IResourceService インターフェイスとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > コンピュータ > .NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス > IResourceService インターフェイスの意味・解説 

IResourceService インターフェイス

デザイナが、特定の CultureInfo のリソース種類対すリソース リーダーリソース ライタアクセスするためのインターフェイス提供します

名前空間: System.ComponentModel.Design
アセンブリ: System (system.dll 内)

Public Interface IResourceService
Dim instance As IResourceService
public interface IResourceService
public interface class IResourceService
public interface IResourceService
public interface IResourceService

IResourceService使用してリソース ファイルからの読み込みリソース ファイルへの書き込み行い関連するコントロールプロパティ設定するデザイナの例を次に示します

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Resources
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design

Namespace IResourceServiceExample

    ' Associates the ResourceTestControlDesigner with the 
    ' ResourceTestControl class.
    <Designer(GetType(ResourceTestControlDesigner))> _
    Public Class ResourceTestControl
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
        ' Initializes a string array used to store strings that this
 control displays.
        Public resource_strings() As String
 = {"Initial Default String #1", "Initial
 Default String #2"}

        Public Sub New()
            Me.BackColor = Color.White
            Me.Size = New Size(408, 160)
        End Sub

        ' Draws the strings contained in the string array.
        Protected Overrides Sub
 OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("IResourceService Example Designer
 Control", New Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace,
 10), New SolidBrush(Color.Blue), 2, 2)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("String list:  (use shortcut
 menu in design mode)", New Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace,
 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 2, 20)

            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To resource_strings.Length
 - 1
                e.Graphics.DrawString(resource_strings(i), New
 Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8), New SolidBrush(Color.SeaGreen),
 2, 38 + (i * 18))
            Next i
        End Sub
    End Class

    ' This designer offers several menu commands for the 
    ' shortcut menu for the associated control.
    ' These commands can be used to reset the control's string 
    ' list, to generate a default resources file, or to load the string
    ' list for the control from the default resources file.
    Public Class ResourceTestControlDesigner
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner

        Public Sub New()
        End Sub 

        Public Overrides ReadOnly
 Property Verbs() As System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection
                ' Creates a collection of designer verb menu commands
                ' that link to event handlers in this designer.    
                Return New DesignerVerbCollection(New
 DesignerVerb() { _
                    New DesignerVerb("Load
 Strings From Default Resources File", AddressOf
 Me.LoadResources), _
                    New DesignerVerb("Create
 Default Resources File", AddressOf Me.CreateResources),
                    New DesignerVerb("Clear
 ResourceTestControl String List", AddressOf Me.ClearStrings)})
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Sets the string list for the control to the strings 
        ' loaded from a resource file.
        Private Sub LoadResources(ByVal
 sender As Object, ByVal
 e As EventArgs)
            Dim rs As IResourceService = CType(Me.Component.Site.GetService(GetType(IResourceService)),
            If rs Is Nothing
                Throw New Exception("Could
 not obtain IResourceService.")
            End If
            Dim rr As IResourceReader = rs.GetResourceReader(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)
            If rr Is Nothing
                Throw New Exception("Resource
 file could not be obtained. You may need to create one first.")
            End If
            Dim de As IDictionaryEnumerator
 = rr.GetEnumerator()

            If Me.Control.GetType() Is
 GetType(ResourceTestControl) Then
                Dim rtc As ResourceTestControl
 = CType(Me.Control, ResourceTestControl)
                Dim s1, s2, s3 As String
                s1 = CStr(CType(de.Current, DictionaryEntry).Value)
                s2 = CStr(CType(de.Current, DictionaryEntry).Value)
                s3 = CStr(CType(de.Current, DictionaryEntry).Value)
                rtc.resource_strings = New String()
 {s1, s2, s3}
            End If
        End Sub

        ' Creates a default resource file for the current 
        ' CultureInfo and adds 3 strings to it.
        Private Sub CreateResources(ByVal
 sender As Object, ByVal
 e As EventArgs)
            Dim rs As IResourceService = CType(Me.Component.Site.GetService(GetType(IResourceService)),
            If rs Is Nothing
                Throw New Exception("Could
 not obtain IResourceService.")
            End If
            Dim rw As IResourceWriter = rs.GetResourceWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)
            rw.AddResource("string1", "Persisted
 resource string #1")
            rw.AddResource("string2", "Persisted
 resource string #2")
            rw.AddResource("string3", "Persisted
 resource string #3")
        End Sub   

