最高裁判所_(シンガポール)とは? わかりやすく解説

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最高裁判所 (シンガポール)

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最高裁判所(さいこうさいばんしょ、: Supreme Court)は、シンガポールの司法制度における二段階のうちのひとつである。二段階のうちのもうひとつは、下級裁判所(State Courts)である。


  1. ^ 最高裁判所長官が欠けたときは、上訴法廷の裁判長は次の順序で決まる。(1)上訴法廷の次席裁判官、(2)上訴法廷の次席裁判官以外の裁判官、(3)高等法廷裁判官。それぞれの区分の中の裁判官の順位は、任官の順序による(SCJA, s. 29(4)、s. 4)
  2. ^ 日本の司法制度には存在しない官職であり、日本語での定訳もない。書記官と訳されることもある。
  3. ^ 例えば、1972年と1973年のセレモニーは、1月の第一土曜日に開催されている。T.F. Hwang (4 January 1972), “Supreme Court to again break with tradition”, The Straits Times: 4 ; T.F. Hwang (12 January 1974), “T F Hwang takes you down memory lane”, The Straits Times: 12 
  4. ^ 高等法廷による行政行為の違憲審査は、どの法律にも規定されていないが、コモン・ローによると、裁判所は、違憲審査権の行使として、大権命令(prerogative order)を発する権限を明確に有している。SCJA, s. 18(2) read with the 1st Sch., para. 1.
  5. ^ 地方裁判所では、一般的に、訴額が地方裁判所の制限である250,000S$を超えない紛争を審理する権限を有している(SCA, ss. 20, 21, 25, 26(b)–(f), 28 and 29, read with s. 2(b))(「地方裁判所の制限」規定)。したがって、訴額がこの制限を超えた場合、その事件は高等法廷に移送されなければならない
  6. ^ シンガポールの弁護士は、法廷弁護士(barrister)と事務弁護士(solicitor)には分かれておらず、全ての弁護士が「advocates and solicitors」と呼ばれる。


  1. ^ Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1969 (No. 24 of 1969)
  2. ^ Andrew Phang Boon Leong (2006), From Foundation to Legacy: The Second Charter of Justice, Singapore: Singapore Academy of Law, pp. 19–23, ISBN 978-981-05-7194-8 .
  3. ^ Mavis Chionh (2005), “The Development of the Court System”, in Kevin Y[ew] L[ee] Tan, Essays in Singapore Legal History, Singapore: Singapore Academy of Law; Marshall Cavendish Academic, pp. 93–138 at 99–100, ISBN 978-981-210-389-5 .
  4. ^ Chionh, p. 103.
  5. ^ the Straits Settlements Act 1866 (29 & 30 Vict., c. 115) (UK)
  6. ^ the Supreme Court Ordinance 1868 (No. 5 of 1868) (Straits Settlements)
  7. ^ これらの変更は、それぞれthe Judicial Duties Act (No. 3 of 1867) (Straits Settlements)及びthe Supreme Court Ordinance 1868 (No. 5 of 1868) (Straits Settlements)による。
  8. ^ the Courts Ordinance 1878 (No. 3 of 1878) (Straits Settlements)
  9. ^ Judicial Committee Act 1844 (7 & 8 Vict., c. 69) (UK)
  10. ^ Ordinance No. XV of 1885 (Straits Settlements)
  11. ^ By the Courts Ordinance 1907 (No. XXX of 1907, Straits Settlements)
  12. ^ Chionh, "Development of the Court System", pp. 104–106
  13. ^ the Straits Settlements (Repeal) Act 1946 (9 & 10 Geo. VI, c. 37)
  14. ^ Kevin Y[ew] L[ee] Tan (2005), “A Short Legal and Constitutional History of Singapore”, in Kevin Y[ew] L[ee] Tan, Essays in Singapore Legal History, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic for the Singapore Academy of Law, pp. 1–72 at 42–44, ISBN 978-981-210-389-5 .
