HybridDictionary.GetEnumerator メソッドとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > コンピュータ > .NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス > HybridDictionary.GetEnumerator メソッドの意味・解説 

HybridDictionary.GetEnumerator メソッド

HybridDictionary を反復処理する IDictionaryEnumerator を返します

名前空間: System.Collections.Specialized
アセンブリ: System (system.dll 内)

Public Function GetEnumerator As
Dim instance As HybridDictionary
Dim returnValue As IDictionaryEnumerator

returnValue = instance.GetEnumerator
public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
virtual IDictionaryEnumerator^ GetEnumerator () sealed
public final IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
public final function GetEnumerator () : IDictionaryEnumerator



C# 言語foreach ステートメント (Visual Basic の場合for each) を使用することで列挙子の複雑さ回避できます。したがって列挙子を直接操作するではなくforeach使用お勧めます。


初期状態では、列挙子はコレクション最初要素前に位置してます。Reset実行した場合も、列挙子はこの位置に戻されます。この位置で、Current未定義です。したがってCurrent の値を読み取る前に、MoveNext を呼び出してコレクション最初要素列挙子を進める必要があります

Current は、MoveNext または Reset呼び出されるまでは同じオブジェクト返しますMoveNext は、Current次の要素設定します

MoveNextコレクション末尾を過ぎると、列挙子はコレクション最後要素後ろ配置されMoveNextfalse返します列挙子がこの位置にある場合以降MoveNext呼び出してfalse返されます。MoveNext への最後呼び出しfalse返され場合は、Current未定義です。Currentコレクション最初要素に再び設定するには、Reset呼び出してから、MoveNext呼び出します。


列挙子はコレクションへの排他アクセス権持たないため、コレクション列挙処理は、本質的にスレッド セーフな処理ではありません。すべての列挙処理が終わるまでコレクションロックすることにより、列挙処理でのスレッド セーフ確保できますコレクション対し複数スレッドアクセスして読み取り書き込みを行うことができるようにするには、独自に同期化実装する必要があります

このメソッドは O(1) 操作です。



Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class SamplesHybridDictionary   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
      Dim myCol As New HybridDictionary()
      myCol.Add("Braeburn Apples", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Fuji Apples", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Gala Apples", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Granny Smith Apples", "0.89")
      myCol.Add("Red Delicious Apples", "0.99")
      myCol.Add("Plantain Bananas", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Yellow Bananas", "0.79")
      myCol.Add("Strawberries", "3.33")
      myCol.Add("Cranberries", "5.98")
      myCol.Add("Navel Oranges", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Grapes", "1.99")
      myCol.Add("Honeydew Melon", "0.59")
      myCol.Add("Seedless Watermelon", "0.49")
      myCol.Add("Pineapple", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Nectarine", "1.99")
      myCol.Add("Plums", "1.69")
      myCol.Add("Peaches", "1.99")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using For Each. This
 is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using For Each:")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values,
 Count, and Item properties.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the Keys,
 Values, Count, and Item properties:")

   End Sub 'Main

   ' Uses the For Each statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
   ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating
 the contents of a collection.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues1(myCol
 As IDictionary)

      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim de As DictionaryEntry
      For Each de In  myCol
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key,
      Next de

   End Sub 'PrintKeysAndValues

   ' Uses the enumerator. 
   ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating
 the contents of a collection.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues2(myCol
 As IDictionary)
      Dim myEnumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator
 = myCol.GetEnumerator()

      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", myEnumerator.Key,
      End While

   End Sub 'PrintKeysAndValues2

   ' Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues3(myCol
 As HybridDictionary)
      Dim myKeys(myCol.Count) As [String]
      myCol.Keys.CopyTo(myKeys, 0)

      Console.WriteLine("   INDEX KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myCol.Count - 1
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}",
 i, myKeys(i), myCol(myKeys(i)))
      Next i

   End Sub 'PrintKeysAndValues3

End Class 'SamplesHybridDictionary

'This code produces the following output.
'Displays the elements using For Each:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Plums                     1.69
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Plums                     1.69
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:
'   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
'   0     Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   1     Nectarine                 1.99
'   2     Cranberries               5.98
'   3     Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   4     Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   5     Pineapple                 1.49
'   6     Strawberries              3.33
'   7     Grapes                    1.99
'   8     Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   9     Peaches                   1.99
'   10    Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   11    Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   12    Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   13    Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   14    Gala Apples               1.49
'   15    Plums                     1.69
'   16    Navel Oranges             1.29
'   17    Fuji Apples               1.29

