StatusBar.PanelClick イベントとは? わかりやすく解説

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StatusBar.PanelClick イベント

StatusBar コントロールの StatusBarPanel オブジェクトクリックされると発生します

名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms ( 内)

Public Event PanelClick As
Dim instance As StatusBar
Dim handler As StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler

AddHandler instance.PanelClick, handler
public event StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler PanelClick
event StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler^ PanelClick {
    void add (StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler^ value);
    void remove (StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler^ value);
/** @event */
public void add_PanelClick (StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler

/** @event */
public void remove_PanelClick (StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler
JScript では、イベント使用できますが、新規に宣言することはできません。

SizingGrip、StatusBarPanel.Alignment、StatusBarPanel.Width、StatusBarPanel.AutoSize、StatusBarPanel.BorderStyle の各メンバ使用方法、および PanelClick イベント処理方法を示すコード例次に示します

この例を実行するには、次のコードフォーム貼り付けます。そして、フォームコンストラクタまたは Load メソッドInitializeStatusBarPanels メソッド呼び出します。

Friend WithEvents statusBar1 As

Private Sub InitializeStatusBarPanels()

    ' Create a StatusBar control.
    statusBar1 = New StatusBar

    ' Dock the status bar at the top of the form. 
    statusBar1.Dock = DockStyle.Top

    ' Set the SizingGrip property to false so the user cannot 
    ' resize the status bar.
    statusBar1.SizingGrip = False

    ' Create two StatusBarPanel objects to display in statusBar1.
    Dim panel1 As New StatusBarPanel
    Dim panel2 As New StatusBarPanel

    ' Set the width of panel2 explicitly and set
    ' panel1 to fill in the remaining space.
    panel2.Width = 80
    panel1.AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Spring

    ' Set the text alignment within each panel.
    panel1.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
    panel2.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right

    ' Display the first panel without a border and the second
    ' with a raised border.
    panel1.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.None
    panel2.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.Raised

    ' Set the text of the panels. The panel1 object is reserved
    ' for line numbers, while panel2 is set to the current time.
    panel1.Text = "Reserved for important information."
    panel2.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString

    ' Set a tooltip for panel2
    panel2.ToolTipText = "Click time to display seconds"

    ' Display panels in statusBar1 and add them to the
    ' status bar's StatusBarPanelCollection.
    statusBar1.ShowPanels = True

    ' Add the StatusBar to the form.
End Sub

' If the user clicks the status bar, check the text of the 
' StatusBarPanel.  If the text equals a short time string,
' change it to long time display.
Private Sub statusBar1_PanelClick(ByVal
 sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs)
        Handles statusBar1.PanelClick
    If (e.StatusBarPanel.Text = _
        System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString) Then
        e.StatusBarPanel.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString
    End If
End Sub
internal System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar statusBar1;

private void InitializeStatusBarPanels()

    // Create a StatusBar control.
    statusBar1 = new StatusBar();

    // Dock the status bar at the top of the form. 
    statusBar1.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

    // Set the SizingGrip property to false so the user cannot 
    // resize the status bar.
    statusBar1.SizingGrip = false;

    // Associate the event-handling method with the 
    // PanelClick event.
    statusBar1.PanelClick += 
        new StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler(statusBar1_PanelClick);

    // Create two StatusBarPanel objects to display in statusBar1.
    StatusBarPanel panel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
    StatusBarPanel panel2 = new StatusBarPanel();

    // Set the width of panel2 explicitly and set
    // panel1 to fill in the remaining space.
    panel2.Width = 80;
    panel1.AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Spring;

    // Set the text alignment within each panel.
    panel1.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
    panel2.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

    // Display the first panel without a border and the second
    // with a raised border.
    panel1.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.None;
    panel2.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.Raised;

    // Set the text of the panels. The panel1 object is reserved
    // for line numbers, while panel2 is set to the current time.
    panel1.Text = "Reserved for important information.";
    panel2.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();

    // Set a tooltip for panel2
    panel2.ToolTipText = "Click time to display seconds";

    // Display panels in statusBar1 and add them to the
    // status bar's StatusBarPanelCollection.
    statusBar1.ShowPanels = true;

    // Add the StatusBar to the form.

