イマヌエル・ヴェリコフスキーとは? わかりやすく解説

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イマヌエル・ヴェリコフスキーロシア語: Иммануил Великовский1895年6月10日(NS) - 1979年11月17日)は、ロシア出身のアメリカ人であり、一般には疑似科学者[1][2]だと見なされている人物。古代史を再解釈して天変地異説を唱える著書『衝突する宇宙』(1950) を発表し、主にアメリカでベストセラーとなった[3][4]。それ以前にはイスラエルヘブライ大学創設に関わり、精神科医および精神分析学者として尊敬されていた。

  1. ^ マーティン・ガードナー、『奇妙な論理〈1〉―だまされやすさの研究(ハヤカワ文庫NF)』、早川書房、2003、ISBN 4150502722。(原著 In The Name of Science, 1952)
  2. ^ a b Morrison, David (2001). Velikovsky at Fifty: Cultures in Collision on the Fringes of Science. Skeptic, 9 (1), 62-76; reprinted in Shermer, Michael (editor) (2002). The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience, Santa Barbara, Calif. ISBN 1576076539. 473-488.
  3. ^ Princeton University press release, July 29, 2005 (quoted on website of Dr. Ruth Velikovsky Sharon)
  4. ^ 庄子大亮『大洪水が神話になるとき』河出書房新社、2017年、138頁。ISBN 978-4-309-62508-9
  5. ^ Johann Gottlieb Radlof — The Velikovsky Encyclopedia”. Velikovsky.info. 2010年6月3日閲覧。
  6. ^ Clube, S. V. M. and Bill Napier 1984. Velikovskians In Collision. Quadrant (Sydney). Jan.-Feb., pp. 33-34; reprinted in Kronos vol. IX, no. 3, 1984. pp. 44-49.
  7. ^ Trevor Palmer, Perilous Planet Earth: Catastrophes and Catastrophism through the Ages, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521819288. pp.116-119.
  8. ^ Cohen, Daniel (1967). Myths of the Space Age, Dodd Mead. LCCN 67-25108. Chap. VIII, Immanuel Velikovsky — the Man Who Challenged the World, pp. 172-94.
  9. ^ Gordon, Theodore J. (1966). Ideas in Conflict, St. Martin's Press. LCCN 66-23261. Chap. 2, The Miracles of Exodus, pp. 18-48.
  10. ^ Fair, Charles (1974). The New Nonsense: The End of the Rational Consensus, Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0671218220. Chap. viii, Speaking of Flying Objects ... , pp. 139-86.
  11. ^ Bauer, Henry H. (1992). The Velikovsky Affair Aeon, 2 (6), 75-84. Homestead.com This article, a comprehensive overview, originally appeared in Dec. 1988 La Recherche, pp. 1448-55.
  12. ^ Bauer, Henry H. (1996). Velikovsky, Immanuel, in Gordon Stein (editor), The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal. Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-021-5. pp. 781-788.
  13. ^ Grove, J. W. (1989). In Defence of Science: Science, technology, and politics in modern society, University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-2634-6. Chap. 5, Pseudo-science, pp. 120-50; adapted from Grove, J. W. (1985). Rationality at Risk: Science against Pseudoscience. Minerva, 23 (2), 216-40.
  14. ^ Velikovsky, I. Days and Years, Varchive.org
  15. ^ Velikovsky, I. "Über die Energetik der Psyche und die physikalische Existenz der Gedankenwelt", Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. CXXXIII (January 14, 1931), Varchive.org
  16. ^ Velikovsky, I. "The Dreams Freud Dreamed" Psychoanalytic Review Vol. 28 pp. 487–511 (October, 1941), Varchive.org
  17. ^ Velikovsky, Immanuel (1983). Stargazers and Gravediggers, William Morrow & Co. ISBN 0-688-01545-X. p. 63.
  18. ^ Sharon, Ruth Velikovsky: "Aba: The Glory and the Torment. The Life of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky" McGraw Hill, 1995
  19. ^ Sharon, Ruth Velikovsky, "Immanuel Velikovsky – The Truth Behind the Torment" Xlibris, 2003
  20. ^ Duane Vorhees, "The Early Years: Part Two", Aeon III:1 (Nov 1992). See also the Web site of Ruth Velikovsky Sharon
  21. ^ Vorhees, Duane (1996). Aeon, 4 (2), 107-11.
  22. ^ Ellenberger, Leroy (1996). Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10 (4), 561-9., UGA.edu
  23. ^ Moore, Brian (1997). Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1997 (2), 51.
  24. ^ See Varchive.org for a list
  25. ^ Velikovsky, Immanuel (1942). Affidavit, November 23.
  26. ^ Collected at Varchive.com
  27. ^ ヴェリコフスキーは "Observer" の名で1947年11月25日から1949年6月23日まで、ニューヨーク・ポスト紙に週に1回政治的コラムを連載していた。Varchive.org
