Boolean.TryParse メソッドとは? わかりやすく解説

Boolean.TryParse メソッド

メモ : このメソッドは、.NET Framework version 2.0新しく追加されたものです。


名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

Public Shared Function TryParse
 ( _
    value As String, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef result As Boolean
) As Boolean
static bool TryParse (
    String^ value, 
    [OutAttribute] bool% result
public static boolean TryParse (
    String value, 
    /** @attribute OutAttribute() */ /** @ref */ boolean result
JScript では、値型引数参照渡しされません。





変換成功した場合、このメソッド返されるときに、value が TrueString と等価場合は、true格納しますvalue が FalseString と等価場合は、false格納します変換失敗した場合は、false格納しますvaluenull 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) であるか、TrueString または FalseString等価ない場合変換失敗します。このパラメータ初期化せずに渡されます。



複数基本型対すTryParse メソッドオーバーロード、および TryParseExact メソッドコード例次に示します

' This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
' several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
' In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload; that is,
 the overload 
' with the most parameters for a particular type. If a complex overload
' null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the IFormatProvider parameter,
' information is obtained from the culture associated with the current
' If a complex overload specifies the style parameter, the parameter
 value is 
' the default value used by the equivalent simple overload.

Imports System
Imports System.Globalization

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim result As Boolean
      Dim ci As CultureInfo
      Dim nl As String =
      Dim msg1 As String
 = _
                 "This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse
 method for{0}" & _
                 "several base types, as well as the TryParseExact
 method for DateTime.{0}"
      Dim msg2 As String
 = "Non-numeric types:{0}"
      Dim msg3 As String
 = "{0}Numeric types:{0}"
      Dim msg4 As String
 = "{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:{0}"
      ' Non-numeric types.
      Dim booleanVal As [Boolean]
      Dim charVal As [Char]
      Dim datetimeVal As DateTime
      ' Numeric types.
      Dim byteVal As [Byte]
      Dim int16Val As Int16
      Dim int32Val As Int32
      Dim int64Val As Int64
      Dim decimalVal As [Decimal]
      Dim singleVal As [Single]
      Dim doubleVal As [Double]
      ' The following types are not CLS-compliant.
      Dim sbyteVal As SByte
      Dim uint16Val As UInt16
      Dim uint32Val As UInt32
      Dim uint64Val As UInt64
      Console.WriteLine(msg1, nl)
      ' Non-numeric types:
      Console.WriteLine(msg2, nl)
      ' DateTime
      ' TryParse:
      ' Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
      result = DateTime.TryParse("7/4/2004 12:34:56",
      Show(result, "DateTime #1", datetimeVal.ToString())
      ' Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
      ci = New CultureInfo("fr-FR")
      result = DateTime.TryParse("4/7/2004 12:34:56",
 ci, DateTimeStyles.None, datetimeVal)
      Show(result, "DateTime #2", datetimeVal.ToString())
      ' TryParseExact:
      ' Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date
 and long time.
      result = DateTime.TryParseExact("04/07/2004 12:34:56",
 "G", ci, DateTimeStyles.None, datetimeVal)
      Show(result, "DateTime #3", datetimeVal.ToString())
      ' Assume en-US culture.
      Dim dateFormats As String()
 =  {"f", "F", "g",
      result = DateTime.TryParseExact("7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM",
