SIGSALYとは? わかりやすく解説

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  1. ^ A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.296.
  2. ^ a b c Military Communications: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century, pp409-410.
  3. ^ a b A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.298.
  4. ^ A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.297.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l J. V. Boone and R. R. Peterson (2000年). “The Start of the Digital Revolution: SIGSALY - Secure Digital Voice Communications in WWII”. National Security Agency Central Security Service. 2011年2月14日閲覧。
  6. ^ a b William R. Bennett. Secret Telephony as a Historical Example of Spread-Spectrum Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.31(1), pp.98-104, 1983.
  7. ^ a b SIGSALYでは値の表現に二進コードではなく6段階の多値が使われ、現在一般的なPCMとは異なる。
  8. ^ a b c d e f A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.302.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook, p.52.
  10. ^ C. E. Shannon. Analogue of the Vernam system for continuous time series, Bell Laboratories Memorandum, May 10, 1943.
  11. ^ a b c d e f 杉本 舞 (2006年3月20日). “C.E.シャノンの暗号理論”. 京都大学文学部 科学哲学科学史研究室. 2011年2月14日閲覧。
  12. ^ a b c d e R. Price. A Conversation with Claude Shannon: One Man's Approach to Problem Solving. IEEE Communications, Vol.22(5), pp.123-126, 1984.
  13. ^ a b c C. E. Shannon. Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems, Bell Systems Technical Journal, Vol.28(4), pp.656-715, 1949.
  14. ^ C. E. Shannon. A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Bell Systems Technical Journal, Vol.27, pp.379-423, pp.623-656, 1948.
  15. ^ C. Teuscher(ed). Alan Turing: life and legacy of a great thinker, Springer-Verlag, pp.441-461, 2004. ISBN 978-3540200208.
  16. ^ a b c F. L. Bauer. Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology Springer-Verlag, p.456, 2007. ISBN 978-3540245025.
  17. ^ a b c A. M. Turing (1944年6月6日). “Speech System Delilah - Report on Progress”. 2011年7月31日閲覧。
  18. ^ Y. Moschovakis, M. Yates. In Memoriam: Robin Oliver Gandy, 1919-1995, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Vol.2, Num.3, pp.367-370, 1996.
  19. ^ a b Wireless Security: Models, Threats, and Solution, p.253.
  20. ^ Wireless Security: Models, Threats, and Solution, p.254.
  21. ^ a b c Ralph L. Miller. “Project X - The Beginning of the Digital Transmission Age (pdf)”. 2011年2月14日閲覧。
  22. ^ A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.316.
  23. ^ a b A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.313.
  24. ^ a b c d Wireless Security: Models, Threats, and Solution, p.260.
  25. ^ a b Wireless Security: Models, Threats, and Solution, pp.257-258.
  26. ^ Homer Dudley. The Vocoder. Bell Laboratories Record, Vol.18, pp.122-126. 1939.
  27. ^ Homer Dudley. Signal Transmission US Patent No.2151019, May 21, 1939. (Filed Oct. 30, 1935)
  28. ^ 板倉 文忠. 音声分析合成の基礎技術とその音声符号化への応用(pdf) フェロー&マスターズ未来技術時限研究専門委員会 第6回研究会資料, 電子情報通信学会, 2006.
  29. ^ 具体的な回路は以下を参照、Ralph L. Miller. Telephone privacy system US Patent No.3976839, Jun 30, 1944. (Filed Aug 24, 1976)
  30. ^ A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.303.
  31. ^ a b c d e f g Wireless Security: Models, Threats, and Solution, pp.258-260.
  32. ^ a b A History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975), p.306.
  33. ^ a b c JOSEPH CAMPBELL, JR., RICHARD DEAN. A History of Secure Voice Coding,(pdf) Digital Signal Processing, July, 1993.

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