金銀複本位制とは? わかりやすく解説

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  1. ^ 江戸時代の日本では幕府は貿易や金銀貨の輸出入を制限したが効果は薄く、かなりの金銀貨が国外へ流出した。


  1. ^ 三上(1996)p38-39.
  2. ^ 堀江(1927)p87-88.
  3. ^ 三上(1996)p38-39.
  4. ^ 堀江(1927)p350-358.
  5. ^ 三上(1996)p40-41.
  6. ^ On the Value of Gold and Silver in European Currencies and the Consequences on the World-wide Gold- and Silver-Trade, Sir Isaac Newton, 21 September 1717.
  7. ^ By The King, A Proclamation Declaring the Rates at which Gold shall be current in Payments reproduced in the numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, Vol V., April 1842 – January 1843.
  8. ^ Fay, C. R. (1 January 1935). "Newton and the Gold Standard". Cambridge Historical Journal. 5 (1): 109–117. doi:10.1017/S1474691300001256. JSTOR 3020836.
  9. ^ A. Redish, Bimetallism (2006) p67 and p205.
  10. ^ 堀江(1927)p103.
  11. ^ 三上(1996)p242-244.
  12. ^ 堀江(1927)p404-420.
  13. ^ a b 堀江(1927)p420-432.
  14. ^ Dickson Leavens, Silver Money, Chapter IV Bimetallism in France and the Latin Monetary Union, page 25.
  15. ^ Annals of Cong. 2115 (1789–1791), cited in Arthur Nussbaum, The Law of the Dollar, Columbia Law Review, Vol. 37, No. 7 (Nov., 1937), pp.1057–1091.
  16. ^ Martin, David A. (1973). "1853: The End of Bimetallism in the United States". The Journal of Economic History. 33 (4): 825–844. Retrieved 7 August 2017.
  17. ^ 日本銀行金融研究所貨幣博物館 特別展, 幕末ゴールドラッシュ -安政の五カ国条約と金貨流出-
  18. ^ Arrows Coinage & The Mint Act of 1853" . Coin Site . Retrieved 8 August 2017
  19. ^ Carothers, Neil (1930). Fractional Money: A History of Small Coins and Fractional Paper Currency of the United States. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (reprinted 1988 by Bowers and Merena Galleries, Inc., Wolfeboro, NH). ISBN 0-943161-12-6.
  20. ^ 貨幣商組合(1998)p149-150.
  21. ^ 堀江(1927)p459-465.
  22. ^ 堀江(1927)p450-465.
  23. ^ a b 青山(1982)p119.
  24. ^ a b 石原(2003)p123.
  25. ^ 久光(1976)p84-92.
  26. ^ 三上(1996)p239-244.
  27. ^ 久光(1976)p186-189.
  28. ^ 青山(1982)p182-183.
  29. ^ 久光(1976)p193.
  30. ^ 久光(1976)p198-203.





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