 dateFormats, Nothing, DateTimeStyles.None, datetimeVal)
      Show(result, "DateTime #4", datetimeVal.ToString())
      ' Boolean
      result = [Boolean].TryParse("true", booleanVal)
      Show(result, "Boolean", booleanVal.ToString())
      ' Char
      result = [Char].TryParse("A", charVal)
      Show(result, "Char", charVal.ToString())
      ' Numeric types:
      Console.WriteLine(msg3, nl)
      ' Byte
      result = [Byte].TryParse("1", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, byteVal)
      Show(result, "Byte", byteVal.ToString())
      ' Int16
      result = Int16.TryParse("-2", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, int16Val)
      Show(result, "Int16", int16Val.ToString())
      ' Int32
      result = Int32.TryParse("3", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, int32Val)
      Show(result, "Int32", int32Val.ToString())
      ' Int64
      result = Int64.TryParse("4", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, int64Val)
      Show(result, "Int64", int64Val.ToString())
      ' Decimal
      result = [Decimal].TryParse("-5.5", NumberStyles.Number,
 Nothing, decimalVal)
      Show(result, "Decimal", decimalVal.ToString())
      ' Single
      result = [Single].TryParse("6.6", NumberStyles.Float
 Or NumberStyles.AllowThousands, Nothing,
      Show(result, "Single", singleVal.ToString())
      ' Double
      result = [Double].TryParse("-7", NumberStyles.Float
 Or NumberStyles.AllowThousands, Nothing,
      Show(result, "Double", doubleVal.ToString())
      ' Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid
      result = [Double].TryParse("abc", doubleVal)
      Show(result, "Double #2", doubleVal.ToString())
      Console.WriteLine(msg4, nl)
      ' SByte
      result = SByte.TryParse("-8", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, sbyteVal)
      Show(result, "SByte", sbyteVal.ToString())
      ' UInt16
      result = UInt16.TryParse("9", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, uint16Val)
      Show(result, "UInt16", uint16Val.ToString())
      ' UInt32
      result = UInt32.TryParse("10", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, uint32Val)
      Show(result, "UInt32", uint32Val.ToString())
      ' UInt64
      result = UInt64.TryParse("11", NumberStyles.Integer,
 Nothing, uint64Val)
      Show(result, "UInt64", uint64Val.ToString())
   End Sub 'Main
   Protected Shared Sub
 Show(parseResult As Boolean, typeName As
 String, parseValue As String)
      Dim msgSuccess As String
 = "Parse for {0} = {1}"
      Dim msgFailure As String
 = "** Parse for {0} failed. Invalid input."
      If parseResult = True Then
         Console.WriteLine(msgSuccess, typeName, parseValue)
         Console.WriteLine(msgFailure, typeName)
      End If
   End Sub 'Show
End Class 'Sample '
'This example produces the following results:
'This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
'several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
'Non-numeric types:
'Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for Boolean = True
'Parse for Char = A
'Numeric types:
'Parse for Byte = 1
'Parse for Int16 = -2
'Parse for Int32 = 3
'Parse for Int64 = 4
'Parse for Decimal = -5.5
'Parse for Single = 6.6
'Parse for Double = -7
'** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.
'The following types are not CLS-compliant:
'Parse for SByte = -8
'Parse for UInt16 = 9
'Parse for UInt32 = 10
'Parse for UInt64 = 11
// This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
// several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.

