大西洋横断貿易投資パートナーシップ協定とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/04/22 01:45 UTC 版)

大西洋横断貿易投資パートナーシップ協定(たいせいようおうだんぼうえきとうしパートナーシップきょうてい、: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership、略称: TTIP[1])は、アメリカ合衆国ヨーロッパ連合との間で、互いの市場に存在する規制や関税を削減・撤廃のために交渉されていた協定[2]。北大西洋版TPPである。 TTIPは安全基準を下げ、公的サービスの質を下げ、人々の権利を脅かすものであるという指摘がある。2015年10月時点で250万人が反対の署名を行っている[3]

  1. ^ 川口マーン惠美『世界一豊かなスイスとそっくりな国ニッポン』講談社、2016年、119頁。ISBN 978-4-06-272965-9 
  2. ^ a b c TTIP under pressure from protesters as Brussels promises extra safeguardsP. Inman and L. Elliott, The Guardian, 19 Feb 2015
  3. ^ a b Brexit, TTIP and Labour's Fight for a Fair EU Trade PolicyJ. Kirton-Darling, The Huffington Post, 29 Oct 2015
  4. ^ Let the TTIP trade pact die if it threatens Parliamentary democracyA. Evans-Pritchard, The Daily Telegraph, 4 May 2016
  5. ^ Europe Averts a Trade War With Trump. But Can It Trust Him?”. 2018年7月28日閲覧。
  6. ^ Negotiations and Agreements: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership”. 2020年6月16日閲覧。
  7. ^ U.S.-EU Trade Agreement Negotiations”. ustr.gov. 2020年6月16日閲覧。
  8. ^ a b c d You won't know this, but a very important TTIP vote happened in Europe this weekL. Williams, The Independent, Voices, 10 Jul 2015
  9. ^ a b c d Public Services Under Attack through TTIP and CETA Atlantic Trade DealsCorporate Europe Observatory, Centre for Reseach on Globalization, 19 Oct 2015
  10. ^ a b c d What is TTIP and why is it so controversial?I. Fraser, The Daily Telegraph, 11 Jun 2015
  11. ^ TTIP leaked documents could spell the end of controversial trade deal, say campaigners A. Griffin, The Independent, 2 May 2016
  12. ^ EU negotiating texts in TTIP” (2016年7月14日). 2020年6月16日閲覧。
  13. ^ a b TTIP will force all Europeans to take Greece's medicineJ. Hilary, Politics.co.uk, 13 Jul 2015
  14. ^ a b c Why Jeremy Corbyn Is Lying to Himself (and Us) About TTIPA. Hamdy, The Huffington Post, 14 Jun 2016
  15. ^ a b This US-Europe trade deal needs revisionThe Guardian, 24 Feb 2015
  16. ^ WikiLeaks goes after hyper-secret Euro-American trade pact 11 August 2015
  17. ^ a b c NHS could be part-privatised if UK and EU agree controversial TTIP trade deal, expert warnsI. Johnston, The Independent, 21 Feb 2016
  18. ^ TTIP 'must include human rights', Jeremy Corbyn tells David CameronH. Sheffield, The Independent, 22 Feb 2016
  19. ^ a b c d e Peter Lilley: Yes, I believe in free trade. But here’s why we must protect our NHS from TTIP.P. Lilley, ConservativeHome, 3 Apr 2016
  20. ^ Lilley: TTIP a threat to our democracyL. James, Morning Star, 11 Dec 2015
  21. ^ Barack Obama: Britain would go to the ‘back of the queue' when it comes to US trade deals if it leaves the EU L. Hughes, The Daily Telegraph, 22 Apr 2016
  22. ^ TTIP: More than 130,000 people urge Barack Obama to kill controversial trade deal during UK visitR. Revesz, The Independent, 19 Apr 2016
  23. ^ The best thing about Brexit was avoiding TTIP - but the fight isn't over yet J. Hilary, The Independent, 26 Jun 2016


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