ハンガリー基本法とは? わかりやすく解説

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ハンガリー基本法(ハンガリーきほんほう、ハンガリー語: Magyarország Alaptörvénye)は、ハンガリー憲法である。

  1. ^ a b c d e "Hungarian lawmakers approve socially and fiscally conservative new constitution", The Washington Post, 18 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  2. ^ 在ハンガリー日本大使館「政治・経済月報(4月号)」
  3. ^ a b c Judy Dempsey, "Hungarian Parliament Approves New Constitution", The New York Times, 18 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  4. ^ (ハンガリー語) Kata Janecskó, "Hiába védett a magzat, nem szigorodik az abortusz" ("Despite Fetal Protection, Abortion Law Is Not Tightened"), index.hu, 11 March 2011; accessed June 23, 2011
  5. ^ "Bírói egyesület: átmeneti rendelkezések kellenek" ("Judges' Association: Transitional Provisions Needed")[リンク切れ], mti.hu, 19 April 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  6. ^ "Judges protest planned mandatory retirement age cut in planned new constitution", politics.hu, 15 April 2011; accessed May 13, 2011
  7. ^ "Hungary" at the OECD Library; accessed April 26, 2011
  8. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Botrány lesz a bírák nyugdíjazásából" ("Retirement of Judges Will Be a Scandal"), nepszava.hu, 22 June 2011; accessed June 23, 2011
  9. ^ a b c d "Hungarian president signs new constitution despite human rights concerns", Deutsche Welle, 25 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  10. ^ a b c d e "Hungary's parliament passes controversial new constitution", Deutsche Welle, 18 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  11. ^ a b "Socialists, LMP to join parliamentary debate on supermajority laws", politics.hu, 21 April 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  12. ^ a b Margit Feher, "Hungary Passes New Constitution Amid Concerns", The Wall Street Journal, 18 April 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  13. ^ Körösényi, p.145
  14. ^ Mezhikovskii, p.122
  15. ^ a b Harmathy, p.4
  16. ^ Ludwikowski, p.30
  17. ^ Ludwikowski, p.31
  18. ^ Harmathy, p.7
  19. ^ Rakowska-Harmstone, p.100
  20. ^ Harmathy, p.8-9
  21. ^ Harmathy, p. 9
  22. ^ Dupré, p. 173-4
  23. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Magyarázkodásra kényszerül Gyurcsány" ("Gyurcsány Is Forced to Explain"), Magyar Nemzet, 4 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011.
  24. ^ "Hungary's new constitution drafted by next March, says Fidesz official", politics.hu, 2 August 2010; accessed August 18, 2010
  25. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Bihari szerint mindig lehet jobb" ("According to Bihari, One May Always Do Better"), FN.hu, 7 August 2010; accessed August 18, 2010
  26. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Megalakult az alkotmány-előkészítő bizottság" ("Constitutional Draft Committee Is Formed"), hirtv.hu, 28 June 2010; accessed June 23, 2011
  27. ^ a b Zoltán Simon, "Hungary First to Write a Constitution on IPad, Lawmaker Says", Bloomberg, 4 March 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  28. ^ "Body set up for national consultation on new constitution", politics.hu, 7 February 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  29. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Szájer: Óriási siker a nemzeti konzultáció" ("Szájer: National Consultation a Huge Success"), Magyar Nemzet, 4 April 2011; accessed June 23, 2011
  30. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Orbán: kivételesen erős lesz az új alkotmány" ("Orbán: New Constitution Will Be Exceptionally Strong"), MR1-Kossuth Rádió, 28 March 2011; accessed June 23, 2011
  31. ^ "Foreign firms criticize Hungary's new constitution", Deutsche Welle, 20 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  32. ^ Thomas Orszag-Land, "Hungary 'deceitful' over Holocaust", The Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 2011; accessed June 12, 2011
  33. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Az alaptörvény és a magyar történelem" ("The Basic Law and Hungarian History") Népszabadság, 31 May 2011; accessed June 23, 2011
  34. ^ "Socialists pledge to 'correct' constitution as soon as possible", politics.hu, 13 April 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  35. ^ "Former state president warns about possible mistakes around new constitution", politics.hu, 7 March 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  36. ^ "Constitution - Hungary European democracy despite basic law's shortcomings, says ex-president", mti.hu, 18 April 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  37. ^ "Hungarian People's Party deputies reject liberal group's concerns about new constitution", politics.hu, 18 April 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  38. ^ "Orbán spokesman says Germany must not interfere with Hungary's adoption of new constitution", politics.hu, 20 April 2011; accessed April 26, 2011
  39. ^ "UN Secretary-General cautions gov't over constitution and media law", politics.hu, 19 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  40. ^ "Slovakia on edge as Hungary passes new Constitution" Archived 2012年1月18日, at the Wayback Machine., thedaily.sk, 19 April 2011; accessed April 25, 2011
  41. ^ (ハンガリー語) "Martonyi: Az új alkotmánynak nincs területen kívüli hatálya" ("Martonyi: the New Constitution Has No Extraterritorial Effect"), hirtv.hu, 12 May 2011; accessed June 23, 2011
  42. ^ Palko Karasz and Melissa Eddy, "Opposition Protests Constitution in Hungary", The New York Times, 2 January 2012; accessed January 15, 2012
  43. ^ "Hungarians protest against new Fidesz constitution", BBC News, 3 January 2012; accessed January 15, 2012
  44. ^ (憲法を考える)自民改憲草案・ハンガリーで読む:上 「伝統回帰」似通う思想”.[リンク切れ]
  45. ^ 主宰からの定期便 ハンガリー基本法”. 青年団 (2015年4月15日). 2021年8月21日閲覧。
  46. ^ “劇作家・平田オリザ氏「異議唱えなければファシズム広がる」”. 日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL. (2016年10月17日). https://www.nikkan-gendai.com/articles/view/news/158874/7 


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