Exception コンストラクタ ()とは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > コンピュータ > .NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス > Exception コンストラクタ ()の意味・解説 

Exception コンストラクタ ()

Exception クラス新しインスタンス初期化します。

名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)


定義済みメッセージ使用する Exception派生させるコード例次に示します。この例では、基本 Exception クラス派生クラスパラメータ受け取らないコンストラクタ使用方法示します

' Example for the Exception( ) constructor.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Namespace NDP_UE_VB

    ' Derive an exception with a predefined message.
    Class NotEvenException
        Inherits Exception
        Public Sub New(
            MyBase.New( _
                "The argument to a function requiring "
 & _
                "even input is not divisible by 2."
        End Sub ' New
    End Class ' NotEvenException

    Module NewExceptionDemo
        Sub Main( )
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "This example of the Exception( ) constructor
 " & _
                "generates the following output."
            Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
                "Here, an exception is thrown using the "
 & vbCrLf & _
                "parameterless constructor of the base class."
 & _
                vbCrLf )

            CalcHalf( 12 )
            CalcHalf( 15 )
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
                "Here, an exception is thrown using the "
 & vbCrLf & _
                "parameterless constructor of a derived class."
 & _
                vbCrLf )

            CalcHalf2( 24 )
            CalcHalf2( 27 )
        End Sub ' Main
        ' Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
        Function Half( input As Integer
 ) As Integer

            If input Mod 2 <> 0 Then
                Throw New Exception( )
                Return input / 2
            End If
        End Function ' Half
        ' Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
        Function Half2( input As Integer
 ) As Integer

            If input Mod 2 <> 0 Then
                Throw New NotEvenException(
                Return input / 2
            End If
        End Function ' Half2
        ' CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
        Sub CalcHalf( input As Integer

                Dim halfInput As Integer
 = Half( input )
                Console.WriteLine( _
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input,
 halfInput )

            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
            End Try
        End Sub ' CalcHalf
        ' CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
        Sub CalcHalf2( input As Integer

                Dim halfInput As Integer
 = Half2( input )
                Console.WriteLine( _
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input,
 halfInput )

            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
            End Try
        End Sub ' CalcHalf2

    End Module ' NewExceptionDemo
End Namespace ' NDP_UE_VB

' This example of the Exception( ) constructor generates the following
' Here, an exception is thrown using the
' parameterless constructor of the base class.
' Half of 12 is 6.
' System.Exception: Exception of type System.Exception was thrown.
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewExceptionDemo.Half(Int32 input)
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewExceptionDemo.CalcHalf(Int32 input)
' Here, an exception is thrown using the
' parameterless constructor of a derived class.
' Half of 24 is 12.
' NDP_UE_VB.NotEvenException: The argument to a function requiring even
 input i
' s not divisible by 2.
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewExceptionDemo.Half2(Int32 input)
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewExceptionDemo.CalcHalf2(Int32 input)
// Example for the Exception( ) constructor.
using System;

namespace NDP_UE_CS
    // Derive an exception with a predefined message.
    class NotEvenException : Exception
        public NotEvenException( ) :
            base( "The argument to a function requiring "
                "even input is not divisible by 2." )
        { }

    class NewExceptionDemo 
        public static void
                "This example of the Exception( ) constructor " +
                "generates the following output." );
                "\nHere, an exception is thrown using the
 \n" +
                "parameterless constructor of the base class.\n"

            CalcHalf( 12 );
            CalcHalf( 15 );

                "\nHere, an exception is thrown using the
 \n" +
                "parameterless constructor of a derived class.\n"

            CalcHalf2( 24 );
            CalcHalf2( 27 );
        // Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
        static int Half( int
 input )
            if( input % 2 != 0 )
                throw new Exception( );

            else return input / 2;

        // Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
        static int Half2( int
 input )
            if( input % 2 != 0 )
                throw new NotEvenException( );

            else return input / 2;

        // CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
        static void CalcHalf(int
 input )
                int halfInput = Half( input );
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) );

        // CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
        static void CalcHalf2(int
 input )
                int halfInput = Half2( input );
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) );

This example of the Exception( ) constructor generates the following output.

Here, an exception is thrown using the
parameterless constructor of the base class.

Half of 12 is 6.
System.Exception: Exception of type System.Exception was thrown.
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewExceptionDemo.Half(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewExceptionDemo.CalcHalf(Int32 input)

Here, an exception is thrown using the
parameterless constructor of a derived class.