  15. ^ この変更は、the Courts of Judicature Act 1963 (No. 7 of 1964, Malaysia) による。
  16. ^ the Judicial Committee (Repeal) Act 1994 (No. 2 of 1994)
  17. ^ Chionh, "Development of the Court System", pp. 108, 110–111, 113–114, 116.
  18. ^ Constitution (Amendment) Act 1969 (No. 19 of 1969)
  19. ^ “S'pore's First Woman High Court Judge”. The Straits Times. (1994年5月1日). http://0-www.lexisnexis.com.lib.utep.edu/hottopics/lnacademic/ 2017年11月6日閲覧。 
  20. ^ a b Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Cap.322, 2007 Rev.ed.) ("SCJA"), section 3
  21. ^ 憲法94条(1): "The Supreme Court shall consist of the Court of Appeal and the High Court with such jurisdiction and powers as are conferred on those Courts by this Constitution or any written law."
  22. ^ Legal Profession Act (Cap. 161, 2009 Rev. ed.), s. 2
  23. ^ SCJA, ss. 29(1)、(4)
  24. ^ SCJA, s. 29(3)
  25. ^ SCJA, s. 29(2).
  26. ^ Foo Chee Hock (18 April 2008) (PDF), Appointment of Vice-President of Court of Appeal [Registrar's Circular No. 4 of 2008], Supreme Court of Singapore, オリジナルの18 December 2010時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5v4R7GgPT?url=http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/data/doc/ManagePage/99/Registrars%20Circular%20No.%204%20of%202008.pdf . With effect from 11 April 2010, Chao J.A. was reappointed Judge of Appeal and Vice-President of the Court for another two years: Foo Chee Hock (13 April 2010) (PDF), Re-appointment of Vice-President of Court of Appeal [Registrar's Circular No. 4 of 2010], Supreme Court of Singapore, オリジナルの18 December 2010時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5v4ROmvPf?url=http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/data/doc/ManagePage/99/Registrars%20Circular%20No%204%20of%202010.pdf .
  27. ^ SCJA, s. 9.
  28. ^ 憲法94条(4)
  29. ^ SCJA, s. 30(1)
  30. ^ SCJA, s. 30(2)
  31. ^ SCJA, s. 31(1)
  32. ^ SCJA, s. 31(2)
  33. ^ SCJA, s. 10(1)
  34. ^ SCJA, s. 10(3)
  35. ^ SCJA, s. 71(1)
  36. ^ SCJA, s. 71(2)
  37. ^ SCJA, s. 61(1)
  38. ^ Structure of the Singapore Legal Service, Singapore Legal Service, オリジナルの9 May 2008時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://web.archive.org/web/20080509103459/http://app.lsc.gov.sg/data/structure.htm 2010年12月31日閲覧。 .
  39. ^ Kwek Mean Luck [et al.], ed. (2006), Hall of Justice: Supreme Court Singapore, Singapore: Supreme Court of Singapore, p. 32, ISBN 978-981-05-5356-2 
  40. ^ SCJA, s. 67(1)
  41. ^ Our Courts, Supreme Court of Singapore, (21 May 2010), オリジナルの31 December 2010時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5vONbZP3N?url=http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/default.aspx?pgID=43 
  42. ^ Supreme Court appoints its first CEO, Channel NewsAsia, http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1249753/1/.html 2013年1月24日閲覧。 
  43. ^ SCJA, ss. 11(1)、32
  44. ^ SCJA, s. 11
  45. ^ SCJA, s. 12
  46. ^ 例えば、 Republic of Singapore Court Calendar 2010, Supreme Court of Singapore, (11 December 2009), オリジナルの18 December 2009時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5m7SkywBX?url=http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/default.aspx?pgID=78 参照。
  47. ^ 例えば、Walter Woon (9 January 2010) (PDF), Speech of Attorney General Professor Walter Woon as Delivered at the Opening of the Legal Year 2010 Held on 9 January 2010, Attorney-General's Chambers, オリジナルの3 January 2011時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5vSqqrWNO?url=http://www.agc.gov.sg/aboutus/docs/Speech%202010.pdf 参照。