  28. ^ Sieff, M "Velikovsky and his Heroes" Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Review Vol. V, issue 4 (1984)
  29. ^ Vorhees, Duane. (1990). The "Jewish Science" of Immanuel Velikovsky: Culture and Biography as Ideational Determinants. Dissertation, Bowling Green State University.
  30. ^ Velikovsky, Immanuel 1983. Stargazers and Gravediggers. William Morrow and Co. ISBN 0-688-01545-X. Footnote, p. 165, 「重力は電磁気的現象である」という記述がある。
  31. ^ Bauer, Henry H. 1984. Beyond Velikovsky: The History of a Public Controversy. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0-252-01104-X. p. 233.
  32. ^ Ellenberger, C. Leroy 1985. sec. "Electric Stars" in "Still Facing Many Problems (Part II)", Kronos X (3), pp. 15-23.
  33. ^ Thompson, Tim 2001. "On the 'Electric Sun' Hypothesis". Thompson is a physicist retired from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  34. ^ Bridgman, W. T. 2008. "The Electric Sky, Short-Circuited". Bridgman is an astrophysicist at NASA-Goddard Spaceflight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
  35. ^ Bauer, Henry H. (1985), “Inside the Velikivsky Affair”, Skeptical Inquirer 9 (3): 284–288, http://www.henryhbauer.homestead.com/DeGraziaReviewSI1985.pdf. 
  36. ^ Stephen Jay Gould Velikovsky in Collision
  37. ^ Sagan, Carl (1977). An Analysis of Worlds in Collision, in Goldsmith, Donald (editor) (1977). Scientists Confront Velikovsky. Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-0961-6. pp. 41-104.
  38. ^ Sagan, Carl, (1979) Broca's Brain. Random House. Reissued 1986 by Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-33689-5. Reprinted as chapter 15 of Science and the Paranormal: Probing the Existence of the Supernatural, edited by George O. Abell and Barry Singer, Scribners, 1981. Chapter 7 in Broca's Brain, "Venus and Dr. Velikovsky", is a corrected and slightly revised version of "An Analysis of Worlds in Collision" which originally appeared in Scientists Confront Velikovsky.
  39. ^ Ginenthal, Charles (1995). Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky. New Falcon Publications, Tempe Arizona
  40. ^ Forrest, Bob (1981). Velikovsky's Sources. In six volumes, with Notes and Index Volume. Privately published by the author, Manchester.
  41. ^ Forrest, Robert (1983). Venus and Velikovsky: The Original Sources, Skeptical Inquirer, Vol 8, #2, Winter 1983-1984, 154-164.
  42. ^ Forrest, Bob (1987). Guide to Velikovsky's Sources. Stonehenge Viewpoint, Santa Barbara.
  43. ^ Fitton, James (1974). Velikovsky Mythistoricus. Chiron, I (1&2), 29-36; excerpts at UGA.edu
  44. ^ ただし、その3人の著者はヴェリコフスキー信奉者であり、客観的研究とは言えない面がある。
  45. ^ Gilbert, James (1997). Redeeming Culture: American Religion in an Age of Science, University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-29320-3. Chap. 8, Two Men of Science, pp. 170-97.
  46. ^ Bauer, Henry (1984). Velikovsky and Social Studies of Science. 4S Review 2 (4), 2-8., Jstor.org
  47. ^ Velikovsky, I. The Acceptance of Correct Ideas in Science, Varchive.org
  48. ^ Velikovsky, I My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science, presented at the AAAS 1974 conference, Varchive.org
  49. ^ Velikovsky, I Claude Schaeffer, Varchive.org
  50. ^ Steel, Duncan (1995). Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0471308242. p. 155.
  51. ^ Morrison, David (2001). Velikovsky at Fifty: Cultures in Collision on the Fringes of Science. Skeptic, 9 (1), 62-76; reprinted in Shermer, Michael (editor) (2002). The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience, Santa Barbara, Calif. ISBN 1576076539. 473-488. Morrison はそのような見方をしている科学者としてウォルター・アルバレスDavid RaupRichard Muller、Jay Melosh、Peter Ward、Don Yeomans を挙げている。これは Morrison and Clark R. Chapman in Chap. 13 "Catastrophism Gone Wild: The Case of Immanuel Velikovsky" in Cosmic Catastrophes (1989), pp. 183-96. で示されていた予想を論証したものである。



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