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名前 Ovidius


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プーブリウス・オウィディウス・ナーソーラテン語: Publius Ovidius Nasoラテン語発音: [ˈpʊː.blɪ.ʊs ɔˈwɪ.dɪ.ʊs ˈnaː.soː][注釈 1]紀元前43年3月20日 - 紀元後17年[1] または18年)は、帝政ローマ時代最初期の詩人の一人[2][3]共和政末期に生まれ、アウグストゥス帝治下で平和を享受し繁栄するローマにて詩作を行った。エレギーア形式で詠まれた『愛の歌英語版』や『恋の技法英語版』などの恋愛詩集や、叙事詩の形式で詠まれた『変身物語』などがよく知られている。『変身物語』は15巻12000行あまりの大作で、韻律としてヘクサメトロスを用い、神話伝説上の数々の変身譚を語る[4]。一般にギリシア・ローマ神話英語版の集大成と受け取られている[4][5]


  1. ^ コグノーメンの「ナーソー」は「鼻の人」を意味する。つまり「大きな鼻」というあだ名であるが、オウィディウスが詩の中で自分自身に言及するときはいつでもこのあだ名を用いた。なぜなら、ラテン名の「オウィディウス」はエレギーア詩形(哀歌二行連句英語版)の韻律にうまく合わないからである。
  2. ^ ローマの歴史上の転換点となった年である。オウィディウスが生まれる前には共和制を終わらせる引き金となった事件、ユリウス・カエサルの暗殺が起こった。共和派との争いに勝利を収めたカエサル支持派のマルクス・アントニウスは、さらにカエサルの大甥オクタウィアヌスに打倒される。オクタウィアヌスこそ後の新しい政治秩序を築き上げたアウグストゥスその人である[8]
  3. ^ tresviri capitales.
  4. ^ アグリッパ・ポストゥムス小ユリアの弟で追放刑に処される前はアウグストゥス帝により養子とされ、後継者候補の一人であった。
  5. ^ Lex de adulteriis coërcendis
  6. ^ 例えばカトゥッルスの第66歌など。
  7. ^ なお、可能性は低いが『祭暦』の後半六巻が存在したとすれば、これも大きな損失となる。
  8. ^ Ovid was "refashioned [...] in its own image, one kind of Augustanism making over another."


  1. ^ Ovid Roman poet Encyclopædia Britannica
  2. ^ a b c 高橋 (2008)『はじめて学ぶラテン文学史』pp.16-18
  3. ^ Fergus Millar, "Ovid and the Domus Augusta: Rome Seen from Tomoi," Journal of Roman Studies 83 (1993), p. 6.
  4. ^ a b 高橋 (2008)『はじめて学ぶラテン文学史』pp.49-56
  5. ^ Mark P. O. Morford, Robert J. Lenardon, Classical Mythology (Oxford University Press US, 1999), p. 25. ISBN 0-19-514338-8 ISBN 978-0-19-514338-6
  6. ^ a b Quint. Inst. 10.1.93
  7. ^ a b 高橋 (1992)「オウィディウス」『ラテン文学を学ぶ人のために』pp.153-169
  8. ^ Met., Ovid, translation to Portuguese by Paulo Farmhouse Alberto, Livros Cotovia, Intro, p.11.
  9. ^ 河底(1999)
  10. ^ Seneca, Cont. 2.2.8 and 9.5.17(大セネカ『論争問題』)
  11. ^ Trist. 4.10
  12. ^ Trist. 1.2.77
  13. ^ Trist. 4.10.33–4
  14. ^ Trist. 2.93ff.; Ex P. 5.23ff.
  15. ^ Fast. 4.383–4
  16. ^ Trist. 4.10.21
  17. ^ Trist. 4.10.57–8
  18. ^ a b 田中 (1989 (1943))『ラテン文學史〔覆刻〕』pp.181-192
  19. ^ Trist. 4.10.41–54
  20. ^ Hornblower, Simon; Spawforth, Antony; Eidinow, Esther (2014). The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. Oxford University Press. p. 562. ISBN 978-0-19-870677-9. https://books.google.com/books?id=AIgdBAAAQBAJ 
  21. ^ Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World s.v. Ovid
  22. ^ The most recent chart that describes the dating of Ovid's works is in Knox. P. "A Poet's Life" in A Companion to Ovid ed. Peter Knox (Oxford, 2009) pp.xvii–xviii
  23. ^ a b Trist. 4.10.53–4
  24. ^ Hornblower, Simon; Antony Spawforth (1996). Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford University Press. p. 1085 
  25. ^ Carlos de Miguel Moura. O mistério do exílio ovidiano. In Portuguese. In: Àgora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 4 (2002), pp. 99–117.
  26. ^ Tristia 1, 7, 14.
  27. ^ a b See Trist. II, 131–132.