  48. ^ a b 例えば、 Michael Hwang (February 2010), “President's Speech at Opening of the Legal Year 2010”, Singapore Law Gazette, オリジナルの3 January 2011時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5vSrTl3Rv?url=http://www.lawgazette.com.sg/2010-02/news2.htm 参照。
  49. ^ 例えば、 Chan Sek Keong (20 January 2010), Response of Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong, Supreme Court of Singapore, オリジナルの30 December 2010時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5vMoz16fy?url=http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/default.aspx?pgid=3141 参照。
  50. ^ 例えば、Sundaresh Menon (7 January 2011) (PDF), Opening of the Legal Year 2011: Speech of Attorney-General Sundaresh Menon SC as Delivered at the Opening of the Legal Year 2011 held on 7 January 2011, Attorney-General's Chambers, オリジナルの22 January 2011時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5vvjQctDv?url=http://www.agc.gov.sg/docs/OpeningofLegalYear2011.pdf 参照。
  51. ^ a b “Singapore Assizes: Yesterday's official opening”, Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 7, (10 January 1923), "Mr. E.R. Koek, said, on behalf of the members of the Bar, he wished to say that they [were] indeed pleased that His Lordship [the Chief Justice] should have revived the custom and ceremony that had taken place that day. During his 34 years experience he regretted to say that no such ceremony had taken place. In times of the East India Company, ... there was a very special ceremony, a service in the Cathedral and so on." 
  52. ^ “Assize judge attends Cathedral service”, Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 9, (13 January 1926) 
  53. ^ “Opening of the Assizes”, Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 9, (24 January 1955) 
  54. ^ “Ceremonial opening of the High Court”, The Straits Times: 8, (30 January 1965) 
  55. ^ A.C. Dumper (20 January 1966), “Assizes ceremony [letter]”, The Straits Times: 8 , responding to the article “Ceremonial opening of the Assizes”, The Straits Times: 22, (17 January 1966) 
  56. ^ “Bishop will preach at legal year service”, The Straits Times: 5, (10 January 1967) ; “High Court ceremonial opening for legal year”, The Straits Times: 4, (17 January 1967) ; “Opening of legal year”, The Straits Times: 4, (18 January 1967) 
  57. ^ 1968年に閲兵が行われたが(“Importance of teamwork – by Chief Justice”, The Straits Times: 6, (9 January 1968) )、1974年、ザ・ストレーツ・タイムズのコラムニストは次のように書いている。「"just some years ago" the Chief Justice would review a parade mounted by the Singapore Police but now the ceremony "is held indoors" 」(Hwang, "T F Hwang takes you down memory lane")
  58. ^ SCJA, s. 29A(1)
  59. ^ SCJA, s. 34
  60. ^ SCJA, s. 29A(2)
  61. ^ SCJA, ss. 44(5), 59(1) and 59(4); Criminal Procedure Code 2010 (No. 15 of 2010) ("CPC"), ss. 395(1) and (4)
  62. ^ CPC, s. 396
  63. ^ 例えば、Subordinate Courts Act (Cap. 321, 2007 Rev. Ed.) ("SCA"), s. 56A(4)参照。ここでは、下級裁判所が憲法の規定の解釈又は条項についての疑問について高等法廷に照会したとき、高等法廷は、当該事件で出てきた憲法上の疑問点について第一審管轄権の行使として審理し判断すると規定されている
  64. ^ Chan Hiang Leng Colin v. Public Prosecutor [1994] ICHRL 26, [1994] SGHC 207, [1994] 3 S.L.R.(R.) [Singapore Law Reports (Reissue)] 209 at 231, para. 50, archived from the original on 26 October 2012, High Court (Singapore)において、高等法廷は次のように判示した。「裁判所は、憲法の規定が確実に守られるようにする権限と義務を有している。また、憲法に与えられた権限の制限を超え、または憲法が禁止していることに違反したあらゆる権限の行使、立法、及び行政が無効であることを明らかにする義務も有している。」
  65. ^ SCJA, s. 16(1)
  66. ^ SCA, ss. 26(a) and 27, read with s. 2(a) (「地方裁判所の制限」規定)
  67. ^ Probate and Administration Act (Cap. 251, 2000 Rev. Ed.), s. 47.
