ポートシカゴの惨事とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/10 19:22 UTC 版)

ポートシカゴの惨事(ポートシカゴのさんじ、: The Port Chicago disaster)はアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州のポートシカゴ海軍兵器庫で、1944年7月17日に発生した壊滅的な爆発事故である。

  1. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 130–133.
  2. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 133.
  3. ^ Center of Military History, Washington DC. Morris J. MacGregor, Jr. 1985. "World War II: The Navy. A Segregated Navy" in Integration of the Armed Forces 1940–1965. Retrieved on March 5, 2009.
  4. ^ Wagner et al., The Library of Congress World War II Companion, 295.
  5. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 35–36.
  6. ^ Bell, Naval Mutinies of the Twentieth Century, 198.
  7. ^ History.com. Black History. The Port Chicago Mutiny. Retrieved March 5, 2009.
  8. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 32.
  9. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 41.
  10. ^ a b c d e f U.S. Navy Historical Page. Frequently Asked Questions. "Port Chicago Naval Magazine Explosion on 17 July 1944: Court of Inquiry: Finding of Facts, Opinion and Recommendations, continued...". Page 4a. Retrieved on December 17, 2008.
  11. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 52–53.
  12. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 44.
  13. ^ Astor, The Right to Fight, 264.
  14. ^ a b c Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 109.
  15. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 45.
  16. ^ a b c d e Bell, Naval Mutinies of the Twentieth Century, 201.
  17. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 42.
  18. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 25.
  19. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 26.
  20. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 26–27.
  21. ^ a b National Park Service. Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial. "Frequently Asked Questions". Retrieved on March 5, 2009.
  22. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 46.
  23. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 51.
  24. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 45–46.
  25. ^ United States Coast Guard. Oral History. "James S. Gracey interview #2, February 28, 2001" (PDF). pp 86–87. Retrieved on December 18, 2008.
  26. ^ a b c d e f g U.S. Navy Historical Page. Frequently Asked Questions. "Port Chicago Naval Magazine Explosion on 17 July 1944: Court of Inquiry: Finding of Facts, Opinion and Recommendations, continued...[リンク切れ]". Retrieved on December 17, 2008.
  27. ^ a b c Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 57.
  28. ^ Guttridge, Mutiny, 212.
  29. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 56.
  30. ^ Navy Historical Center. Frequently Asked Questions. "Port Chicago Naval Magazine Explosion, 1944". Retrieved on December 8, 2008.
  31. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 63. "Seismograph machines at the University of California at Berkeley recorded two jolts with the force of a small earthquake. They occurred about seven seconds apart shortly before 10:19 p.m."
  32. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 65.
  33. ^ U.S. Navy Historical Page. Frequently Asked Questions. "Port Chicago Naval Magazine Explosion on 17 July 1944: Court of Inquiry: Finding of Facts, Opinion and Recommendations, continued...". Retrieved on December 17, 2008.
  34. ^ Jones, Disasters and Heroic Rescues of California, 93.
  35. ^ United States Coast Guard. History. Small Boat Personnel Who Gave Their Lives in the Line of Duty. The Coast Guard personnel who died: Broda, Peter G. SN1; Degryse, William G. MM1; Portz, Edward J. MOMM3; Riley, Charles H. SN1; and Sullivan, James C. SN2. Retrieved on March 31, 2009.
  36. ^ U.S. Army, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. History. "A Chronology of African American Military Service. From WWI through WWII. Part II Archived 2008年5月28日, at the Wayback Machine.". Retrieved on March 5, 2009.
  37. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 66.
  38. ^ U.S. Navy Historical Page. Frequently Asked Questions. "Port Chicago Naval Magazine Explosion on 17 July 1944: Court of Inquiry: Finding of Facts, Opinion and Recommendations, continued...". Page 4d. Retrieved on May 7, 2009.
  39. ^ Seligson, Tom (February 6, 2005). “Isn't it Time To Right The Wrong?”. Parade (Advance Publications). http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2005/edition_02-06-2005/featured_1 2008年12月12日閲覧. "None of the black sailors were granted leaves... I requested 30 days of leave, which you’re entitled to if you’re wounded. I was turned down." 