        ' Clears the string list of the associated ResourceTestControl.
        Private Sub ClearStrings(ByVal
 sender As Object, ByVal
 e As EventArgs)
            If Me.Control.GetType() Is
 GetType(ResourceTestControl) Then
                Dim rtc As ResourceTestControl
 = CType(Me.Control, ResourceTestControl)
                rtc.resource_strings = New String()
 {"Test String #1", "Test String
            End If
        End Sub 
    End Class 
End Namespace 
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Resources;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

namespace IResourceServiceExample
    // Associates the ResourceTestControlDesigner with the 
    // ResourceTestControl class.
    public class ResourceTestControl : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
        // Initializes a string array used to store strings that 
        // this control displays.
        public string[] resource_strings =
 new string[] { "Initial Default String
 #1", "Initial Default String #2" };

        public ResourceTestControl()
            this.BackColor = Color.White;
            this.Size = new Size(408, 160);

        // Draws the strings contained in the string array.
        protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs
            e.Graphics.DrawString("IResourceService Example Designer Control",
 new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10), new
 SolidBrush(Color.Blue), 2, 2);
            e.Graphics.DrawString("String list:  (use shortcut menu in
 design mode)", new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8),
 new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 2, 20);
            for(int i=0; i<resource_strings.Length;
                e.Graphics.DrawString(resource_strings[i], new
 Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8), new SolidBrush(Color.SeaGreen),
 2, 38+(i*18));

    // This designer offers several menu commands for the 
    // shortcut menu for the associated control.
    // These commands can be used to reset the control's string 
    // list, to generate a default resources file, or to load the string
    // list for the control from the default resources file.
    public class ResourceTestControlDesigner
 : System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner
        public ResourceTestControlDesigner()

        public override System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection
                // Creates a collection of designer verb menu commands
                // that link to event handlers in this designer.
                return new DesignerVerbCollection(
 new DesignerVerb[] { 
                    new DesignerVerb("Load Strings from Default
 Resources File", new EventHandler(this.LoadResources))
                    new DesignerVerb("Create Default Resources
 File", new EventHandler(this.CreateResources))
                    new DesignerVerb("Clear ResourceTestControl
 String List", new EventHandler(this.ClearStrings))

        // Sets the string list for the control to the strings 
        // loaded from a resource file.
        private void LoadResources(object sender,
 EventArgs e)
            IResourceService rs = (IResourceService)this.Component.Site.GetService(typeof(IResourceService));
            if( rs == null )
                throw new Exception("Could not obtain IResourceService.");

            IResourceReader rr = rs.GetResourceReader(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
            if( rr == null )
                throw new Exception("Resource file could
 not be obtained. You may need to create one first.");

            IDictionaryEnumerator de = rr.GetEnumerator();
            if(this.Control.GetType() == typeof(ResourceTestControl))
                ResourceTestControl rtc = (ResourceTestControl)this.Control;
                string s1, s2, s3;        
                s1 = (string)((DictionaryEntry)de.Current).Value;
                s2 = (string)((DictionaryEntry)de.Current).Value;
                s3 = (string)((DictionaryEntry)de.Current).Value;
                rtc.resource_strings = new string[]
 {s1, s2, s3};

        // Creates a default resource file for the current 
        // CultureInfo and adds 3 strings to it.
        private void CreateResources(object
 sender, EventArgs e)
            IResourceService rs = (IResourceService)this.Component.Site.GetService(typeof(IResourceService));
            if( rs == null )
                throw new Exception("Could not obtain IResourceService.");

            IResourceWriter rw = rs.GetResourceWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
            rw.AddResource("string1", "Persisted resource string
            rw.AddResource("string2", "Persisted resource string
            rw.AddResource("string3", "Persisted resource string

        // Clears the string list of the associated ResourceTestControl.
        private void ClearStrings(object sender,
 EventArgs e)
            if(this.Control.GetType() == typeof(ResourceTestControl))
                ResourceTestControl rtc = (ResourceTestControl)this.Control;
                rtc.resource_strings = new string[]
 { "Test String #1", "Test String #2" };
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Design.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Globalization;
using namespace System::Resources;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;
ref class ResourceTestControlDesigner;

// Associates the ResourceTestControlDesigner with the
// ResourceTestControl class.

