自然言語理解とは? わかりやすく解説


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/09/01 16:01 UTC 版)

自然言語理解(しぜんげんごりかい、: Natural language understanding, NLU)は人工知能自然言語処理の一分野であり、コンピュータ自然言語理解読解)または意図を抽出させるという試みである。

  1. ^ American Association for Artificial Intelligence Brief History of AI [1]
  2. ^ Daniel G. Bobrow's PhD Thesis Natural Language Input for a Computer Problem Solving System.
  3. ^ Machines who think by Pamela McCorduck 2004 ISBN 1-56881-205-1 page 286
  4. ^ Russell, Stuart J.; Norvig, Peter (2003), Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-790395-2, http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/ , p. 19
  5. ^ Computer Science Logo Style: Beyond programming by Brian Harvey 1997 ISBN 0-262-58150-7 page 278
  6. ^ Weizenbaum, Joseph (1976). Computer power and human reason: from judgment to calculation W. H. Freeman and Company. ISBN 0-7167-0463-3 pages 188-189
  7. ^ Roger Schank, 1969, A conceptual dependency parser for natural language Proceedings of the 1969 conference on Computational linguistics, Sång-Säby, Sweden, pages 1-3
  8. ^ Woods, William A (1970). "Transition Network Grammars for Natural Language Analysis". Communications of the ACM 13 (10): 591–606
  9. ^ Artificial intelligence: critical concepts, Volume 1 by Ronald Chrisley, Sander Begeer 2000 ISBN 0-415-19332-X page 89
  10. ^ Terry Winograd's SHRDLU page at Stanford SHRDLU
  11. ^ Winograd, Terry (1983), Language as a Cognitive Process, Addison–Wesley, Reading, MA.
  12. ^ Larry R. Harris, Research at the Artificial Intelligence corp. ACM SIGART Bulletin, issue 79, January 1982 [2]
  13. ^ Inside case-based reasoning by Christopher K. Riesbeck, Roger C. Schank 1989 ISBN 0-89859-767-6 page xiii
  14. ^ In Depth Understanding: A Model of Integrated Process for Narrative Comprehension.. Michael g. Dyer. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-04073-5
  15. ^ Samant, Rahul Manohar; Bachute, Mrinal R.; Gite, Shilpa; Kotecha, Ketan (2022). “Framework for Deep Learning-Based Language Models Using Multi-Task Learning in Natural Language Understanding: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Directions”. IEEE Access 10: 17078–17097. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3149798. ISSN 2169-3536. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9706456/. 
  16. ^ An approach to hierarchical email categorization by Peinfeng Li et al. in Natural language processing and information systems edited by Zoubida Kedad, Nadira Lammari 2007 ISBN 3-540-73350-7
  17. ^ Infoworld, Nov 13, 1989, page 144
  18. ^ Infoworld, April 19, 1984, page 71
  19. ^ Building Working Models of Full Natural-Language Understanding in Limited Pragmatic Domains by James Mason 2010 [3]
  20. ^ Mining the Web: discovering knowledge from hypertext data by Soumen Chakrabarti 2002 ISBN 1-55860-754-4 page 289
  21. ^ G. A. Miller, R. Beckwith, C. D. Fellbaum, D. Gross, K. Miller. 1990. WordNet: An online lexical database. Int. J. Lexicograph. 3, 4, pp. 235-244.
  22. ^ Using computers in linguistics: a practical guide by John Lawler, Helen Aristar Dry 198 ISBN 0-415-16792-2 page 209
  23. ^ Naive semantics for natural language understanding by Kathleen Dahlgren 1988 ISBN 0-89838-287-4
  24. ^ Stochastically-based semantic analysis by Wolfgang Minker, Alex Waibel, Joseph Mariani 1999 ISBN 0-7923-8571-3
  25. ^ Pragmatics and natural language understanding by Georgia M. Green 1996 ISBN 0-8058-2166-X
  26. ^ Natural Language Processing Prolog Programmers by M. Covington, 1994 ISBN 0-13-629478-2
  27. ^ Natural language processing in Prolog by Gerald Gazdar, Christopher S. Mellish 1989 ISBN 0-201-18053-7
  28. ^ Understanding language understanding by Ashwin Ram, Kenneth Moorman 1999 ISBN 0-262-18192-4 page 111
  29. ^ Formal aspects of context by Pierre Bonzon et al 2000 ISBN 0-7923-6350-7
  30. ^ Agent-AIが自然言語とかかわりを持 つ場面には,大きく分けて,書かれた ものの読み取りとユーザとのインタラ クションがあります. http://www.ntt.co.jp/journal/1602/files/jn201602014.pdf
  31. ^ https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/syntaxnet
  32. ^ https://www.ilu.co.jp/about.html
  33. ^ http://japan.nuance.com/company/about/office-locations/index.htm



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2020/11/21 08:28 UTC 版)




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