// In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload; that
 is, the overload 
// with the most parameters for a particular type. If a complex overload
// null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the IFormatProvider parameter,
// information is obtained from the culture associated with the current
// If a complex overload specifies the style parameter, the parameter
 value is 
// the default value used by the equivalent simple overload.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

class Sample 
    public static void Main()
    bool     result;
    CultureInfo ci;
    string   nl = Environment.NewLine;
    string   msg1 = 
             "This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for{0}"
             "several base types, as well as the TryParseExact
 method for DateTime.{0}";
    string   msg2 = "Non-numeric types:{0}";
    string   msg3 = "{0}Numeric types:{0}";
    string   msg4 = "{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:{0}";

// Non-numeric types.
    Boolean  booleanVal;
    Char     charVal;
    DateTime datetimeVal;

// Numeric types.
    Byte     byteVal;
    Int16    int16Val;
    Int32    int32Val;
    Int64    int64Val;
    Decimal  decimalVal;
    Single   singleVal;
    Double   doubleVal;

// The following types are not CLS-compliant.
    SByte    sbyteVal;
    UInt16   uint16Val;
    UInt32   uint32Val;
    UInt64   uint64Val;
    Console.WriteLine(msg1, nl);

// Non-numeric types:
    Console.WriteLine(msg2, nl);
// DateTime
  // TryParse:
    // Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
    result = DateTime.TryParse("7/4/2004 12:34:56", out datetimeVal);
    Show(result, "DateTime #1", datetimeVal.ToString());

    // Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
    ci = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
    result = DateTime.TryParse("4/7/2004 12:34:56", 
             ci, DateTimeStyles.None, out datetimeVal);
    Show(result, "DateTime #2", datetimeVal.ToString());

  // TryParseExact:
    // Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date and
 long time.
    result = DateTime.TryParseExact("04/07/2004 12:34:56", "G",
             ci, DateTimeStyles.None, out datetimeVal);
    Show(result, "DateTime #3", datetimeVal.ToString());

    // Assume en-US culture.
    string[] dateFormats = {"f", "F", "g",
    result = DateTime.TryParseExact("7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM", 
             dateFormats, null, DateTimeStyles.None, 
             out datetimeVal);
    Show(result, "DateTime #4", datetimeVal.ToString());

// Boolean
    result = Boolean.TryParse("true", out booleanVal);
    Show(result, "Boolean", booleanVal.ToString());
// Char
    result = Char.TryParse("A", out charVal);
    Show(result, "Char", charVal.ToString());

// Numeric types:
    Console.WriteLine(msg3, nl);
// Byte
    result = Byte.TryParse("1", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out byteVal);
    Show(result, "Byte", byteVal.ToString());
// Int16
    result = Int16.TryParse("-2", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out int16Val);
    Show(result, "Int16", int16Val.ToString());
// Int32
    result = Int32.TryParse("3", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out int32Val);
    Show(result, "Int32", int32Val.ToString());
// Int64
    result = Int64.TryParse("4", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out int64Val);
    Show(result, "Int64", int64Val.ToString());
// Decimal
    result = Decimal.TryParse("-5.5", NumberStyles.Number, null,
 out decimalVal);
    Show(result, "Decimal", decimalVal.ToString());
// Single
    result = Single.TryParse("6.6", 
             (NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands), 
             null, out singleVal);
    Show(result, "Single", singleVal.ToString());
// Double
    result = Double.TryParse("-7", 
             (NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands), 
             null, out doubleVal);
    Show(result, "Double", doubleVal.ToString());

// Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid value.

    result = Double.TryParse("abc", out doubleVal);
    Show(result, "Double #2", doubleVal.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine(msg4, nl);
// SByte
    result = SByte.TryParse("-8", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out sbyteVal);
    Show(result, "SByte", sbyteVal.ToString());
// UInt16
    result = UInt16.TryParse("9", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out uint16Val);
    Show(result, "UInt16", uint16Val.ToString());
// UInt32
    result = UInt32.TryParse("10", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out uint32Val);
    Show(result, "UInt32", uint32Val.ToString());
// UInt64
    result = UInt64.TryParse("11", NumberStyles.Integer, null,
 out uint64Val);
    Show(result, "UInt64", uint64Val.ToString());

    protected static void
 Show(bool parseResult, string typeName, 
                               string parseValue)
    string msgSuccess = "Parse for {0}
 = {1}";
    string msgFailure = "** Parse for
 {0} failed. Invalid input.";
    if (parseResult == true)
        Console.WriteLine(msgSuccess, typeName, parseValue);
        Console.WriteLine(msgFailure, typeName);
This example produces the following results:

This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for

Non-numeric types:

Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM

Parse for Boolean = True
Parse for Char = A

Numeric types:

Parse for Byte = 1
Parse for Int16 = -2
Parse for Int32 = 3
Parse for Int64 = 4
Parse for Decimal = -5.5
Parse for Single = 6.6
Parse for Double = -7
** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.