public ref class ResourceTestControl: public

   // Initializes a string array used to store strings that
   // this control displays.
      array<String^>^temp = {"Initial Default String #1","Initial
 Default String #2"};
      resource_strings = temp;
      this->BackColor = Color::White;
      this->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 408, 160 );


   // Draws the strings contained in the string array.
   virtual void OnPaint( System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^
 e ) override
      e->Graphics->DrawString( "IResourceService Example Designer Control",
 gcnew System::Drawing::Font( FontFamily::GenericMonospace,10 ), gcnew SolidBrush(
 Color::Blue ), 2, 2 );
      e->Graphics->DrawString( "String list:  (use shortcut menu in
 design mode)", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( FontFamily::GenericMonospace,8
 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 2, 20 );
      for ( int i = 0; i < resource_strings->Length;
 i++ )
         e->Graphics->DrawString( resource_strings[ i ], gcnew System::Drawing::Font(
 FontFamily::GenericMonospace,8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::SeaGreen ), 2.f, 38.f
 + (i * 18) );



// This designer offers several menu commands for the
// shortcut menu for the associated control.
// These commands can be used to reset the control's string
// list, to generate a default resources file, or to load the string
// list for the control from the default resources file.
public ref class ResourceTestControlDesigner:
 public System::Windows::Forms::Design::ControlDesigner

   property System::ComponentModel::Design::DesignerVerbCollection^ Verbs 
      virtual System::ComponentModel::Design::DesignerVerbCollection^ get()
         // Creates a collection of designer verb menu commands
         // that link to event handlers in this designer.
         array<DesignerVerb^>^temp0 = {gcnew DesignerVerb( "Load Strings
 from Default Resources File",gcnew EventHandler( this,
 &ResourceTestControlDesigner::LoadResources ) ),gcnew DesignerVerb( "Create Default Resources File",gcnew EventHandler( this, &ResourceTestControlDesigner::CreateResources
 ) ),gcnew DesignerVerb( "Clear ResourceTestControl String List",gcnew EventHandler( this, &ResourceTestControlDesigner::ClearStrings ) )};
         return gcnew DesignerVerbCollection( temp0 );


   // Sets the string list for the control to the strings
   // loaded from a resource file.
   void LoadResources( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      IResourceService^ rs = dynamic_cast<IResourceService^>(this->Component->Site->GetService(
 IResourceService::typeid ));
      if ( rs == nullptr )
            throw gcnew System::Exception( "Could not obtain IResourceService."

      IResourceReader^ rr = rs->GetResourceReader( CultureInfo::CurrentUICulture
      if ( rr == nullptr )
            throw gcnew System::Exception( "Resource file could not be obtained.
 You may need to create one first." );

      IDictionaryEnumerator^ de = rr->GetEnumerator();
      if ( this->Control->GetType() ==
 ResourceTestControl::typeid )
         ResourceTestControl^ rtc = dynamic_cast<ResourceTestControl^>(this->Control);
         String^ s1;
         String^ s2;
         String^ s3;
         s1 = dynamic_cast<String^>(( *dynamic_cast<DictionaryEntry^>(de->Current)).Value);
         s2 = dynamic_cast<String^>(( *dynamic_cast<DictionaryEntry^>(de->Current)).Value);
         s3 = dynamic_cast<String^>(( *dynamic_cast<DictionaryEntry^>(de->Current)).Value);
         array<String^>^temp = {s1,s2,s3};
         rtc->resource_strings = temp;

   // Creates a default resource file for the current
   // CultureInfo and adds 3 strings to it.
   void CreateResources( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/
      IResourceService^ rs = dynamic_cast<IResourceService^>(this->Component->Site->GetService(
 IResourceService::typeid ));
      if ( rs == nullptr )
            throw gcnew System::Exception( "Could not obtain IResourceService."

      IResourceWriter^ rw = rs->GetResourceWriter( CultureInfo::CurrentUICulture
      rw->AddResource( "string1", "Persisted resource string
 #1" );
      rw->AddResource( "string2", "Persisted resource string
 #2" );
      rw->AddResource( "string3", "Persisted resource string
 #3" );

