異端派経済学とは? わかりやすく解説

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異端派経済学(いたんはけいざいがく、英語: heterodox economics)は、少数派の経済学者によって受け入れられている経済学の学派。新古典派経済学を超えた経済思想や方法論の学派という意味で主流派経済学とは対照的に使用され [1][2]制度派進化経済学地公主義オーストリア学派フェミニスト経済学[3] 社会経済学ポストケインズ派ニューケインズ派とは別) 生態経済学マルクス主義経済学、社会主義、アナキスト経済学などが含まれる包括的な概念となっている [4]

  1. ^ Fred E. Foldvary, ed., 1996. Beyond Neoclassical Economics: Heterodox Approaches to Economic Theory, Edward Elgar. Description and contents B&N.com links.
  2. ^ a b Frederic S. Lee, 2008. "heterodox economics," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, v. 4, pp. 2–65. Abstract.
  3. ^ In the order listed at JEL classification codes § B. History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches, JEL: B5 – Current Heterodox Approaches.
  4. ^ a b Lawson, T. (2005). “The nature of heterodox economics”. Cambridge Journal of Economics 30 (4): 483–505. doi:10.1093/cje/bei093. http://cas.umkc.edu/econ/economics/faculty/wray/papers/lawson_on_heterdoxy.pdf. 
  5. ^ C. Barry, 1998. Political-economy: A comparative approach. Westport, CT: Praeger.[要ページ番号]
  6. ^ John B. Davis (2006). "Heterodox Economics, the Fragmentation of the Mainstream, and Embedded Individual Analysis", in Future Directions in Heterodox Economics, p. 57. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  7. ^ Among these economists, Robert M. Solow names Austrian, Post-Keynesian, Marxist, and neo-Ricardian schools as on "dissenting fringes of academic economics". Solow continued that "In economics, nevertheless, there is usually a definite consensus—there is one now." Further:
  8. ^ Cohn, Steve (2003). “Common Ground Critiques of Neoclassical Principles Texts”. Post-Autistic Economics Review (18, article 3). http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/heterodoxeconomics/Cohn18.htm. 
  9. ^ Mearman, Andrew (2011). "Who Do Heterodox Economists Think They Are?" American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 70(2): 480–510.
  10. ^ Cutler J. Cleveland, "Biophysical economics", Encyclopedia of Earth, Last updated: September 14, 2006.
  11. ^ Eric Zencey, 2009. "Mr. Soddy’s Ecological Economy",] The New York Times, April 12, p. WK 9.
  12. ^ a b Davis, John B. (2006). “The Nature of Heterodox Economics”. Post-Autistic Economics Review (40): 23–30. http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/issue40/Davis40.pdf. 
  13. ^ Lee, Frederic (September 16, 2011). A History of Heterodox Economics: Challenging Mainstream Views in the 21st Century (Reprint ed.). Routledge. pp. 7–9. ISBN 978-0415681971 
  14. ^ Satya J. Gabriel 2003. "Introduction to Heterodox Economic Theory." (blog), June 4, Satya J. Gabriel is a Professor of Economics at Mount Holyoke College [自主公表?]
  15. ^ Shiozawa, Y. 2004 Evolutinary Economics in the 21st Century: A Manifest, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 1(1): 5–47.
  16. ^ Dow, S. C. (2000). “Prospects for the Progress in Heterodox Economics”. Journal of the History of Economic Thought 22 (2): 157–70. doi:10.1080/10427710050025367. https://doi.org/10.1080/10427710050025367. 
  17. ^ David Colander, 2007. Pluralism and Heterodox Economics: Suggestions for an “Inside the Mainstream” Heterodoxy
  18. ^ Corning, Peter A.; Kline, Stephen J. (1998). “Thermodynamics, information and life revisited, Part II: 'Thermoeconomics' and 'Control information'”. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 15 (6): 453–82. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-1743(199811/12)15:6<453::AID-SRES201>3.0.CO;2-U. 
  19. ^ Peter A. Corning. 2002. “Thermoeconomics – Beyond the Second Law Archived 2008-09-22 at the Wayback Machine.” – source: www.complexsystems.org
  20. ^ 2003. A Companion to the History of Economic Thought. Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 0-631-22573-0 p. 452
  21. ^ a b 2nd Edition, v. 8, Appendix IV, p. 856, searchable by clicking (the JEL classification codes JEL:) radio button B5, B52, or B59, then the Search button (or Update Search Results button) at http://www.dictionaryofeconomics.com/search_results?edition=all&field=content&q=&topicid=B5.


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