学校内における体罰とは? わかりやすく解説

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学校内における体罰(がっこうないにおけるたいばつ、英:CORPORAL PUNISHIMENT IN SCHOOL)は、学校内での生徒による望ましくない行動に対して、意図的に痛みや不快感を与えることを指す。手で[1](場合によって木刀竹刀、スリッパ、革紐、木製の物差しを持つ形で)、生徒の上半身、臀部[2]を打つことがしばしば含まれる。


  1. ^ 学校教育法第11条の禁ずる体罰は、懲戒の内容が身体的性質のものである場合を意味しており、殴る、ける等の身体に対する侵害や肉体的苦痛を与えるような懲戒がこれに該当すると解されている。第151回参議院文教科学委員会 岸田文雄


  1. ^ a b "Toronto abolishes the strap". Globe and Mail (Toronto). 23 July 1971.
  2. ^ 例としてStudent/Parent Information Guide and Code of Conduct 2008-2009 (PDF) 、Alexander City Schools(アラバマ州)のP.44を参照。
  3. ^ a b c Corporal Punishment in Schools”. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2014年9月). 2016年9月22日閲覧。
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Poole, Steven R. (July 1991). “The role of the pediatrician in abolishing corporal punishment in schools”. Pediatrics 88 (1): 162–7. PMID 2057255. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Greydanus, D.E.; Pratt, H.D.; Spates, Richard C.; Blake-Dreher, A.E.; Greydanus-Gearhart, M.A.; Patel, D.R. (May 2003). “Corporal punishment in schools: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine”. J Adolesc Health 32 (5): 385–93. doi:10.1016/S1054-139X(03)00042-9. PMID 12729988. http://www.adolescenthealth.org/PositionPaper_Corporal_Punishment_in_Schools.pdf. 
  6. ^ "Spanking Lives On In Rural Florida Schools"(2012年3月15日)
  7. ^ "Spare the rod"エコノミスト』(2014年11月15日)
  8. ^ United Kingdom: Corporal punishment in schools at World Corporal Punishment Research.
  9. ^ Quigly, Isabel (1984). The Heirs of Tom Brown: The English School Story. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-281404-4
  10. ^ Chandos, John (1984). Boys Together: English Public Schools 1800-1864. London: Hutchinson, esp. chapter 11. ISBN 0-09-139240-3
  11. ^ UK Parliament. Education (No. 2) Act 1986 as amended (see also enacted form), from legislation.gov.uk. Section 47 for England and Wales and section 48 for Scotland, brought into force in 1987.
  12. ^ Privy Council of the United Kingdom. Education (Corporal Punishment) (Northern Ireland) Order 1987.
  13. ^ Gould, Mark (9 January 2007). "Sparing the rod". The Guardian (London).
  14. ^ UK Parliament. School Standards and Framework Act 1998 as amended (see also enacted form), from legislation.gov.uk. Section 131, for England and Wales, brought into force in 1999.
  15. ^ Brown, Colin (25 March 1998). "Last vestiges of caning swept away". The Independent (London).
  16. ^ a b c Teitelbaum, Salomon M. "Parental Authority in the Soviet Union", in American Slavic and East European Review, Vol. 4, No. 3/4 (December 1945), pp. 54-69.
  17. ^ Linehan, Thomas P. (2007). Communism in Britain, 1920-39: From the cradle to the grave, Manchester University Press. pp. 32 ff. ISBN 0-7190-7140-2
  18. ^ "Caning? It's not cricket, say the Russians at Rugby". Daily Mail (London). 22 November 1960.
  19. ^ "North Korean Defectors Face Huge Challenges". Radio Free Asia. 21 March 2007.
  20. ^ a b "Country report for China". Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.
  21. ^ a b Paul Wiseman, "Chinese schools try to unlearn brutality", USA Today, Washington D.C., 9 May 2000.
