DateTime.UtcNow プロパティとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > コンピュータ > .NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス > DateTime.UtcNow プロパティの意味・解説 

DateTime.UtcNow プロパティ

コンピュータ上の現在の日時世界協定時刻 (UTC) で表した DateTime オブジェクト取得します

名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)


次のコード例では、Kind プロパティが ToLocalTime と ToUniversalTime の 2 つ変換メソッド与え影響を、SpecifyKind メソッド使って示してます。

' This code example demonstrates the DateTime Kind, Now, and
' UtcNow properties, and the SpecifyKind(), ToLocalTime(), 
' and ToUniversalTime() methods.
Imports System

Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Get the date and time for the current moment, adjusted 
        ' to the local time zone.
        Dim saveNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now
        ' Get the date and time for the current moment expressed 
        ' as coordinated universal time (UTC).
        Dim saveUtcNow As DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow
        Dim myDt As DateTime
        ' Display the value and Kind property of the current moment
        ' expressed as UTC and local time.
        DisplayNow("UtcNow: ..........", saveUtcNow)
        DisplayNow("Now: .............", saveNow)
        ' Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
        ' DateTimeKind.Utc and display the result.
        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Utc)
        Display("Utc: .............", myDt)
        ' Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
        ' DateTimeKind.Local and display the result.
        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Local)
        Display("Local: ...........", myDt)
        ' Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
        ' DateTimeKind.Unspecified and display the result.
        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Unspecified)
        Display("Unspecified: .....", myDt)
    End Sub 'Main
    ' Display the value and Kind property of a DateTime structure, the
    ' DateTime structure converted to local time, and the DateTime 
    ' structure converted to universal time. 

    Public Shared datePatt As
 String = "M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
    Public Shared Sub Display(ByVal
 title As String, ByVal
 inputDt As DateTime) 
        Dim dispDt As DateTime = inputDt
        Dim dtString As String
        ' Display the original DateTime.
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}", title,
 dtString, dispDt.Kind)
        ' Convert inputDt to local time and display the result. 
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is performed.
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is not
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion
        ' performed as if inputDt was universal time.
        dispDt = inputDt.ToLocalTime()
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("  ToLocalTime:     {0}, Kind = {1}",
 dtString, dispDt.Kind)
        ' Convert inputDt to universal time and display the result.
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is not
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is performed.
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion
        ' performed as if inputDt was local time.
        dispDt = inputDt.ToUniversalTime()
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("  ToUniversalTime: {0}, Kind = {1}",
 dtString, dispDt.Kind)
    End Sub 'Display
    ' Display the value and Kind property for DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow.

    Public Shared Sub DisplayNow(ByVal
 title As String, ByVal
 inputDt As DateTime) 
        Dim dtString As String
 = inputDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}", title,
 dtString, inputDt.Kind)
    End Sub 'DisplayNow
End Class 'Sample

'This code example produces the following results:
'UtcNow: .......... 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'Now: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
'Utc: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
'  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'Local: ........... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
'  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
'  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'Unspecified: ..... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Unspecified
'  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
'  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
// This code example demonstrates the DateTime Kind, Now, and
// UtcNow properties, and the SpecifyKind(), ToLocalTime(), 
// and ToUniversalTime() methods.

using System;

class Sample 
    public static void Main()
// Get the date and time for the current moment, adjusted 
// to the local time zone.

    DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now;

// Get the date and time for the current moment expressed 
// as coordinated universal time (UTC).

    DateTime saveUtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
    DateTime myDt;

// Display the value and Kind property of the current moment 
// expressed as UTC and local time.

    DisplayNow("UtcNow: ..........", saveUtcNow);
    DisplayNow("Now: .............", saveNow);

// Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
// DateTimeKind.Utc and display the result.

    myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Utc);
    Display("Utc: .............", myDt);

// Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
// DateTimeKind.Local and display the result.

    myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Local);
    Display("Local: ...........", myDt);

// Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
// DateTimeKind.Unspecified and display the result.

    myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
    Display("Unspecified: .....", myDt);

// Display the value and Kind property of a DateTime structure, the
// DateTime structure converted to local time, and the DateTime 
// structure converted to universal time. 

    public static string
 datePatt = @"M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt";
    public static void Display(string
 title, DateTime inputDt)
    DateTime dispDt = inputDt;
    string dtString;

// Display the original DateTime.

    dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}", 
                      title, dtString, dispDt.Kind);

// Convert inputDt to local time and display the result. 
// If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is performed.
// If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is not performed.
// If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is 
// performed as if inputDt was universal time.

    dispDt = inputDt.ToLocalTime();
    dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt);
    Console.WriteLine("  ToLocalTime:     {0}, Kind = {1}", 
                      dtString, dispDt.Kind);

// Convert inputDt to universal time and display the result. 
// If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is not performed.
// If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is performed.
// If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is 
// performed as if inputDt was local time.

    dispDt = inputDt.ToUniversalTime();
    dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt);
    Console.WriteLine("  ToUniversalTime: {0}, Kind = {1}", 
                      dtString, dispDt.Kind);

// Display the value and Kind property for DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow.

    public static void DisplayNow(string
 title, DateTime inputDt)
    string dtString = inputDt.ToString(datePatt);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}", 
                      title, dtString, inputDt.Kind);

This code example produces the following results:

UtcNow: .......... 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
Now: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local

Utc: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc

Local: ........... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc

Unspecified: ..... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Unspecified
  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc


英和和英テキスト翻訳>> Weblio翻訳



「DateTime.UtcNow プロパティ」の関連用語

DateTime.UtcNow プロパティのお隣キーワード



DateTime.UtcNow プロパティのページの著作権
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