異邦人_(ユダヤ教)とは? わかりやすく解説

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異教徒(いきょうと、古代ギリシア語: ἔθνοςラテン語: paganus英語: pagan)とは、自己の奉ずる宗教とは異なる宗教を信じる人。ユダヤ教原始キリスト教の書物(それぞれユダヤ教聖書旧約聖書新約聖書)の日本語訳では「異邦人」(ヘブライ語ゴイギリシャ語エトネーラテン語: gentilis英語: Gentile = ジェンタイル、中国語: 外邦人)としている。 [1] [2] キリスト教が広まるにつれてキリスト教以外の宗教を信じる人となり、しばしば無神論者を指すこともある。日本では仏教または神道以外の宗教を信じる人を外道邪教邪宗門としていたことがある。


  1. ^ 増上寺寛永寺を徳川宗家の菩提寺と定めた。


  1. ^ 異邦人(いほうじん) (キリスト教用語辞典)
  2. ^ 異邦人 ユダヤ人の悲劇 (西洋の故事名言ものしり辞典)
  3. ^ 黒川知文『ユダヤ人迫害史』教文館
  4. ^ Bromiley, Geoffrey W. (1986). The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. 3 (Fully Revised ed.). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans. p. 1010. ISBN 0-8028-3783-2. "In rabbinic literature the ger toshab was a Gentile who observed the Noachian commandments but was not considered a convert to Judaism because he did not agree to circumcision. [...] some scholars have made the mistake of calling the ger toshab a "proselyte" or "semiproselyte." But the ger toshab was really a resident alien in Israel. Some scholars have claimed that the term "those who fear God" (yir᾿ei Elohim/Shamayim) was used in rabbinic literature to denote Gentiles who were on the fringe of the synagogue. They were not converts to Judaism, although they were attracted to the Jewish religion and observed part of the law." 
  5. ^ Bleich, J. David (1995). Contemporary Halakhic Problems. 4. New York: KTAV Publishing House (Yeshiva University Press). p. 161. ISBN 0-88125-474-6. https://books.google.com/books?id=IOqQrPlc9ggC&pg=PA161. "Rashi, Yevamot 48b, maintains that a resident alien (ger toshav) is obliged to observe Shabbat. The ger toshav, in accepting the Seven Commandments of the Sons of Noah, has renounced idolatry and [...] thereby acquires a status similar to that of Abraham. [...] Indeed, Rabbenu Nissim, Avodah Zarah 67b, declares that the status on an unimmersed convert is inferior to that of a ger toshav because the former's acceptance of the "yoke of the commandments" is intended to be binding only upon subsequent immersion. Moreover, the institution of ger toshav as a formal halakhic construct has lapsed with the destruction of the Temple." 
  6. ^ a b Jacobs, Joseph; Hirsch, Emil G. (1906). "Proselyte: Semi-Converts". Jewish Encyclopedia. Kopelman Foundation. 2012年5月31日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2020年11月9日閲覧In order to find a precedent the rabbis went so far as to assume that proselytes of this order were recognized in Biblical law, applying to them the term "toshab" ("sojourner," "aborigine," referring to the Canaanites; see Maimonides' explanation in "Yad," Issure Biah, xiv. 7; see Grätz, l.c. p. 15), in connection with "ger" (see Ex. xxv. 47, where the better reading would be "we-toshab"). Another name for one of this class was "proselyte of the gate" ("ger ha-sha'ar," that is, one under Jewish civil jurisdiction; comp. Deut. v. 14, xiv. 21, referring to the stranger who had legal claims upon the generosity and protection of his Jewish neighbors). In order to be recognized as one of these the neophyte had publicly to assume, before three "ḥaberim," or men of authority, the solemn obligation not to worship idols, an obligation which involved the recognition of the seven Noachian injunctions as binding ('Ab. Zarah 64b; "Yad," Issure Biah, xiv. 7). [...] The more rigorous seem to have been inclined to insist upon such converts observing the entire Law, with the exception of the reservations and modifications explicitly made in their behalf. The more lenient were ready to accord them full equality with Jews as soon as they had solemnly forsworn idolatry. The "via media" was taken by those that regarded public adherence to the seven Noachian precepts as the indispensable prerequisite (Gerim iii.; 'Ab. Zarah 64b; Yer. Yeb. 8d; Grätz, l.c. pp. 19–20). The outward sign of this adherence to Judaism was the observance of the Sabbath (Grätz, l.c. pp. 20 et seq.; but comp. Ker. 8b).