  22. ^ Gershoff, Elizabeth T. (Spring 2010). “More Harm Than Good: A Summary of Scientific Research on the Intended and Unintended Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children”. Law & Contemporary Problems (Duke University School of Law) 73 (2): 31–56. http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/lcp/vol73/iss2/3/. 
  23. ^ Corporal Punishment in Schools and its Effect on Academic Success: Testimony by Donald E. Greydanus MD” (PDF). Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives (2010年4月15日). 2016年11月26日閲覧。
  24. ^ "H-515.995 Corporal Punishment in Schools". American Medical Association.
  25. ^ American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on School Health (February 1984). “Corporal punishment in schools”. Pediatrics 73 (2): 258. PMID 6599942. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=6599942. 
  26. ^ Stein, M.T.; Perrin, E.L. (April 1998). “Guidance for effective discipline. American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health”. Pediatrics 101 (4 Pt 1): 723–8. PMID 9521967. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=9521967. 
  27. ^ “Corporal punishment in schools. A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine”. J Adolesc Health 13 (3): 240–6. (May 1992). PMID 1498122. 
  28. ^ "Corporal Punishment". Council Policy Manual. American Psychological Association. 1975.
  29. ^ Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Position Statement on corporal punishment” (2009年11月). 2016年11月26日閲覧。
  30. ^ Lynch, M. (September 2003). "Community pediatrics: role of physicians and organizations". Pediatrics. 112 (3 Part 2): 732–734. doi:10.1542/peds.112.3.S1.732 (inactive 9 January 2015). PMID 12949335
  31. ^ “Memorandum on the Use of Corporal Punishment in Schools”. Psychiatric Bulletin 2 (4): 62–64. (1978). doi:10.1192/pb.2.4.62. 
  32. ^ Psychosocial Paediatrics Committee; Canadian Paediatric Society (2004). “Effective discipline for children”. Paediatrics & Child Health 9 (1): 37–41. PMC 2719514. PMID 19654979. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2719514/. 
  33. ^ Legislative assembly questions #0293 - Australian Psychological Society: Punishment and Behaviour Change”. Parliament of New South Wales (1996年10月20日). 2008年5月3日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2008年8月6日閲覧。
  34. ^ Corporal punishment”. National Association of Secondary School Principals (2009年2月). 2016年11月26日閲覧。
  35. ^ General comment No. 8 (2006): The right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and or cruel or degrading forms of punishment (articles 1, 28(2), and 37, inter alia)”. United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, 42nd Sess., U.N. Doc. CRC/C/GC/8 (2007年3月2日). 2015年1月閲覧。
  36. ^ Europe-Wide Ban on Corporal Punishment of Children, Recommendation 1666”. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe (21st Sitting) (2004年6月23日). 2015年1月閲覧。
  37. ^ Report on Corporal Punishment and Human Rights of Children and Adolescents”. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Rapporteurship on the Rights of the Child, Organization of American States (2009年8月5日). 2015年1月閲覧。
  38. ^ Committee on the Rights of the Child (2001). General Comment No. 1, The Aims of Education. U.N. Doc. CRC/GC/2001/1.
  39. ^ 「児童の権利に関する条約」 - 外務省
  40. ^ a b (PDF) Towards Non-violent Schools: Prohibiting All Corporal Punishment: Global Report 2015, London: Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children; Save the Children, (May 2015), http://www.endcorporalpunishment.org/assets/pdfs/reports-thematic/Schools%20Report%202015-EN.pdf 
  41. ^ "Diálogo, premios y penitencias: cómo poner límites sin violencia". El Clarín (Buenos Aires). 17 December 2005. (スペイン語)
  42. ^ "En Argentina, del golpe a la convivencia". El Clarín (Buenos Aires). 10 February 1999. (スペイン語)
  43. ^ "Country report for Argentina". Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.
