run(new Form1());

        public Form1() {
            // Create a chart control and add it to the form.
            this.chart1 = new ChartControl();
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(920,

            this.chart1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(47,
            this.chart1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(600,


    // Declare a chart control that demonstrates accessibility in Windows
    public class ChartControl : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
        private CurveLegend legend1;
        private CurveLegend legend2; 

        public ChartControl()
            // The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint override.
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

            this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
            this.Name = "ChartControl";

            this.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ChartControl_Click);
            this.QueryAccessibilityHelp += 
                new System.Windows.Forms.QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler(

            // The CurveLengend is not Control-based, it just
            // represents the parts of the legend.
            legend1 = new CurveLegend(this,
            legend1.Location = new Point(20, 30);
            legend2 = new CurveLegend(this,
            legend2.Location = new Point(20, 50);

        // Overridden to return the custom AccessibleObject 
        // for the entire chart.
        protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance()
            return new ChartControlAccessibleObject(this);

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs
            // The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint override.

            Rectangle bounds = this.ClientRectangle;
            int border = 5;

            // Draws the legends first.
            StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            if (legend1 != null) {
                if (legend1.Selected) {
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Blue),
                } else {
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, legend1.Bounds);

                e.Graphics.DrawString(legend1.Name, this.Font,
 Brushes.Black, legend1.Bounds, format);                
            if (legend2 != null) {
                if (legend2.Selected) {
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Red),
                } else {
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, legend2.Bounds);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(legend2.Name, this.Font,
 Brushes.Black, legend2.Bounds, format);

            // Charts out the actual curves that represent data in the
            bounds.Inflate(-border, -border);
            Point[] curve1 = new Point[] {new
 Point(bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom),
                            new Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width
 / 3, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 5),
                            new Point(bounds.Right - bounds.Width
 / 3, (bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2),
                            new Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top)};

            Point[] curve2 = new Point[] {new
 Point(bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - bounds.Height / 3),
                            new Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width
 / 3, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 5),
                            new Point(bounds.Right - bounds.Width
 / 3, (bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2),
                            new Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top
 + bounds.Height / 2)};

            // Draws the actual curve only if it is selected.
            if (legend1.Selected) e.Graphics.DrawCurve(Pens.Blue,
            if (legend2.Selected) e.Graphics.DrawCurve(Pens.Red,

            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, bounds);            

        // Handles the QueryAccessibilityHelp event.
        private void ChartControl_QueryAccessibilityHelp(object
            e.HelpString = "Displays chart data";

        // Handles the Click event for the chart. 
        // Toggles the selection of whatever legend was clicked on
        private void ChartControl_Click(object
 sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Point pt = this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
            if (legend1.Bounds.Contains(pt)) {
                legend1.Selected = !legend1.Selected;

            } else if (legend2.Bounds.Contains(pt))
                legend2.Selected = !legend2.Selected;

        // Gets an array of CurveLengends used in the Chart.
        public CurveLegend[] Legends
            get {                
                return new CurveLegend[] {
 legend1, legend2 };

        // Inner class ChartControlAccessibleObject represents accessible
 information associated with the ChartControl.
        // The ChartControlAccessibleObject is returned in the ChartControl.CreateAccessibilityInstance
        public class ChartControlAccessibleObject
 : ControlAccessibleObject
            ChartControl chartControl;

            public ChartControlAccessibleObject(ChartControl ctrl)
 : base(ctrl) 
                chartControl = ctrl;

            // Gets the role for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
            public override AccessibleRole Role
                get {
                    return AccessibleRole.Chart;

            // Gets the state for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
            public override AccessibleStates State
                get {                    
                    return AccessibleStates.ReadOnly;

            // The CurveLegend objects are "child" controls
 in terms of accessibility so 
            // return the number of ChartLengend objects.
            public override int GetChildCount()
                return chartControl.Legends.Length;

            // Gets the Accessibility object of the child CurveLegend
 idetified by index.
            public override AccessibleObject GetChild(int
                if (index >= 0 && index < chartControl.Legends.Length)
                    return chartControl.Legends[index].AccessibilityObject;
                return null;

            // Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
            // to navigate between sibiling controls. Specifically,
 this function is used in
            // the CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Navigate
            internal AccessibleObject NavigateFromChild(CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject
                                                        AccessibleNavigation navdir)
                switch(navdir) {
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Down:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Next:
                        return GetChild(child.ID + 1);
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Up:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Previous:
                        return GetChild(child.ID - 1);       
                return null;

            // Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
            // to select a specific CurveLegend control. Specifically,
 this function is used
            // in the CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Select
            internal void SelectChild(CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject
 child, AccessibleSelection selection) 
                int childID = child.ID;

                // Determine which selection action should occur, based
 on the
                // AccessibleSelection value.
                if ((selection & AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection)
 != 0) {
                    for(int i = 0; i < chartControl.Legends.Length;
 i++) {
                        if (i == childID) {
                            chartControl.Legends[i].Selected = true;
                        } else {
                            chartControl.Legends[i].Selected = false;

                    // AccessibleSelection.AddSelection means that the
 CurveLegend will be selected.
                    if ((selection & AccessibleSelection.AddSelection)
 != 0) {
                        chartControl.Legends[childID].Selected = true;

                    // AccessibleSelection.AddSelection means that the
 CurveLegend will be unselected.
                    if ((selection & AccessibleSelection.RemoveSelection)
 != 0) {
                        chartControl.Legends[childID].Selected = false;

        // Inner Class that represents a legend for a curve in the chart.
        public class CurveLegend 
            private string name;
            private ChartControl chart;
            private CurveLegendAccessibleObject accObj;
            private bool selected = true;
            private Point location;

            public CurveLegend(ChartControl chart, string
                this.chart = chart;
       = name;

            // Gets the accessibility object for the curve legend.
            public AccessibleObject AccessibilityObject
                get {
                    if (accObj == null) {
                        accObj = new CurveLegendAccessibleObject(this);
                    return accObj;
            // Gets the bounds for the curve legend.
            public Rectangle Bounds
                get {
                    return new Rectangle(Location,

            // Gets or sets the location for the curve legend.
            public Point Location
                get {
                    return location;
                set {
                    location = value;

                    // Notifies the chart of the location change. This
 is used for
                    // the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents.LocationChange
                    // tells the chart the reason for the notification.

            // Gets or sets the Name for the curve legend.
            public string Name
                get {
                    return name;
                set {
                    if (name != value) 
                        name = value;

                        // Notifies the chart of the name change. This
 is used for
                        // the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents.NameChange
                        // tells the chart the reason for the notification.


            // Gets or sets the Selected state for the curve legend.
            public bool Selected
                get {
                    return selected;
                set {
                    if (selected != value) 
                        selected = value;

                        // Notifies the chart of the selection value
 change. This is used for
                        // the accessibility information. The AccessibleEvents
 value depends upon
                        // if the selection is true (AccessibleEvents.SelectionAdd)
                        // false (AccessibleEvents.SelectionRemove).
                            selected ? AccessibleEvents.SelectionAdd : AccessibleEvents.SelectionRemove,

            // Gets the Size for the curve legend.
            public Size Size
                get {                    
                    int legendHeight = chart.Font.Height + 4;
                    Graphics g = chart.CreateGraphics();
                    int legendWidth = (int)g.MeasureString(Name,
 chart.Font).Width + 4;            

                    return new Size(legendWidth,
            // Inner class CurveLegendAccessibleObject represents accessible
            // associated with the CurveLegend object.
            public class CurveLegendAccessibleObject
 : AccessibleObject
                private CurveLegend curveLegend;

                public CurveLegendAccessibleObject(CurveLegend
 curveLegend) : base() 
                    this.curveLegend = curveLegend;          

                // Private property that helps get the reference to
 the parent ChartControl.
                private ChartControlAccessibleObject ChartControl
                    get {
                        return Parent as ChartControlAccessibleObject;

                // Internal helper function that returns the ID for
 this CurveLegend.
                internal int ID
                    get {
                        for(int i = 0; i <
 ChartControl.GetChildCount(); i++) {
                            if (ChartControl.GetChild(i) == this)
                                return i;
                        return -1;

                // Gets the Bounds for the CurveLegend. This is used
 by accessibility programs.
                public override Rectangle Bounds
                    get {                        
                        // The bounds is in screen coordinates.
                        Point loc = curveLegend.Location;
                        return new Rectangle(curveLegend.chart.PointToScreen(loc)

                // Gets or sets the Name for the CurveLegend. This is
 used by accessibility programs.
                public override string Name
                    get {
                        return curveLegend.Name;
                    set {
                        curveLegend.Name = value;                        

