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ヒプナゴジア(hypnagogia)とは、覚醒英語版から睡眠状態への移行(入眠)時における半覚醒状態のことである。逆に睡眠状態から覚醒状態への移行時(起床時)の半覚醒状態をヒプノポンピア英語版(hypnopompia)というが、広義にはこれもヒプナゴジアに含まれる。この「閾値意識」の段階で起こる可能性のある精神現象として、幻覚、明晰思考、明晰夢金縛り(睡眠麻痺)などがある。ヒプナゴジアの状態における幻覚を入眠時幻覚(にゅうみんじげんかく、hypnagogic hallucination)という。

  1. ^ Myers, Frederic (1903). Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death. London: Longmans. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.31563 
  2. ^ Mavromatis (1987), p. 1
  3. ^ a b Mavromatis (1987), p. 4
  4. ^ Lachman, Gary (2002). 'Hypnagogia'. Fortean Times.
  5. ^ a b c Stickgold, R., interviewed 30 October 2000 by Norman Swan for The Health Report on Australia's Radio National (transcript). Retrieved 3 July 2008.
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  7. ^ a b Bódizs, Róbert; Sverteczki, Melinda; Mészáros, Eszter (2008). “Wakefulness–sleep transition: Emerging electroencephalographic similarities with the rapid eye movement phase”. Brain Research Bulletin 76 (1–2): 85–89. doi:10.1016/j.brainresbull.2007.11.013. ISSN 0361-9230. 
  8. ^ Mavromatis (1987), p. 14
  9. ^ a b c Hori, T., Hayashi, M., & Morikawa, T. (1993). Topographical EEG changes and hypnagogic experience. In: Ogilvie, R.D., & Harsh, J.R. (Eds.) Sleep Onset: Normal and Abnormal Processes, pp. 237–253.
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  14. ^ a b Mavromatis (1987), p. 81
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  17. ^ Mavromatis (1987), p. 82
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  19. ^ Mavromatis (1987), pp. 53–54
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  31. ^ “Atonia-signalled hypnagogic imagery: Comparative EEG mapping of sleep onset transitions, REM sleep, and wakefulness”. Sleep Research 24: 133. (1995). 
  32. ^ Bódizs, Róbert; Sverteczki, Melinda; Lázár, Alpár Sándor; Halász, Péter (2005). “Human parahippocampal activity: non-REM and REM elements in wake–sleep transition”. Brain Research Bulletin 65 (2): 169–176. doi:10.1016/j.brainresbull.2005.01.002. ISSN 0361-9230. PMID 15763184. 
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  34. ^ Austin, James H.(1999) Zen and the Brain: Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness. First MIT Press paperback edition, 1999. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-51109-6, p. 92.
  35. ^ Mavromatis (1987), pp. 3–4
  36. ^ Pfotenhauer, Helmut & Schneider, Sabine (2006). Nicht völlig wachen und nicht ganz ein Traum: Die Halfschlafbilder in der Literatur. Verlag Königshausen & Neumann. ISBN 3-8260-3274-8.
  37. ^ Leroy, E.B. (1933). Les visions du demi-sommeil. Paris: Alcan.
  38. ^ Oliver Twist, Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003 p.296
  39. ^ Blackmore (2003)
  40. ^ Mavromatis (1987), p. xiii
  41. ^ (Brunel University) which was later published by Routledge (hardback 1987, paperback 1991) under the title "Hypnagogia" the Unique State of Consciousness Between Wakefulness and Sleep and reprinted in a new paperback edition in 2010 by Thyrsos Press.
  42. ^ Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred (1848)'Des hallucinations hypnagogiques, ou des erreurs des sens dans l'etat intermediaire entre la veille et le sommeil'. Annales Medico-Psychologiques du système nerveux, 11, 26–40.
  43. ^ Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred (1865). Le sommeil et les rêves: études psychologiques sur ces phénomènes et les divers états qui s'y rattachent, suivies de recherches sur le developpement de l'instinct et de l'intelligence dans leurs rapports avec le phénomène du sommeil. Paris: Didier. https://archive.org/details/lesommeiletles00maur 
  44. ^ Mavromatis (1987), p. 3
  45. ^ Mavromatis (1987), p. 286
  46. ^ a b c d Blackmore (2003), p. 314
  47. ^ Mavromatis (1987), p. 93
  48. ^ a b Wackermann, Jiri, Pütz, Peter, Büchi, Simone, Strauch, Inge & Lehmann, Dietrich (2000). 'A comparison of Ganzfeld and hypnagogic state in terms of electrophysiological measures and subjective experience'. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, pp. 302–15.


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