  44. ^ Child Family Community Australia (March 2014), Corporal punishment: Key issues - Resource Sheet, Australian Government, オリジナルの11 September 2015時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://web.archive.org/web/20150911090109/https://aifs.gov.au/cfca/publications/corporal-punishment-key-issues 
  45. ^ “Federal Government rules out return of corporal punishment, after curriculum adviser says it can be 'very effective '”. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (2014年7月16日). オリジナルの2014年11月14日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20141114163817/http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-07-16/kevin-donnelly-slammed-over-corporal-punishment-comments/5600408 
  46. ^ Barrett, Rosanne (2012年6月25日). “States refuse to buckle amid calls to ban cane”. The Australian (Sydney: News Corp Australia). http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/education/states-refuse-to-buckle-amid-calls-to-ban-cane/story-fn59nlz9-1226407027267?nk=102c09b31b32468c992870ae47532208 2015年2月15日閲覧。 
  47. ^ a b Ruff, Marcia (1985年12月19日). “Senator keeps up fight against cane in schools”. The Canberra Times: p. 2. http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/118180111 
  48. ^ Criminal Code Act (Qld), s280.
  49. ^ “Qld schools consign cane to history”. The Canberra Times: p. 20. (1992年5月27日). http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/132382553. "Corporal punishment will be phased out by the end of the 1994 school year" 
  50. ^ “Teachers given the cane go-ahead in some Queensland schools”. (2009年3月29日). オリジナルの2015年9月11日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20150911095234/http://www.news.com.au/news/teachers-given-the-cane-go-ahead/story-fna7dq6e-1225699569725 
  51. ^ Education Act 1990 (NSW), s47(h), s3 and s 35 (2A)
  52. ^ “Caning gets the cut from 1987”. The Canberra Times: p. 18. (1985年12月13日). http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/118178521 
  53. ^ “WA to decide on caning of girls”. The Canberra Times: p. 3. (1987年5月24日). http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/118305760. "Following the decision, the NSW State Government banned the use of canes in all schools in that state." 
  54. ^ “NSW schools say no to use of the cane”. The Canberra Times: p. 11. (1989年6月20日). http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/122270970. "The Fair Discipline Code... reversed the NSW Labor Government's two-year-old ban on the cane for the state's 2300 schools" 
  55. ^ a b “NSW vetoes school cane”. The Canberra Times: p. 8. (1995年12月6日). http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/133918194. "NSW Education Minister John Aquilina said corporal punishment would be outlawed in public schools from today, and in non-government schools from 1997" 
  56. ^ “Cane ban no bar to discipline: Carr”. The Canberra Times: p. 2. (1995年12月17日). http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/133920440 
  57. ^ Education Act 1994 (Tas), s82A.
  58. ^ a b Haley, Martine (2001年4月8日). “Spank curb Bid for child punishment laws”. Sunday Tasmanian: p. 1 
  59. ^ Habel, Bernadette (2014年6月2日). “Leaders against return to corporal punishment”. The Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania): p. 6 
  60. ^ Education Act 2004 (ACT), s7(4).
  61. ^ Zakharov, Jeannie (1987年11月20日). “ACT Schools Authority decides to abolish cane”. The Canberra Times: p. 14. http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/122116636 
  62. ^ Hobson, Karen (1991年7月13日). “Libs push for discipline codes, including corporal punishment, in ACT schools”. The Canberra Times: p. 1. http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/122369931 
  63. ^ Criminal Code Act (NT), s11.
  64. ^ Northern Territory loophole lets teachers smack kids”. news.com.au. News Limited (2010年4月14日). 2015年2月16日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2015年2月15日閲覧。
  65. ^ School Education Regulations, s40, cf Criminal Code Act, s257.
  66. ^ School Education Bill - Committee”. Hansard. Parliament of Western Australia. 2015年2月15日閲覧。
  67. ^ “Last WA school using corporal punishment forced to end practice from next term”. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (2015年1月7日). オリジナルの2015年1月30日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20150130083847/http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-01-07/last-school-to-cease-corporal-punishment-in-wa/6004992 
  68. ^ Burrell, Andrew (2015年1月8日). “Corporal punishment ban widened”. The Australian: p. 3 
  69. ^ Austria State Report Archived 2008年8月20日, at the Wayback Machine., GITEACPOC.