Half of 24 is 12.
NDP_UE_CS.NotEvenException: The argument to a function requiring even input is
not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewExceptionDemo.Half2(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewExceptionDemo.CalcHalf2(Int32 input)
// Example for the Exception( ) constructor.
using namespace System;

namespace NDP_UE_CPP

   // Derive an exception with a predefined message.
   public ref class NotEvenException: public
         : Exception( "The argument to a function requiring "
      "even input is not divisible by 2." )


   // Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
   int Half( int input )
      if ( input % 2 != 0 )
            throw gcnew Exception;
            return input / 2;

   // Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
   int Half2( int input )
      if ( input % 2 != 0 )
            throw gcnew NotEvenException;
            return input / 2;

   // CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
   void CalcHalf( int input )
         int halfInput = Half( input );
         Console::WriteLine( "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );


   // CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
   void CalcHalf2( int input )
         int halfInput = Half2( input );
         Console::WriteLine( "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );



int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Exception( ) constructor "
   "generates the following output." );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n"
   "parameterless constructor of the base class.\n"
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf( 12 );
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf( 15 );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n"
   "parameterless constructor of a derived class.\n"
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf2( 24 );
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf2( 27 );

This example of the Exception( ) constructor generates the following output.

Here, an exception is thrown using the
parameterless constructor of the base class.

Half of 12 is 6.
System.Exception: Exception of type System.Exception was thrown.
   at NDP_UE_CPP.Half(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CPP.CalcHalf(Int32 input)

Here, an exception is thrown using the
parameterless constructor of a derived class.

Half of 24 is 12.
NDP_UE_CPP.NotEvenException: The argument to a function requiring even input is
 not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_CPP.Half2(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CPP.CalcHalf2(Int32 input)
// Example for the Exception() constructor.
package NDP_UE_JSL ; 

import System.* ;

// Derive an exception with a predefined message.
class NotEvenException extends System.Exception
    public NotEvenException()
        super("The argument to a function requiring " 
            + "even input is not divisible by 2.");
    } //NotEvenException
} //NotEvenException

class NewExceptionDemo
    public static void main(String[]
        Console.WriteLine(("This example of the Exception( ) constructor "
            + "generates the following output."));
        Console.WriteLine(("\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n" 
            + "parameterless constructor of the base class.\n"));
        Console.WriteLine(("\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n" 
            + "parameterless constructor of a derived class.\n"));
    } //main

    // Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
    static int Half(int
 input) throws System.Exception
        if (input % 2 != 0) {
            throw new System.Exception();
        else {
            return input / 2;
    } //Half

    // Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
    static int Half2(int
 input) throws NotEvenException
        if (input % 2 != 0) {
            throw new NotEvenException();
        else {
            return input / 2;
    } //Half2

    // CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
    static void CalcHalf(int
        try {
            int halfInput = Half(input);

            Console.WriteLine("Half of {0} is {1}.", 
        catch (System.Exception ex) {
    } //CalcHalf

    // CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
    static void CalcHalf2(int
        try {
            int halfInput = Half2(input);

            Console.WriteLine("Half of {0} is {1}.", 
        catch (System.Exception ex) {
    } //CalcHalf2
} //NewExceptionDemo
This example of the Exception( ) constructor generates the following output.

Here, an exception is thrown using the
parameterless constructor of the base class.

Half of 12 is 6.
System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewExceptionDemo.Half(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Settings
\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\ConsoleApp
 - JS\Class1.jsl:line 33
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewExceptionDemo.CalcHalf(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Sett
ings\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\Consol
eApp - JS\Class1.jsl:line 59

Here, an exception is thrown using the
parameterless constructor of a derived class.

Half of 24 is 12.
NDP_UE_JSL.NotEvenException: The argument to a function requiring even input is
not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewExceptionDemo.Half2(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Setting
s\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\ConsoleAp
p - JS\Class1.jsl:line 46
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewExceptionDemo.CalcHalf2(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Set
tings\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\Conso
leApp - JS\Class1.jsl:line 74


Exception コンストラクタ (String)

指定したエラー メッセージ使用してException クラス新しインスタンス初期化します。

名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)


特定の条件Exception派生させるコード例次に示します。この例では、基本 Exception クラス派生クラス両方について、呼び出し元が指定したメッセージパラメータとして受け取コンストラクタ使用方法示します

' Example for the Exception( String ) constructor( String ).
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Namespace NDP_UE_VB

    ' Derive an exception with a specifiable message.
    Class NotEvenException
        Inherits Exception

        Private Const notEvenMessage As
 String = _
            "The argument to a function requiring "
 & _
            "even input is not divisible by 2."
        Public Sub New()
        End Sub ' New
        Public Sub New(auxMessage
 As String)
 - {1}", _
                auxMessage, notEvenMessage))
        End Sub ' New
    End Class ' NotEvenException

    Module NewSExceptionDemo
        Sub Main()
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "This example of the Exception( String )"
 & vbCrLf & _
                "constructor generates the following output."
            Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
                "Here, an exception is thrown using the "
 & vbCrLf & _
                "constructor of the base class." &
 vbCrLf )

            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
                "Here, an exception is thrown using the "
 & vbCrLf & _
                "constructor of a derived class."
 & vbCrLf )

        End Sub ' Main
        ' Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
        Function Half(input As Integer)
 As Integer

