睡眠相後退症候群とは? わかりやすく解説

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睡眠相後退症候群(すいみんそうこうたいしょうこうぐん、Delayed sleep-phase syndrome; DSPS)、または睡眠相後退障害 (delayed sleep-phase disorder) は、慢性的な睡眠のタイミングに関する障害(概日リズム睡眠障害)のひとつである。DSPSの患者は、とても遅い時間に眠りにつく傾向があり、朝起きることが困難である。

  1. ^ a b 訳者の造語
  1. ^ Dagan Y; Eisenstein M Circadian rhythm sleep disorders: toward a more precise definition and diagnosis. Chronobiol Int 1999 Mar;16 (2): 213-22
  2. ^ Weitzman, E.D., Czeisler, CA et al. (1981). “Delayed sleep phase syndrome: a chronobiological disorder with sleep-onset insomnia”. Archives of General Psychiatry 38: 737-746. 
  3. ^ Sleeplessness and Circadian Rhythm Disorder”. eMedicine World Medical Library from WebMD. 2006年6月4日閲覧。
  4. ^ International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Revised Edition (PDF) American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2001.
  5. ^ Schrader H, Bovim G, Sand T. The prevalence of delayed and advanced sleep phase syndromes. J Sleep Res. 1993 Mar;2 (1): 51-55.
  6. ^ Yazaki, Mikako et al. Demography of sleep disturbances associated with circadian rhythm disorders in Japan Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Volume 53 Issue 2 Page 267 April 1999
  7. ^ Uchiyama, Makoto et al. Poor recovery sleep after sleep deprivation in delayed sleep phase syndrome Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Volume 53 Issue 2 Page 195 - 197 April 1999
  8. ^ Ancoli-Israel S, Schnierow B, Kelsoe J, Fink R. (2001). “A pedigree of one family with delayed sleep phase syndrome.”. Chronobiology International 18 (5): 831–840. http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/link.asp?id=fncvdeghagwam1qv. 
  9. ^ Evolution of a length polymorphism in the human PER3 Gene, Nadakarni et al.JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS / December 2005.
  10. ^ Boivin, D.B. et al. Non-24-hour sleep–wake syndrome following a car accident Neurology 2003; 60: 1841-1843
  11. ^ Quinto, Christine et al. Posttraumatic delayed sleep phase syndrome Neurology 2000; 54: 250
  12. ^ Stores, Gregory. Misdiagnosing sleep disorders as primary psychiatric conditions. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2003, vol.9, 69-77
  13. ^ WHO Technical meeting on sleep and health - meeting report (PDF) accessed August 12 2006
  14. ^ a b Dagan, Yaron and Abadi, Judith Sleep-Wake Schedule Disorder Disability: A lifelong untreatable pathology of the circadian time structure. Chronobiology International 2001; Volume 18, Number 6 Pages: 1,019-1,027
  15. ^ Burgess, Helen J., et al. "Human phase response curves to three days of daily melatonin: 0.5 mg versus 3.0 mg." The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 95.7 (2010): 3325-3331.
  16. ^ van Geijlswijk IM, Korzilius HP, Smits MG (December 2010). “The use of exogenous melatonin in delayed sleep phase disorder: a meta-analysis”. Sleep 33 (12): 1605–14. PMC: 2982730. PMID 21120122. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmid/21120122/. 
  17. ^ WP. Lissori, M. Resentini et al. (1986). “Effects of Tetra-hydrocannabinol on Melatonin Secretion in Man”. Hormone and Metabolic Research 18: 77-78. 
  18. ^ E.A. Carlini and J.M. Cunha (1981). “Hypnotic and Antiepileptic Effects of Cannabidiol”. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 21: 4,175-4,274. 
  19. ^ AN Nicholson, C Turner, et al. Effect of Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on Nocturnal Sleep and Early-Morning Behavior in Young Adults. (PDF) Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2004, 24 (3): 305-313
  20. ^ Nakasei, Shinji et al. Trazodone advanced a delayed sleep phase of an elderly male: A case report Sleep and Biological Rhythms Volume 3 Page 169 - October 2005




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