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  1. ^ a b c d Ekelund, Hébert & Tollison 2006, p. 313
  2. ^ Vatican City”. Whc.unesco.org. 2011年8月9日閲覧。
  3. ^ Monfasani, John (1983), “A Description of the Sistine Chapel under Pope Sixtus IV”, Artibus et Historiae (IRSA s.c.) 4 (7): 9–18, doi:10.2307/1483178, ISSN 0391-9064, JSTOR 1483178, http://www.artibusethistoriae.org/?menu=art&gdzie=artibusChapterResult&id=68. 
  4. ^ a b Pietrangeli 1986, p. 28
  5. ^ Pietrangeli 1986, p. 24
  6. ^ a b c d John Shearman, "The Chapel of Sixtus IV". In Pietrangeli 1986
  7. ^ Stevens, Abel & Floy, James. "Allegri's Miserere". The National Magazine, Carlton & Phillip, 1854. 531.
  8. ^ Saunders, Fr. William P. "The Path to the Papacy". Arlington Catholic Herald, 17 March 2005. Retrieved on 2 June 2008.
  9. ^ Chambers, D. S. (1978), “Papal Conclaves and Prophetic Mystery in the Sistine Chapel”, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (The Warburg Institute) 41: 322–326, doi:10.2307/750878, JSTOR 750878, https://jstor.org/stable/750878. 
  10. ^ Domus Sanctae Marthae & The New Urns Used in the Election of the Pope from EWTN
  11. ^ Campbell, Ian (1981), “The New St Peter's: Basilica or Temple?”, Oxford Art Journal 4 (1): 3–8, doi:10.1093/oxartj/4.1.3, ISSN 0142-6540, http://seura.com/ab115361.pdf  検索された 2014-06-06
  12. ^ Hersey 1993, p. 180
  13. ^ Cheney, Iris. Review of "Raphael's Cartoons in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen and the Tapestries for the Sistine Chapel" by John Shearman". The Art Bulletin, Volume 56, No. 4, December 1974. 607–609.
  14. ^ Talvacchia 2007, p. 150
  15. ^ Talvacchia 2007, p. 80
  16. ^ Hall, Marcia B. Rome: Artistic Centers of the Italian Renaissance. London: Cambridge University Press 18 April 2005. 138.
  17. ^ Talvacchia 2007, p. 152
  18. ^ Michelangelo – The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, "Seven Common Questions About the Frescoes", http://arthistory.about.com/od/famous_paintings/a/sischap_ceiling.htm 
  19. ^ Graham-Dixon 2008, p. 2
  20. ^ Graham-Dixon 2008, p. 1
  21. ^ Giacometti, Massimo (1986). The Sistine Chapel.
  22. ^ Graham-Dixon 2008, p. xii
  23. ^ 池上英洋 (2013年7月30日). 神のごときミケランジェロ. 新潮社 
  24. ^ Paoletti and Radke pp. 402 - 403
  25. ^ See en:Poor Man's Bible
  26. ^ 池上英洋『神のごときミケランジェロ』新潮社、2013年、69頁。ISBN 978-4-10-602247-0 
  27. ^ Stollhans, Cynthia (1988), “Michelangelo's Nude Saint Catherine of Alexandria”, Woman's Art Journal (Woman's Art, Inc.) 19 (1): 26–30, doi:10.2307/1358651, ISSN 02707993, JSTOR 1358651, https://jstor.org/stable/1358651. 
  28. ^ Vasari 1987, p. 379
  29. ^ Reported by Lodovico Domenichi in Historia di detti et fatti notabili di diversi Principi & huommi privati moderni (1556), p. 668
  30. ^ Simons, Marlise (19 June 1991), “Vatican Restorers Are Ready for 'Last Judgment”, New York Times, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE0D61E3EF93AA25755C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all 2009年3月7日閲覧。 
  31. ^ a b Carlo Pietrangeli, Foreword to The Sistine Chapel, ed. Massimo Giacometti. (1986) Harmony Books, ISBN 0-517-56274-X
  32. ^ Homily preached by the Holy Father John Paul II at the mass of to celebrate the unveiling of the restorations of Michelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine Chapel”. Vatican Publishing House (1994年4月8日). 2007年9月28日閲覧。
  33. ^ a b Pietrangeli 1994
  34. ^ Beck (1995)
  35. ^ バチカン、システィーナ礼拝堂の入場制限を検討

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