  7. ^ Laursen, John Christian; Nederman, Cary J., eds (2011). “Ha-Me'iri's Theory of Religious Toleration”. Beyond the Persecuting Society: Religious Toleration Before the Enlightenment. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 86–87. doi:10.9783/9780812205862.71. ISBN 978-0-8122-0586-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=AnYSxFMq48gC&pg=PA86 
  8. ^ Hayes, Christine, ed (2017). “Approaches to Foreign Law in Biblical Israel and Classical Judaism through the Medieval Period”. The Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 147–149. ISBN 978-1-107-03615-4. LCCN 2016-28972. https://books.google.com/books?id=RdccDgAAQBAJ&pg=PA147 
  9. ^ a b c Zevin, Shlomo Yosef, ed. (1979). ""Ger Toshav", Section 1". Encyclopedia Talmudit (ヘブライ語) (4th ed.). Jerusalem: Yad Harav Herzog (Emet).
  10. ^ a b c Feldman, Rachel Z. (2017年10月8日). “The Bnei Noah (Children of Noah)”. World Religions and Spirituality Project. 2020年1月21日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2020年11月10日閲覧。
  11. ^ a b c Moses Maimonides (2012). “Hilkhot M'lakhim (Laws of Kings and Wars)”. Mishneh Torah. Sefaria. p. 8:14. https://www.sefaria.org/Mishneh_Torah%2C_Kings_and_Wars.8?lang=bi 2021年7月13日閲覧。 
  12. ^ a b Singer, Isidore; Greenstone, Julius H. (1906). "Noachian Laws". Jewish Encyclopedia. Kopelman Foundation. 2012年2月5日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2020年11月10日閲覧 "The Seven Laws. Laws which were supposed by the Rabbis to have been binding upon mankind at large even before the revelation at Sinai, and which are still binding upon non-Jews. The term Noachian indicates the universality of these ordinances, since the whole human race was supposed to be descended from the three sons of Noah, who alone survived the Flood. [...] Basing their views on the passage in Genesis 2:16, they declared that the following six commandments were enjoined upon Adam: (1) not to worship idols; (2) not to blaspheme the name of God; (3) to establish courts of justice; (4) not to kill; (5) not to commit adultery; and (6) not to rob (Gen. R. xvi. 9, xxiv. 5; Cant. R. i. 16; comp. Seder 'Olam Rabbah, ed. Ratner, ch. v. and notes, Wilna, 1897; Maimonides, "Yad," Melakim, ix. 1). A seventh commandment was added after the Flood—not to eat flesh that had been cut from a living animal (Genesis 9:4). [...] Thus, the Talmud frequently speaks of "the seven laws of the sons of Noah," which were regarded as obligatory upon all mankind, in contradistinction to those that were binding upon Israelites only (Tosef., 'Ab. Zarah, ix. 4; Sanh. 56a et seq.). [...] He who observed the seven Noachian laws was regarded as a domiciled alien, as one of the pious of the Gentiles, and was assured of a portion in the world to come (Tosef., Sanh. xiii. 1; Sanh. 105a; comp. ib. 91b; "Yad," l.c. viii. 11)."
  13. ^ Berlin, Meyer; Zevin, Shlomo Yosef, eds. (1992) [1969]. "BEN NOAH". Encyclopedia Talmudica: A Digest of Halachic Literature and Jewish Law from the Tannaitic Period to the Present Time, Alphabetically Arranged. Vol. IV. Jerusalem: Yad Harav Herzog (Emet). pp. 360–380. ISBN 0873067142
  14. ^ a b Spitzer, Jeffrey (2018年). “The Noahide Laws”. My Jewish Learning. 2020年11月10日閲覧。
  15. ^ a b Kellner, Menachem (1991). Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish people. SUNY Series in Jewish Philosophy. Albany, New York: SUNY Press. p. 44. ISBN 0-7914-0691-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=HBWiRKhun4oC&pg=PA44. "against my reading of Maimonides is strengthened by the fact that Maimonides himself says that the ger toshav is accepted only during the time that the Jubilee is practiced. The Jubilee year is no longer practiced in this dispensation [...]. Second, it is entirely reasonable to assume that Maimonides thought that the messianic conversion of the Gentiles would be a process that occurred in stages and that some or all Gentiles would go through the status of ger toshav on their way to the status of full convert, ger tzedek. But this question aside, there are substantial reasons why it is very unlikely that Maimonides foresaw a messianic era in which the Gentiles would become only semi-converts (ger toshav) and not full converts (ger tzedek). Put simply, semi-converts are not separate from the Jews but equal to them; their status is in every way inferior and subordinate to that of the Jews. They are separate and unequal." 
  16. ^ Darlington, Stephen (31 December 2018) (English). Pearson Edexcel Religious Studies A level/AS Student Guide: Christianity. Hodder Education. ISBN 978-1-5104-3258-1 
  17. ^ 中山昌樹『聖アウグスティヌス伝及神の国』新生堂
  18. ^ 岩下壮一『アウグスチヌス-神の国』大思想文庫
  19. ^ Canaris, Michael M.. Francis A. Sullivan, S.J. and Ecclesiological Hermeneutics. pp. 118–119. ISBN 978-90-04-32684-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=b35yDQAAQBAJ 
  20. ^ Martyr, Justin (1997). Barnard, Leslie William. ed. The First and Second Apologies. New York: Paulist Press. ISBN 978-0-8091-0472-7. https://archive.org/details/firstsecondapolo00just_0 , p. 55.
