SS 433とは? わかりやすく解説

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SS 433

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2017/08/10 07:54 UTC 版)

SS 433は、わし座の方角、地球からおよそ1万8,000光年離れた場所にある、非常に奇妙な連星で、これまで観測された中で最も興味深い天体の一つである。

  1. ^ a b c Alfonso-Garzón, J.; et al. (2012-12), “The first INTEGRAL-OMC catalogue of optically variable sources”, Astronomy and Astrophysics 548: A79, Bibcode 2012A&A...548A..79A, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201220095 
  2. ^ VSX: Detail for V1343 Aql”. 2017年3月17日閲覧。
  3. ^ a b c SS 433 -- High Mass X-ray Binary”. SIMBAD. 2017年3月9日閲覧。
  4. ^ a b c Blundell, Katherine M.; Bowler, Michael G. (2004-12), “Symmetry in the Changing Jets of SS 433 and Its True Distance from Us”, Astrophysical Journal 616 (2): L159-L162, Bibcode 2004ApJ...616L.159B 
  5. ^ a b c d Kubota, K.; et al. (2010-02), “Subaru And Gemini Observations Of SS 433: New Constraint On The Mass Of The Compact Object”, Astrophysical Journal 709 (2): 1374-1386, Bibcode 2010ApJ...709.1374K, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/709/2/1374 
  6. ^ a b Goranskij, V. P. (2011-10), “Photometric Mass Estimate for the Compact Component of SS 433: And Yet It Is a Neutron Star”, Peremennye Zvezdy 31: 5, Bibcode 2011PZ.....31....5G 
  7. ^ a b c Cherepashchuk, Anatol (2002), “Observational Manifestations of Precession of Accretion Disk in the SS 433 Binary System”, Space Science Reviews 102 (1): 23-35, Bibcode 2002SSRv..102...23C 
  8. ^ Mirabel, I. F.; Rodríguez, L. F. (1999-09), “Sources of Relativistic Jets in the Galaxy”, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 37: 409-443, Bibcode 1999ARA&A..37..409M, doi:10.1146/annurev.astro.37.1.409 
  9. ^ Stephenson, C. B.; Sanduleak, N. (1977-04), “New H-alpha emission stars in the Milky Way”, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 33: 459-469, Bibcode 1977ApJS...33..459S, doi:10.1086/190437 
  10. ^ Margon, B.; et al. (1981-08), “V1343 Aquilae = SS 433”, IAU Circular 3626: 2, Bibcode 1981IAUC.3626....2M 
  11. ^ 岡崎 1994, p. 188.
  12. ^ Goodall, Paul T.; Alouani-Bibi, Fathallah; Blundell, Katherine M. (2011-07), “When microquasar jets and supernova collide: hydrodynamically simulating the SS 433-W 50 interaction”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 414 (4): 2838-2859, Bibcode 2011MNRAS.414.2838G, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18388.x 
  13. ^ 岡崎 1994, pp. 185-189.
  14. ^ a b c d Margon, Bruce (1984), “Observations of SS 433”, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews, Inc.) 22: 507-536, Bibcode 1984ARA&A..22..507M, doi:10.1146/annurev.aa.22.090184.002451 
  15. ^ Brinkmann, W.; Kawai, N.; Matsuoka, M. (1989-07), SS433 - The puzzle continues, 218, pp. L13-L16, Bibcode 1989A&A...218L..13B 
  16. ^ Davydov, V. V.; Esipov, V. F.; Cherepashchuk, A. M. (2008-06), “Spectroscopic monitoring of SS 433: A search for long-term variations of kinematic model parameters”, Astronomy Reports 52 (6): 487-506, Bibcode 2008ARep...52..487D, doi:10.1134/S1063772908060061 
  17. ^ Murata, Kenji; Shibazaki, Noriaki (1996), “Interaction of Jets with a Supernova Remnant in the SS 433/W50 System”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 48, Bibcode 1996PASJ...48..819M 
  18. ^ VLBA "Movie" Gives Scientists New Insights On Workings of Mysterious Microquasars”. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (2004年1月5日). 2007年9月14日閲覧。
  19. ^ Schillemat, K.; et al. (2004), “Exploring the Jet Proper Motions of SS433”, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 36: 1515, Bibcode 2004AAS...20510401S 
  20. ^ Blundell, Katherine M.; Hirst, Paul (2011-07), “Jet Propulsion of Wind Ejecta from a Major Flare in the Black Hole Microquasar SS433”, Astrophysical Journal Letters 735 (1): L7, Bibcode 2011ApJ...735L...7B, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/735/1/L7 

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