The following types are not CLS-compliant:

Parse for SByte = -8
Parse for UInt16 = 9
Parse for UInt32 = 10
Parse for UInt64 = 11
// This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
// several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
// In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload; that
 is, the overload
// with the most parameters for a particular type. If a complex overload
// null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the IFormatProvider parameter,
// information is obtained from the culture associated with the current
// If a complex overload specifies the style parameter, the parameter
 value is
// the default value used by the equivalent simple overload.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;

static void Show( bool parseResult,
 String^ typeName, String^ parseValue )
   String^ msgSuccess = L"Parse for {0} = {1}";
   String^ msgFailure = L"** Parse for {0} failed. Invalid
   if ( parseResult == true )
      Console::WriteLine( msgSuccess, typeName, parseValue );
      Console::WriteLine( msgFailure, typeName );

void main()
   bool result;
   CultureInfo^ ci;
   String^ nl = Environment::NewLine;
   String^ msg1 = L"This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method
   L"several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for
   String^ msg2 = L"Non-numeric types:{0}";
   String^ msg3 = L"{0}Numeric types:{0}";
   String^ msg4 = L"{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:{0}";
   // Non-numeric types.
   Boolean booleanVal;
   Char charVal;
   DateTime datetimeVal;
   // Numeric types.
   Byte byteVal;
   Int16 int16Val;
   Int32 int32Val;
   Int64 int64Val;
   Decimal decimalVal;
   Single singleVal;
   Double doubleVal;
   // The following types are not CLS-compliant.
   SByte sbyteVal;
   UInt16 uint16Val;
   UInt32 uint32Val;
   UInt64 uint64Val;
   Console::WriteLine( msg1, nl );
   // Non-numeric types:
   Console::WriteLine( msg2, nl );
   // DateTime
   // TryParse:
   // Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
   result = DateTime::TryParse( L"7/4/2004 12:34:56",  datetimeVal );
   Show( result, L"DateTime #1", datetimeVal.ToString() );
   // Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
   ci = gcnew CultureInfo( L"fr-FR" );
   result = DateTime::TryParse( L"4/7/2004 12:34:56", ci, DateTimeStyles::None,
  datetimeVal );
   Show( result, L"DateTime #2", datetimeVal.ToString() );
   // TryParseExact:
   // Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date and
 long time.
   result = DateTime::TryParseExact( L"04/07/2004 12:34:56", L"G",
 ci, DateTimeStyles::None,  datetimeVal );
   Show( result, L"DateTime #3", datetimeVal.ToString() );
   // Assume en-US culture.
   array<String^>^dateFormats = {L"f",L"F",L"g"
   result = DateTime::TryParseExact( L"7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM", dateFormats,
 nullptr, DateTimeStyles::None,  datetimeVal );
   Show( result, L"DateTime #4", datetimeVal.ToString() );
   // Boolean
   result = Boolean::TryParse( L"true",  booleanVal
   Show( result, L"Boolean", booleanVal.ToString() );
   // Char
   result = Char::TryParse( L"A",  charVal );
   Show( result, L"Char", charVal.ToString() );
   // Numeric types:
   Console::WriteLine( msg3, nl );
   // Byte
   result = Byte::TryParse( L"1", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  byteVal
   Show( result, L"Byte", byteVal.ToString() );
   // Int16
   result = Int16::TryParse( L"-2", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  int16Val
   Show( result, L"Int16", int16Val.ToString() );
   // Int32
   result = Int32::TryParse( L"3", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  int32Val
   Show( result, L"Int32", int32Val.ToString() );
   // Int64
   result = Int64::TryParse( L"4", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  int64Val
   Show( result, L"Int64", int64Val.ToString() );
   // Decimal
   result = Decimal::TryParse( L"-5.5", NumberStyles::Number, nullptr,
  decimalVal );
   Show( result, L"Decimal", decimalVal.ToString() );
   // Single
   result = Single::TryParse( L"6.6", static_cast<NumberStyles>((NumberStyles::Float
 | NumberStyles::AllowThousands)), nullptr,  singleVal );
   Show( result, L"Single", singleVal.ToString() );
   // Double
   result = Double::TryParse( L"-7", static_cast<NumberStyles>(NumberStyles::Float
 | NumberStyles::AllowThousands), nullptr,  doubleVal );
   Show( result, L"Double", doubleVal.ToString() );
   // Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid
   result = Double::TryParse( L"abc",  doubleVal );
   Show( result, L"Double #2", doubleVal.ToString() );
   Console::WriteLine( msg4, nl );
   // SByte
   result = SByte::TryParse( L"-8", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  sbyteVal
   Show( result, L"SByte", sbyteVal.ToString() );
   // UInt16
   result = UInt16::TryParse( L"9", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  uint16Val
   Show( result, L"UInt16", uint16Val.ToString() );
   // UInt32
   result = UInt32::TryParse( L"10", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  uint32Val
   Show( result, L"UInt32", uint32Val.ToString() );
   // UInt64
   result = UInt64::TryParse( L"11", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr,  uint64Val
   Show( result, L"UInt64", uint64Val.ToString() );