            If input Mod 2 <> 0 Then
                Throw New Exception( String.Format(
                    "The argument {0} is not divisible by 2.",
                    input ) )
                Return input / 2
            End If
        End Function ' Half
        ' Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
        Function Half2(input As Integer)
 As Integer

            If input Mod 2 <> 0 Then
                Throw New NotEvenException(
                    String.Format( "Invalid
 argument: {0}", input ) )
                Return input / 2
            End If
        End Function ' Half2
        ' CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
        Sub CalcHalf(input As Integer)

                Dim halfInput As Integer
 = Half(input)
                Console.WriteLine( _
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input,
 halfInput )

            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
            End Try
        End Sub ' CalcHalf
        ' CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
        Sub CalcHalf2( input As Integer

                Dim halfInput As Integer
 = Half2( input )
                Console.WriteLine( _
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input,
 halfInput )

            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
            End Try
        End Sub ' CalcHalf2

    End Module ' NewSExceptionDemo
End Namespace ' NDP_UE_VB

' This example of the Exception( String )
' constructor generates the following output.
' Here, an exception is thrown using the
' constructor of the base class.
' Half of 18 is 9.
' System.Exception: The argument 21 is not divisible by 2.
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewSExceptionDemo.Half(Int32 input)
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewSExceptionDemo.CalcHalf(Int32 input)
' Here, an exception is thrown using the
' constructor of a derived class.
' Half of 30 is 15.
' NDP_UE_VB.NotEvenException: Invalid argument: 33 - The argument to
 a function
'  requiring even input is not divisible by 2.
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewSExceptionDemo.Half2(Int32 input)
'    at NDP_UE_VB.NewSExceptionDemo.CalcHalf2(Int32 input)
// Example for the Exception( string ) constructor.
using System;

namespace NDP_UE_CS
    // Derive an exception with a specifiable message.
    class NotEvenException : Exception
        const string notEvenMessage = 
            "The argument to a function requiring " +
            "even input is not divisible by 2.";

        public NotEvenException( ) :
            base( notEvenMessage )
        { }

        public NotEvenException( string auxMessage
 ) :
            base( String.Format( "{0} - {1}", 
                auxMessage, notEvenMessage ) )
        { }

    class NewSExceptionDemo 
        public static void
                "This example of the Exception( string )\n"
                "constructor generates the following output." );
                "\nHere, an exception is thrown using the
 \n" +
                "constructor of the base class.\n"

            CalcHalf( 18 );
            CalcHalf( 21 );

                "\nHere, an exception is thrown using the
 \n" +
                "constructor of a derived class.\n"

            CalcHalf2( 30 );
            CalcHalf2( 33 );
        // Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
        static int Half( int
 input )
            if( input % 2 != 0 )
                throw new Exception( String.Format( 
                    "The argument {0} is not divisible by 2.", 
                    input ) );

            else return input / 2;

        // Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
        static int Half2( int
 input )
            if( input % 2 != 0 )
                throw new NotEvenException( 
                    String.Format( "Invalid argument: {0}", input ) );

            else return input / 2;

        // CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
        static void CalcHalf(int
 input )
                int halfInput = Half( input );
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) );

        // CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
        static void CalcHalf2(int
 input )
                int halfInput = Half2( input );
                    "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) );

This example of the Exception( string )
constructor generates the following output.

Here, an exception is thrown using the
constructor of the base class.

Half of 18 is 9.
System.Exception: The argument 21 is not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewSExceptionDemo.Half(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewSExceptionDemo.CalcHalf(Int32 input)

Here, an exception is thrown using the
constructor of a derived class.

Half of 30 is 15.
NDP_UE_CS.NotEvenException: Invalid argument: 33 - The argument to a function r
equiring even input is not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewSExceptionDemo.Half2(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CS.NewSExceptionDemo.CalcHalf2(Int32 input)
// Example for the Exception( String* ) constructor.
using namespace System;

namespace NDP_UE_CPP

   // Derive an exception with a specifiable message.
   public ref class NotEvenException: public
      static String^ notEvenMessage = "The argument to a
 function requiring "
      "even input is not divisible by 2.";

         : Exception( notEvenMessage )

      NotEvenException( String^ auxMessage )
         : Exception( String::Format( "{0} - {1}", auxMessage, notEvenMessage
 ) )


   // Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
   int Half( int input )
      if ( input % 2 != 0 )
            throw gcnew Exception( String::Format( "The argument {0} is not
 divisible by 2.", input ) );
            return input / 2;

   // Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
   int Half2( int input )
      if ( input % 2 != 0 )
            throw gcnew NotEvenException( String::Format( "Invalid argument:
 {0}", input ) );
            return input / 2;

   // CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
   void CalcHalf( int input )
         int halfInput = Half( input );
         Console::WriteLine( "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );


   // CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
   void CalcHalf2( int input )
         int halfInput = Half2( input );
         Console::WriteLine( "Half of {0} is {1}.", input, halfInput );
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );



int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Exception( String* )\n"
   "constructor generates the following output." );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n"
   "constructor of the base class.\n"
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf( 18 );
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf( 21 );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n"
   "constructor of a derived class.\n" );
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf2( 30 );
   NDP_UE_CPP::CalcHalf2( 33 );

This example of the Exception( String* )
constructor generates the following output.