   // Clears the string list of the associated ResourceTestControl.
   void ClearStrings( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      if ( this->Control->GetType() ==
 ResourceTestControl::typeid )
         ResourceTestControl^ rtc = dynamic_cast<ResourceTestControl^>(this->Control);
         array<String^>^temp = {"Test String #1","Test String
         rtc->resource_strings = temp;
package IResourceServiceExample; 

import System.*;
import System.Collections.*;
import System.ComponentModel.*;
import System.ComponentModel.Design.*;
import System.Drawing.*;
import System.Globalization.*;
import System.Resources.*;
import System.Windows.Forms.*;
import System.Windows.Forms.Design.*;
// Associates the ResourceTestControlDesigner with the 
// ResourceTestControl class.
/** @ attribute Designer(ResourceTestControlDesigner .class.ToType())
public class ResourceTestControl extends System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
    // Initializes a string array used to store strings that 
    // this control displays.
    public String resource_strings[] = new
        { "Initial Default String #1", "Initial Default String #2"

    public ResourceTestControl()
        this.set_Size(new Size(408, 160));
    } //ResourceTestControl

    // Draws the strings contained in the string array.
    protected void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs
        e.get_Graphics().DrawString("IResourceService Example Designer Control"
            new Font(FontFamily.get_GenericMonospace(), 10),
            new SolidBrush(Color.get_Blue()), 2, 2);
            "String list:  (use shortcut menu in design mode)",
            new Font(FontFamily.get_GenericMonospace(), 8), 
            new SolidBrush(Color.get_Black()), 2, 20);
        for (int i = 0; i < resource_strings.length;
 i++) {
                new Font(FontFamily.get_GenericMonospace(), 8),
                new SolidBrush(Color.get_SeaGreen()), 2, 38 +
 i * 18);
    } //OnPaint
} //ResourceTestControl

// This designer offers several menu commands for the 
// shortcut menu for the associated control.
// These commands can be used to reset the control's string 
// list, to generate a default resources file, or to load the string
// list for the control from the default resources file.
public class ResourceTestControlDesigner 
    extends System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner
    public ResourceTestControlDesigner()
    } //ResourceTestControlDesigner

    /** @property
    public System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection
        // Creates a collection of designer verb menu commands 
        // that link to event handlers in this designer.
        return new DesignerVerbCollection(new
            {   new DesignerVerb("Load Strings from Default
 Resources File", 
                new EventHandler(this.LoadResources)),
                new DesignerVerb("Create Default Resources
                new EventHandler(this.CreateResources)),
                new DesignerVerb("Clear ResourceTestControl
 String List", 
                new EventHandler(this.ClearStrings))
    } //get_Verbs

    // Sets the string list for the control to the strings 
    // loaded from a resource file.
    private void LoadResources(Object sender,
 EventArgs e) throws Exception
        IResourceService rs = (IResourceService)(
        if (rs == null) {
            throw new Exception("Could not obtain IResourceService.");
        IResourceReader rr 
            = rs.GetResourceReader(CultureInfo.get_CurrentUICulture());
        if (rr == null) {
            throw new Exception("Resource file could not
 be obtained."
                + " You may need to create one first.");
        IDictionaryEnumerator de = rr.GetEnumerator();
        if (this.get_Control().GetType().
            Equals(ResourceTestControl.class.ToType())) {
            ResourceTestControl rtc 
                = (ResourceTestControl)this.get_Control();
            String s1, s2, s3;
            s1 = (String)
            s2 = (String)
            s3 = (String)
            rtc.resource_strings = new String[] { s1, s2, s3 };
    } //LoadResources

    // Creates a default resource file for the current 
    // CultureInfo and adds 3 strings to it.
    private void CreateResources(Object sender,
 EventArgs e) throws Exception
        IResourceService rs = (IResourceService)(
        if (rs == null) {
            throw new Exception("Could not obtain IResourceService.");
        IResourceWriter rw 
            = rs.GetResourceWriter(CultureInfo.get_CurrentUICulture());

        rw.AddResource("string1", "Persisted resource string
        rw.AddResource("string2", "Persisted resource string
        rw.AddResource("string3", "Persisted resource string
    } //CreateResources

    // Clears the string list of the associated ResourceTestControl.
    private void ClearStrings(Object sender,
 EventArgs e)
        if (this.get_Control().GetType().
            Equals(ResourceTestControl.class.ToType())) {
            ResourceTestControl rtc 
                = (ResourceTestControl)(this.get_Control());
            rtc.resource_strings = new String[] {
                "Test String #1", "Test String #2" };
    } //ClearStrings
} //ResourceTestControlDesigner
IResourceService メンバ
System.ComponentModel.Design 名前空間

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「IResourceService インターフェイス」の関連用語

IResourceService インターフェイスのお隣キーワード



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