  70. ^ "Prohibition of all corporal punishment in Bolivia (2014)". Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.
  71. ^ "Brazil Prohibits All Corporal Punishment". Save the Children. 2 July 2014.
  72. ^ Shwe Gaung, Juliet (2009年1月26日). “Corporal punishment 'common practice': author”. The Mayanmar Times (Yangon). オリジナルの2014年3月24日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20140324095053/http://www.mmtimes.com/feature/investing/inv009.htm 
  73. ^ Mudditt, Jessica (2013年5月13日). “Against the cane: corporal punishment in Myanmar”. The Mayanmar Times. オリジナルの2014年3月24日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20140324094044/http://www.mmtimes.com/index.php/special-features/165-back-to-school-2013/6752-against-the-cane-corporal-punishment-in-myanmar.html 
  74. ^ Ohmar, Ma (2002年4月23日). “Slate & Slate Pencil - Computer & Keyboard”. The New Light of Myanmar. オリジナルの2005年4月25日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20050425065540/http://www.myanmar.gov.mm/Article/Article2002/apr/apr23a.htm 
  75. ^ "Supreme Court takes strap out of teachers' hands". Edmonton Journal (Alberta). 1 February 2004.
  76. ^ Moyers school supplies catalogue, 1971.
  77. ^ FitzGerald, James (1994).Old Boys: The Powerful Legacy of Upper Canada College. Toronto: Macfarlane Walter & Ross. ISBN 0-921912-74-9
  78. ^ Byfield, Ted (21 October 1996). "Do our new-found ideas on children maybe explain the fact we can't control them?". Alberta Report (Edmonton).
  79. ^ "Spanking still legal in Canada". Montreal Gazette. 23 February 2005.
  80. ^ "Peace Wapiti scraps strap". Daily Herald-Tribune (Grande Prairie, Alberta). 19 November 2004.
  81. ^ "New measures taken in schools to improve teacher-student relations", People's Daily, Beijing, 31 July 2005.
  82. ^ Czech Republic State Report Archived 2009年7月8日, at the Wayback Machine., GITEACPOC, June 2011.
  83. ^ Youssef RM, Attia MS, Kamel MI; Attia; Kamel (October 1998). “Children experiencing violence. II: Prevalence and determinants of corporal punishment in schools”. Child Abuse Negl 22 (10): 975–85. doi:10.1016/S0145-2134(98)00084-2. PMID 9793720. 
  84. ^ Kolsi, Eeva-Kaarina (2016年6月11日). “Kansakoulun perustamisesta 150 vuotta – lukemisen pelättiin laiskistavan” (Finnish). Ilta-Sanomat. http://www.iltasanomat.fi/kotimaa/art-2000001195785.html 2016年9月10日閲覧。 
  85. ^ Autio, Raisa (2014年4月9日). “Lasten ruumiillinen kuritus kiellettiin 30 vuotta sitten – vielä joka neljäs tukistaa” (Finnish). YLE Uutiset. http://yle.fi/uutiset/lasten_ruumiillinen_kuritus_kiellettiin_30_vuotta_sitten__viela_joka_neljas_tukistaa/7182651 2016年9月10日閲覧。 
  86. ^ "The punishments in French schools are impositions and confinements."-- Matthew Arnold (1861) cited in Robert McCole Wilson, A Study of Attitudes Towards Corporal Punishment as an Educational Procedure From the Earliest Times to the Present, Nijmegen University, 1999, 4.3.
  87. ^ France State Report, GITEACPOC.
  88. ^ "Teacher Fined, Praised for Slap", Time (New York), 14 August 2008.
  89. ^ Desnos, Marie (13 August 2008). "Une gifle à 500 euros". Le Journal du Dimanche (Paris).
  90. ^ Rosenczveig, Jean-Pierre (1 February 2008)."Violences non retenues au collège". Le Monde (Paris).