Here, an exception is thrown using the
constructor of the base class.

Half of 18 is 9.
System.Exception: The argument 21 is not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_CPP.Half(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CPP.CalcHalf(Int32 input)

Here, an exception is thrown using the
constructor of a derived class.

Half of 30 is 15.
NDP_UE_CPP.NotEvenException: Invalid argument: 33 - The argument to a function
requiring even input is not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_CPP.Half2(Int32 input)
   at NDP_UE_CPP.CalcHalf2(Int32 input)
// Example for the Exception( string ) constructor.
package NDP_UE_JSL; 

import System.* ;

// Derive an exception with a specifiable message.
class NotEvenException extends System.Exception
    private String notEvenMessage = "The argument to a function
 requiring " 
        + "even input is not divisible by 2.";

    public NotEvenException()
        super("The argument to a function requiring " 
            + "even input is not divisible by 2.");
    } //NotEvenException

    public NotEvenException(String auxMessage)
        super(String.Format("{0} - " + "The argument to a function
 requiring " 
            + "even input is not divisible by 2.", auxMessage));
    } //NotEvenException
} //NotEvenException

class NewSExceptionDemo
    public static void main(String[]
        Console.WriteLine(("This example of the Exception( string
            + "constructor generates the following output."));
        Console.WriteLine(("\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n" 
            + "constructor of the base class.\n"));
        Console.WriteLine(("\nHere, an exception is thrown using
 the \n" 
            + "constructor of a derived class.\n"));
    } //main

    // Half throws a base exception if the input is not even.
    static int Half(int
 input) throws System.Exception
        if (input % 2 != 0) {
            throw new System.Exception(String.Format(
                    "The argument {0} is not divisible by 2.", 
        else {
            return input / 2;
    } //Half

    // Half2 throws a derived exception if the input is not even.
    static int Half2(int
 input) throws NotEvenException
        if (input % 2 != 0) {
            throw new NotEvenException(String.Format("Invalid
 argument: {0}",
        else {
            return input / 2;
    } //Half2

    // CalcHalf calls Half and catches any thrown exceptions.
    static void CalcHalf(int
        try {
            int halfInput = Half(input);

            Console.WriteLine("Half of {0} is {1}.", 
        catch (System.Exception ex) {
    } //CalcHalf

    // CalcHalf2 calls Half2 and catches any thrown exceptions.
    static void CalcHalf2(int
        try {
            int halfInput = Half2(input);

            Console.WriteLine("Half of {0} is {1}.", 
        catch (System.Exception ex) {
    } //CalcHalf2
} //NewSExceptionDemo
This example of the Exception( string )
constructor generates the following output.

Here, an exception is thrown using the
constructor of the base class.

Half of 18 is 9.
System.Exception: The argument 21 is not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewSExceptionDemo.Half(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Setting
s\jitesh_chourasia\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\ConsoleAp
p - JS\Class1.jsl:line 47
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewSExceptionDemo.CalcHalf(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Set
tings\jitesh_chourasia\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\Conso
leApp - JS\Class1.jsl:line 72

Here, an exception is thrown using the
constructor of a derived class.

Half of 30 is 15.
NDP_UE_JSL.NotEvenException: Invalid argument: 33 - The argument to a function r
equiring even input is not divisible by 2.
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewSExceptionDemo.Half2(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Settin
gs\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\ConsoleApp - JS\
Class1.jsl:line 60
   at NDP_UE_JSL.NewSExceptionDemo.CalcHalf2(Int32 input) in C:\Documents
 and Se
ttings\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\Cons
oleApp - JS\Class1.jsl:line 87

Exception コンストラクタ (String, Exception)

指定したエラー メッセージと、この例外原因である内部例外への参照使用してException クラス新しインスタンス初期化します。

名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)


特定の条件Exception派生させるコード例次に示します。この例では、基本 Exception クラス派生クラス両方について、メッセージ内部例外パラメータとして受け取コンストラクタ使用方法示します

' Sample for Exception( String, Exception ) constructor.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Namespace NDP_UE_VB

    ' Derive an exception with a specifiable message and inner exception.
    Class LogTableOverflowException
        Inherits Exception

        Private Const overflowMessage As
 String = _
            "The log table has overflowed."
        Public Sub New(
            MyBase.New( overflowMessage )
        End Sub ' New
        Public Sub New(
 auxMessage As String )
            MyBase.New( String.Format( "{0}
 - {1}", _
                overflowMessage, auxMessage ) )
        End Sub ' New
        Public Sub New(
 auxMessage As String, inner As
 Exception )
            MyBase.New( String.Format( "{0}
 - {1}", _
                overflowMessage, auxMessage ), inner )
        End Sub ' New
    End Class ' LogTableOverflowException

