松倉重政とは? わかりやすく解説





出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/12/09 00:59 UTC 版)

松倉 重政(まつくら しげまさ)は、戦国時代から江戸時代前期の武将大名大和五条藩主、肥前日野江藩初代藩主。松倉重信の長男。

  1. ^ James Murdoch, A History of Japan (London:Kegan Paul, Trubner, 1903), vol. 2, p. 631.
  2. ^ Geoffrey Parker, The Grand Strategy of Philip II (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998), 6.
  3. ^ Iwao, “Matsukura Shigemasa,” p. 98. The Nagasaki bugyō were the chief representatives of the Tokugawa regime in the city. Following Hideyoshi’s confiscation of Nagasaki from the Jesuits in 1587, the place was not given to a daimyō (the normal procedure elsewhere in Japan) but retained as “crown property” under the bugyō, a word best translated as “commissioners.” For most of the period under discussion there were two bugyō in office at the same time. As part of their duties involved the supervision of international trade, it was only appropriate that Takenaka was involved in the espionage.
  4. ^ Turnbull, Stephen (2016) "Wars and Rumours of Wars: Japanese Plans to Invade the Philippines, 1593–1637," Naval War College Review (海軍大学校レビュー): Vol. 69 : No. 4 , Article 10., p. 7
  5. ^ “Events in Filipinas, 1630–32,” 2 July 1632, in The Philippine Islands, 1493–1803, ed. Blair and Robertson, vol. 24, pp. 229–30.
  6. ^ Turnbull, Stephen (2016) "Wars and Rumours of Wars: Japanese Plans to Invade the Philippines, 1593–1637," Naval War College Review(海軍大学校レビュー): Vol. 69 : No. 4 , Article 10., p. 8
  7. ^ Hayashi, Shimabara Hantō-shi, p. 980;Nagasaki-ken shi, p. 246.
  8. ^ Hayashi, Shimabara Hantō-shi, p. 980; the theory about his assassination is discussed in detail in Schwade, “Matsukura Shigemasa,” pp. 346–48.
  9. ^ Iwao, “Matsukura Shigemasa,” p. 101.
  10. ^ a b Turnbull, Stephen (2016) "Wars and Rumours of Wars: Japanese Plans to Invade the Philippines, 1593–1637," Naval War College Review(海軍大学校レビュー): Vol. 69 : No. 4 , Article 10., pp. 8-9
  11. ^ The perceived status of the Dutch as the shogun’s “loyal vassals” is brilliantly analysed in Adam Clulow, The Company and the Shogun: The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2014).
  12. ^ Turnbull, Stephen (2016) "Wars and Rumours of Wars: Japanese Plans to Invade the Philippines, 1593–1637," Naval War College Review(海軍大学校レビュー): Vol. 69 : No. 4 , Article 10., p.10-11
  13. ^ 松倉豊後守重政




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