アフガニスタン軍とは? わかりやすく解説

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(アフガニスタン国軍 から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/25 07:02 UTC 版)

アフガニスタン軍(英:Afghan Armed Forces)とは、アフガニスタン国軍のこと。

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  3. ^ 外務省アフガニスタン基礎データ
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  5. ^ a b シークレット・ウォーズ(上). 白水社. (2019-12-10). pp. 182,186,205 
  6. ^ シークレット・ウォーズ(上). 白水社. (2019-12-10). pp. 204,277,290,294,296,308,379 
  7. ^ シークレット・ウォーズ(上). 白水社. (2019-12-10). pp. 311, 314, 300 
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  9. ^ a b オバマの戦争. 日本経済新聞出版社. (2011年6月17日). pp. 122、527、155、360、362、230、373 
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  15. ^ a b 国防総省監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress September 30, 2015: 21. 
  16. ^ a b c 国防総省 監察総監室 (2016). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JULY 1, 2016‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2016: 15-17, 54-56. 
  17. ^ a b c d e 国防総省 監察総監室 (2016). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JULY 1, 2016‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2016: 56, 59. https://oig.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2018-06/ofs4_sept2016_gold.pdf. 
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h 国防総省 監察総監室 (2017). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JULY 1, 2017‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2017: 24-25. 
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  20. ^ a b c 国防総省 監察総監室 (2017). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JULY 1, 2017‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2017: 21-22. 
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  22. ^ a b 国防総省 監察総監室 (2018). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JULY 1, 2018‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2018: 19-20. 
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  24. ^ 国防総省 監察総監室 (2018). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JULY 1, 2018‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2018: 12-13. 
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  27. ^ a b c d 国防総省 監察総監室 (2019). Operation Freedom's Sentinel: Lead Inspector General Report to the United States Congress April 1, 2019 – June 30, 2019: 27. https://media.defense.gov/2019/Aug/21/2002173538/-1/-1/1/Q3FY2019_LEADIG_OFS_REPORT.PDF. 
  28. ^ a b c 国防総省 監察総監室 (2019). Operation Freedom's Sentinel: Lead Inspector General Report to the United States Congress JULY 1, 2019‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2019: 22-23. 
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  33. ^ バイデン氏「米最長の戦争終結」宣言 同時多発テロ20年の節目までにアフガン撤退へ”. BBCニュース (2021年4月15日). 2021年4月15日閲覧。
  34. ^ a b c d 国防総省 監察総監室 (2020). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020: 25. https://www.stateoig.gov/system/files/lead_inspector_general_for_operation_freedoms_sentinel_dec_2020.pdf. 
  35. ^ 国防総省監察総監室 (2021). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JANUARY 1, 2021–MARCH 31, 2021: 12. 
  36. ^ a b “Letter dated 20 May 2021 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee Established pursuant to Resolution 1988 (2011) addressed to the President of the Security Council”. United Nations Digital Library System. (2021-6-1). https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3927909?ln=en. 
  37. ^ “Letter dated 20 May 2021 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee Established pursuant to Resolution 1988 (2011) addressed to the President of the Security Council”. United Nations Digital Library System. (2021-6-1). https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3927909?ln=en. 
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  39. ^ MPs: Army Chief Focused on Rivalries, Not War” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月14日閲覧。
  40. ^ ‘Delay in Reinforcements Major Reason Behind Fall of Districts’” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月14日閲覧。
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  42. ^ a b “Letter dated 20 May 2021 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee Established pursuant to Resolution 1988 (2011) addressed to the President of the Security Council”. United Nations Digital Library System. (2021-6-1). https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3927909?ln=en. 
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  44. ^ Milley says Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan is ‘not a foregone conclusion’ as group gains ground while US withdraws” (英語). Stars and Stripes. 2021年8月14日閲覧。
  45. ^ President Ghani Blasts Taliban for Having ‘No Will’ for Peace” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月14日閲覧。
  46. ^ タリバン、首都に迫る 第2、3の都市も制圧―政府、防衛に打つ手なし・アフガン:時事ドットコム”. 時事ドットコム. 2021年8月14日閲覧。
  47. ^ a b Taliban Seize Herat City in Western Afghanistan” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月14日閲覧。
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  50. ^ Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul Also Fall to Taliban” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月14日閲覧。