  28. ^ Ovid, Tristia 2.207
  29. ^ Ovid, Epistulae ex Ponto 2.9.72
  30. ^ Ovid, Epistulae ex Ponto 3.3.72
  31. ^ Norwood, Frances, "The Riddle of Ovid's Relegatio", Classical Philology (1963) p. 158
  32. ^ フォン・リスト『独逸刑法論各論』吾孫子勝、乾政彦共訳、早稲田大学出版部〈法律叢書〉、1908年、192-196頁https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=ZOxwFCpGmeUC&pg=PA225&lpg=PA225&dq=%E3%83%A6%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E6%B3%95&source=bl&ots=5O2XWrTJZL&sig=gItOAv-xE4vkz0uxCl4pHoML37g&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwid0raIuenPAhXnslQKHWgSDrsQ6AEIXTAO#v=onepage&q&f=false2016年10月21日閲覧 
  33. ^ a b José González Vázquez (trans.), Ov. Tristes e Pónticas (Editorial Gredos, Madrid, 1992), p.10 and Rafael Herrera Montero (trans.), Ov. Tristes; Cartas del Ponto (Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2002).
  34. ^ J. C. Thibault, The Mystery of Ovid's Exile (Berkeley-L. A. 1964), p.20–32.
  35. ^ Thibault (op. cit., p.27–31).
  36. ^ A. W. J. Holleman, "Ovid's exile", Liverpool Classical Monthly 10.3 (1985), p. 48.
    H. Hofmann, "The unreality of Ovid's Tomitan exile once again", Liverpool Classical Monthly 12.2 (1987), p. 23.
  37. ^ A. D. F. Brown, "The unreality of Ovid's Tomitan exile", Liverpool Classical Monthly 10.2 (1985), p. 18–22.
  38. ^ Cf. the summary provided by A. Alvar Ezquerra, Exilio y elegía latina entre la Antigüedad y el Renacimiento (Huelva, 1997), p. 23–24
  39. ^ A. D. F. Brown, "The unreality of Ovid's Tomitan exile", Liverpool Classical Monthly 10.2 (1985), p. 20–21.
  40. ^ Cf. Naturalis Historia, 32.152: "His adiciemus ab Ovidio posita animalia, quae apud neminem alium reperiuntur, sed fortassis in Ponto nascentia, ubi id volumen supremis suis temporibus inchoavit".
  41. ^ Cf. Silvae, 1.2, 254–255: "nec tristis in ipsis Naso Tomis".
  42. ^ Short references in Jerome (Chronicon, 2033, an. Tiberii 4, an. Dom. 17: "Ovidius poeta in exilio diem obiit et iuxta oppidum Tomos sepelitur") and in Epitome de Caesaribus (I, 24: "Nam [Augustus] poetam Ovidium, qui et Naso, pro eo, quod tres libellos amatoriae artis conscripsit, exilio damnavit").
  43. ^ Metamorphoses, in I 64, II 224, V 649, VII 407, VIII 788, XV 285, 359, 460, and others.
  44. ^ J. M. Claassen, "Error and the imperial household: an angry god and the exiled Ovid's fate", Acta classica: proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 30 (1987), p. 31–47.
  45. ^ Although some authors such as Martin (P. M. Martin, "À propos de l'exil d'Ovide... et de la succession d'Auguste", Latomus 45 (1986), p. 609–11.) and Porte (D. Porte, "Un épisode satirique des Fastes et l'exil d'Ovide", Latomus 43 (1984), p. 284–306.) detected in a passage of the Fasti (2.371–80) an Ovidian attitude contrary to the wishes of Augustus to his succession, most researchers agree that this work is the clearest testimony of support of Augustan ideals by Ovid (E. Fantham, Ovid: Fasti. Book IV (Cambridge 1998), p. 42.)
  46. ^ Ex P. 4.13.19–20
  47. ^ The first two lines of the Tristia communicate his misery:Parve – nec invideo – sine me, liber, ibis in urbem; ei mihi, quod domino non licet ire tuo!
    Little book – for I don't begrudge it – go on to the city without me; Alas for me, because your master is not allowed to go with you!
  48. ^ Ettore Bignone, Historia de la literatura latina (Buenos Aires: Losada, 1952), p.309.
  49. ^ A. Guillemin, "L’élement humain dans l’élégie latine". In: Revue des études Latines (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1940), p. 288.
  50. ^ Booth, J. pg.66–68. She explains: "The text of the Amores hints at the narrator's lack of interest in depicting unique and personal emotion." pg.67
  51. ^ Apuleius Apology 10 provides the real names for every elegist's mistress except Ovid's.
  52. ^ Barsby, J. Ovid Amores 1 (Oxford, 1973) pp.16ff.
  53. ^ Keith, A. "Corpus Eroticum: Elegiac Poetics and Elegiac Puellae in Ovid's 'Amores'" in Classical World (1994) 27–40.
  54. ^ Wycke, M. "Written Women:Propertius' Scripta Puella" in JRS 1987 and Davis, J. Fictus Adulter: Poet as Auctor in the Amores (Amsterdam, 1989) and Booth, J. "The Amores: Ovid Making Love" in A Companion to Ovid (Oxford, 2009) pp.70ff.
