チャールズ・ケイ・オグデンとは? わかりやすく解説

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チャールズ・ケイ・オグデン:Charles Kay Ogden1889年6月1日 - 1957年3月21日)は、イギリス哲学者言語学者作家博学者として知られるが、奇人で、アウトサイダー[1][2][3]でもあり、言語学政治芸術哲学に関係する多くの冒険的事業でなんらかの役割を演じ、特に、改造された英語のために編集・翻訳・活動を行ったことで広範な衝撃を与えた。彼は一般的に言語心理学者であると定義され、現在ではベーシック英語の発明者として最も記憶されている。

  1. ^ Frank Kermodein the London Review of Books
  2. ^ A Voice of Reason: C.K. Ogden and The Cambridge Magazine Archived 2012年3月8日, at the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ http://ogden.basic-english.org/ogdenfs.html
  4. ^ a b http://journals.sfu.ca/archivar/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11763/12713
  5. ^ http://archives.ucl.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqSearch=RefNo==%27MS%20ADD%20381%20%20%20%20%20%20%27&dsqDb=Catalog
  6. ^ Philip Sargant Florence, C. K. Ogden: A Collective Memoir, p. 16.
  7. ^ C. K. Ogden: A Collective Memoir, p. 35.
  8. ^ Jean Moorcroft Wilson, Siegfried Sassoon: The Making of a War Poet (1998), p. 254.
  9. ^ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, article on Dorothy Buxton.
  10. ^ Lawrence Haward, Edward J. Dent (1956), p. 24.
  11. ^ https://archive.is/20120715233625/findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_go1877/is_1_48/ai_n6764517/pg_8/?tag=content;col1
  12. ^ C. K. Ogden: A Collective Memoir, p. 38.
  13. ^ Duncan Wilson, Gilbert Murray (1987), p. 236.
  14. ^ https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard//commons/1917/nov/12/war-loan-advertisements-cambridge#S5CV0099P0_19171112_HOC_247
  15. ^ Anne P. Rice, Witnessing Lynching: American writers respond (2003), p. 188.
  16. ^ Prove All Things; a paper read at the first meeting of the Religious Discussion Society, Emmanuel College (1909).
  17. ^ http://www.ohioswallow.com/extras/9780821418178_intro.pdf
  18. ^ George W. Stocking, Malinowski, Rivers, Benedict and Others: Essays on Culture and Personality (1986), p. 51.
  19. ^ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, article on Ogden, J. W. Scott, revised by W. Terrence Gordon.
  20. ^ Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, Joy Dorothy Harvey, The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: L-Z (2000), p. 1245.
  21. ^ Annabel Robinson, The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison (2002), p. 233.
  22. ^ The Future of Religion: Mr. G. K. Chesterton's reply to Mr. Bernard Shaw (1911]).
  23. ^ Robert Ferguson, The Short Sharp life of T. E. Hulme (2002), pp. 111-3 and 236-7.
  24. ^ Christopher Hassall, Rupert Brooke: A Biography (1964), pp. 376-9.
  25. ^ Obscurantism in modern science. An address delivered before the "Heretics" society in Cambridge. (1913)
  26. ^ Other speakers before the outbreak of war in 1914 included: William Archer, A. C. Benson, Gilbert Cannan, Edward Gordon Craig, G. H. Hardy, Frank Harris, Jack Hulbert, Henry Arthur Jones, Vernon Lee, Oliver Lodge, Harold Monro, Gilbert Murray, Arthur Quiller-Couch, Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, Owen Seaman and Philip Waggett. C. K. Ogden: A Collective Memoir, p. 21.
  27. ^ http://www.ibiblio.org/sally/woolf.html
  28. ^ http://www.uah.edu/woolf/chrono.html
  29. ^ J. Mark Lazenby, The Early Wittgenstein on Religion (2006), p. 5.
  30. ^ de:Georg Kerchensteiner
  31. ^ C. K. Ogden: A Collective Memoir, p. 25.
  32. ^ The Schools and the Nation.
  33. ^ http://pds.lib.harvard.edu/pds/view/2573673?n=2&s=4
  34. ^ An eye-witness was I. A. Richards. I came down King's Parade to see a crash of glass breaking. Ogden, by that time, was owner of three shops in Cambridge; one was a picture gallery, the others were book stores. [...] I took my stand beside Ogden. Twenty or thirty drunken medical students were sacking the shop. Pictures were coming out through the plate glass in very dangerous fashion ... Duncan Grant ... Vanessa Bell ... Roger Fry. In Richards on Rhetoric 1991, edited Ann E. Berthoff, p. 8.
  35. ^ Lewis Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology vol. 2 (2003), p. 749.
  36. ^ Psyche: An Annual of General and Linguistic Psychology, facsimile edition 1995 in 18 volumes.
  37. ^ C. K. Ogden: A Collective Memoir, p. 128.
  38. ^ C. K. Ogden and Linguistics vol. 4, p. xiv.
  39. ^ Nils-Eric Sahlin, The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey (1990), p. 227.
  40. ^
  41. ^
  42. ^ Bresnahan, Keith (2011). “"An Unused Esperanto": Internationalism and Pictographic Design, 1930–70”. Design and Culture 3 (1): 5–24. doi:10.2752/175470810X12863771378671. 
  43. ^ C. K. Ogden and Linguistics vol. 3, p. xxi.
  44. ^ アーカイブされたコピー”. 2012年5月13日時点のオリジナル[リンク切れ]よりアーカイブ。2012年4月7日閲覧。
  45. ^ http://www.finneganswake.org/joycereading.shtml
  46. ^ Susan Shaw Sailer, Universalizing Languages: "Finnegans Wake" Meets Basic English, James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 4 (Summer, 1999), pp. 853-868.
  47. ^ The text of the recording was some pages of Anna Livia Plurabelle in the version published in 1928. Sources differ as to whether the recording was made in London or Cambridge; アーカイブされたコピー”. 2010年7月20日時点のオリジナル[リンク切れ]よりアーカイブ。2009年12月18日閲覧。 says Cambridge, as does James Joyce's Manuscripts & Letters (PDF) Archived 2010年5月9日, at the Wayback Machine. at p. 177, while Modernist Heresies (PDF) Archived 2011年7月27日, at the Wayback Machine. at p. 203 says London.
  48. ^ Britannica Book of the Year 1944, pp. 103-5.
  49. ^ Esterhill, Frank, 2000, Interlingua Institute: A History, New York: Interlingua Institute.


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