UNIFYINGとは? わかりやすく解説

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「Unifying」 is the present participle form of the verb "unify". It refers to the act of making or becoming a single unit, or the act of making or becoming consistent or uniform. It can be used to describe the process of bringing together different elements, ideas, or entities into a single, cohesive whole. For example, it can be used to describe the process of unifying different theories into a single theory in science, or unifying different regions or ethnic groups into a single nation in politics.






1. English: The unifying theme of the conference was sustainability. (日本語訳会議統一テーマ持続可能性であった。)
2. English: The new leader played a crucial role in unifying the divided factions. (日本語訳新しリーダー分裂した派閥統一する上で重要な役割果たした。)
3. English: The unifying power of music is undeniable. (日本語訳音楽統一力は否定できない。)
4. English: The unifying principle of this theory is simplicity. (日本語訳:この理論統一原理単純さである。)
5. English: The company is unifying its various departments under a single management. (日本語訳:その会社様々な部門一つ管理下に統一している。)
6. English: The unifying effect of national symbols cannot be underestimated. (日本語訳国家の象徴統一効果過小評価できない。)
7. English: The government is unifying the country's laws to eliminate inconsistencies. (日本語訳政府は国の法律統一し矛盾排除している。)
8. English: The unifying factor in all these events is the pursuit of justice. (日本語訳:これら全ての事件における統一要素正義追求である。)
9. English: The artist is unifying different styles to create a unique aesthetic. (日本語訳アーティスト異なスタイル統一し、独自の美学創造している。)
10. English: The unifying characteristic of these species is their adaptability. (日本語訳:これらの種の統一特性はその適応性である。)

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