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class SamplesHybridDictionary  {

   public static void Main()

      // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
      HybridDictionary myCol = new HybridDictionary();
      myCol.Add( "Braeburn Apples", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Fuji Apples", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Gala Apples", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Granny Smith Apples", "0.89" );
      myCol.Add( "Red Delicious Apples", "0.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Plantain Bananas", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Yellow Bananas", "0.79" );
      myCol.Add( "Strawberries", "3.33" );
      myCol.Add( "Cranberries", "5.98" );
      myCol.Add( "Navel Oranges", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Grapes", "1.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Honeydew Melon", "0.59" );
      myCol.Add( "Seedless Watermelon", "0.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Pineapple", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Nectarine", "1.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Plums", "1.69" );
      myCol.Add( "Peaches", "1.99" );

      // Display the contents of the collection using foreach. This
 is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using foreach:"
      PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the
 IDictionaryEnumerator:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values,
 Count, and Item properties.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the
 Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues3( myCol );


   // Uses the foreach statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating
 the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues1(
 IDictionary myCol )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in myCol
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value );

   // Uses the enumerator. 
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating
 the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues2(
 IDictionary myCol )  {
      IDictionaryEnumerator myEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator();
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", myEnumerator.Key, myEnumerator.Value

   // Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues3(
 HybridDictionary myCol )  {
      String[] myKeys = new String[myCol.Count];
      myCol.Keys.CopyTo( myKeys, 0 );

      Console.WriteLine( "   INDEX KEY                       VALUE" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < myCol.Count;
 i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys[i], myCol[myKeys[i]]


This code produces the following output.

Displays the elements using foreach:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item
   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
   0     Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   1     Nectarine                 1.99
   2     Cranberries               5.98
   3     Plantain Bananas          1.49
   4     Honeydew Melon            0.59
   5     Pineapple                 1.49
   6     Strawberries              3.33
   7     Grapes                    1.99
   8     Braeburn Apples           1.49
   9     Peaches                   1.99
   10    Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   11    Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   12    Yellow Bananas            0.79
   13    Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   14    Gala Apples               1.49
   15    Plums                     1.69
   16    Navel Oranges             1.29
   17    Fuji Apples               1.29

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;

void PrintKeysAndValues1( IDictionary^ myCol );
void PrintKeysAndValues2( IDictionary^ myCol );
void PrintKeysAndValues3( HybridDictionary^ myCol );

int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
   HybridDictionary^ myCol = gcnew HybridDictionary;
   myCol->Add( "Braeburn Apples", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Fuji Apples", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Gala Apples", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Granny Smith Apples", "0.89" );
   myCol->Add( "Red Delicious Apples", "0.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Plantain Bananas", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Yellow Bananas", "0.79" );
   myCol->Add( "Strawberries", "3.33" );
   myCol->Add( "Cranberries", "5.98" );
   myCol->Add( "Navel Oranges", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Grapes", "1.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Honeydew Melon", "0.59" );
   myCol->Add( "Seedless Watermelon", "0.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Pineapple", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Nectarine", "1.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Plums", "1.69" );
   myCol->Add( "Peaches", "1.99" );

   // Display the contents of the collection using for each. This is
 the preferred method.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using for
 each:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:"
   PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values,
 Count, and Item properties.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item
 properties:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues3( myCol );

// Uses the foreach statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
// NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the
 contents of a collection.
void PrintKeysAndValues1( IDictionary^ myCol )  {
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
   for each ( DictionaryEntry^ de in myCol
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de->Key, de->Value );

// Uses the enumerator. 
void PrintKeysAndValues2( IDictionary^ myCol )
   IDictionaryEnumerator^ myEnumerator = myCol->GetEnumerator();
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", myEnumerator->Key, myEnumerator->Value


// Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
void PrintKeysAndValues3( HybridDictionary^ myCol )
   array<String^>^myKeys = gcnew array<String^>(myCol->Count);
   myCol->Keys->CopyTo( myKeys, 0 );
   Console::WriteLine( "   INDEX KEY                       VALUE" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCol->Count;
 i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys[ i ], myCol[
 myKeys[ i ] ] );

This code produces the following output.

