複雑さとは? わかりやすく解説

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(複雑さ から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/09/12 06:14 UTC 版)

複雑性(ふくざつせい、: complexity)という用語は、多数の部品が入り組んで配置された何らかのものを特徴付ける言葉として使われる。科学として複雑性を研究するアプローチはいくつか存在しており、本項目ではそれらを概説する。

  1. ^ Weaver, Warren (1948), “Science and Complexity”, American Scientist 36: 536 (Retrieved on 2007–11–21.), http://www.ceptualinstitute.com/genre/weaver/weaver-1947b.htm 
  2. ^ Johnson, Steven (2001). Emergence: the connected lives of ants, brains, cities, and software. New York: Scribner. pp. p.46. ISBN 0-684-86875-X 
  3. ^ Lloyd, Seth (2006). Programming the Universe. Knopf. ISBN 978-1400033867 
  4. ^ Jacobs, Jane (1961). The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Random House 
  5. ^ Ulanowicz, Robert, "Ecology, the Ascendant Perspective", Columbia, 1997
  6. ^ Greenlaw, N. and Hoover, H.J. Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, San Francisco, 1998
  7. ^ a b Mark Burgin (2005), Super-recursive algorithms, Monographs in computer science, Springer.
  8. ^ Blum, M. (1967) On the Size of Machines, Information and Control, v. 11, pp. 257-265
  9. ^ Burgin, M. (1982) Generalized Kolmogorov complexity and duality in theory of computations, Notices of the Russian Academy of Sciences, v.25, No. 3, pp.19-23
  10. ^ Burgin, M. and Debnath, N. Hardship of Program Utilization and User-Friendly Software, in Proceedings of the International Conference “Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering”, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003, pp. 314-317
  11. ^ Debnath, N.C. and Burgin, M., (2003) Software Metrics from the Algorithmic Perspective, in Proceedings of the ISCA 18th International Conference “Computers and their Applications”, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 279-282
  12. ^ Johnson, Neil F. (2007). Two’s Company, Three is Complexity: A simple guide to the science of all sciences. Oxford: Oneworld. ISBN 978-1-85168-488-5 
  13. ^ Lissack, Michael R.; Johan Roos (2000). The Next Common Sense, The e-Manager’s Guide to Mastering Complexity. Intercultural Press. ISBN 9781857882353 



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/01/02 08:45 UTC 版)





出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/10/11 16:34 UTC 版)


シールド全体説明の複雑さは、わずかに1語から複数シールド統合した複合シールド記述している入り組んだ長大紋章記述まで千差万別である。 ブルターニュフランス)の紋章Ermine 次の紋章記述めぐってスクループ家 (Scrope) とグローブナー家 (Grosvenor) は有名な法廷闘争行ったAzure, a bend Or エステルイェートランドスウェーデン)の紋章Gules a Griffin with Dragon Wings, Tail and Tongue rampant Or armed, beaked, langued and membered Azure between four Roses Argent. ハンガリー紋章1867年オーストリア=ハンガリー帝国一部だったころのハンガリー1867年紋章Quarterly, I three lions' heads affrontes crowned Or (for Dalmatia); II chequy Gules and Argent (for Croatia); III Azure, a river in fess Gules bordered Argent, thereupon a marten proper, beneath a six-pointed star Or (for Slavonia); IV per fess Azure and Or, overall a bar Gules, in the chief a demi-eagle Sable displayed addextre of the sun in splendour, and senestre of a crescent Argent, in the base seven towers three and four, of the third (for Transylvania); ente en point Gules, a double-headed eagle Proper on a peninsula Vert, holding a vase pouring water into the sea Argent, beneath a crown Proper with bands Azure (for Fiume); overall an escutcheon barry of eight Gules and Argent impaling Gules, on a mount Vert a crown Or, issuant therefrom a double cross Argent (for Hungary).


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