                // Gets the Curve Legend Parent's Accessible object.
                // This is used by accessibility programs.
                public override AccessibleObject Parent
                    get {
                        return curveLegend.chart.AccessibilityObject;

                // Gets the role for the CurveLegend. This is used by
 accessibility programs.
                public override AccessibleRole Role 
                    get {
                        return AccessibleRole.StaticText;

                // Gets the state based on the selection for the CurveLegend.
                // This is used by accessibility programs.
                public override AccessibleStates State 
                    get {
                        AccessibleStates state = AccessibleStates.Selectable;
                        if (curveLegend.Selected) 
                            state |= AccessibleStates.Selected;
                        return state;

                // Navigates through siblings of this CurveLegend. This
 is used by accessibility programs.
                public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation
                    // Uses the internal NavigateFromChild helper function
 that exists
                    // on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
                    return ChartControl.NavigateFromChild(this,

                // Selects or unselects this CurveLegend. This is used
 by accessibility programs.
                public override void Select(AccessibleSelection
                    // Uses the internal SelectChild helper function
 that exists
                    // on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
                    ChartControl.SelectChild(this, selection);
#using <Accessibility.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

// Declare a chart control that demonstrates accessibility in Windows
public ref class ChartControl: public
   ref class ChartControlAccessibleObject;

   // forward declaration
   // Inner Class that represents a legend for a curve in the chart.
   ref class CurveLegend

      // Inner class CurveLegendAccessibleObject represents accessible
      // associated with the CurveLegend object.
      ref class CurveLegendAccessibleObject: public
         CurveLegend^ curveLegend;

         CurveLegendAccessibleObject( CurveLegend^ curveLegend )
            : AccessibleObject()
            this->curveLegend = curveLegend;


         property ChartControlAccessibleObject^ ChartControl 

            // Private property that helps get the reference to the
 parent ChartControl.
            ChartControlAccessibleObject^ get()
               return dynamic_cast<ChartControlAccessibleObject^>(Parent);



         property int ID 

            // Internal helper function that returns the ID for this
            int get()
               for ( int i = 0; i < ChartControl->GetChildCount();
 i++ )
                  if ( ChartControl->GetChild( i ) == this
                     return i;

               return  -1;



         property Rectangle Bounds 

            // Gets the Bounds for the CurveLegend. This is used by
 accessibility programs.
            virtual Rectangle get() override
               // The bounds is in screen coordinates.
               Point loc = curveLegend->Location;
               return Rectangle(curveLegend->chart->PointToScreen(
 loc ),curveLegend->Size);


         property String^ Name 

            // Gets or sets the Name for the CurveLegend. This is used
 by accessibility programs.
            virtual String^ get() override
               return curveLegend->Name;

            virtual void set( String^ value
 ) override
               curveLegend->Name = value;


         property AccessibleObject^ Parent 

            // Gets the Curve Legend Parent's Accessible object.
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            virtual AccessibleObject^ get() override
               return curveLegend->chart->AccessibilityObject;


         property System::Windows::Forms::AccessibleRole Role 

            // Gets the role for the CurveLegend. This is used by accessibility
            virtual System::Windows::Forms::AccessibleRole get()
               return ::AccessibleRole::StaticText;


         property AccessibleStates State 

            // Gets the state based on the selection for the CurveLegend.
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            virtual AccessibleStates get() override
               AccessibleStates state = AccessibleStates::Selectable;
               if ( curveLegend->Selected )
                  state = static_cast<AccessibleStates>(state | AccessibleStates::Selected);

               return state;


         // Navigates through siblings of this CurveLegend. This is
 used by accessibility programs.
         virtual AccessibleObject^ Navigate( AccessibleNavigation navdir ) override
            // Uses the internal NavigateFromChild helper function that
            // on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
            return ChartControl->NavigateFromChild( this,
 navdir );

         // Selects or unselects this CurveLegend. This is used by accessibility
         virtual void Select( AccessibleSelection selection )
            // Uses the internal SelectChild helper function that exists
            // on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
            ChartControl->SelectChild( this, selection );



      // class CurveLgendAccessibleObject
      String^ name;
      ChartControl^ chart;
      CurveLegendAccessibleObject^ accObj;
      bool selected;
      Point location;