    Class LogTable
        Public Sub New(
 numElements As Integer )
            logArea = New String( numElements
 ) { }
            elemInUse = 0
        End Sub ' New
        Protected logArea( ) As String
        Protected elemInUse As Integer
        ' The AddRecord method throws a derived exception 
        ' if the array bounds exception is caught.
        Public Function AddRecord( newRecord
 As String ) As Integer

                Dim curElement as Integer
 = elemInUse
                logArea( elemInUse ) = newRecord
                elemInUse += 1
                Return curElement

            Catch ex As Exception
                Throw New LogTableOverflowException(
 String.Format( _
                    "Record ""{0}""
 was not logged.", newRecord ), ex )
            End Try
        End Function ' AddRecord
        End Class ' LogTable

        Module OverflowDemo
        ' Create a log table and force an overflow.
        Sub Main()
            Dim log As New
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "This example of the Exception( String, Exception
 )" & _
                vbCrLf & "constructor generates the following
 output." )
            Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
                "Example of a derived exception "
 & vbCrLf & _
                "that references an inner exception:"
 & vbCrLf )
                Dim count As Integer
 = 0
                    log.AddRecord( _
                        String.Format( _
                            "Log record number {0}",
 count ) )
                    count += 1

            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
            End Try
        End Sub ' Main

    End Module ' OverflowDemo
End Namespace ' NDP_UE_VB

' This example of the Exception( String, Exception )
' constructor generates the following output.
' Example of a derived exception
' that references an inner exception:
' NDP_UE_VB.LogTableOverflowException: The log table has overflowed.
 - Record "
' Log record number 5" was not logged. ---> System.IndexOutOfRangeException:
' dex was outside the bounds of the array.
'    at NDP_UE_VB.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
'    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
'    at NDP_UE_VB.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
'    at NDP_UE_VB.OverflowDemo.Main()
// Example for the Exception( string, Exception ) constructor.
using System;

namespace NDP_UE_CS
    // Derive an exception with a specifiable message and inner exception.
    class LogTableOverflowException : Exception
        const string overflowMessage = 
            "The log table has overflowed.";

        public LogTableOverflowException( ) :
            base( overflowMessage )
        { }

        public LogTableOverflowException( string
 auxMessage ) :
            base( String.Format( "{0} - {1}", 
                overflowMessage, auxMessage ) )
        { }

        public LogTableOverflowException( 
            string auxMessage, Exception inner ) :
                base( String.Format( "{0} - {1}", 
                    overflowMessage, auxMessage ), inner )
        { }

    class LogTable
        public LogTable( int numElements )
            logArea = new string[ numElements
            elemInUse = 0;

        protected string[ ] logArea;
        protected int       elemInUse;

        // The AddRecord method throws a derived exception 
        // if the array bounds exception is caught.
        public    int       AddRecord( string
 newRecord )
                logArea[ elemInUse ] = newRecord;
                return elemInUse++;
            catch( Exception ex )
                throw new LogTableOverflowException( 
                    String.Format( "Record \"{0}\" was not logged.",
                        newRecord ), ex );

    class OverflowDemo 
        // Create a log table and force an overflow.
        public static void
            LogTable log = new LogTable( 4 );

                "This example of the Exception( string, Exception
 )" +
                "\nconstructor generates the following output." );
                "\nExample of a derived exception " +
                "that references an inner exception:\n" );
                for( int count = 1; ; count++
                            "Log record number {0}", count ) );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) );

This example of the Exception( string, Exception )
constructor generates the following output.

Example of a derived exception that references an inner exception:

NDP_UE_CS.LogTableOverflowException: The log table has overflowed. - Record "Lo
g record number 5" was not logged. ---> System.IndexOutOfRangeException:
was outside the bounds of the array.
   at NDP_UE_CS.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at NDP_UE_CS.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
   at NDP_UE_CS.OverflowDemo.Main()
// Example for the Exception( String*, Exception* ) constructor.
using namespace System;

namespace NDP_UE_CPP

   // Derive an exception with a specifiable message and inner exception.
   public ref class LogTableOverflowException:
 public Exception
      static String^ overflowMessage =  "The log table has

         : Exception( overflowMessage )

      LogTableOverflowException( String^ auxMessage )
         : Exception( String::Format( "{0} - {1}", overflowMessage, auxMessage
 ) )

      LogTableOverflowException( String^ auxMessage, Exception^ inner )
         : Exception( String::Format( "{0} - {1}", overflowMessage, auxMessage
 ), inner )


   public ref class LogTable
      LogTable( int numElements )
         logArea = gcnew array<String^>(numElements);
         elemInUse = 0;

      int elemInUse;


      // The AddRecord method throws a derived exception 
      // if the array bounds exception is caught.
      int AddRecord( String^ newRecord )
            logArea[ elemInUse ] = newRecord;
            return elemInUse++;
         catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
            throw gcnew LogTableOverflowException( String::Format( "Record \"{0}\"
 was not logged.", newRecord ),ex );



   // Create a log table and force an overflow.
   void ForceOverflow()
      LogTable^ log = gcnew LogTable( 4 );
         for ( int count = 1; ; count++ )
            log->AddRecord( String::Format( "Log record number {0}",
 count ) );

      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );



int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Exception( String*, Exception* )\n"
   "constructor generates the following output." );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nExample of a derived exception "
   "that references an inner exception:\n" );

This example of the Exception( String*, Exception* )
constructor generates the following output.