  40. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 70.
  41. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 72.
  42. ^ a b c Bell, Naval Mutinies of the Twentieth Century, 203.
  43. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 71.
  44. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 67.
  45. ^ “$390,000 Given Heirs In Coast War Blast”. The New York Times. (1949年3月5日). http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F30E11F93B5A157B93C7A91788D85F4D8485F9 2008年12月18日閲覧。 
  46. ^ a b c Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 90.
  47. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 91.
  48. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 81–82.
  49. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 82–84.
  50. ^ Guttridge, Mutiny, 214.
  51. ^ a b c Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 86.
  52. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 87–88.
  53. ^ This preceded the advent of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which became effective on 31 May 1951.
  54. ^ Guttridge, Mutiny, 220.
  55. ^ PortChicagoMutiny.com. Sandra Evers-Manly, 1998. "Q&A with Carl Tuggle, one of the sailors serving at Port Chicago in 1944 Archived 2009年2月15日, at the Wayback Machine.". Retrieved on March 5, 2009. "They called it active duty. You know, going from island to island, doing general detail, picking up cigarette butts and cleaning out latrines, fallen trees. That's what we were doing overseas."—Carl Tuggle
  56. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 127.
  57. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 126.
  58. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 92–93.
  59. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 94.
  60. ^ Guttridge, Mutiny, 218–220.
  61. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 98.
  62. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 96.
  63. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 99.
  64. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 101.
  65. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 102.
  66. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 102–103.
  67. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 104.
  68. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 106, 112.
  69. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 106–107.
  70. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 108.
  71. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 116.
  72. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 116–118.
  73. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 118.
  74. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 118–119.
  75. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 119–120.
  76. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 120–121.
  77. ^ a b c Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 122–126.
  78. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 126–127.
  79. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 128.
  80. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 131.
  81. ^ a b c d e Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 132–133.
  82. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 133–134.
  83. ^ “50 Navy Sentences Reported Voided; Negro Sailors, Convicted of 'Mutiny' in 1944, Are Said to Have Been Freed”. The New York Times. (1946年1月7日). http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F60D17FB3D5B127A93C5A9178AD85F428485F9 2008年12月18日閲覧。 
  84. ^ “83 Sailors Back On Duty; Forrestal Reinstates Negroes Convicted in Two Cases”. The New York Times. (1946年1月8日). http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F10F12FA3D5B16738FDDA10894D9405B8688F1D3 2008年12月18日閲覧。 
  85. ^ Glaberson, William (1999年12月24日). “Sailor From Mutiny in '44 Wins a Presidential Pardon”. The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9806E3D91239F937A15751C1A96F958260 2008年12月9日閲覧。 
  86. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 135.
  87. ^ a b Wagner et al., The Library of Congress World War II Companion, 856.
  88. ^ Guttridge, Mutiny, 211.
  89. ^ Astor, The Right to Fight, 266.
  90. ^ Schneller, Breaking the Color Barrier, 160–162.
