Random クラスとは? わかりやすく解説

Random クラス


名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

<SerializableAttribute> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Class Random
public class Random
public ref class Random
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public class Random
public class Random

擬似乱数は、有限個の数値の中から等し確率選び出されます。この数字選出するために使用する演算アルゴリズムには限界があるため、選び出され数字は完全な乱数ではありませんが、実質的に乱数として十分使用できますRandom クラス現在の実装は、Donald E. Knuth乱数ジェネレータ減算アルゴリズム基づいてます。詳細については、D. E. Knuth 著『The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms』(第 2 版1981 年 Addision-Wesley, Reading, MA 出版) を参照してください

乱数の生成には、初期値としてシード値を使用します。同じシード繰り返し使用すると、生成される乱数系列同じになります異な乱数系列生成する 1 つ方法は、シード値を時間によって決定することです。これにより、Random新しインスタンスごとに異な乱数系列生成できます

パフォーマンス向上するには、1 つ乱数生成するために繰り返し新しRandom作成するではなく1 つRandom作成して何回使用し多く乱数生成するようにします。

ランダム パスワード作成適した暗号として安全な乱数生成するには、たとえば、System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider などの System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator から派生したクラス使用します


クラス コンストラクタさまざまなオーバーロード使用して Random オブジェクト作成し、それらのオブジェクトから整数および倍精度浮動小数点数ランダムなシーケンス生成するコード例次に示します

' Example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble( )
' method.
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module RandomObjectDemo

    ' Generate random numbers from the specified Random object.
    Sub RunIntNDoubleRandoms( randObj As Random

        ' Generate the first six random integers.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 5
            Console.Write( " {0,10} ", randObj.Next(
 ) )
        Next j
        Console.WriteLine( )
        ' Generate the first six random doubles.
        For j = 0 To 5
            Console.Write( " {0:F8} ", randObj.NextDouble(
 ) )
        Next j
        Console.WriteLine( )
    End Sub 
    ' Create a Random object with the specified seed.
    Sub FixedSeedRandoms( seed As Integer

        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
            "Random numbers from a Random object with "
 & _
            "seed = {0}:", seed )
        Dim fixRand As New
 Random( seed )
        RunIntNDoubleRandoms( fixRand )
    End Sub 
    ' Create a random object with a timer-generated seed.
    Sub AutoSeedRandoms( )

        ' Wait to allow the timer to advance.
        Thread.Sleep( 1 )
        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
            "Random numbers from a Random object "
 & _ 
            "with an auto-generated seed:" )
        Dim autoRand As New
 Random( )
        RunIntNDoubleRandoms( autoRand )
    End Sub 
    Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Random class constructors "
 & _
            "and Random.NextDouble( ) " & vbCrLf
 & _
            "generates the following output." &
 vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "Create Random " &
            "objects, and then generate and display six "
 & _
            "integers and " & vbCrLf & "six
 doubles from each." )
        FixedSeedRandoms( 123 )
        FixedSeedRandoms( 123 )
        FixedSeedRandoms( 456 )
        FixedSeedRandoms( 456 )
        AutoSeedRandoms( )
        AutoSeedRandoms( )
        AutoSeedRandoms( )
    End Sub
End Module 

' This example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble(
' generates the following output.
' Create Random objects, and then generate and display six integers
' six doubles from each.
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
'  2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
'  0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
'  2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
'  0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
'  2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
'  0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
'  2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
'  0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170
' Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
'  1920831619  1346865774  2006582766  1968819760   332463652   110770792
'  0.71326689  0.50383335  0.50446082  0.66312569  0.94517193  0.58059287
' Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
'   254927927  1205531663  1984850027   110020849  1438111494  1697714106
'  0.19383387  0.52067738  0.74162783  0.35063667  0.31247720  0.38773733
' Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
'   736507882  1064197552  1963117288   398705585   396275689  1137173773
'  0.67440084  0.53752140  0.97879483  0.03814764  0.67978248  0.19488178
// Example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble( )
// method.
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class RandomObjectDemo  
    // Generate random numbers from the specified Random object.
    static void RunIntNDoubleRandoms( Random
 randObj )
        // Generate the first six random integers.
        for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
            Console.Write( " {0,10} ", randObj.Next( ) );
        Console.WriteLine( );

