decrease Dとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > 辞書・百科事典 > 日本語表現辞典 > decrease Dの意味・解説 




「decreased」は英語の形容詞で、何かが減少した、または小さくなった状態を表す。数値や量、規模など、物事大きさ程度を示す際に用いられる例えば、「The number of students has decreased.(生徒の数が減少した。)」のように使用される




「Decreased」 is an adjective in English that describes a state in which something has been reduced or has become smaller. It is used to indicate the size or degree of things such as numbers, quantities, and scales. For example, it can be used as in "The number of students has decreased."






1. The population of the city has decreased.(その都市人口減少した。)
2. The amount of rainfall this year has decreased compared to last year.(今年降雨量昨年比べて減少した。)
3. The company's profits have decreased due to the economic downturn.(経済低迷により、その会社利益減少した。)
4. The decreased number of tourists has affected the local economy.(観光客減少地元経済影響与えた。)
5. The decreased demand for oil has led to a drop in prices.(石油需要減少価格下落引き起こした。)
6. The decreased production has resulted in a shortage of goods.(生産減少商品の不足を引き起こした。)
7. The decreased interest in traditional crafts is a concern.(伝統工芸への関心減少懸念される。)
8. The decreased level of pollution is a positive outcome of the lockdown.(汚染レベル減少ロックダウン良い結果である。)
9. The decreased sales have forced the store to close.(売上減少はその店を閉店追い込んだ。)
10. The decreased visibility made driving difficult.(視界減少は運転を困難にした。)

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