ヨウ素131とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/09 08:28 UTC 版)

ヨウ素131: iodine-131, 131

  1. ^ セシウム137セシウム134とともに主要三核種と呼ばれる。これは軽いため飛び散りやすく、また水溶性であるため人体に摂取されやすいためである。(高田純『放射線防護の基礎知識』イーグルパブリシング、2011年、pp.102-103)
  2. ^ The Management of Graves’ Disease in Children, with Special Emphasis on Radioiodine Treatment. Scott A. Rivkees, Charles Sklar and Michael Freemark J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1998 83: 3767-3776, doi: 10.1210/jc.83.11.3767. For full text see: [1]. Quote:

    The increased risk of thyroid cancer after thyroid irradiation in childhood has been recognized for nearly 50 yr (119).

    Thus, a major concern of iodine-131 therapy relates to the risks of thyroid and nonthyroid cancers. Not surprisingly, this issue has been the focus of several long term follow-up studies involving more than 60,000 patients (56, 120–123). Studies of the effects of external radiation, diagnostic iodine- 131 use, and environmental radioiodine and g-ray exposure have also provided important insights regarding the risks of radiation exposure and thyroid carcinomas (26, 28, 124–128). These studies show that the risk of thyroid cancer is increased with exposure to low or moderate levels of external radiation. In contrast, thyroid cancer risks are much lower after high level irradiation that results in thyroid cell death or reduced capacity of cells to divide (128, 129).


    The large scale epidemiological surveys of the CTSG involving 36,050 patients in the United States (56) and the Swedish cohort studies (16, 121, 141) have provided considerable information about the relative cancer risks after iodine-131 therapy. After treatment of Graves’ disease in adults with iodine-131, which exposes the thyroid gland to high levels of radiation, rates of thyroid cancer and thyroid cancer mortality were not increased (56, 121, 141, 160).

    Follow-up data involving children in the CTSG showed that thyroid adenomas developed in 30% of the patients treated in one center with low doses of iodine-131 (50 mCi/g) estimated to result in thyroid exposure of 2500 cGy (56, 88). Yet, in the other centers where children were treated with higher doses of iodine-131 (100–200 mCi/g), the incidence of thyroid neoplasms was not increased (56).

  3. ^ Chattopadhyay, Sankha; Saha Das, Sujata (2010), “Recovery of 131I from alkaline solution of n-irradiated tellurium target using a tiny Dowex-1 column”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68 (10): 1967, doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2010.04.033, PMID 20471848 
  4. ^ I-131 Fact Sheet”. 2010年10月26日閲覧。[リンク切れ] see this page for modern production technique
  5. ^ Nuclear Data for Safeguards, Table C-3, Cumulative Fission Yields”. International Atomic Energy Agency. 2011年3月14日閲覧。 (thermal neutron fission)
  6. ^ Nuclide Safety Data Sheet Iodine-131”. 2013年11月23日閲覧。
  7. ^ Chart of Nuclides”. National Nuclear Data Center. 2011年11月17日閲覧。
  8. ^ Mario Skugor (2006), Thyroid Disorders (A Clevland Clinic Guide), Cleveland Clinic Press, pp. 82, ISBN 9781596240216 
  9. ^ 原子力災害時における甲状腺防護剤としての安定ヨウ素、今堀 彰、日本原子力学会誌、Vol.30 (1988) No.2
  10. ^ http://www.ecolo.org/documents/documents_in_english/Causes.ChernobyJF.doc
  11. ^ Simon, Steven; Bouville, André; Land, Charles (2006), “Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests and Cancer Risks”, American Scientist 94: 48, doi:10.1511/2006.1.48 
  12. ^ Radioactive I-131 from Fallout”. National Cancer Institute. 2007年11月14日閲覧。
  13. ^ Individual Dose and Risk Calculator for Nevada Test Site fallout”. National Cancer Institute (10/01/07). 2007年10月18日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年11月14日閲覧。
  14. ^ I-131 MIBG 製造販売承認申請”. 日本核医学会 (2021年1月28日). 2021年2月22日閲覧。
  15. ^ Medical isotopes the likely cause of radiation in Ottawa waste”. CBCnews (04/02/09). 2013年11月23日閲覧。
  16. ^ Radioiodine Therapy”. AACE (2004年). 2012年7月17日閲覧。
  17. ^ Receiving Radioactive Iodine for Thyroid Cancer”. University of Washington Medical Center. 2013年11月23日閲覧。
  18. ^ Sutton, Jane (2007年1月29日). “Radioactive patients”. reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/health-SP-A/idUSN2633076820070209?pageNumber=2 2009年5月15日閲覧。 
  19. ^ Moser, H.; Rauert, W. (2007). “Isotopic Tracers for Obtaining Hydrologic Parameters”. In Aggarwal, Pradeep K.; Gat, Joel R.; Froehlich, Klaus F.. Isotopes in the water cycle : past, present and future of a developing science. Dordrecht: Springer. p. 11. ISBN 978-1-4020-6671-9. https://books.google.com/books?id=XKk6V_IeJbIC&lpg=PA11&pg=PA11#v=onepage&q&f=false 2012年5月6日閲覧。 
  20. ^ Rao, S. M. (2006). “Radioisotopes of hydrological interest”. Practical isotope hydrology. New Delhi: New India Publishing Agency. pp. 12–13. ISBN 978-81-89422-33-2. https://books.google.com/?id=E7TVDVVji0EC&lpg=PA11&dq=isotope%20hydrology%20iodine&pg=PA11#v=onepage&q&f=false 2012年5月6日閲覧。 
  21. ^ Investigating leaks in Dams & Reservoirs”. IAEA.org. 2012年5月6日閲覧。
  22. ^ Araguás, Luis Araguás; Plata Bedmar, Antonio (2002). “Artificial radioactive tracers”. Detection and prevention of leaks from dams. Taylor & Francis. pp. 179–181. ISBN 978-90-5809-355-4. https://books.google.com/?id=FXB-HMzfBnkC&lpg=PA179&pg=PA179#v=onepage&q&f=false 2012年5月6日閲覧。 
  23. ^ Reis, John C. (1976). “Radioactive materials”. Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering. Gulf Professional Publishers. p. 55. ISBN 978-0-88415-273-6. https://books.google.com/books?id=XAseQ35m2OYC&lpg=PA55&pg=PA54#v=onepage&q&f=false 
  24. ^ McKinley, R. M. (1994). “Radioactive tracer surveys”. Temperature, radioactive tracer, and noise logging for injection well integrity. Washington: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/uic/pdfs/Historical/techguide_uic_temp_tracer__noise_logging_1994.pdf 2012年5月6日閲覧。 
  25. ^ Schlumberger Ltd. “Radioactive-tracer log”. Schlumberger.com. 2012年5月6日閲覧。
  26. ^ US patent 5635712, Scott, George L., "Method for monitoring the hydraulic fracturing of a subterranean formation", published 1997-06-03 
  27. ^ US patent 4415805, Fertl, Walter H., "Method and apparatus for evaluating multiple stage fracturing or earth formations surrounding a borehole", published 1983-11-15 
  28. ^ US patent 5441110, Scott, George L., "System and method for monitoring fracture growth during hydraulic fracture treatment", published 1995-08-15 



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