      CurveLegend( ChartControl^ chart, String^ name )
         this->chart = chart;
         this->name = name;
         selected = true;

      property AccessibleObject^ AccessibilityObject 

         // Gets the accessibility object for the curve legend.
         AccessibleObject^ get()
            if ( accObj == nullptr )
               accObj = gcnew CurveLegendAccessibleObject( this

            return accObj;


      property Rectangle Bounds 

         // Gets the bounds for the curve legend.
         Rectangle get()
            return Rectangle(Location,Size);


      property Point Location 

         // Gets or sets the location for the curve legend.
         Point get()
            return location;

         void set( Point value )
            location = value;
            // Notifies the chart of the location change. This is used
            // the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents::LocationChange
            // tells the chart the reason for the notification.
            chart->AccessibilityNotifyClients( AccessibleEvents::LocationChange,


      property String^ Name 

         // Gets or sets the Name for the curve legend.
         String^ get()
            return name;

         void set( String^ value )
            if ( name != value )
               name = value;
               // Notifies the chart of the name change. This is used
               // the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents::NameChange
               // tells the chart the reason for the notification.
               chart->AccessibilityNotifyClients( AccessibleEvents::NameChange,


      property bool Selected 

         // Gets or sets the Selected state for the curve legend.
         bool get()
            return selected;

         void set( bool
 value )
            if ( selected != value )
               selected = value;
               // Notifies the chart of the selection value change.
 This is used for
               // the accessibility information. The AccessibleEvents
 value depends upon
               // if the selection is true (AccessibleEvents::SelectionAdd)
               // false (AccessibleEvents::SelectionRemove).
               chart->AccessibilityNotifyClients( selected ? AccessibleEvents::SelectionAdd
 : AccessibleEvents::SelectionRemove, (dynamic_cast<CurveLegendAccessibleObject^>(AccessibilityObject))->ID


      property System::Drawing::Size Size 

         // Gets the Size for the curve legend.
         System::Drawing::Size get()
            int legendHeight = chart->Font->Height + 4;
            Graphics^ g = chart->CreateGraphics();
            int legendWidth = (int)g->MeasureString(
 Name, chart->Font ).Width + 4;
            return System::Drawing::Size( legendWidth, legendHeight




   // class CurveLegend
   CurveLegend^ legend1;
   CurveLegend^ legend2;

      // The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint .
      SetStyle( ControlStyles::ResizeRedraw, true );
      SetStyle( ControlStyles::DoubleBuffer, true );
      SetStyle( ControlStyles::AllPaintingInWmPaint, true );
      this->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::White;
      this->Name = "ChartControl";
      this->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this,
 &ChartControl::ChartControl_Click );
      this->QueryAccessibilityHelp += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler(
 this, &ChartControl::ChartControl_QueryAccessibilityHelp
      // The CurveLengend is not Control-based, it just
      // represents the parts of the legend.
      legend1 = gcnew CurveLegend( this,"A" );
      legend1->Location = Point(20,30);
      legend2 = gcnew CurveLegend( this,"B" );
      legend2->Location = Point(20,50);

   // Overridden to return the custom AccessibleObject
   // for the entire chart.
   virtual AccessibleObject^ CreateAccessibilityInstance() override
      return gcnew ChartControlAccessibleObject( this

   virtual void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs^ e ) override
      // The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint .
      System::Windows::Forms::UserControl::OnPaint( e );
      Rectangle bounds = this->ClientRectangle;
      int border = 5;
      // Draws the legends first.
      StringFormat^ format = gcnew StringFormat;
      format->Alignment = StringAlignment::Center;
      format->LineAlignment = StringAlignment::Center;
      if ( legend1 != nullptr )
         if ( legend1->Selected )
            e->Graphics->FillRectangle( gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Blue ), legend1->Bounds
            e->Graphics->DrawRectangle( Pens::Blue, legend1->Bounds );

         e->Graphics->DrawString( legend1->Name, this->Font,
 Brushes::Black, legend1->Bounds, format );

      if ( legend2 != nullptr )
         if ( legend2->Selected )
            e->Graphics->FillRectangle( gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Red ), legend2->Bounds
            e->Graphics->DrawRectangle( Pens::Red, legend2->Bounds );

         e->Graphics->DrawString( legend2->Name, this->Font,
 Brushes::Black, legend2->Bounds, format );