  21. ^ ジャン・カルヴァンキリスト教綱要改革派教会,渡辺信夫
  22. ^ ケリー博士の宣教師の教訓ロバート・ハイマース
  24. ^ the gospel divides people into two groups,
  25. ^ マーティン・ロイドジョンズ『山上の説教』下巻 p.194 1972年 Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Martyn Lloyd-Jones p.396 1984年 ISBN 080280036X
  26. ^ 尾山令仁『ローマ教会への手紙』「二種類の人間」(ローマ6:23)
  27. ^ マーティン・ロイドジョンズ『キリスト者の戦い』いのちのことば社
  28. ^ ヘンリー・シーセン『組織神学』聖書図書刊行会
  29. ^ ウィリアム・ヘンドリクセン『死後と終末』つのぶえ社
  30. ^ ローレン・ベットナー『不死』新教出版社
  31. ^ キリスト教と天皇(制)』マルコーシュ・パブリケーション
  32. ^ 『日本宣教と天皇制』いのちのことば社
  33. ^ 『キリスト新聞で読む戦後キリスト教史』
  34. ^ 現在では著名な政治家は居ないが、過去には大井憲太郎昇曙夢などの政治家もしくは政治運動に関わった者がおり、個人としての政治活動までは正教会でも禁じていない。
  35. ^ 信仰生活日本正教会公式サイト)
  36. ^ 教会なんでも質問箱(名古屋ハリストス正教会)
  37. ^ 「我國家之王天下者 恆以天地社稷百八十神 春夏秋冬 祭拜為事 方今改拜蕃神 恐致國神之怒」日本書紀、仏教公伝
  38. ^ ブリタニカ・ジャパン 2021b, p. 「蘇我稲目」.
  39. ^ 松村 2017b, p. 八紘一宇.
  40. ^ a b Sun 2008, p. 115.
  41. ^ 平凡社 2021c, p. 「外道」.
  42. ^ 小学館 2021a, p. 「外道」.
  43. ^ 小学館 2021b, p. 「外道」.
  44. ^ 寛永十六年(1639)刊『吉利支丹御退治物語』/朝倉治彦・柏川修一編『仮名草子集成』第 25 巻、東京堂出版、1999
  45. ^ 「第17章 法然の邪義、選択集を示す」 - 『世界広布の翼を広げて 教学研鑽のために 「立正安国論」』(聖教新聞社 ISBN 978-4-412-01619-4) P90
  46. ^ DeVotta 2007, pp. 7–8.
  47. ^ Deegalle 2006, p. 153.
  48. ^ Chapter XXV THE VICTORY OF DUTTHAGAMANI”. lakdiva.org. 2016年2月20日閲覧。 “`From this deed arises no hindrance in thy way to heaven. Only one and a half human beings have been slain here by thee, O lord of men. The one had come unto the (three) refuges, the other had taken on himself the five precepts Unbelievers and men of evil life were the rest, not more to be esteemed than beasts. But as for thee, thou wilt bring glory to the doctrine of the Buddha in manifold ways; therefore cast away care from thy heart, O ruler of men!”
  49. ^ Grant, Patrick (2009-01-05). Buddhism and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka. SUNY Press. pp. 48–51. ISBN 9780791493670. https://books.google.com/books?id=9XYNBQzYoYkC. ""The campaign against Elara is described at some length in the Mahavamsa, and it is clear that Dutthagamini does not move against Elara because the Tamil king was unjust, cruel, or tyrannical. The Mahavamsa points out that Elara was a good ruler, and, when he is killed, Dutthagamini has him cremated honorably, and erects a monument in his memory. In constructing the "Dutthagamini epic" as he does, Mahanama wants to make clear that the heroic task in hand is not the defeat of injustice but the restoration of Buddhism. The overthrow of the Tamil king is required first and foremost because Sri Lanka cannot be united unless the monarch is Buddhist. [...] The main point is the honor Dutthagamini brings "to the doctrine of the Buddha," and this greater good justifies the violence required to bring it about. [...] Mahanama's [author of the Mahavamsa] lesson for monarchs remains consistent: be as strong as you need to be to maintain the Buddhist state; be supportive of the Sangha and willing to defeat the enemy by force."" 
  50. ^ Bartholomeusz 2005, p. 50.
  51. ^ DeVotta 2007, p. 8.
  52. ^ Anagarika 1965, p. 482.
  53. ^ Guruge 1965:482
  54. ^ Buddhist Society (London, England)The Middle way, 1943, Volumes 45–47, p. 18.
  55. ^ a b 小学館 2021e, p. 「三武一宗の法難」.
  56. ^ 小学館 2021f, p. 「会昌の廃仏」.
  57. ^ 平凡社 2021e, p. 「排仏論」.
  58. ^ 平凡社 2021d, p. 「廃仏論」.


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