Example of a derived exception that references an inner exception:

NDP_UE_CPP.LogTableOverflowException: The log table has overflowed. - Record "L
og record number 5" was not logged. ---> System.IndexOutOfRangeException:
 was outside the bounds of the array.
   at NDP_UE_CPP.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at NDP_UE_CPP.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
   at NDP_UE_CPP.ForceOverflow()
// Example for the Exception( string, Exception ) constructor.
package NDP_UE_JSL; 

import System.* ;

// Derive an exception with a specifiable message and inner exception.
class LogTableOverflowException extends System.Exception
    private String overflowMessage = "The log table has overflowed.";

    public LogTableOverflowException()
        super("The log table has overflowed.");
    } //LogTableOverflowException

    public LogTableOverflowException(String auxMessage)
        super(String.Format("The log table has overflowed. - {0}", 
    } //LogTableOverflowException

    public LogTableOverflowException(String auxMessage, Exception
        super(String.Format("The log table has overflowed.- {0}", auxMessage),
    } //LogTableOverflowException
} //LogTableOverflowException

class LogTable
    public LogTable(int numElements)
        logArea = new String[numElements];
        elemInUse = 0;
    } //LogTable

    protected String logArea[];
    protected int elemInUse;

    // The AddRecord method throws a derived exception 
    // if the array bounds exception is caught.
    public int AddRecord(String newRecord)
 throws LogTableOverflowException
        try {
            logArea.set_Item(elemInUse, newRecord);
            return elemInUse++;
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new LogTableOverflowException(String.Format(
                    "Record \"{0}\" was not logged.", newRecord),
    } //AddRecord
} //LogTable

class OverflowDemo
    // Create a log table and force an overflow.
    public static void main(String[]
        LogTable log = new LogTable(4);

        Console.WriteLine(("This example of the Exception( string,
 Exception )"
            + "\nconstructor generates the following output."));
        Console.WriteLine(("\nExample of a derived exception " + 
            "that references an inner exception:\n"));
        try {
            for(int iCtr = 1; ; iCtr++) {
                log.AddRecord(String.Format("Log record number {0}", 
        catch (System.Exception ex) {
    } //main
} //OverflowDemo
This example of the Exception( string, Exception )
constructor generates the following output.

Example of a derived exception that references an inner exception:

NDP_UE_JSL.LogTableOverflowException: The log table has overflowed.- 
Record "Log record number 5" was not logged. ---> 
 Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at NDP_UE_JSL.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord) in C:\
Documents and Settings\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\
ConsoleApp - JS\Class1.jsl:line 52
   at NDP_UE_JSL.OverflowDemo.main(String[] args) in C:\Documents
 and Settings\
My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ConsoleApp - JS\ConsoleApp - JS\
Class1.jsl:line 71

Exception コンストラクタ

Exception コンストラクタ (SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

シリアル化したデータ使用してException クラス新しインスタンス初期化します。

名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

Protected Sub New ( _
    info As SerializationInfo, _
    context As StreamingContext _
Dim info As SerializationInfo
Dim context As StreamingContext

Dim instance As New Exception(info,
protected Exception (
    SerializationInfo info,
    StreamingContext context
Exception (
    SerializationInfo^ info, 
    StreamingContext context
protected Exception (
    SerializationInfo info, 
    StreamingContext context
protected function Exception (
    info : SerializationInfo, 
    context : StreamingContext



スローされている例外に関するシリアル化済みオブジェクト データ保持している SerializationInfo。


転送元または転送先に関すコンテキスト情報含んでいる StreamingContext。



info パラメータnull 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) です。


クラス名null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) であるか、または HResult が 0 です。


シリアル化できる派生 Exception クラス定義するコード例次に示します。この例では、0 での除算エラー強制し次に ( SerializationInfoStreamingContext ) コンストラクタ使用して派生例外インスタンス作成しますインスタンスファイルシリアル化し、そのファイル新し例外に逆シリアル化して新し例外スローし、その例外データキャッチし表示します

' Example for the Exception( SerializationInfo, StreamingContext )
' constructor and the Exception.GetObjectData( SerializationInfo, 
' StreamingContext ) method.
' If compiling with the Visual Basic compiler (VBC) from the command
' prompt, be sure to add the following switch:
'    /reference:System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll 
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Security.Permissions