  91. ^ "It's 40 years since corporal punishment got a general boot", translated from Saarbrücker Zeitung, 19 June 1987.
  92. ^ Greece State Report Archived 2008年9月8日, at the Wayback Machine., GITEACPOC, November 2006.
  93. ^ Nilanjana Bhowmick (2 May 2009). "Why India's Teachers Do Not Spare the Rod". Time (New York).
  94. ^ http://forensicwayout.com/SPIC/tabid/127/Default.aspx
  95. ^ "Department code on discipline urged", Irish Times, Dublin, 9 April 1999.
  96. ^ Italy State Report Archived 2008年7月25日, at the Wayback Machine., GITEACPOC.
  97. ^ a b c d e f 戦前は学校でも軍隊でも体罰が絶対禁止だった : 少年犯罪データベースドア - 管賀江留郎、2013年02月15日 00:51
  98. ^ 2018年6月6日中日新聞朝刊19面
  99. ^ a b "Many Japanese Teachers Favor Corporal Punishment", Nichi Bei Times, San Francisco, 21 November 1987.
  100. ^ Corporal punishment rife in schools in 2012: survey”. The Japan Times. 2016年5月25日閲覧。
  101. ^ 日本の児童懲戒権の限界については昭和23年12月22日法事省法務調査意見長官回答がある。[1]
  102. ^ 聴覚障害生徒に体罰、傷害容疑などで元講師の男逮捕 大津 産経新聞 2011年10月19日
  103. ^ Student commits suicide after being beaten by school basketball coach ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion”. 2016年5月25日閲覧。
  104. ^ 中日新聞2018年6月9日朝刊29頁
  105. ^ 高校野球の私立弱体化と、ある見解。「殴られて育った兵士的な強さが」 Number Web 2018/07/30 07:00 (2020年7月27日閲覧)
  106. ^ Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Report of corporal punishment of children in Luxembourg 2013
  107. ^ Legilux, Législation sur les mesures de discipline dans les écoles 2015
  108. ^ School corporal punishment in Malaysia at World Corporal Punishment Research.
  109. ^ Netherlands State Report Archived 2008年10月3日, at the Wayback Machine., GITEACPOC.
  110. ^ Education Act 1989 - New Zealand Legislation”. New Zealand Parliamentary Counsel Office. 2011年1月9日閲覧。
  111. ^ §202C: Assault with weapon - Crimes Act 1961 No 43 as of 18 April 2012 - New Zealand Legislation”. Parliamentary Counsel Office (New Zealand) (2012年4月18日). 2012年5月11日閲覧。
  112. ^ “School in corporal punishment spotlight”. Television New Zealand. (2007年2月18日). http://tvnz.co.nz/content/994345/423466.html 2011年1月9日閲覧。 
  113. ^ PAKISTAN: Corporal punishment key reason for school dropouts”. IRIN Asia (2008年5月18日). 2016年11月26日閲覧。
  114. ^ Philippines State Report, GITEACPOC.
  115. ^ Abolishing corporal punishment of children: Questions and answers. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. (December 2007). pp. 31–32. ISBN 978-92-871-6310-3. http://www.coe.int/t/dg3/children/corporalpunishment/pdf/EnglishQuestionAnswer_en.pdf 2015年1月閲覧。 
  116. ^ a b Newell, Peter (ed.). A Last Resort? Corporal Punishment in Schools, Penguin, London, 1972, p. 9. ISBN 0-14-080698-9
  117. ^ Article 40th of the Constitution of Poland, 1997, http://www.sejm.gov.pl/prawo/konst/angielski/kon1.htm
  118. ^ Speech by Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Acting Minister for Education.
  120. ^ Singapore school handbooks on line at World Corporal Punishment Research.