      // Charts out the actual curves that represent data in the Chart.
      bounds.Inflate(  -border,  -border );
      array<Point>^ temp1 = {Point(bounds.Left,bounds.Bottom),Point(bounds.Left
 + bounds.Width / 3,bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 5),Point(bounds.Right - bounds.Width
 / 3,(bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2),Point(bounds.Right,bounds.Top)};
      array<Point>^curve1 = temp1;
      array<Point>^ temp2 = {Point(bounds.Left,bounds.Bottom - bounds.Height
 / 3),Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 3,bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 5),Point(bounds.Right
 - bounds.Width / 3,(bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2),Point(bounds.Right,bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2)};
      array<Point>^curve2 = temp2;
      // Draws the actual curve only if it is selected.
      if ( legend1->Selected )
            e->Graphics->DrawCurve( Pens::Blue, curve1 );

      if ( legend2->Selected )
            e->Graphics->DrawCurve( Pens::Red, curve2 );

      e->Graphics->DrawRectangle( Pens::Blue, bounds );

   // Handles the QueryAccessibilityHelp event.
   void ChartControl_QueryAccessibilityHelp( Object^ /*sender*/,
 System::Windows::Forms::QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs^ e )
      e->HelpString = "Displays chart data";

   // Handles the Click event for the chart.
   // Toggles the selection of whatever legend was clicked on
   void ChartControl_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^
 /*e*/ )
      Point pt = this->PointToClient( Control::MousePosition
      if ( legend1->Bounds.Contains( pt ) )
         legend1->Selected =  !legend1->Selected;
      if ( legend2->Bounds.Contains( pt ) )
         legend2->Selected =  !legend2->Selected;


   property array<CurveLegend^>^ Legends 

      // Gets an array of CurveLengends used in the Chart.
      array<CurveLegend^>^ get()
         array<CurveLegend^>^temp3 = {legend1,legend2};
         return temp3;


   // Inner class ChartControlAccessibleObject represents accessible
 information associated with the ChartControl.
   // The ChartControlAccessibleObject is returned in the ChartControl::CreateAccessibilityInstance
   ref class ChartControlAccessibleObject: public
      ChartControl^ chartControl;

      ChartControlAccessibleObject( ChartControl^ ctrl )
         : ControlAccessibleObject( ctrl )
         chartControl = ctrl;

      property System::Windows::Forms::AccessibleRole Role 

         // Gets the role for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
         virtual System::Windows::Forms::AccessibleRole get()
            return ::AccessibleRole::Chart;


      property AccessibleStates State 

         // Gets the state for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
         virtual AccessibleStates get() override
            return AccessibleStates::ReadOnly;


      // The CurveLegend objects are "child" controls in terms
 of accessibility so
      // return the number of ChartLengend objects.
      virtual int GetChildCount() override
         return chartControl->Legends->Length;

      // Gets the Accessibility object of the child CurveLegend idetified
 by index.
      virtual AccessibleObject^ GetChild( int index ) override
         if ( index >= 0 && index < chartControl->Legends->Length
            return chartControl->Legends[ index ]->AccessibilityObject;

         return nullptr;


      // Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
      // to navigate between sibiling controls. Specifically, this function
 is used in
      // the CurveLegend::CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Navigate function.
      AccessibleObject^ NavigateFromChild( CurveLegend::CurveLegendAccessibleObject^
 child, AccessibleNavigation navdir )
         switch ( navdir )
            case AccessibleNavigation::Down:
            case AccessibleNavigation::Next:
               return GetChild( child->ID + 1 );

            case AccessibleNavigation::Up:
            case AccessibleNavigation::Previous:
               return GetChild( child->ID - 1 );
         return nullptr;

      // Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
      // to select a specific CurveLegend control. Specifically, this
 function is used
      // in the CurveLegend::CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Select function.
      void SelectChild( CurveLegend::CurveLegendAccessibleObject^
 child, AccessibleSelection selection )
         int childID = child->ID;
         // Determine which selection action should occur, based on
         // AccessibleSelection value.
         if ( (selection & AccessibleSelection::TakeSelection)
 != (AccessibleSelection)0 )
            for ( int i = 0; i < chartControl->Legends->Length;
 i++ )
               if ( i == childID )
                  chartControl->Legends[ i ]->Selected = true;
                  chartControl->Legends[ i ]->Selected = false;

            // AccessibleSelection->AddSelection means that the CurveLegend
 will be selected.
            if ( (selection & AccessibleSelection::AddSelection)
 != (AccessibleSelection)0 )
               chartControl->Legends[ childID ]->Selected = true;
            // AccessibleSelection->AddSelection means that the CurveLegend
 will be unselected.
            if ( (selection & AccessibleSelection::RemoveSelection)
 != (AccessibleSelection)0 )
               chartControl->Legends[ childID ]->Selected = false;