Namespace NDP_UE_VB

    ' Define a serializable derived exception class.
    <Serializable()>  _
    Class SecondLevelException
        Inherits Exception
        ' This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
        Public Sub New(
 message As String, inner As
 Exception )
            MyBase.New( message, inner )

            HelpLink = "http://MSDN.Microsoft.com"
            Source = "Exception_Class_Samples"
        End Sub ' New
        ' This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
        Protected Sub New(
 info As SerializationInfo, _
            context As StreamingContext )
                MyBase.New( info, context )
        End Sub ' New
        ' GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
        <SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, _
                                     SerializationFormatter:=True)> _
        Overrides Sub GetObjectData( info As
 SerializationInfo, _
            context As StreamingContext) 

            ' Change the case of two properties, and then use the 
            ' method of the base class.
            HelpLink = HelpLink.ToLower()
            Source = Source.ToUpper()
            MyBase.GetObjectData(info, context)

        End Sub ' ISerializable.GetObjectData
    End Class ' SecondLevelException

    Module SerializationDemo
        Sub Main()
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "This example of the Exception constructor "
 & _
                "and Exception.GetObjectData " &
 vbCrLf & _
                "with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext "
 & _
                "parameters generates " & vbCrLf
 & _
                "the following output." & vbCrLf

            ' This code forces a division by 0 and catches the 
            ' resulting exception.
                    Dim zero As Integer
 = 0
                    Dim ecks As Integer
 = 1 \ zero

                ' Create a new exception to throw again.
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Dim newExcept As New
 SecondLevelException( _
                        "Forced a division by 0 and threw "
 & _
                        "another exception.", ex )
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                        "Forced a division by 0, caught the "
 & _
                        "resulting exception, " &
 vbCrLf & _
                        "and created a derived exception:"
 & vbCrLf )
                    Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}",
                        newExcept.HelpLink )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}",
                        newExcept.Source )
                    ' This FileStream is used for the serialization.
                    Dim stream As New
 FileStream( _
                        "NewException.dat", FileMode.Create
                    ' Serialize the derived exception.
                        Dim formatter As New
 SoapFormatter( Nothing, _
                            New StreamingContext( _
                                StreamingContextStates.File ) )
                        formatter.Serialize( stream, newExcept )
                        ' Rewind the stream and deserialize the 
                        ' exception.
                        stream.Position = 0
                        Dim deserExcept As
 SecondLevelException = _
                            CType( formatter.Deserialize( stream ), _
                                SecondLevelException )
                        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
                            "Serialized the exception, and then
 " & _
                            "deserialized the resulting stream
 " & _
                            "into a " & vbCrLf
 & "new exception. " & _
                            "The deserialization changed the case
 " & _
                            "of certain properties:"
 & vbCrLf )
                        ' Throw the deserialized exception again.
                        Throw deserExcept

                    Catch se As SerializationException
                        Console.WriteLine( "Failed to serialize:
 {0}", _
                            se.ToString( ) )

                        stream.Close( )
                    End Try
                End Try

            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}",
 ex.HelpLink )
                Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}",
 ex.Source )

                Console.WriteLine( )
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
            End Try
        End Sub ' Main

    End Module ' SerializationDemo
End Namespace ' NDP_UE_VB

' This example of the Exception constructor and Exception.GetObjectData
' with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters generates
' the following output.
' Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
' and created a derived exception:
' HelpLink: http://MSDN.Microsoft.com
' Source:   Exception_Class_Samples
' Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream
 into a
' new exception. The deserialization changed the case of certain properties:
' HelpLink: http://msdn.microsoft.com
' NDP_UE_VB.SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another
' ption. ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by
'    at NDP_UE_VB.SerializationDemo.Main()
'    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
'    at NDP_UE_VB.SerializationDemo.Main()
// Example for the Exception( SerializationInfo, StreamingContext )
// constructor and the Exception.GetObjectData( SerializationInfo, 
// StreamingContext ) method.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace NDP_UE_CS
    // Define a serializable derived exception class.
    class SecondLevelException : Exception, ISerializable
        // This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
        public SecondLevelException( string
 message, Exception inner ) :
            base( message, inner )
            HelpLink = "http://MSDN.Microsoft.com";
            Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";

        // This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
        protected SecondLevelException( SerializationInfo info,
            StreamingContext context ) :
                base( info, context )
        { }

        // GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
        public override void GetObjectData(
 SerializationInfo info, 
            StreamingContext context ) 
            // Change the case of two properties, and then use the 
            // method of the base class.
            HelpLink = HelpLink.ToLower( );
            Source = Source.ToUpper( );

            base.GetObjectData( info, context );

    class SerializationDemo 
        public static void
                "This example of the Exception constructor " +
                "and Exception.GetObjectData\nwith Serialization" +
                "Info and StreamingContext parameters " +
                "generates \nthe following output.\n" );

