ナッシュビルの歴史とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2020/12/28 22:38 UTC 版)

本項では、ナッシュビルの歴史 (ナッシュビルのれきし、History of Nashville, Tennessee)について記述する。ナッシュビルアメリカ合衆国テネシー州の州都である。

  1. ^ Albright, Edward (1909). Early History of Middle Tennessee. http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnsumner/early12.htm 
  2. ^ Crabb, Alfred Leland (1957). Journey to Nashville: A Story of the Founding. New York: Bobbs-Merrill 
  3. ^ Creighton, Wilbur (1969). Building of Nashville.
  4. ^ Charles Grier Sellers, Jr. "Jackson Men with Feet of Clay," American Historical Review Vol. 62, No. 3 (Apr., 1957), pp. 537–551
  5. ^ Robert V. Remini, Andrew Jackson (1999)
  6. ^ tnmuseum.org
  7. ^ Biography of Isham Green Harris
  8. ^ Durham, Walter T. (1985). Nashville: The Occupied City, 1862–1863 ISBN 1572336331
  9. ^ Durham, Walter T. (1987). Reluctant Partners: Nashville and the Union, 1863–1865 ISBN 0961596619
  10. ^ Jeannine Cole, "'Upon the Stage of Disorder:' Legalized Prostitution in Memphis and Nashville, 1863–1865," Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Spring 2009, Vol. 68 Issue 1, pp 40–65
  11. ^ Stanley F. Horn, "Dr. John Rolfe Hudson and the Confederate Underground in Nashville," Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Winter 2010, Vol. 69 Issue 4, pp 330–349
  12. ^ U.S. Census Bureau data for 50 largest cities, 1850 to 1990
  13. ^ John Rumble, "Roy Acuff". The Encyclopedia of Country Music: The Ultimate Guide to the Music (1998), pp. 4–5.
  14. ^ John Egerton, "Walking into History: The Beginning of School Desegregation in Nashville Archived 2010年3月28日, at the Wayback Machine.," Southern Spaces, 4 May 2009
  15. ^ Hawkins, Brett W. (1966). Nashville Metro: The Politics of City-County Consolidation. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press 
  16. ^ 米ナッシュヴィルでキャンピングカー爆発、3人負傷 「意図的行為」と警察” (日本語). BBCニュース (2020年12月26日). 2020年12月28日閲覧。


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