   // class ChartControlAccessibleObject

// class ChartControl
public ref class Form1: public

   // Test out the Chart Control.
   ChartControl^ chart1;

      // Create a chart control and add it to the form.
      this->chart1 = gcnew ChartControl;
      this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 920, 566 );
      this->chart1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 47,
 16 );
      this->chart1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 600, 400
      this->Controls->Add( this->chart1


// class Form1

int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );

package ChartControl;

import System.*;
import System.Drawing.*;
import System.Windows.Forms.*;

public class Form1 extends System.Windows.Forms.Form
    // Test out the Chart Control.
    private ChartControl chart1;

    /** @attribute STAThread()
    public static void main(String[]
        Application.Run(new Form1());
    } //main

    public Form1()
        // Create a chart control and add it to the form.
        this.chart1 = new ChartControl();
        this.set_ClientSize(new System.Drawing.Size(920,

        this.chart1.set_Location(new System.Drawing.Point(47,
        this.chart1.set_Size(new System.Drawing.Size(600,
    } //Form1
} //Form1

// Declare a chart control that demonstrates accessibility in Windows
public class ChartControl extends System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
    private CurveLegend legend1;
    private CurveLegend legend2;

    public ChartControl()
        // The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint override.
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

        this.add_Click(new System.EventHandler(this.ChartControl_Click));

        // The CurveLengend is not Control-based, it just
        // represents the parts of the legend.
        legend1 = new CurveLegend(this, "A");
        legend1.set_Location(new Point(20, 30));
        legend2 = new CurveLegend(this, "B");
        legend2.set_Location(new Point(20, 50));
    } //ChartControl

    // Overridden to return the custom AccessibleObject 
    // for the entire chart.
    protected AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance()
        return new ChartControlAccessibleObject(this);
    } //CreateAccessibilityInstance

    protected void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
        // The ChartControl draws the chart in the OnPaint override.
        Rectangle bounds = this.get_ClientRectangle();
        int border = 5;
        // Draws the legends first.
        StringFormat format = new StringFormat();

        if (legend1 != null) {
            if (legend1.get_Selected()) {
                e.get_Graphics().FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.get_Blue())
            else {
            e.get_Graphics().DrawString(legend1.get_Name(), this.get_Font(),
                RectangleF.op_Implicit(legend1.get_Bounds()), format);
        if (legend2 != null) {
            if (legend2.get_Selected()) {
                e.get_Graphics().FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.get_Red()),
            else {
            e.get_Graphics().DrawString(legend2.get_Name(), this.get_Font()
                RectangleF.op_Implicit(legend2.get_Bounds()), format);

        // Charts out the actual curves that represent data in the Chart.
        bounds.Inflate(-border, -border);
        Point curve1[] = new Point[] { new
            new Point(bounds.get_Left() + bounds.get_Width() /
            bounds.get_Top() + bounds.get_Height() / 5), 
            new Point(bounds.get_Right() - bounds.get_Width()
 / 3, 
            (bounds.get_Top() + bounds.get_Bottom()) / 2), 
            new Point(bounds.get_Right(), bounds.get_Top()) };

        Point curve2[] = new Point[] { new
            bounds.get_Bottom() - bounds.get_Height() / 3), 
            new Point(bounds.get_Left() + bounds.get_Width() /
            bounds.get_Top() + bounds.get_Height() / 5), 
            new Point(bounds.get_Right() - bounds.get_Width()
 / 3, 
            (bounds.get_Top() + bounds.get_Bottom()) / 2), 
            new Point(bounds.get_Right(), 
            bounds.get_Top() + bounds.get_Height() / 2) };

        // Draws the actual curve only if it is selected.
        if (legend1.get_Selected()) {
            e.get_Graphics().DrawCurve(Pens.get_Blue(), curve1);
        if (legend2.get_Selected()) {
            e.get_Graphics().DrawCurve(Pens.get_Red(), curve2);
        e.get_Graphics().DrawRectangle(Pens.get_Blue(), bounds);
    } //OnPaint

    // Handles the QueryAccessibilityHelp event.
    private void ChartControl_QueryAccessibilityHelp(Object
        System.Windows.Forms.QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs e)
        e.set_HelpString("Displays chart data");
    } //ChartControl_QueryAccessibilityHelp

