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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/10/31 09:15 UTC 版)

学術分野における二次資料(にじしりょう、:secondary source)[1][2]とは、元はどこか他の所で示された情報について述べた、あるいは議論した、文書もしくは記録。二次資料は一次資料と対比され、一次資料は議論される情報の大元の情報源であり、それはある情報について直接的な知識を持っている人や、そうした人により書かれた文書であったりする。

  1. ^ a b c Primary, secondary and tertiary sources”. University Libraries, University of Maryland. 2020年8月23日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b Secondary sources”. James Cook University. 2013年6月11日閲覧。
  3. ^ Primary and secondary sources”. Ithaca College Library. 2020年8月23日閲覧。
  4. ^ Kragh, Helge (1989), An Introduction to the Historiography of Science, Cambridge University Press, p. 121, ISBN 0-521-38921-6, https://books.google.com/books?id=d2zy_QSq2b0C&pg=PA121&lpg=PA121&dq=%22secondary+source%22+historiography, "[T]he distinction is not a sharp one. Since a source is only a source in a specific historical context, the same source object can be both a primary or secondary source according to what it is used for." 
  5. ^ Delgadillo, Roberto; Lynch, Beverly (1999), “Future Historians: Their Quest for Information”, College & Research Libraries 60 (3): 245–259, at 253, doi:10.5860/crl.60.3.245, http://crl.acrl.org/content/60/3/245.full.pdf+html, "[T]he same document can be a primary or a secondary source depending on the particular analysis the historian is doing" ,
  6. ^ Monagahn, E.J.; Hartman, D.K. (2001), “Historical research in literacy”, Reading Online 4 (11), http://www.readingonline.org/articles/art_index.asp?HREF=/articles/handbook/monaghan/index.html, "[A] source may be primary or secondary, depending on what the researcher is looking for." 
  7. ^ Richard Veit and Christopher Gould, Writing, Reading, and Research (8th ed. 2009) p 335
  8. ^ a b c Kragh, Helge (1989-11-24) (英語). An Introduction to the Historiography of Science. Cambridge University Press. pp. 121. ISBN 9780521389211. https://books.google.com/books?id=OX7d7u_2rF4C&pg=PA121 
  9. ^ Kragh 1989, p. 121.
  10. ^ Dalton & Charnigo 2004, p. 419 n.18.
  11. ^ Delgadillo & Lynch 1999, p. 253.
  12. ^ Important Sources of History (Primary and Secondary Sources)” (英語). History Discussion - Discuss Anything About History (2013年9月23日). 2020年2月6日閲覧。
  13. ^ a b Duffin, Jacalyn (1999), History of Medicine: A Scandalously Short Introduction, University of Toronto Press, p. 366, ISBN 0-8020-7912-1, https://books.google.com/books?id=__oDQ6yDO7kC&pg=PA366&dq=%22secondary+source%22+historiography 
  14. ^ Henige, David (1986), “Primary Source by Primary Source? On the Role of Epidemics in New World Depopulation”, Ethnohistory (Duke University Press) 33 (3): 292–312, at 292, doi:10.2307/481816, JSTOR 481816, https://jstor.org/stable/481816, "[T]he term 'primary' inevitably carries a relative meaning insofar as it defines those pieces of information that stand in closest relationship to an event or process in the present state of our knowledge. Indeed, in most instances the very nature of a primary source tells us that it is actually derivative.…[H]istorians have no choice but to regard certain of the available sources as 'primary' since they are as near to truly original sources as they can now secure." 
  15. ^ Henige 1986, p. 292.
  16. ^ a b Garrard, Judith (2010). Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. ISBN 978-1-4496-1868-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=CSbfIcjQUcsC&pg=PA30#v=onepage 2012年9月16日閲覧。 
  17. ^ Princeton (2011年). “Book reviews”. Scholarly definition document. Princeton. 2011年9月22日閲覧。
  18. ^ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2011年). “Book reviews”. Scholarly definition document. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 2011年9月10日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年9月22日閲覧。
  19. ^ Edwards, H.M. (2001), Riemann's Zeta Function, Mineola, New York: Courier Dover Publications, p. xi, ISBN 0-486-41740-9, https://books.google.com/books?id=5uLAoued_dIC&pg=PR9&dq=%22primary+sources%22, "The purpose of a secondary source is to make the primary sources accessible to you. If you can read and understand the primary sources without reading this book, more power to you. If you read this book without reading the primary sources you are like a man who carries a sack lunch to a banquet" 
  20. ^ Helge (1989), p. 121.
  21. ^ Cipolla (1992), Between Two Cultures: An Introduction to Economic History, W.W. Norton & Co., ISBN 978-0-393-30816-7, https://books.google.com/books?id=GIqRTlepwmoC&printsec=frontcover&dq=cipolla 
  22. ^ Frederick C. Beiser (2011). The German Historicist Tradition. Oxford U.P.. p. 254. ISBN 9780199691555. https://books.google.com/books?id=fQ1k6w0dFIMC&pg=PA254 
  23. ^ Charles Camic; Neil Gross; Michele Lamont (2011). Social Knowledge in the Making. U. of Chicago Press. p. 107. ISBN 9780226092096. https://books.google.com/books?id=0l7iDZY-MSoC&pg=PA107 
  24. ^ Bouchoux, Deborah E. (2000), Cite Checker: A Hands-On Guide to Learning Citation Form, Thomson Delmar Learning, p. 45, ISBN 0-7668-1893-4, https://books.google.com/books?id=RJ4vlBrWu0MC&pg=PA45&dq=%22primary+sources%22+%22science+citation%22 
  25. ^ Bouchoux 2000, p. 45.
  26. ^ Harland, p. 39
  27. ^ Holmes, particularly the introduction


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