  68. ^ SCJA, ss. 17(b)–(c)
  69. ^ SCJA, ss. 17(a)(d)(e)
  70. ^ Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Matrimonial, Divorce and Guardianship of Infants Proceedings to District Court) Order 2007, para. 2(2); Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Proceedings Pursuant to Section 17A(2)) Order 2007, para. 2(2)
  71. ^ Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Matrimonial, Divorce and Guardianship of Infants Proceedings to District Court) Order 2007 (S. 672/2007), para. 2(1); Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Proceedings Pursuant to Section 17A(2)) Order 2007 (S. 673/2007), para. 2(1)
  72. ^ Mental Capacity Act (Cap. 177A, 2010 Rev. Ed.).
  73. ^ Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Mental Capacity Proceedings to District Court) Order 2010 (S. 104/2010), para. 2(1)
  74. ^ SCJA, s. 18(1)
  75. ^ SCJA, s. 18(2) read with the 1st Sch., para. 5
  76. ^ SCJA, s. 18(2) read with the 1st Sch., para. 10.
  77. ^ SCJA, s. 18(2) read with the 1st Sch., para. 19.
  78. ^ SCJA, s. 29A(3)には次のように規定されている。"For the purposes of and incidental to — (a) the hearing and determination of any appeal to the Court of Appeal; and (b) the amendment, execution and enforcement of any judgment or order made on such an appeal, the Court of Appeal shall have all the authority and jurisdiction of the court or tribunal from which the appeal was brought." s. 37(2)も参照。そこには、民事事件の上訴について次のように規定されている。 "the Court of Appeal shall have all the powers and duties, as to amendment or otherwise, of the High Court"
  79. ^ SCJA, s. 29A(4).
  80. ^ SCJA, s. 74
  81. ^ Legal Profession Act (Cap. 161, 2009 Rev. Ed.) ("LPA"), s. 82(1)
  82. ^ LPA, ss. 17及び18
  83. ^ LPA, s. 11
  84. ^ LPA, s. 11(3)
  85. ^ LPA, s. 23(1)
  86. ^ 例えば、 Foo Chee Hock (12 February 2010) (PDF), Admission of Advocates and Solicitors in May 2010 [Registrar's Circular No. 2 of 2010], Supreme Court of Singapore, オリジナルの25 January 2011時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5vzbNlSzR?url=http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/data/doc/ManagePage/99/Registrars%20Circular%20No%202%20of%202010.pdf 参照。
  87. ^ LPA, s. 21.
  88. ^ LPA, s. 25
  89. ^ LPA, ss. 84 and 85
  90. ^ LPA, ss. 86–89
  91. ^ LPA, s. 93
  92. ^ LPA, s. 98
  93. ^ a b Walter Woon (1999), “The Doctrine of Judicial Precedent”, in Kevin Y[ew] L[ee] Tan, ed., The Singapore Legal System (2nd ed.), Singapore: Singapore University Press, pp. 297–324 at 298, 301 and 306, ISBN 978-9971-69-213-1 
  94. ^ Practice Statement (Judicial Precedent)(1994) 2 S.L.R. 689, C.A.
  95. ^ Practice Statement (Judicial Precedent)
  96. ^ Woon, "The Doctrine of Judicial Precedent", p. 306
  97. ^ a b M.T.S. (13 February 1934), “The wigs controversy [letter]”, The Straits Times: 6 
  98. ^ “The first assizes: Ceremonial opening yesterday”, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 11, (18 January 1928) 
  99. ^ “Singapore Assizes: Trial of Kwong Yik Bank director: Alleged violation of articles”, The Straits Times: 7, (20 July 1915), "Mr. Earnshaw inspired some more than ordinary interest, particular among members of the Bar, by his appearance in a full-bottomed ceremonial wig – an article of adornment and dignity that has seldom been seen in Singapore." 