    // Handles the Click event for the chart. 
    // Toggles the selection of whatever legend was clicked on
    private void ChartControl_Click(Object
 sender, System.EventArgs e)
        Point pt = this.PointToClient(Control.get_MousePosition());
        if (legend1.get_Bounds().Contains(pt)) {
        else {
            if (legend2.get_Bounds().Contains(pt)) {
    } //ChartControl_Click

    // Gets an array of CurveLengends used in the Chart.
    /** @property 
    public CurveLegend[] get_Legends()
        return new CurveLegend[] { legend1,
 legend2 };
    } //get_Legends

    // Inner class ChartControlAccessibleObject represents accessible
    // information associated with the ChartControl.
    // The ChartControlAccessibleObject is returned in the 
    // ChartControl.CreateAccessibilityInstance override.
    public static class
        extends ControlAccessibleObject
        private ChartControl chartControl;

        public ChartControlAccessibleObject(ChartControl ctrl)
            chartControl = ctrl;
        } //ChartControlAccessibleObject

        // Gets the role for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
        /** @property 
        public AccessibleRole get_Role()
            return AccessibleRole.Chart;
        } //get_Role

        // Gets the state for the Chart. This is used by accessibility
        /** @property 
        public AccessibleStates get_State()
            return AccessibleStates.ReadOnly;
        } //get_State

        // The CurveLegend objects are "child" controls in
 terms of  
        // accessibility so return the number of ChartLengend objects.
        public int GetChildCount()
            return chartControl.get_Legends().get_Length();
        } //GetChildCount

        // Gets the Accessibility object of the child CurveLegend 
        // idetified by index.
        public AccessibleObject GetChild(int
            if (index >= 0 && index < chartControl.get_Legends().get_Length())
                return chartControl.get_Legends()[index].
            return null;
        } //GetChild

        // Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
        // object to navigate between sibiling controls.  
        // Specifically, this function is used in
        // the CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Navigate function.
        AccessibleObject NavigateFromChild(
            CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject child, 
            AccessibleNavigation navDir)
            if (navDir.Equals(AccessibleNavigation.Down) 
                || navDir.Equals(AccessibleNavigation.Next)) {
                return GetChild(child.get_ID() + 1);
            else {
                if (navDir.Equals(AccessibleNavigation.Up) 
                    || navDir.Equals(AccessibleNavigation.Previous)) {
                    return GetChild(child.get_ID() - 1);
            return null;
        } //NavigateFromChild

        // Helper function that is used by the CurveLegend's accessibility
        // object to select a specific CurveLegend control. 
        // Specifically, this function is used
        // in the CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject.Select function.
        public void SelectChild(CurveLegend.CurveLegendAccessibleObject
            AccessibleSelection selection)
            int childID = child.get_ID();

            // Determine which selection action should occur, based on
            // AccessibleSelection value.
            if (Convert.ToInt32(selection & AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection)
                != 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < chartControl.get_Legends().get_Length();
                    i++) {
                    if (i == childID) {
                    else {

                // AccessibleSelection.AddSelection means that the CurveLegend
                // will be selected.
                if (Convert.ToInt32(selection & AccessibleSelection.AddSelection)
                    != 0) {

                // AccessibleSelection.AddSelection means that the CurveLegend
                // will be unselected.
                if (Convert.ToInt32(selection & 
                    AccessibleSelection.RemoveSelection) != 0) {
        } //SelectChild
    } //ChartControlAccessibleObject

    // Inner Class that represents a legend for a curve in the chart.
    public static class
        private String name;
        private ChartControl chart;
        private CurveLegendAccessibleObject accObj;
        private boolean selected = true;
        private Point location;

        public CurveLegend(ChartControl chart, String name)
            this.chart = chart;
   = name;
        } //CurveLegend

        // Gets the accessibility object for the curve legend.
        /** @property 
        public AccessibleObject get_AccessibilityObject()
            if (accObj == null) {
                accObj = new CurveLegendAccessibleObject(this);
            return accObj;
        } //get_AccessibilityObject

        // Gets the bounds for the curve legend.
        /** @property 
        public Rectangle get_Bounds()
            return new Rectangle(get_Location(),
        } //get_Bounds

        // Gets or sets the location for the curve legend.
        /** @property 
        public Point get_Location()
            return location;
        } //get_Location

        /** @property 
        public void set_Location(Point value)
            location = value;
            // Notifies the chart of the location change. This is used
            // the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents.LocationChange
            // tells the chart the reason for the notification.
        } //set_Location

