A servant is a person who is employed to perform domestic duties in a household or institution, or to assist with specific tasks or duties. In a broader sense, a servant can refer to anyone who serves others or provides assistance in various contexts.「servant」の類語
1. The servant cleaned the house every day.(使用人は毎日家を掃除していた。) 2. She worked as a servant in a wealthy family.(彼女は裕福な家庭で使用人として働いていた。) 3. The butler is the head servant in the household.(執事は家庭内で最も地位の高い使用人である。) 4. The king had many servants to attend to his needs.(王様は自分のニーズに応えるためにたくさんの使用人を抱えていた。) 5. The servant brought the guests some refreshments.(使用人は客に軽食を持ってきた。) 6. The maid is responsible for cleaning the rooms and doing the laundry.(メイドは部屋の掃除や洗濯を担当している。) 7. The attendant helped the elderly woman with her luggage.(アテンダントはお年寄りの女性の荷物を持つ手伝いをした。) 8. The servant's quarters were located in the basement of the mansion.(使用人たちの部屋は邸宅の地下にあった。) 9. The servant rang the bell to announce dinner.(使用人は夕食の時間を知らせるためにベルを鳴らした。) 10. He was a loyal servant to his master.(彼は主人に忠実な使用人であった。)サーバント
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