十億とは? わかりやすく解説

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(十億 から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/10/19 23:11 UTC 版)

999999999 1000000000 1000000001
素因数分解 29×59
二進法 111011100110101100101000000000
三進法 2120200200021010001
四進法 323212230220000
五進法 4022000000000
六進法 243121245344
七進法 33531600616
八進法 7346545000
十二進法 23AA93854
十六進法 3B9ACA00
二十進法 FCA0000
二十四進法 55E1N2G
三十六進法 GJDGXS
ローマ数字 N/A
漢数字 十億
大字 拾億

1000000000十億、じゅうおく、one billion, one thousand million‚ one milliard, one yard[1])は、自然数であり、999999999の次の数で1000000001の前の数である。英語ではone billionワン・ビリオン)あるいはbillionと表される。billionはbn[2][3]と略されることもある。

標準形式では1 × 109と表記される。SI接頭語ギガは基礎単位の十億倍を表し、記号はGである。






Visualization of powers of ten from one to 1 billion



  • 109 seconds (1 gigasecond) equal 11,574 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes and 40 seconds (approximately 31.7 years, or 31 years, 8 months, 8 days).
  • About 109 minutes ago, the Roman Empire was flourishing and Christianity was emerging. (109 minutes is roughly 1,901 years.)
  • About 109 hours ago, modern human beings and their ancestors were living in the Stone Age (more precisely, the Middle Paleolithic). (109 hours is roughly 114,080 years.)
  • About 109 days ago, Australopithecus, an ape-like creature related to an ancestor of modern humans, roamed the African savannas. (109 days is roughly 2.738 million years.)
  • About 109 months ago, dinosaurs walked the Earth during the late Cretaceous. (109 months is roughly 83.3 million years.)
  • About 109 years—a gigaannus—ago, the first multicellular eukaryotes appeared on Earth.
  • About 109 decades ago, galaxies began to appear in the early Universe which was then 3.772 billion years old. (109 decades is exactly 10 billion years.)
  • The universe is thought to be about 13.77 × 109 years old.[6]


  • 109 inches is 15,783マイル (25,400 km), more than halfway around the world and thus sufficient to reach any point on the globe from any other point.
  • 109 metres (called a gigametre) is almost three times the distance from the Earth to the Moon.
  • 109 kilometres (called a terametre) is over six times the distance from the Earth to the Sun.


  • A billion square inches could make a square about one half mile on a side.
  • A bolt of finely woven 1000-TC bed sheet linen with a billion thread crossings would have an area of 40平方メートル (48 sq yd), comparable to the floor area of a motel unit.


  • There are one billion cubic millimetres in a cubic metre, and a billion cubic metres in a cubic kilometre.
  • A billion grains of table salt or granulated sugar would occupy a volume of about 2.5立方フィート (0.071 m3).
  • A billion cubic inches would be a volume comparable to a large commercial building slightly larger than a typical supermarket.


  • Any object that weighs one billionキログラム (2.2×109 lb) would weigh about as much as 5,525 empty Boeing 747-400s.
  • A cube of iron that weighs one billionポンド (450,000,000 kg) would be 38.62メートル (126.7 ft) on each side.


  • As of July 2016, Apple has sold one billion iPhones.[7] This makes the iPhone one of the most successful product lines in history, surpassing the PlayStation and the Rubik's Cube.
  • As of July 2016, Facebook has 1.71 billion users.[8]


  • A small mountain, slightly larger than Stone Mountain in Georgia, United States, would weigh (have a mass of) a billion tons.
  • There are billions of worker ants in the largest ant colony in the world,[9] which covers almost 4,000マイル (6,400 km) of the Mediterranean coast.
  • In 1804, the world population was one billion.


A is a cube; B consists of 1000 cubes the size of cube A, C consists of 1000 cubes the size of cube B; and D consists of 1000 cubes the size of cube C. Thus there are 1 million A-sized cubes in C; and 1,000,000,000 A-sized cubes in D.


  1. ^ Yard”. Investopedia. 2017年11月13日閲覧。
  2. ^ “figures”. The Economist Style Guide (11th ed.). The Economist. (2015). ISBN 9781782830917. https://books.google.com/books?id=enIZBwAAQBAJ&pg=PT70 
  3. ^ “6.5 Abbreviating ‘million’ and ‘billion’”. English Style Guide: A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission (8th ed.). European Commission. (3 November 2017). p. 32. https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/styleguide_english_dgt_en.pdf 
  4. ^ How many is a billion?”. OxfordDictionaries.com. 2017年1月12日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2017年11月13日閲覧。
  5. ^ billion,thousand million,milliard”. Google Ngram Viewer. 2017年11月13日閲覧。
  6. ^ Cosmic Detectives”. European Space Agency (2013年4月2日). 2023年4月3日閲覧。
  7. ^ Panken, Eli (2016年7月27日). “Apple Announces It Has Sold One Billion iPhones”. NBCNews.com. 2017年11月13日閲覧。
  8. ^ Seethamaram, Deep (2016年7月27日). “Facebook Posts Strong Profit and Revenue Growth”. The Wall Street Journal. 2017年11月13日閲覧。
  9. ^ Burke, Jeremy (2015年6月16日). “How the World Became A Giant Ant Colony”. Atlas Obscura. 2017年11月13日閲覧。


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2021/06/19 12:06 UTC 版)


  1. 1000000000109倍。単独単位ではない。前には1から9999までの整数置ける。
  2. (まれ)1000000000109。英語 billion対応する数詞として、他の整数結びつく




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