タイセイヨウダラとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/03 03:25 UTC 版)

タイセイヨウダラ(大西洋鱈、学名:Gadus morhua: Atlantic cod)は、タラ科に属する底生の食用魚である。なお本種にはタイセイヨウマダラの和名が提唱されている[2]

  1. ^ Sobel, J. (1996). “Gadus morhua”. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1996: e.T8784A12931575. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.1996.RLTS.T8784A12931575.en. https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/8784/12931575 2023年9月25日閲覧。. 
  2. ^ (日本語,英語)『グリーンランド海域の水族 : 深海丸により採集された魚類・頭足類・甲殻類』海洋水産資源開発センター、1995年。 NCID BN1298015X 
  3. ^ O’Brien, L., J. Burnett, and R. K. Mayo. (1993) Maturation of Nineteen Species of Finfish off the Northeast Coast of the United States, 1985-1990. NOAA Tech. Report. NMFS 113, 66 p.
  4. ^ “N.L. funds cod fishery research on 15th anniversary of moratorium”. CBC News. (2007年7月2日). http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2007/07/02/cod-moratorium.html?ref=rss 
  5. ^ K. M. Brander (1994), “The location and timing of cod spawning around the British Isles”, ICES Journal of Marine Science 51 (1): 71–89, doi:10.1006/jmsc.1994.1007, http://icesjms.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/51/1/71 
  6. ^ Kai Wieland, Astrid Jarre-Teichmann & Katarzyna Horbowa (2000), “Changes in the timing of spawning of Baltic cod: possible causes and implications for recruitment”, ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (2): 452–464, doi:10.1006/jmsc.1999.0522, http://icesjms.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/57/2/452 
  7. ^ Beth E. Scott, Gudrun Marteinsdottir, Gavin A. Begg, Peter J. Wright and Olav Sigurd Kjesbu (2005) Effects of population size/age structure, condition and temporal dynamics of spawning on reproductive output in Atlantic cod, Ecological Modelling Volume 191, Issues 3-4, 5 February 2006, Pages 383-415
  8. ^ J. A. Hutchings, T. D. Bishop, C. R. McGregor-Shaw (1999), “Spawning behaviour of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua: evidence of mate competition and mate choice in a broadcast spawner”, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (1): 97–104, doi:10.1139/cjfas-56-1-97, http://article.pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ppv/RPViewDoc?issn=1205-7533&volume=56&issue=1&startPage=97 
  9. ^ J. T. Nordeide; Folstad (2000), “Is cod lekking or a promiscuous group spawner?”, Fish and Fisheries 1 (1): 90–93, doi:10.1046/j.1467-2979.2000.00005.x 
  10. ^ D. Bekkevold, M. M. Hansen & V. Loeschcke (2002), “Male reproductive competition in spawning aggregations of cod”, Molecular Ecology (journal) 11 (1): 91–102, doi:10.1046/j.0962-1083.2001.01424.x, PMID 11903907 
  11. ^ O'Brien, L., J. Burnett, and R. K. Mayo. (1993) Maturation of Nineteen Species of Finfish off the Northeast Coast of the United States, 1985-1990. NOAA Tech. Report. NMFS 113, 66 p.
  12. ^ ICES (2007), Arctic Fisheries Working Group Report, Section 03, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Archived 2011年6月12日, at the Wayback Machine. (accessed 2008/12/11)


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