This example produces the following results:

This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for

Non-numeric types:

Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM

Parse for Boolean = True
Parse for Char = A

Numeric types:

Parse for Byte = 1
Parse for Int16 = -2
Parse for Int32 = 3
Parse for Int64 = 4
Parse for Decimal = -5.5
Parse for Single = 6.6
Parse for Double = -7
** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.

The following types are not CLS-compliant:

Parse for SByte = -8
Parse for UInt16 = 9
Parse for UInt32 = 10
Parse for UInt64 = 11
// This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
// several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
// In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload; that
// the overload with the most parameters for a particular type. If a
// complex overload specifies null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the
// IFormatProvider parameter, formatting information is obtained from
// the culture associated with the current thread. If a complex overload
// specifies the style parameter, the parameter value is the default
// used by the equivalent simple overload.

import System.*;
import System.Globalization.*;

class Sample
    public static void main(String[]
        boolean result;
        CultureInfo ci = null;
        String nl = Environment.get_NewLine();
        String msg1 = "This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse "
            + "method for{0}several base
 types, as well as the TryParseExact " 
            + "method for DateTime.{0}";
        String msg2 = "Non-numeric types:{0}";
        String msg3 = "{0}Numeric types:{0}";
        String msg4 = "{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:{0}";
        // Non-numeric types.
        System.Boolean booleanVal = (System.Boolean)false;
        System.Char charVal = (System.Char)0;
        DateTime dateTimeVal = System.DateTime.get_Now();
        // Numeric types.
        Byte byteVal = null;
        Int16 int16Val = (Int16)0;
        Int32 int32Val = (Int32)0;
        Int64 int64Val = (Int64)0;
        Decimal decimalVal = new Decimal(0);
        Single singleVal = (Single)0;
        //Double doubleVal = new Double(0);
        double doubleVal = 0;
        // The following types are not CLS-compliant.
        SByte sByteVal = (System.SByte)0;
        UInt16 uInt16Val = (UInt16)0;
        UInt32 uInt32Val = (UInt32)0;
        UInt64 uInt64Val = (UInt64)0;
        Console.WriteLine(msg1, nl);
        // Non-numeric types:
        Console.WriteLine(msg2, nl);
        // DateTime
        // TryParse:
        // Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
        result = DateTime.TryParse("7/4/2004 12:34:56", dateTimeVal);
        Show(result, "DateTime #1", dateTimeVal.ToString());
        // Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
        ci = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
        result = DateTime.TryParse("4/7/2004 12:34:56", ci,
            DateTimeStyles.None, dateTimeVal);
        Show(result, "DateTime #2", dateTimeVal.ToString());
        // TryParseExact:
        // Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date and
 long time.
        result = DateTime.TryParseExact("04/07/2004 12:34:56", "G",
            DateTimeStyles.None, dateTimeVal);
        Show(result, "DateTime #3", dateTimeVal.ToString());
        // Assume en-US culture.
        String dateFormats[] =  { "f", "F", "g", "G"
        result = DateTime.TryParseExact("7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM", dateFormats,
            null, DateTimeStyles.None, dateTimeVal);
        Show(result, "DateTime #4", dateTimeVal.ToString());

