EventArgsとは? わかりやすく解説

EventArgs クラス

EventArgs は、イベント データ格納されているクラス基本クラスです。

名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

<SerializableAttribute> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Class EventArgs
public class EventArgs
public ref class EventArgs
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public class EventArgs
public class EventArgs


この例では、FireEventArgs が EventArgs から派生したイベント引数集合になってます。ActivateFireAlarm を呼び出してイベント発生すると、FireEventHandler に渡されます。

Imports System


' FireEventArgs: a custom event inherited from EventArgs.

Public Class FireEventArgs
   Inherits EventArgs
   Public Sub New(room As
 String, ferocity As Integer)
      Me.room = room
      Me.ferocity = ferocity
   End Sub 'New
   ' The fire event will have two pieces of information-- 
   ' 1) Where the fire is, and 2) how "ferocious" it is. 
   Public room As String
   Public ferocity As Integer
End Class 'FireEventArgs
'end of class FireEventArgs

Public Class FireAlarm
   ' Events are handled with delegates, so we must establish a FireEventHandler
   ' as a delegate:

   Delegate Sub FireEventHandler(sender As
 Object, fe As FireEventArgs)
   ' Now, create a public event "FireEvent" whose type is
 our FireEventHandler delegate.

   Public Event FireEvent As
   ' This will be the starting point of our event-- it will create FireEventArgs
   ' and then raise the event, passing FireEventArgs.

   Public Sub ActivateFireAlarm(room As
 String, ferocity As Integer)
      Dim fireArgs As New
 FireEventArgs(room, ferocity)
      '  Now, raise the event by invoking the delegate. Pass in 
      '  the object that initated the event (Me) as well as FireEventArgs.
      '  The call must match the signature of FireEventHandler.

      RaiseEvent FireEvent(Me, fireArgs)

   End Sub 'ActivateFireAlarm
End Class 'FireAlarm

' The following event will be the EventHandler.
Class FireHandlerClass
   ' Create a FireAlarm to handle and raise the fire events. 

   Public Sub New(fireAlarm
 As FireAlarm)
      ' Add a delegate containing the ExtinguishFire function to the
      ' event so that when FireAlarm is raised, it will subsequently
      ' ExtinguishFire.

      AddHandler fireAlarm.FireEvent, AddressOf

   End Sub 'New
   ' This is the function to be executed when a fire event is raised.
   Sub ExtinguishFire(sender As Object,
 fe As FireEventArgs)
      Console.WriteLine("The ExtinguishFire function was called
 by {0}.", sender.ToString())
      ' Now, act in response to the event.

      If fe.ferocity < 2 Then
         Console.WriteLine("This fire in the {0} is
 no problem.  I'm going to pour some water on it.", fe.room)
         If fe.ferocity < 5 Then
            Console.WriteLine("Using Fire Extinguisher to put
 out the fire in the {0}.", fe.room)
            Console.WriteLine("The fire in the {0} is
 out of control.  I'm calling the fire department.",
         End If
      End If 'end of class FireHandlerClass
   End Sub 'ExtinguishFire
End Class 'FireHandlerClass

Public Class FireEventTest
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Create an instance of the class that will be raising the event.
      Dim myFireAlarm As New
      ' Create an instance of the class that will be handling the event.
 Note that 
      ' it receives the class that will fire the event as a parameter.

     Dim myFireHandler As New
      ' Now, use the FireAlarm class to raise a few events. 

      myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Kitchen", 3)
      myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Study", 1)
      myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Porch", 5)
   End Sub 'Main 'end of main
End Class 'FireEventTest ' end
 of FireEventTest
using System;

// FireEventArgs: a custom event inherited from EventArgs.

public class FireEventArgs: EventArgs {
    public FireEventArgs(string room, int
 ferocity) {
        this.room = room;
        this.ferocity = ferocity;

    // The fire event will have two pieces of information-- 
    // 1) Where the fire is, and 2) how "ferocious" it is.

    public string room;
    public int ferocity;

}    //end of class FireEventArgs

// Class with a function that creates the eventargs and initiates the
public class FireAlarm {

    // Events are handled with delegates, so we must establish a FireEventHandler
    // as a delegate:

    public delegate void FireEventHandler(object
 sender, FireEventArgs fe);

    // Now, create a public event "FireEvent" whose type is
 our FireEventHandler delegate. 

    public event FireEventHandler FireEvent;    

    // This will be the starting point of our event-- it will create
    // and then raise the event, passing FireEventArgs. 

    public void ActivateFireAlarm(string
 room, int ferocity) {

        FireEventArgs fireArgs = new FireEventArgs(room, ferocity);

        // Now, raise the event by invoking the delegate. Pass in 
        // the object that initated the event (this) as well as FireEventArgs.
        // The call must match the signature of FireEventHandler.