  55. ^ Barsby, pg.17.
  56. ^ Booth, J. pg.65
  57. ^ Jean Bayet, Literatura latina (Barcelona: Ariel, 1985), p.278 and Barsby, pg.23ff.
  58. ^ Quoted by Theodore F. Brunner, "Deinon vs. eleeinon: Heinze Revisited" In: The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 92, No. 2 (Apr., 1971), pp. 275–284.
  59. ^ Brooks Otis, Ovid as an epic poet (CUP Archive, 1970), p.24. ISBN 0-521-07615-3, ISBN 978-0-521-07615-9
  60. ^ a b c Brooks Otis, Ovid as an epic poet, p.264.
  61. ^ KENNEY, E. J. y CLAUSEN, W. V. História de la literatura clásica (Cambridge University), vol. II. Literatura Latina. Madrid: Gredos, w/d, p.502.
  62. ^ Knox, P. Ovid's Heroides: Select Epistles (Cambridge, 1995) pp.14ff.
  63. ^ Knox, P. pp.12–13
  64. ^ Knox, P. pp.18ff.
  65. ^ Athanassaki, Lucia (1992).
  66. ^ Conte, G. p. 343
  67. ^ Conte, G. Latin Literature a History trans.
  68. ^ Conte, G. pg.352
  69. ^ Herbert-Brown, G. "Fasti: the Poet, the Prince, and the Plebs" in Knox, P. (2009) pp.126ff.
  70. ^ "Where’s the joy in stabbing your steel into my dead flesh?/ There’s no place left where I can be dealt fresh wounds." PoetryInTranslation.com, a translation of all of Ovid's exile poetry can be found here by A. S. Kline, 2003
  71. ^ a b Knox, P. "Lost and Spurious Works" in Knox, P. (2009) pg. 214
  72. ^ Pliny Nat. 32.11 and 32.152 and Knox, P. "Lost" in Knox, P. (2009)
  73. ^ Knox, P. "Lost" in Knox, P. (2009) pg. 212–213
  74. ^ Knox, P. "Lost" in Knox, P. (2009) pp. 210–211
  75. ^ Quint. Inst. 10.1.98. Cfr. Tacitus, Dial. Orat. 12.
  76. ^ a b Lact. Div. Inst. 2.5.24.
  77. ^ Marcus Valerius Probus ad Verg. Georg. 1, 138
  78. ^ Inst. gramm. 5, 13, Gramm. Lat. 2, 149, 13 Keil.
  79. ^ Ex P. 1.2.131
  80. ^ Ex P. 1.7.30
  81. ^ Ex P. 4.13.19
  82. ^ A 1484 figure from Ovide Moralisé, edition by Colard Mansion.
  83. ^ Ov. Rem. VI, 6.
  84. ^ Ov. Rem. VI, 33–36. Translated by A. S. Kline and available in Ovid: Cures for Love (2001).
  85. ^ a b c See chapters II and IV in P. Gatti, Ovid in Antike und Mittelalter. Geschichte der philologischen Rezeption, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-515-10375-6; Peter Green (trad.), The poems of exile: Tristia and the Black Sea letters (University of California Press, 2005), p.xiii. ISBN 0-520-24260-2, ISBN 978-0-520-24260-9
  86. ^ Robert Levine, "Exploiting Ovid: Medieval Allegorizations of the Metamorphoses," Medioevo Romanzo XIV (1989), pp. 197–213.
  87. ^ Michel de Montaigne, The complete essays of Montaigne (translated by Donald M. Frame), Stanford University Press 1958, p.130. ISBN 0-8047-0486-4 ISBN 978-0-8047-0486-1
  88. ^ Agostinho de Jesus Domingues, Os Clássicos Latinos nas Antologias Escolares dos Jesuítas nos Primeiros Ciclos de Estudos Pré-Elementares No Século XVI em Portugal (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2002), Porto, p.16–17.
  89. ^ Serafim da Silva Leite, História da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Nacional do Livro, 1949, pp. 151–2 – Tomo VII.
  90. ^ Frederick A. De Armas, Ovid in the Age of Cervantes (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010), pp. 11–12.
  91. ^ Ovid's Metamorphoses, Alan H. F. Griffin, Greece & Rome, Second Series, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Apr., 1977), pp. 57–70. Cambridge University Press.
  92. ^ Peter Green (trad.), The poems of exile: Tristia and the Black Sea letters (University of California Press, 2005), p. xiv. ISBN 0-520-24260-2, ISBN 978-0-520-24260-9
  93. ^ "Recent Acquisitions, A Selection: 2007–2008," in The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 66, no. 2 (Fall, 2008).
  94. ^ Timothy Bell Raser, The simplest of signs: Victor Hugo and the language of images in France, 1850–1950 (University of Delaware Press, 2004), p.127. ISBN 0-87413-867-1, ISBN 978-0-87413-867-2
  95. ^ Matt Cartmill, A View to a Death in the Morning: Hunting and Nature Through History, Harvard University Press, 1996, p.118–19. ISBN 0-674-93736-8

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