セマンティックネットワークとは? わかりやすく解説

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セマンティック‐ネットワーク【semantic network】




(セマンティックネットワーク から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/10/15 02:12 UTC 版)

意味ネットワーク(いみネットワーク、: semantic network: frame network)は、人間記憶の一種である意味記憶の構造を表すためのモデルである。

  1. ^ Robert F. Simmons (1963). “Synthetic language behavior”. Data Processing Management 5 (12): 11–18. 
  2. ^ Quillian, R. A notation for representing conceptual information: An application to semantics and mechanical English para- phrasing. SP-1395, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, 1963.
  3. ^ Allan M. Collins; M. R. Quillian (1969). “Retrieval time from semantic memory”. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 8 (2): 240–247. doi:10.1016/S0022-5371(69)80069-1. 
  4. ^ Allan M. Collins; M. Ross Quillian (1970). “Does category size affect categorization time?”. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 9 (4): 432–438. doi:10.1016/S0022-5371(70)80084-6. 
  5. ^ Allan M. Collins; Elizabeth F. Loftus (1975). “A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing”. Psychological Review 82: 407–428. doi:10.1037/0033-295x.82.6.407. 
  6. ^ Quillian, M. R. (1967). Word concepts: A theory and simulation of some basic semantic capabilities. Behavioral Science, 12(5), 410-430.
  7. ^ Quillian, M. R. (1968). Semantic memory. Semantic information processing, 227–270.
  8. ^ Quillian, M. R. (1969). “The teachable language comprehender: a simulation program and theory of language”. Communications of the ACM 12 (8): 459–476. doi:10.1145/363196.363214. 
  9. ^ Quillian, R. Semantic Memory. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1966.
  10. ^ Van de Riet, R. P. (1992). Linguistic Instruments in Knowledge Engineering. Elsevier Science Publishers. p. 98. ISBN 0444883940. http://www.stokman.org/artikel/92Jame.KnowGraphs.LIKE.pdf 
  11. ^ Hulpus, Ioana; Prangnawarat, Narumol (2015). "Path-Based Semantic Relatedness on Linked Data and Its Use to Word and Entity Disambiguation". The Semantic Web - ISWC 2015: 14th International Semantic Web Conference, Bethlehem, PA, USA, October 11-15, 2015, Proceedings, Part 1. International Semantic Web Conference 2015. Springer International Publishing. p. 444.
  12. ^ What is a Knowledge Graph?”. authorea.com (2016年4月). 2016年6月15日閲覧。 “"usage [of the term 'knowledge graph'] has evolved"”
  13. ^ a b Network Analysis for Marketing Analytics”. Coursera. 2023年4月7日閲覧。


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