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^ voltage-sensitive dye日本語訳としては、膜電位プローブ電位感受性色素はじめとして様々な用語が用いられてきたが、生体膜膜電位モニターするための色素であることを強調するための「膜」という文字つけられた「膜電位感受性色素」が当初より用いられ正式な用語である。 ^ http://neurophotonics.spiedigitallibrary.org/Issue.aspx?JournalID=169&issueID=931888&direction=P ^ a b c Schmitt FO : The ultrastructure of protoplasmic constituents. Physiol Rev 19 : 270-302, 1939 ^ Schmitt FO, Bear RS : The ultrastructure of the nerve axon sheath. Biol Rev 14 : 27-50, 1939 ^ Hodge CF : A microscopical study of changes due to functional activity in nerve cells. J Morphol 7 : 95-164, 1892 ^ Mann G : Histological changes induces in sympathetic, motor, and sensory nerve cells by functional activity. J Anat Physiol 29 : 100-108, 1894 ^ Lillie RD : Uses and standardization of biological stains. In, H. J. Conn’s Biological Stains. pp1-14, The Williams & Wilkins Comp, Baltimore, 1969 ^ Schmitt FO, Schmitt OH : Partial excitation and variable conduction in the squid giant axon. 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