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  54. ^ Taliban seizes Jalalabad, cuts off Kabul from east” (英語). www.aljazeera.com. 2021年8月15日閲覧。
  55. ^ タリバン、首都郊外に進軍 政府「権力移譲」示唆―アフガン情勢、重大局面:時事ドットコム”. 時事ドットコム. 2021年8月15日閲覧。
  56. ^ a b Enhancing security and stability in Afghanistan”. United states of America Department of Deffense. p. 51. 2021年5月5日閲覧。
  57. ^ NSPA completes construction of the Afghanistan Special Operations Command (ANASOC) School of Excellence”. NATO OTAM. 2021年5月5日閲覧。
  58. ^ a b c d e アフガニスタン復興担当特別監察官(SIGAR) (2021). “April 30, 2021 Quarterly Report to Congress”. SIGAR Quarterly Reports to Congress: 70-71. https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/quarterlyreports/2021-04-30qr.pdf. 
  59. ^ a b c 国防総省 監察総監室 (2019). Operation Freedom's Sentinel: Lead Inspector General Report to the United States Congress JULY 1, 2019‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2019: 25. 
  60. ^ a b Ten-Year Vision for the Afghan National Police: 1392-1402”. International Police Coodination Board Of Afghanistan. p. 11. 2021年5月23日閲覧。
  61. ^ アフガニスタン復興担当特別監察官(SIGAR) (2021). “April 30, 2021 Quarterly Report to Congress”. SIGAR Quarterly Reports to Congress: 78. 
  62. ^ 国防総省 監察総監室 (2018). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress JULY 1, 2018‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2018: 29-30. 
  63. ^ a b 国防総省 監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress September 30, 2015: 26. https://oig.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2018-06/quarterly_OFS_102015.pdf. 
  64. ^ a b 国防総省 監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015: 14-15. 
  65. ^ 国防総省 監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress September 30, 2015: 26. https://oig.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2018-06/quarterly_OFS_102015.pdf. 
  66. ^ a b c d e 国防総省 監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015: 15. https://oig.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2018-06/lig_oco_ofs_08032015.pdf. 
  67. ^ 国防総省 監察総監室 (2017). Operation Freedom's Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress JULY 1, 2017‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2017: 23-24. 
  68. ^ a b c d e f g 国防総省 監察総監室 (2019). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress JULY 1, 2019‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2019: 24. 
  69. ^ 国防総省 監察総監室 (2018). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress JULY 1, 2018‒SEPTEMBER 30, 2018: 26. 
  70. ^ 国防総省 監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015: 6-7. 
  71. ^ 国防総省 監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015: 12. 
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  85. ^ a b c d 国防総省 監察総監室 (2015). Operation Freedom’s Sentinel Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report and Biannual Report to the United States Congress September 30, 2015: 31. 
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  87. ^ An Afghan Nation Army soldier stands in an M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicle during an indirect fire response drill at Camp Shorabak, Helmand province, Afghanistan, March 19, 2014. (DoD photo by Lance Cpl. Darien J. Bjorndal, U.S. Marine Corps/Released) 140319-M-MF313-103 (13424232695) - Image ID: HF21HB”. alamy. 2021年5月5日閲覧。
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  93. ^ Afghan Army Fuel Sold in Zabul in Major Embezzlement Case” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月13日閲覧。
  94. ^ MPs: Army Chief Focused on Rivalries, Not War” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月13日閲覧。
  95. ^ US Forces at Bagram Scrapping Vehicles, Equipment” (英語). TOLOnews. 2021年8月15日閲覧。
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  97. ^ Afghan pedophiles get free pass from U.S. military, report says” (英語). The Seattle Times (2018年1月24日). 2021年12月1日閲覧。
  98. ^ Report: US Military Continues to Pay Afghan Units Despite Human Rights Abuses” (英語). VOA. 2021年12月1日閲覧。
  99. ^ アフガニスタン:人権侵害に関与した有力者たちが処罰を逃れている”. Human Rights Watch (2015年3月3日). 2022年5月15日閲覧。
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  102. ^ Database”. www.afghan-bios.info. 2021年10月19日閲覧。
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  109. ^ (日本語) د اسلامي امارت د کورنیو چارو وزارت مربوط د ځانګړو قطعاتو نوې ویډیو, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExdHJqtQwf8 2022年2月18日閲覧。 
  110. ^ Taliban to deploy suicide bombers to Afghanistan's borders: Reports - Times of India” (英語). The Times of India. 2021年10月9日閲覧。
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  114. ^ TB's "Badri 313" units that it has deployed in Kabul for "security".
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  118. ^ (日本語) د آزادی په ورخ نهم سنبله نن په تول هیواد کی جشن ونیول شوو, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujxJq0YEXF8 2022年9月1日閲覧。 
  119. ^ MoD Still Deciding on Uniform for Troops” (英語). TOLOnews. 2022年4月23日閲覧。


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