        // Gets or sets the Name for the curve legend.
        /** @property 
        public String get_Name()
            return name;
        } //get_Name

        /** @property 
        public void set_Name(String value)
            if (!name.Equals(value)) {
                name = value;

                // Notifies the chart of the name change. This is used
                // the accessibility information. AccessibleEvents.NameChange
                // tells the chart the reason for the notification.
        } //set_Name

        // Gets or sets the Selected state for the curve legend.
        /** @property 
        public boolean get_Selected()
            return selected;
        } //get_Selected

        /** @property 
        public void set_Selected(boolean value)
            if (selected != value) {
                selected = value;

                // Notifies the chart of the selection value change.
                // This is used for the accessibility information. 
                // The AccessibleEvents value depends upon
                // if the selection is true (AccessibleEvents.SelectionAdd)
                // false (AccessibleEvents.SelectionRemove).
                chart.AccessibilityNotifyClients(selected ? 
                    AccessibleEvents.SelectionAdd : 
        } //set_Selected

        // Gets the Size for the curve legend.
        /** @property 
        public Size get_Size()
            int legendHeight = chart.get_Font().get_Height() +
            Graphics g = chart.CreateGraphics();
            int legendWidth = (int)(g.MeasureString(get_Name(),
                chart.get_Font()).get_Width()) + 4;

            return new Size(legendWidth, legendHeight);
        } //get_Size

        // Inner class CurveLegendAccessibleObject represents accessible
        // information associated with the CurveLegend object.
        public static class
 CurveLegendAccessibleObject extends AccessibleObject
            private CurveLegend curveLegend;

            public CurveLegendAccessibleObject(CurveLegend curveLegend)
                this.curveLegend = curveLegend;
            } //CurveLegendAccessibleObject

            // Private property that helps get the reference to the
            // ChartControl.
            /** @property 
            private ChartControlAccessibleObject get_ChartControl()
                return (ChartControlAccessibleObject)get_Parent();
            } //get_ChartControl

            // Internal helper function that returns the ID for this
            /** @property 
            int get_ID()
                for (int i = 0; i < get_ChartControl().GetChildCount();
 i++) {
                    if (get_ChartControl().GetChild(i).Equals(this))
                        return i;
                return -1;
            } //get_ID

            // Gets the Bounds for the CurveLegend. 
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            /** @property 
            public Rectangle get_Bounds()
                // The bounds is in screen coordinates.
                Point loc = curveLegend.get_Location();
                return new Rectangle(curveLegend.chart.PointToScreen(loc)
            } //get_Bounds

            // Gets or sets the Name for the CurveLegend. 
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            /** @property 
            public String get_Name()
                return curveLegend.get_Name();
            } //get_Name

            /** @property 
            public void set_Name(String value)
            } //set_Name

            // Gets the Curve Legend Parent's Accessible object.
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            /** @property 
            public AccessibleObject get_Parent()
                return curveLegend.chart.get_AccessibilityObject();
            } //get_Parent

            // Gets the role for the CurveLegend. 
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            /** @property 
            public AccessibleRole get_Role()
                return AccessibleRole.StaticText;
            } //get_Role

            // Gets the state based on the selection for the CurveLegend.
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            /** @property 
            public AccessibleStates get_State()
                AccessibleStates state = AccessibleStates.Selectable;
                if (curveLegend.get_Selected()) {
                    state = state | AccessibleStates.Selected;
                return state;
            } //get_State

            // Navigates through siblings of this CurveLegend. 
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            public AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation
                // Uses the internal NavigateFromChild helper function
                // that exists on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
                return get_ChartControl().NavigateFromChild(this,
            } //Navigate

            // Selects or unselects this CurveLegend. 
            // This is used by accessibility programs.
            public void Select(AccessibleSelection
                // Uses the internal SelectChild helper function that
                // on ChartControlAccessibleObject.
                get_ChartControl().SelectChild(this, selection);
            } //Select
        } //CurveLegendAccessibleObject
    } //CurveLegend 
} //ChartControl
スレッド セーフスレッド セーフ
この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバ場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。

英和和英テキスト翻訳>> Weblio翻訳



「AccessibleObject クラス」の関連用語

AccessibleObject クラスのお隣キーワード



AccessibleObject クラスのページの著作権
Weblio 辞書 情報提供元は 参加元一覧 にて確認できます。

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