        // Boolean
        boolean tempBooleanVal = System.Convert.ToBoolean(booleanVal);
        result = System.Boolean.TryParse("true",/**@out*/
        Show(result, "Boolean", System.Convert.ToString(tempBooleanVal));
        // Char
        char tempCharVal = System.Convert.ToChar(charVal);
        result = Char.TryParse("A", /**@out*/tempCharVal);
        Show(result, "Char", System.Convert.ToString(tempCharVal));
        // Numeric types:
        Console.WriteLine(msg3, nl);
        // Byte
        ubyte tempByteVal = System.Convert.ToByte(byteVal);
        result = System.Byte.TryParse("1", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "Byte", System.Convert.ToString(tempByteVal));
        // Int16
        short tempInt16Val = System.Convert.ToInt16(int16Val);
        result = Int16.TryParse("-2", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "Int16", System.Convert.ToString(tempInt16Val));
        // Int32
        int tempInt32Val = System.Convert.ToInt32(int32Val);
        result = Int32.TryParse("3", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "Int32", System.Convert.ToString(tempInt32Val));
        // Int64
        long tempInt64Val = System.Convert.ToInt64(int64Val);
        result = Int64.TryParse("4", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "Int64", System.Convert.ToString(tempInt64Val));
        // Decimal
        result = Decimal.TryParse("-5.5", NumberStyles.Number, null
        Show(result, "Decimal", decimalVal.ToString());
        // Single
        float tempSingleVal = System.Convert.ToSingle(singleVal);
        result = Single.TryParse("6.6", NumberStyles.Float 
            | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, null, /**@out*/tempSingleVal);
        Show(result, "Single", System.Convert.ToString(tempSingleVal));
        // Double
        result = System.Double.TryParse("-7", NumberStyles.Float 
            | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, null, /**@out*/doubleVal);
        Show(result, "Double", System.Convert.ToString(doubleVal));
        // Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid
        result = System.Double.TryParse("abc", doubleVal);
        Show(result, "Double #2", System.Convert.ToString(doubleVal));
        Console.WriteLine(msg4, nl);
        // SByte
        byte tempSByteVal = System.Convert.ToSByte(sByteVal);
        result = SByte.TryParse("-8", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "SByte", System.Convert.ToString(tempSByteVal));
        // UInt16
        result = UInt16.TryParse("9", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "UInt16", uInt16Val.ToString());
        // UInt32
        result = UInt32.TryParse("10", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "UInt32", uInt32Val.ToString());
        // UInt64
        result = UInt64.TryParse("11", NumberStyles.Integer, null
        Show(result, "UInt64", uInt64Val.ToString());
    } //main

    protected static void
 Show(boolean parseResult,
        String typeName, String parseValue)
        String msgSuccess = "Parse for {0} = {1}";
        String msgFailure = "** Parse for {0} failed. Invalid
        if (parseResult == true) {
            Console.WriteLine(msgSuccess, typeName, parseValue);
        else {
            Console.WriteLine(msgFailure, typeName);
    } //Show
} //Sample 
This example produces the following results:

This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for

Non-numeric types:

Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM

Parse for Boolean = True
Parse for Char = A

Numeric types:

Parse for Byte = 1
Parse for Int16 = -2
Parse for Int32 = 3
Parse for Int64 = 4
Parse for Decimal = -5.5
Parse for Single = 6.6
Parse for Double = -7
** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.

The following types are not CLS-compliant:

Parse for SByte = -8
Parse for UInt16 = 9
Parse for UInt32 = 10
Parse for UInt64 = 11

このページでは「.NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス」からBoolean.TryParse メソッドを検索した結果を表示しています。
Weblioに収録されているすべての辞書からBoolean.TryParse メソッドを検索する場合は、下記のリンクをクリックしてください。
 全ての辞書からBoolean.TryParse メソッドを検索

英和和英テキスト翻訳>> Weblio翻訳



「Boolean.TryParse メソッド」の関連用語

Boolean.TryParse メソッドのお隣キーワード



Boolean.TryParse メソッドのページの著作権
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