20世紀の哲学とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/14 08:02 UTC 版)

20世紀の哲学(20th-century philosophy)は、一般的には現代哲学の時代に区分される。デカルトの時代から19世紀末、20世紀初頭までの近代哲学を継承、発展する形で、論理実証主義分析哲学現象学実存主義ポスト構造主義など、多くの新たな学派が発生した。

  1. ^ 貫成人『図説・標準 哲学史』新書館 pp.146
  2. ^ "Without exception, the best philosophy departments in the United States are dominated by analytic philosophy, and among the leading philosophers in the United States, all but a tiny handful would be classified as analytic philosophers. Practitioners of types of philosophizing that are not in the analytic tradition—such as phenomenology, classical pragmatism, existentialism, or Marxism—feel it necessary to define their position in relation to analytic philosophy." John Searle (2003) Contemporary Philosophy in the United States in N. Bunnin and E. P. Tsui-James (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy, 2nd ed., (Blackwell, 2003), p. 1.
  3. ^ Uebel, Thomas (17 February 2016) [First published 28 June 2006]. "Vienna Circle". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2016 ed.). Stanford University: The Metaphysics Research Lab. Introduction. ISSN 1095-5054. Retrieved 31 May 2018. While the Vienna Circle's early form of logical empiricism (or logical positivism or neopositivism: these labels will be used interchangeably here) no longer represents an active research program, recent history of philosophy of science has unearthed much previously neglected variety and depth in the doctrines of the Circle's protagonists, some of whose positions retain relevance for contemporary analytical philosophy.
  4. ^ フランソワ・シャトレ『二十世紀の哲学』中村雄二郎ほか訳、1975年、白水社、pp92。
  5. ^ シャトレ、pp102。
  6. ^ 貫、pp.169
  7. ^ シャトレ、pp249
  8. ^ 中山元『フーコー入門』1996年、ちくま新書。pp.226-229
  9. ^ Blackburn, Simon (2008). Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, second edition revised. Oxford: Oxford University Pressより、Structuralism is "the belief that phenomena of human life are not intelligible except through their interrelations. These relations constitute a structure, and behind local variations in the surface phenomena there are constant laws of abstract culture".




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