// If the user clicks the status bar, check the text of the 
// StatusBarPanel.  If the text equals a short time string,
// change it to long time display.
private void statusBar1_PanelClick(object sender,
    StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs e)
    if (e.StatusBarPanel.Text == 
        e.StatusBarPanel.Text = 
   System::Windows::Forms::StatusBar^ statusBar1;

   void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
      // Create a StatusBar control.
      statusBar1 = gcnew StatusBar;
      // Dock the status bar at the top of the form. 
      statusBar1->Dock = DockStyle::Top;
      // Set the SizingGrip property to false so the user cannot 
      // resize the status bar.
      statusBar1->SizingGrip = false;
      // Associate the event-handling method with the 
      // PanelClick event.
      statusBar1->PanelClick += gcnew StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler( this,
 &Form1::statusBar1_PanelClick );
      // Create two StatusBarPanel objects to display in statusBar1.
      StatusBarPanel^ panel1 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
      StatusBarPanel^ panel2 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
      // Set the width of panel2 explicitly and set
      // panel1 to fill in the remaining space.
      panel2->Width = 80;
      panel1->AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize::Spring;
      // Set the text alignment within each panel.
      panel1->Alignment = HorizontalAlignment::Left;
      panel2->Alignment = HorizontalAlignment::Right;
      // Display the first panel without a border and the second
      // with a raised border.
      panel1->BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle::None;
      panel2->BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle::Raised;
      // Set the text of the panels. The panel1 object is reserved
      // for line numbers, while panel2 is set to the current time.
      panel1->Text = "Reserved for important information.";
      panel2->Text = System::DateTime::Now.ToShortTimeString();
      // Set a tooltip for panel2
      panel2->ToolTipText = "Click time to display seconds";
      // Display panels in statusBar1 and add them to the
      // status bar's StatusBarPanelCollection.
      statusBar1->ShowPanels = true;
      statusBar1->Panels->Add( panel1 );
      statusBar1->Panels->Add( panel2 );
      // Add the StatusBar to the form.
      this->Controls->Add( statusBar1 );

   // If the user clicks the status bar, check the text of the 
   // StatusBarPanel.  If the text equals a short time string,
   // change it to long time display.
   void statusBar1_PanelClick( Object^ /*sender*/, StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs^
 e )
      if ( e->StatusBarPanel->Text == System::DateTime::Now.ToShortTimeString()
         e->StatusBarPanel->Text = System::DateTime::Now.ToLongTimeString();
System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar statusBar1;

private void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
    // Create a StatusBar control.
    statusBar1 = new StatusBar();
    // Dock the status bar at the top of the form. 
    // Set the SizingGrip property to false so the user cannot 
    // resize the status bar.
    // Associate the event-handling method with the 
    // PanelClick event.
    statusBar1.add_PanelClick(new StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler(
    // Create two StatusBarPanel objects to display in statusBar1.
    StatusBarPanel panel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
    StatusBarPanel panel2 = new StatusBarPanel();
    // Set the width of panel2 explicitly and set
    // panel1 to fill in the remaining space.
    // Set the text alignment within each panel.
    // Display the first panel without a border and the second
    // with a raised border.
    // Set the text of the panels. The panel1 object is reserved
    // for line numbers, while panel2 is set to the current time.
    panel1.set_Text("Reserved for important information.");
    // Set a tooltip for panel2
    panel2.set_ToolTipText("Click time to display seconds");
    // Display panels in statusBar1 and add them to the
    // status bar's StatusBarPanelCollection.
    // Add the StatusBar to the form.
} //InitializeStatusBarPanels

// If the user clicks the status bar, check the text of the 
// StatusBarPanel. If the text equals a short time string,
// change it to long time display.
private void statusBar1_PanelClick(Object sender
    StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs e)
    if (e.get_StatusBarPanel().get_Text().Equals(
        System.DateTime.get_Now().ToShortTimeString())) {
} //statusBar1_PanelClick
StatusBar クラス
StatusBar メンバ
System.Windows.Forms 名前空間

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「StatusBar.PanelClick イベント」の関連用語

StatusBar.PanelClick イベントのお隣キーワード



StatusBar.PanelClick イベントのページの著作権
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