IComparable ジェネリック インターフェイスとは? わかりやすく解説

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IComparable ジェネリック インターフェイス

メモ : このインターフェイスは、.NET Framework version 2.0新しく追加されたものです。


名前空間: System
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

Public Interface IComparable(Of
Dim instance As IComparable(Of
public interface IComparable<T>
J# では、ジェネリックな型およびメソッド使用できますが、新規に宣言することはできません。
JScript では、ジェネリックな型およびメソッド使用できません。

簡単な Temperature オブジェクトIComparable実装するコード例次に示します。この例では、Temperature オブジェクトキー保持する文字列の SortedList コレクション作成し気温文字列から成る複数ペアランダムにリスト追加しますSortedList コレクションでは、IComparable実装使用してリストのエントリを気温昇順並べ替えています。

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class Temperature
    Implements IComparable(Of Temperature)

    ' Implement the generic CompareTo method. In the Implements statement
    ' specify the Temperature class for the type parameter of the
    ' generic IComparable interface. Use that type for the parameter
    ' of the CompareTo method.
    Public Overloads Function
 CompareTo(ByVal other As Temperature) As
 Integer _
        Implements IComparable(Of Temperature).CompareTo

        ' The temperature comparison depends on the comparison of the
        ' the underlying Double values. Because the CompareTo method
        ' strongly typed, it is not necessary to test for the correct
        ' object type.
        Return m_value.CompareTo(other.m_value)
    End Function

    ' The underlying temperature value.
    Protected m_value As Double
 = 0.0

    Public ReadOnly Property
 Celsius() As Double
            Return m_value - 273.15
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property Kelvin() As
            Return m_value
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As
            If value < 0.0 Then 
                Throw New ArgumentException("Temperature
 cannot be less than absolute zero.")
                m_value = Value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Sub New(ByVal
 degreesKelvin As Double)
        Me.Kelvin = degreesKelvin 
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim temps As New
 SortedList(Of Temperature, String)

        ' Add entries to the sorted list, out of order.
        temps.Add(New Temperature(2017.15), "Boiling
 point of Lead")
        temps.Add(New Temperature(0), "Absolute
        temps.Add(New Temperature(273.15), "Freezing
 point of water")
        temps.Add(New Temperature(5100.15), "Boiling
 point of Carbon")
        temps.Add(New Temperature(373.15), "Boiling
 point of water")
        temps.Add(New Temperature(600.65), "Melting
 point of Lead")

        For Each kvp As
 KeyValuePair(Of Temperature, String) In
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} degrees Celsius.",
 kvp.Value, kvp.Key.Celsius)
    End Sub
End Class

' This code example produces the following output:
'Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
'Freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.
'Boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.
'Melting point of Lead is 327.5 degrees Celsius.
'Boiling point of Lead is 1744 degrees Celsius.
'Boiling point of Carbon is 4827 degrees Celsius.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Temperature : IComparable<Temperature>
    // Implement the CompareTo method. For the parameter type, Use 
    // the type specified for the type parameter of the generic 
    // IComparable interface. 
    public int CompareTo(Temperature other)
        // The temperature comparison depends on the comparison of the
        // the underlying Double values. Because the CompareTo method
        // strongly typed, it is not necessary to test for the correct
        // object type.
        return m_value.CompareTo(other.m_value);

    // The underlying temperature value.
    protected double m_value = 0.0;

    public double Celsius    
            return m_value - 273.15;

    public double Kelvin    
            return m_value;
            if (value < 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Temperature
 cannot be less than absolute zero.");
                m_value = value;

    public Temperature(double degreesKelvin)
        this.Kelvin = degreesKelvin;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        SortedList<Temperature, string> temps = 
            new SortedList<Temperature, string>();

        // Add entries to the sorted list, out of order.
        temps.Add(new Temperature(2017.15), "Boiling point
 of Lead");
        temps.Add(new Temperature(0), "Absolute zero");
        temps.Add(new Temperature(273.15), "Freezing point
 of water");
        temps.Add(new Temperature(5100.15), "Boiling point
 of Carbon");
        temps.Add(new Temperature(373.15), "Boiling point
 of water");
        temps.Add(new Temperature(600.65), "Melting point
 of Lead");

        foreach( KeyValuePair<Temperature, string>
 kvp in temps )
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} degrees Celsius.", kvp.Value,

/* This code example produces the following output:

Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.
Melting point of Lead is 327.5 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Lead is 1744 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Carbon is 4827 degrees Celsius.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

public ref class Temperature: public
 IComparable<Temperature^> {

   // The value holder
   Double m_value;

   // Implement the CompareTo method. For the parameter type, Use 
   // the type specified for the type parameter of the generic 
   // IComparable interface. 
   virtual Int32 CompareTo( Temperature^ other ) {

      // The temperature comparison depends on the comparison of the
      // the underlying Double values. Because the CompareTo method
      // strongly typed, it is not necessary to test for the correct
      // object type.
      return m_value.CompareTo( other->m_value );

   property Double Celsius {
      Double get() {
         return m_value + 273.15;

   property Double Kelvin {
      Double get() {
         return m_value;
      void set( Double value ) {
         if (value < 0)
            throw gcnew ArgumentException("Temperature cannot be less than absolute
            m_value = value;

   Temperature(Double degreesKelvin) {
      this->Kelvin = degreesKelvin;

int main() {
   SortedList<Temperature^, String^>^ temps = 
      gcnew SortedList<Temperature^, String^>();

   // Add entries to the sorted list, out of order.
   temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(2017.15), "Boiling point of Lead");
   temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(0), "Absolute zero");
   temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(273.15), "Freezing point of water");
   temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(5100.15), "Boiling point of Carbon");
   temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(373.15), "Boiling point of water");
   temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(600.65), "Melting point of Lead");

   for each( KeyValuePair<Temperature^, String^>^ kvp in
 temps )
      Console::WriteLine("{0} is {1} degrees Celsius.", kvp->Value,

/* This code example productes the following output:

Absolute zero is 273.15 degrees Celsius.
Freezing point of water is 546.3 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of water is 646.3 degrees Celsius.
Melting point of Lead is 873.8 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Lead is 2290.3 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Carbon is 5373.3 degrees Celsius.


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