Displays the elements using for each:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item
   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
   0     Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   1     Nectarine                 1.99
   2     Cranberries               5.98
   3     Plantain Bananas          1.49
   4     Honeydew Melon            0.59
   5     Pineapple                 1.49
   6     Strawberries              3.33
   7     Grapes                    1.99
   8     Braeburn Apples           1.49
   9     Peaches                   1.99
   10    Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   11    Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   12    Yellow Bananas            0.79
   13    Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   14    Gala Apples               1.49
   15    Plums                     1.69
   16    Navel Oranges             1.29
   17    Fuji Apples               1.29

import System.*;
import System.Collections.*;
import System.Collections.Specialized.*;

public class SamplesHybridDictionary
    public static void main(String[]
        // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
        HybridDictionary myCol = new HybridDictionary();
        myCol.Add("Braeburn Apples", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Fuji Apples", "1.29");
        myCol.Add("Gala Apples", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29");
        myCol.Add("Granny Smith Apples", "0.89");
        myCol.Add("Red Delicious Apples", "0.99");
        myCol.Add("Plantain Bananas", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Yellow Bananas", "0.79");
        myCol.Add("Strawberries", "3.33");
        myCol.Add("Cranberries", "5.98");
        myCol.Add("Navel Oranges", "1.29");
        myCol.Add("Grapes", "1.99");
        myCol.Add("Honeydew Melon", "0.59");
        myCol.Add("Seedless Watermelon", "0.49");
        myCol.Add("Pineapple", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Nectarine", "1.99");
        myCol.Add("Plums", "1.69");
        myCol.Add("Peaches", "1.99");
        // Display the contents of the collection using for. This is
        // preferred method.
        Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using for:");
        // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
        Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the"
            + " IDictionaryEnumerator:");
        // Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values
        // Count, and Item properties.
        Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the
 Keys, Values,"
            + " Count, and Item properties:");
    } //main
    // Uses the for statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
    // NOTE: The for statement is the preferred way of enumerating the
    // contents of a collection.
    public static void PrintKeysAndValues1(IDictionary
        String strKeys[] = new String[myCol.get_Count()];
        for (int iCtr=0; iCtr < myCol.get_Count();
 iCtr++) {
            Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", strKeys[iCtr],
    } //PrintKeysAndValues1
    // Uses the enumerator. 
    // NOTE: The for statement is the preferred way of enumerating the
    // contents of a collection.
    public static void PrintKeysAndValues2(IDictionary
        IDictionaryEnumerator myEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator();
        Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE");
        while(myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
            Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", myEnumerator.get_Key()
    } //PrintKeysAndValues2

    // Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
    public static void PrintKeysAndValues3(HybridDictionary
        String myKeys[] = new String[myCol.get_Count()];
        myCol.get_Keys().CopyTo(myKeys, 0);
        Console.WriteLine("   INDEX KEY                       VALUE");
        for(int i=0; i < myCol.get_Count();
 i++) {
            Console.WriteLine("   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", (Int32)i, myKeys[i],
    } //PrintKeysAndValues3
} //SamplesHybridDictionary
Displays the elements using for:
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item
   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
   0     Strawberries              3.33
   1     Yellow Bananas            0.79
   2     Cranberries               5.98
   3     Grapes                    1.99
   4     Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   5     Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   6     Honeydew Melon            0.59
   7     Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   8     Navel Oranges             1.29
   9     Fuji Apples               1.29
   10    Plantain Bananas          1.49
   11    Gala Apples               1.49
   12    Pineapple                 1.49
   13    Plums                     1.69
   14    Braeburn Apples           1.49
   15    Peaches                   1.99
   16    Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   17    Nectarine                 1.99

HybridDictionary クラス
HybridDictionary メンバ
System.Collections.Specialized 名前空間
IDictionaryEnumerator インターフェイス
IEnumerator インターフェイス

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HybridDictionary.GetEnumerator メソッドのお隣キーワード



HybridDictionary.GetEnumerator メソッドのページの著作権
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