  91. ^ a b Bishop, Katherine (1990年8月12日). “Exoneration Sought in Mutiny of '44”. The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE5DE173CF931A2575BC0A966958260 2008年12月18日閲覧。 
  92. ^ “Navy Won't Void A Courts-Martial”. The New York Times. (1994年1月9日). http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE0DF1431F93AA35752C0A962958260 2008年12月18日閲覧. "In response, the four lawmakers said in a statement: "We believe that the Navy did not apply a broad enough view to this extraordinary case. We will continue to search for other means to address this issue in the belief that the surviving sailors and their families and the families of those now deceased deserve the chance to clear their names." The four who asked that the Navy review the case with a view toward erasing an unsavory chapter in Navy history were Representatives George Miller, Pete Stark and Ronald V. Dellums and Senator Barbara Boxer." 
  93. ^ Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 184.
  94. ^ a b Woo, Elaine (2003年6月21日). “Freddie Meeks, 83; Mutiny Conviction Focused Attention on Segregation in Navy”. Los Angeles Times. http://articles.latimes.com/2003/jun/21/local/me-meeks21 2009年3月5日閲覧。 
  95. ^ Allen-Taylor, J. Douglas (2004年7月30日). “Local Residents Remember Port Chicago Mutiny”. Berkeley Daily Planet. http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2004-07-30/article/19346?headline=Local-Residents-Remember-Port-Chicago-Mutiny 2009年3月5日閲覧。  "While the pardon was an important thing to do, and called attention to the injustice, a pardon is like saying, “You did something wrong, but we are going to forgive you for it.” But whatever it was that you may call it, there was not a mutiny. There was never an attempt to usurp military authority. I think of it as a strike, or a protest at the unsafe working conditions and the racial discrimination on the base. And the trauma itself was passed on in the families. So even for today it’s important to have these convictions set aside. For the surviving families, but also for the historical record."—Robert L. Allen.
  96. ^ Department of the Interior. September 27, 2007. "Statement of William D. Shaddox, ...National Park Service, ...Concerning H.R. 3111... Archived 2009年5月9日, at the Wayback Machine.". Retrieved on March 4, 2009.
  97. ^ Rose, Tanya. “End of an Era: Port Chicago chapel's fate uncertain”. Contra Costa Times. http://www.contracostatimes.com/cnws/ci_5506730 2009年3月4日閲覧。 
  98. ^ 110th Congress, 1st Session. House of Representatives. ""110_cong_reports&docid=f:hr506p1.110 Rept. 110-506 (to accompany H.R. 3111)". Retrieved on March 4, 2009."
  99. ^ OpenCongress.org. 110th Congress, Second Session. "S.3253: Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial Enhancement Act of 2008 Archived 2012年9月6日, at Archive.is". Retrieved on March 4, 2009.
  100. ^ 111th Congress, 1st Session. "H.R. 1044: Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial Enhancement Act of 2009". Retrieved on March 4, 2009.
  101. ^ National Park Service. Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial. "Directions". Retrieved on March 4, 2009.
  102. ^ Vogel, Peter. “The Last Wave from Port Chicago: Keyword”. Archived by Archive.org Wayback Machine on February 10, 2008. 2007年8月21日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2009年3月5日閲覧。 “"History of 10,000 ton gadget": document purloined, winter 1944–45, from the Manhattan Project Los Alamos Laboratories by photo technician Paul Masters; mathematical model prediction of the progression and effects of the explosion of the Mark IV weapon detonated 16 July 1945 at New Mexico Trinity site; prepared by Los Alamos scientists Joseph O. Hirschfelder and William G. Penney. Provides detailed technical specifications of Mark IV and, in the bottom line, predicts "Ball of fire mushroom out at 18,000' in typical Port Chicago fashion." Document recovered by the author among 1940s photo supplies donated by Paul Masters to the spring 1980 rummage sale of the Christ Evangelical Lutheran church, Santa Fe, New Mexico; published by the author, spring 1982.”
  103. ^ a b Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 178.
  104. ^ The Last Wave from Port Chicago


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/04/14 07:30 UTC 版)

コンコード (カリフォルニア州)」の記事における「ポートシカゴの惨事」の解説

詳細は「ポートシカゴの惨事」を参照 第二次世界大戦中海軍貨物船積まれ弾薬爆発し多数アフリカ系アメリカ人犠牲になった大事故起きた1944年7月17日夜に発生したこの大爆発で、320人の水兵民間人死亡した爆風30マイル以上先に届いたその後258人のアフリカ系アメリカ人水兵弾薬積み込むことを拒否した海軍史最大反逆始まりであり、50人が有罪とされた。後に最高裁判所判事となるサーグッド・マーシャル軍法会議のほとんどを傍聴し偏見生じていると告発した

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