  100. ^ a b "Anak Singapore" (21 June 1937), “Notes of the Day: Singapore wigs”, The Straits Times: 10 
  101. ^ “Sir Walter Shaw: Bar's tributes to retiring Chief Justice”, The Straits Times: 11, (9 April 1925) ; “Judge who introduced full bottomed wig to Malaya: Sir Walter Shaw's fine career recalled”, The Straits Times: 12, (26 April 1937) 
  102. ^ “Lawyers and wigs: New judge sets the example”, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 6, (3 February 1934) ; “Wigs on the Bench: Justice Prichard sets fashion in Penang”, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 9, (8 February 1934) ; “Bar dons wigs: Unique event in Malaya's legal history”, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 6, (19 February 1934), "The Court of Appeal met in Penang, for the first time this year, to-day ... For probably the first time in the history of the Malayan bench all three wore wigs, while the impressiveness of the occasion was added to by several barristers who were also wearing wigs. ... A number of solicitors were in court without wigs." ; “Wigs in court: Unique event in Penang”, The Straits Times: 12, (19 February 1934) 
  103. ^ D.E.S. Chelliah (3 June 1978), “Should judges wear wigs?: Clothes, they say, make the man – but do wigs make the judge? [letter]”, The Straits Times: 17 
  104. ^ a b Charmaine Chan (9 May 1989), “New lawyers find it hard to get robes: Only S'pore tailor making them has retired”, The Straits Times: 15 .
  105. ^ Yong Pung How (1996), “Speech Delivered at the Opening of the Legal Year 1991, 5 January 1991”, in Hoo Sheau Peng; Lee Shen Dee; Phang Hsiao Chung et al., Speeches and Judgments of Chief Justice Yong Pung How, Singapore: FT Law & Tax Asia Pacific, pp. 31–38 at 36, ISBN 978-981-3069-07-7 . See also “No more wigs and no more 'Your Lordship' from today”, The Straits Times: 2, (6 January 1991) ; “A change of wig, robe and title for judges”, The Straits Times: 2, (25 November 1996) 
  106. ^ a b c Yong Pung How (1996), “Speech Delivered at the Opening of the Legal Year 1993, 9 January 1993”, in Hoo Sheau Peng; Lee Shen Dee; Phang Hsiao Chung et al., Speeches and Judgments of Chief Justice Yong Pung How, Singapore: FT Law & Tax Asia Pacific, pp. 71–82 at 79–80 
  107. ^ 例えば、次の写真を参照。“Governor opens Singapore's new Supreme Court”, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 1, (4 August 1939)  and “New Supreme Court opened by Governor”, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 5, (4 August 1939) . See also “Assizes open with ceremony”, The Straits Times: 12, (6 January 1936), "The Assizes service was held at St. Andrew's Cathedral, the red robes and long wigs of the three judges ... contrasting with the black robes of the lawyers." ; “Pageant in red and Singapore Assizes”, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 3, (7 January 1936) 
  108. ^ “Today's look”, The Straits Times: 21, (10 January 1993) ; “New court attire: 'It's not the wig, but the grey cells under it that matter!'”, The Straits Times: 29, (13 January 1993) ; “Lawyers take to new fashion in the courts”, The Straits Times: 23, (10 March 1993) .
  109. ^ これらの指示は、1970年代のLaw Society guidelinesに見られる。“Survey of woman lawyers on dress guidelines”, The Straits Times: 12, (11 March 1978) 
  110. ^ Supreme Court Practice Directions (2006 Ed.), pt. II, p. 10, para. 15
  111. ^ a b c d History, Supreme Court of Singapore, (21 May 2010), オリジナルの30 December 2010時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5vN1JdN51?url=http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/default.aspx?pgID=39 2010年12月30日閲覧。 
  112. ^ a b Hall of Justice, p. 106.
  113. ^ Sumiko Tan (2000), The Singapore Parliament: The House We Built, Singapore: Times Media, p. 18, ISBN 978-981-232-144-2 .
  114. ^ Hall of Justice, p. 109.
  115. ^ Hall of Justice, pp. 110
  116. ^ Hall of Justice, pp. 119 and 122
  117. ^ Hall of Justice, pp. 111–114
  118. ^ Hall of Justice, pp. 118 and 125

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