        FireEvent(this, fireArgs); 
}    // end of class FireAlarm

// Class which handles the event

class FireHandlerClass {

    // Create a FireAlarm to handle and raise the fire events. 

    public FireHandlerClass(FireAlarm fireAlarm)    {

        // Add a delegate containing the ExtinguishFire function to
 the class'
        // event so that when FireAlarm is raised, it will subsequently
        // ExtinguishFire.

        fireAlarm.FireEvent += new FireAlarm.FireEventHandler(ExtinguishFire);

    // This is the function to be executed when a fire event is raised.
    void ExtinguishFire(object sender, FireEventArgs fe) {

        Console.WriteLine("\nThe ExtinguishFire function was called by {0}.",

        // Now, act in response to the event.

        if (fe.ferocity < 2)
            Console.WriteLine("This fire in the {0} is no
 problem.  I'm going to pour some water on it.", fe.room);
        else if (fe.ferocity < 5)
            Console.WriteLine("I'm using FireExtinguisher
 to put out the fire in the {0}.",  fe.room);
            Console.WriteLine("The fire in the {0} is out
 of control.  I'm calling the fire department!", fe.room);
}    //end of class FireHandlerClass

public class FireEventTest {
    public static void Main
 ()     {    

        // Create an instance of the class that will be firing an event.

        FireAlarm myFireAlarm = new FireAlarm();
        // Create an instance of the class that will be handling the
 event. Note that 
        // it receives the class that will fire the event as a parameter.

        FireHandlerClass myFireHandler = new FireHandlerClass(myFireAlarm);
        //use our class to raise a few events and watch them get handled
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Kitchen", 3);
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Study", 1);
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Porch", 5);

    }    //end of main

}    // end of FireEventTest

using namespace System;

// FireEventArgs: a custom event inherited from EventArgs.
public ref class FireEventArgs: public
   FireEventArgs( String^ room, int ferocity )
      this->room = room;
      this->ferocity = ferocity;

   // The fire event will have two pieces of information-- 
   // 1) Where the fire is, and 2) how "ferocious" it is.
   String^ room;
   int ferocity;

//end of class FireEventArgs
// Class with a function that creates the eventargs and initiates the
public ref class FireAlarm
   delegate void FireEventHandler(    // Events are
 handled with delegates, so we must establish a FireEventHandler
   // as a delegate:
   Object^ sender, FireEventArgs^ fe );
   event FireEventHandler^ FireEvent;

   // Now, create a public event "FireEvent" whose type is
 our FireEventHandler delegate. 
   // This will be the starting point of our event-- it will create
   // and then raise the event, passing FireEventArgs. 
   void ActivateFireAlarm( String^ room, int
 ferocity )
      FireEventArgs^ fireArgs = gcnew FireEventArgs( room,ferocity );
      // Now, raise the event by invoking the delegate. Pass in 
      // the object that initated the event (this) as well as FireEventArgs.
      // The call must match the signature of FireEventHandler.
      FireEvent( this, fireArgs );


// end of class FireAlarm
// Class which handles the event
ref class FireHandlerClass

   // Create a FireAlarm to handle and raise the fire events. 
   FireHandlerClass( FireAlarm^ fireAlarm )
      // Add a delegate containing the ExtinguishFire function to the
      // event so that when FireAlarm is raised, it will subsequently
      // ExtinguishFire.
      fireAlarm->FireEvent += gcnew FireAlarm::FireEventHandler( this,
 &FireHandlerClass::ExtinguishFire );

   // This is the function to be executed when a fire event is raised.
   void ExtinguishFire( Object^ sender, FireEventArgs^ fe )
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe ExtinguishFire function was called by {0}.",
 sender );
      // Now, act in response to the event.
      if ( fe->ferocity < 2 )
            Console::WriteLine( "This fire in the {0} is
 no problem.  I'm going to pour some water on it.", fe->room );
      if ( fe->ferocity < 5 )
            Console::WriteLine( "I'm using FireExtinguisher
 to put out the fire in the {0}.", fe->room );
            Console::WriteLine( "The fire in the {0} is out
 of control.  I'm calling the fire department!", fe->room );


//end of class FireHandlerClass
int main()
   // Create an instance of the class that will be firing an event.
   FireAlarm^ myFireAlarm = gcnew FireAlarm;
   // Create an instance of the class that will be handling the event.
 Note that 
   // it receives the class that will fire the event as a parameter.
   FireHandlerClass^ myFireHandler = gcnew FireHandlerClass( myFireAlarm );
   //use our class to raise a few events and watch them get handled
   myFireAlarm->ActivateFireAlarm( "Kitchen", 3 );
   myFireAlarm->ActivateFireAlarm( "Study", 1 );
   myFireAlarm->ActivateFireAlarm( "Porch", 5 );
} //end of main

スレッド セーフスレッド セーフ
この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバ場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。

EventArgs コンストラクタ

EventArgs フィールド

EventArgs メソッド

EventArgs メンバ

EventArgs は、イベント データ格納されているクラス基本クラスです。

EventArgs データ型公開されるメンバを以下の表に示します

パブリック コンストラクタパブリック コンストラクタ
  名前 説明
パブリック メソッド EventArgs EventArgs クラス新しインスタンス初期化します。
パブリック フィールドパブリック フィールド
パブリック メソッドパブリック メソッド
プロテクト メソッドプロテクト メソッド


EventArgs クラス
System 名前空間

このページでは「.NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス」からEventArgsを検索した結果を表示しています。
 全ての辞書からEventArgs を検索

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