        // Generate the first six random doubles.
        for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
            Console.Write( " {0:F8} ", randObj.NextDouble( ) );
        Console.WriteLine( );

    // Create a Random object with the specified seed.
    static void FixedSeedRandoms( int
 seed )
            "\nRandom numbers from a Random object with " +
            "seed = {0}:", seed );
        Random fixRand = new Random( seed );

        RunIntNDoubleRandoms( fixRand );

    // Create a random object with a timer-generated seed.
    static void AutoSeedRandoms( )
        // Wait to allow the timer to advance.
        Thread.Sleep( 1 );

            "\nRandom numbers from a Random object " +
            "with an auto-generated seed:" );
        Random autoRand = new Random( );

        RunIntNDoubleRandoms( autoRand );

    static void Main( )
            "This example of the Random class constructors
 and " +
            "Random.NextDouble( ) \n" +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
            "Create Random objects, and then generate and " +
            "display six integers and \nsix doubles from each.");

        FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
        FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );

        FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );
        FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );

        AutoSeedRandoms( );
        AutoSeedRandoms( );
        AutoSeedRandoms( );

This example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble(
generates the following output.

Create Random objects, and then generate and display six integers and
six doubles from each.

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
 2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
 0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
 2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
 0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
 2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
 0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
 2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
 0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
  380213349   127379247  1969091178  1983029819  1963098450  1648433124
 0.08824121  0.41249688  0.36445811  0.05637512  0.62702451  0.49595560

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
  861793304  2133528783  1947358439   124230908   921262645  1087892791
 0.56880819  0.42934091  0.60162512  0.74388610  0.99432979  0.30310005

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
 1343373259  1992194672  1925625700   412915644  2026910487   527352458
 0.04937517  0.44618494  0.83879212  0.43139707  0.36163507  0.11024451
// Example of the Random class constructors and Random::NextDouble(
// method.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;

// Generate random numbers from the specified Random object.
void RunIntNDoubleRandoms( Random^ randObj )
   // Generate the first six random integers.
   for ( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
      Console::Write( " {0,10} ", randObj->Next() );
   // Generate the first six random doubles.
   for ( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
      Console::Write( " {0:F8} ", randObj->NextDouble() );

// Create a Random object with the specified seed.
void FixedSeedRandoms( int seed )
   Console::WriteLine( "\nRandom numbers from a Random object with seed = {0}:",
 seed );
   Random^ fixRand = gcnew Random( seed );
   RunIntNDoubleRandoms( fixRand );

// Create a random object with a timer-generated seed.
void AutoSeedRandoms()
   // Wait to allow the timer to advance.
   Thread::Sleep( 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nRandom numbers from a Random object "
   "with an auto-generated seed:" );
   Random^ autoRand = gcnew Random;
   RunIntNDoubleRandoms( autoRand );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Random class
 constructors and Random"
   "::NextDouble( ) \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Create Random objects, and then generate and "
   "display six integers and \nsix doubles from each." );
   FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
   FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
   FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );
   FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );

This example of the Random class constructors and Random::NextDouble(
generates the following output.

Create Random objects, and then generate and display six integers and
six doubles from each.

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
 2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
 0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
 2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
 0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
 2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
 0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
 2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
 0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
 1624372556  1894939458   302472229   588108304    23919954  1085111949
 0.14595512  0.30162298  0.92267372  0.55707657  0.25430079  0.74143239

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
 2105952511  1753605347   280739490   876793040  1129567796   524571616
 0.62652210  0.31846701  0.15984073  0.24458755  0.62160607  0.54857684

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
  440048819  1612271236   259006751  1165477776    87731991  2111514930
 0.10708907  0.33531104  0.39700773  0.93209853  0.98891135  0.35572129
スレッド セーフスレッド セーフ
この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバ場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。

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「Random クラス」の関連用語

Random クラスのお隣キーワード



Random クラスのページの著作権
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