古代ギリシア語の文法とは? わかりやすく解説

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古代ギリシア語の文法英語: ancient Greek grammar)は、形態論的に非常に複雑であり、名詞・形容詞・代名詞・冠詞・数詞・動詞の高度な語形変化を特徴としている。これはインド・ヨーロッパ祖語の形態論から受け継がれた特徴である。

  1. ^ 女性の双数にはτᾱ́ (tā́)とταῖν (taîn)の語形もあるが、稀にしか用いられない。例:Plato, Leg. 775e, 955d.[20]


  1. ^ 使用は稀。
  2. ^ 使用は稀。


  1. ^ Smyth, Herbert Weir (1920). "Part I: Letters, Sounds, Syllables, Accent". A Greek grammar for colleges. Cambridge: American Book Company. § 62.
  2. ^ Allen, W.S. Vox Graeca (1987), pp. 116ff.
  3. ^ Allen, W.S. Vox Graeca (1987), p. 130.
  4. ^ Allen, W.S. Vox Graeca (1987), p. 125.
  5. ^ Probert, Philomen A New Short Guide to the Accentuation of Ancient Greek (2003), p. 16.
  6. ^ See discussion in A.M. Devine, Laurence D Stephens (1994), The Prosody of Greek Speech, pp. 475-6.
  7. ^ See for example the Sicilus inscription illustrated in W.S. Allen (1987) Vox Graeca, p. 119.
  8. ^ Smyth, Herbert Weir (1920). "Part II: Inflection". A Greek grammar for colleges. Cambridge: American Book Company. § 197.
  9. ^ Goodwin, (1894) [1879], p. 198.
  10. ^ Aristophanes, The Birds 755.
  11. ^ Smyth, Herbert Weir (1920). "Part II: Inflection". A Greek grammar for colleges. Cambridge: American Book Company. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0007:smythp=195 § 195].
  12. ^ Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 4.4.2
  13. ^ Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 7.24.1
  14. ^ Perseus PhiloLogic search engine.
  15. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 202.
  16. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 1636.ff
  17. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 1691.
  18. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 204.
  19. ^ BRANDÃO, Jacynto L.; SARAIVA, Maria O. de Q.; and LAGE, Celina F. Ελληνικά: introdução ao grego antigo. Belo Horizonte (Brazil): Editora UFMG, 2005. p. 44, 67 and 512.
  20. ^ a b FREIRE, Antônio. Gramática Grega. São Paulo (Brazil): Martins Fontes, 1987. p. 17.
  21. ^ Plato, The Republic 395b
  22. ^ cf. Plato, Meno 81b.
  23. ^ Goodwin (1894) [1879], p. 207.
  24. ^ Goodwin, pp. 204, 330; Smyth p. 273.
  25. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 428.ff
  26. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 439.ff
  27. ^ Aristophanes, The Wasps 165
  28. ^ Plato, Phaedrus 60a
  29. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. §§ 1719, 1721.
  30. ^ Andocides, 1.106
  31. ^ Xenophon, Anabasis 7.2.23
  32. ^ Demosthenes, Prooemia 18.1
  33. ^ Plato, Meno 81b
  34. ^ Xenophon, 2.3.35
  35. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 2052.
  36. ^ Plato, Meno 81a
  37. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 2088.ff.
  38. ^ Demosthenes, 28.15
  39. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 471.
  40. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 2151.
  41. ^ Xenophon, Anabasis 2.4.6
  42. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 2152.
  43. ^ Isocrates, 6.91
  44. ^ Xenophon, Anabasis 4.7.3
  45. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 1985.
  46. ^ Arist. Rhetoric 1359a.1
  47. ^ Smyth. A Greek grammar for colleges. § 472.


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