  121. ^ Farrell, C. (2014年6月). “Singapore: Corporal punishment in schools”. World Corporal Punishment Research. 2015年11月12日閲覧。
  122. ^ South African Schools Act, 1996, Chapter 2: Learners, Section 10: Prohibition of corporal punishment
  123. ^ http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=001&aid=0004972496
  124. ^ 진보교육감들 “학생 간접체벌 불허”, 《한겨레》, 2011.3.23
  125. ^ 학교 체벌 일상화,hankukilbosouth korea,2014.06.27
  126. ^ Spain State Report Archived 2008年11月3日, at the Wayback Machine., GITEACPOC.
  127. ^ Changing concepts of Grammar School teacher authority in Sweden 1927-1965”. Australian Association for Research in Education (1997年). 2017年11月18日閲覧。
  128. ^ "Taiwan corporal punishment banned", BBC News On Line, London, 29 December 2006.
  129. ^ "Legality of corporal punishment in Thailand", End Corporal Punishment, February 2009.
  130. ^ Ukraine. DETAILED COUNTRY REPORT. Last updated: February 2011.
  131. ^ http://www.khda.gov.ae/pages/en/commonQuestionssch.aspx
  132. ^ Corporal punishment ban makes discipline 'almost impossible' say UAE teachers”. 2016年5月25日閲覧。
  133. ^ UAE teacher banned after forcing child to remove shirt in class”. 2016年5月25日閲覧。
  134. ^ On this day: 25 February. 1982: Parents can stop school beatings”. BBC News. 2017年1月30日閲覧。
  135. ^ Country report for UK”. Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children (2015年6月). 2017年11月18日閲覧。
  136. ^ Department of Education, Administrative Memorandum 531, 1956
  137. ^ Vinter, Phil (2012年3月30日). “Six blows on the rump! Extraordinary records reveal how corporal punishment was meted out in our schools”. Daily Mail (London). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2122724/Records-reveal-corporal-punishment-dished-schools-1970s-Found-cellar-Greenfield-Primary-School-Oldham-Greater-Manchester.html 2017年1月15日閲覧。 
  138. ^ Merry, Sam (1996年10月3日). “The good old days, eh?”. The Independent (London). http://www.corpun.com/uksc9610.htm#490 
  139. ^ Kettering, David. “Behave or bend over for the slipper: UK Grammar School life in the 1960s”. www.corpun.com. 2016年5月12日閲覧。
  140. ^ Guide to LEAs' Corporal Punishment Regulations in England and Wales, Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment, Croydon, 1979.
  141. ^ "Rise and fall of the belt", Sunday Standard, Glasgow, 28 February 1982.
  142. ^ Ahmed, Kamal (27 April 2003). "He could talk his way out of things". The Observer (London).
  143. ^ Sage, Adam (1993年3月26日). “Private schools 'can beat pupils': European Court of Human Rights expresses misgivings on corporal punishment”. The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/private-schools-can-beat-pupils-european-court-of-human-rights-expresses-misgivings-on-corporal-1499897.html 2017年1月30日閲覧。 
  144. ^ Ying Hui Tan (1993年3月26日). “Law Report: 'Slippering' pupil is not degrading punishment: Costello-Roberts v The United Kingdom. European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, 25 March 1993”. The Independent (London). https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/law-report-slippering-pupil-is-not-degrading-punishment-costello-roberts-v-the-united-kingdom-1499964.html 2017年1月30日閲覧。 
  145. ^ "A 'fifth of teachers back caning'". BBC News Online. 3 October 2008.
  146. ^ Bloom, Adi (10 October 2008). "Survey whips up debate on caning", Times Educational Supplement (London).
  147. ^ "Country report for USA" (November 2015). 'Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.
  148. ^ Anderson, Melinda D.. “The States Where Teachers Can Still Spank Students” (英語). The Atlantic. 2016年5月10日閲覧。
  149. ^ C. Farrell (2016年10月). “Corporal punishment in US schools”. www.corpun.com. 2017年11月19日閲覧。
  150. ^ "Prohibition of all corporal punishment in Venezuela (2007)" Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.


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