                // This code forces a division by 0 and catches the
                // resulting exception.
                    int  zero = 0;
                    int  ecks = 1 / zero;
                catch( Exception ex )
                    // Create a new exception to throw again.
                    SecondLevelException newExcept =
                        new SecondLevelException( 
                            "Forced a division by 0 and threw " +
                            "another exception.", ex );

                        "Forced a division by 0, caught the " +
                        "resulting exception, \n" +
                        "and created a derived exception:\n" );
                    Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", 
                        newExcept.HelpLink );
                    Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", 
                        newExcept.Source );

                    // This FileStream is used for the serialization.
                    FileStream stream = 
                        new FileStream( "NewException.dat",
                            FileMode.Create );

                        // Serialize the derived exception.
                        SoapFormatter formatter = 
                            new SoapFormatter( null
                                new StreamingContext( 
                                    StreamingContextStates.File ) );
                        formatter.Serialize( stream, newExcept );

                        // Rewind the stream and deserialize the 
                        // exception.
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        SecondLevelException deserExcept = 
                                formatter.Deserialize( stream );

                            "\nSerialized the exception, and then " +
                            "deserialized the resulting stream " +
                            "into a \nnew exception. " +
                            "The deserialization changed the case
 " +
                            "of certain properties:\n" );
                        // Throw the deserialized exception again.
                        throw deserExcept;
                    catch( SerializationException se )
                        Console.WriteLine( "Failed to serialize: {0}",
                            se.ToString( ) );
                        stream.Close( );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", ex.HelpLink );
                Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", ex.Source );

                Console.WriteLine( );
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) );

This example of the Exception constructor and Exception.GetObjectData
with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters generates
the following output.

Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
and created a derived exception:

HelpLink: http://MSDN.Microsoft.com
Source:   Exception_Class_Samples

Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
new exception. The deserialization changed the case
 of certain properties:

HelpLink: http://msdn.microsoft.com

NDP_UE_CS.SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another except
ion. ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
   at NDP_UE_CS.SerializationDemo.Main()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at NDP_UE_CS.SerializationDemo.Main()
// Example for the Exception( SerializationInfo, StreamingContext )
// constructor and the Exception.GetObjectData( SerializationInfo, 
// StreamingContext ) method.
#using <System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Soap;

// Define a serializable derived exception class.

ref class SecondLevelException: public Exception,
 public ISerializable

   // This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
   SecondLevelException( String^ message, Exception^ inner )
      : Exception( message, inner )
      HelpLink = "http://MSDN.Microsoft.com";
      Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";


   // This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
   SecondLevelException( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext context )
      : Exception( info, context )


   // GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
   virtual void GetObjectData( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext
 context ) override
      // Change the case of two properties, and then use the 
      // method of the base class.
      HelpLink = HelpLink->ToLower();
      Source = Source->ToUpper();
      Exception::GetObjectData( info, context );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Exception constructor "
   "and Exception.GetObjectData\nwith Serialization"
   "Info and StreamingContext parameters "
   "generates \nthe following output.\n" );
      // This code forces a division by 0 and catches the 
      // resulting exception.
         int zero = 0;
         int ecks = 1 / zero;
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         // Create a new exception to throw again.
         SecondLevelException^ newExcept = gcnew SecondLevelException( "Forced
 a division by 0 and threw "
         "another exception.",ex );
         Console::WriteLine( "Forced a division by 0, caught the "
         "resulting exception, \n"
         "and created a derived exception:\n" );
         Console::WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", newExcept->HelpLink );
         Console::WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", newExcept->Source );
         // This FileStream is used for the serialization.
         FileStream^ stream = gcnew FileStream( "NewException.dat",FileMode::Create
            // Serialize the derived exception.
            SoapFormatter^ formatter = gcnew SoapFormatter( nullptr,StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates::File)
            formatter->Serialize( stream, newExcept );
            // Rewind the stream and deserialize the 
            // exception.
            stream->Position = 0;
            SecondLevelException^ deserExcept = dynamic_cast<SecondLevelException^>(formatter->Deserialize(
 stream ));
            Console::WriteLine( "\nSerialized the exception, and then "
            "deserialized the resulting stream "
            "into a \nnew exception. "
            "The deserialization changed the case "
            "of certain properties:\n" );
            // Throw the deserialized exception again.
            throw deserExcept;
         catch ( SerializationException^ se ) 
            Console::WriteLine( "Failed to serialize: {0}", se->ToString()


   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", ex->HelpLink );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", ex->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );


This example of the Exception constructor and Exception.GetObjectData
with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters generates
the following output.

Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
and created a derived exception:

HelpLink: http://MSDN.Microsoft.com
Source:   Exception_Class_Samples

Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
new exception. The deserialization changed the case
 of certain properties:

HelpLink: http://msdn.microsoft.com

SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another exception. --->
ystem.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
   at main()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at main()


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「Exception コンストラクタ ()」の関連用語

Exception コンストラクタ ()のお隣キーワード



Exception コンストラクタ ()のページの著作権
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