イベント・Festivalとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/07/28 13:50 UTC 版)


南正人直筆英文による1988年いのちの祭り/1998年タイのジュビリージャム/2010年シャンバラ祭り/についての紹介文 People started to ask me many questions how shambhala Festival started.So today I write for the first time about this Festival. It was 1988 when in Japan we held a 8 days outdoor camping festival. It's about 2 years after Chernobyl nuclear disaster. We named the Fes "INOCHINO-MATSURI" (No Nukes One Love)It was really the first big gathering to protest and fight for the world without Nukes. More than 10,000 people (including 6,000young Japanese hippies) gathered to this MATSURI. Many musicians played their music and declared their strong will to create a better world. Caravan, famous Thai band was invited to this MATSURI. Mr. Surachai, the leader of the band told me, "Nami-San, What a nice beautiful festival! I hope we will hold peaceful festival like this someday in my country. In Thailand when we plan these festivals most of the time we get in trouble and never be peaceful like this." I could not forget his words for a while. So when I had a chance to visit Thailand in 1992, I tried to find him. Pik-San took me to meet him. "Hello! Mr. Surachai, I finally came to see you! I'll give you my hand if you plan the festival." I expected his good reaction. But he said "I'm sorry, Nami-San, I'm now sick and I don't have enough energy. So please find someone as your partner. I was a little bit disappointed but quickly changed my idea. OK. I'll find someone. There must be someone. So I visited Thailand 6 years from then on. But everything was not in good condition. I almost gave up the plan. Then a man, Mr. Took, a famous rock guitarist, said to me "Senpai!! I will do it! Let me do it! So the first Japan-Thai-grassroots festival (we named this "Jubilee Jam) was held in 1998 in Chiangmai University. A part of the profit was donated to the elephant hospital.In 2003, we held second festival in Chiangmai University. Pro. SPACHAI showed himself up as a representative. The festival was not what I expected, but somehow it was a o.k when I think this was held in foreign country.A part of our profit was donated to A.D.E.P-Aka Daughter Education Program. But actually I had to spend quit a lot of my money for those two festivals. I was tired of money trouble and thought no more festival in Thailand. Some years have passed and in Japan many of my friends requested me to open the festival again. So I decided to hold festival again, but this time I wanted to do outside of the city in some local nature with no sponsor. At first we looked for the location in Pai. We (Stephan, Pik and me) drove around Pai area everyday but we couldn't find. I went back to Chiangmai to tell Urano (Japanese friend living in Chiangmai ) this story. Then he said, "Nami-San, there are many nice places in Chiang Dao. You sure like it." Next day we headed for Chiang Dao. At the big cross road in Chiang Dao, we turned left. After that we were standing on the ground Doi Luang camp site, as if some invisible energy carried our car. Looking up the Doi Luang mountains in front, I sensed this is the place. That year when I came Thailand I saw the very strange mountain from the airplane's window and the mountain in front of me was that mountain. This must be a guidance from heaven. And four or five villagers gathered in one place, pointing their fingers to a silver snake and talking each other. "Servant of God has come. Something good will happen." The silver sneak rarely come down to people. People never kill this sneak. In October in that year, I visited again and contracted with Mr. Nikom who is the top of this land.In 2010, the first Shambhala festival was held. It turned out very small festival, about 250 people joined. We had small income and budget was minus. But we were happy and decided to carry on. We do this festival not for money, but for a bright future.Yes! At least here in Shambhala we have lots of time. We can think, talk, watch, walk, find, far from the city lights. We slowly become one family. This is quite different from the full moon party. I think of myself as a carrier of Japanese style MATSURI to Thailand. Every each year more people came from all over the world. In this year 3,500 people from 63 countries enjoyed the festival.No troubles and no fighting in past 9 years. Local people like this festival very much and Thai people is the big party of the participants of this festival. This is the short story how this movement has started. 日本語訳 いのちの祭り チェルノブイリ原発事故から2年後行われた延べ10000人が集い6000人の若者たちがそこにいた。8日間のキャンピングフェスティバルで、日本におけるこのスタイルフェスティバル始まりだったと言われている。 ジュビリージャム いのちの祭り演奏し来ていた、タイ伝説的バンドカラワン”のリーダーのスラチャイにタイでもこのような祭りをしたいと言われことがきっかけとのことその後1998年チェンマイ大学で日タイ草の根交流主旨とした、音楽イベント”ジュビリージャム”を主催タイ日本バンド数多く出演した2003年にも再び開催された。 シャンバラまつり ジュビリージャムとはまた違う、10日間ほどのイベント期間、キャンピング主体スポンサーなどがいないまつりをやりたいと、その後チェンマイ街中から離れ自然に囲まれた、”星の街”という意味の、”チェンダオ”という街で、シャンバラまつりを2010年より主催10日間のキャンピングスタイルのまつりで、近く天然温泉もあり、チェンダオ山の麓の絶景の街だ。タイ人をはじめ、日本人中国人韓国人台湾人そのほか欧米から来た外国人はじめとして新しく出会った若い現地アーティストの人たちも含めて一緒にイベント作り上げていくスタイルとなったその後2020年まで毎年開催。(2021年コロナウイルスにより中止2019年には4500人、延べ63か国もの人が訪れ海外でも特集されるなどしている。そこで生まれた友情や縁は深く温かな広がり見せてフェスティバルの後も、各地小さなフェス開かれ、彼が亡くなった2021年3月3日誕生日には、追悼のピクニックフェスティバルというものがタイ開かれた


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